Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten



The 2nd Arabic Papyrology Workshop: Hunting for Document Clusters (Munich, 17th-19th September 2024)

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We are happy to announce that, in addition to the sponsors and partners mentioned by the program, our workshop will be supported by the Münchner Universitätsgesellschaft.


  • A group of papyri is always nicer than a single papyrus. But how can we link fragments? By their content, i.e. names of persons or places, phrases, regional vocabulary? Script styles? Matching wormholes? Or by diving into the museums' documentation, so-called museum archeology? And how were documents stored prior to their rediscovery in the colonial age, and why have these fragments been preserved and others lost? These are questions we might discuss, but we will also have a look at tools, books and platforms, and of course, we will dive into reading papyri. A group of experts from the Munich research team and invited guests will be the main instructors.
  • Classes will be taught in English.


  • LMU Munich, Institute of Near and Middle Eastern Studies


  • Leonora Sonego, lic. phil., LMU Munich, Institute of Near and Middle Eastern Studies, member of the LMU Arabic Papyrology Research Group (
  • Prof. Dr. Haytham A. Qandeil, Assistant Professor for Greek and Roman History, Ain Shams University
  • Anna Steffen, M.A., principal investigator "Traces of Polycentric Archival Practices in the Ḥaram al-Sharīf Corpus", Hamburg University

Time and Venue

  • The workshop will be held at the Institute of Near and Middle Eastern Studies, Veterinärstr. 1, 80539 Munich, room 009, Tuesday 17 September, 12 am to Thursday 19 September 2024, 6 pm.


  • A certificate of participation will be given if students have attended all of the workshop and if they have met the expectations as defined at the beginning of the workshop.


  • Advanced B.A., M.A. and early Ph.D. students in Arabic and Judeo-Arabic Studies are encouraged to participate. Students from neighboring fields are welcome to apply, provided that they possess knowledge of Classical Arabic. Previous experience with reading and editing Arabic texts is not required.
  • Participants will be selected among students of LMU Munich as well as from other universities through an application process.

Further information and registeration

  • Applications should contain a motivation letter and curriculum vitae and should be submitted by email to e.sonego at before 30 June 2024.
  • We are looking forward to welcome you in Munich!

Former workshops

  • 1: Arabischer Papyrologie Workshop München: Einführung in die Arabische Papyrologie, by Michail Hradek, Eugenio Garosi and Leonora Sonego (10-13 February 2020)


