Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten



13. Medienworkshop "Drones: Conflict, Visual Culture, and Theory"

05.07.2018 – 06.07.2018

drone graffiti sana'a 


5./6. Juli 2018

organisiert von Bettina Gräf und Ieva Zakareviciute

Dieser Workshop findet in Zusammenarbeit mit den Studierenden des BA-Seminars "Zur Repräsentation von Drohnen in arabischen Medien: Jemen, Palästina, Pakistan" statt (SoSe 2018).


Besides addressing issues of ethics and law, the workshop will focus on the audiovisual aspects of practices relating to drones. We are interested in discussing the visual and sonic features of drone warfare in order to think critically about their production and application in contemporary conflicts. In addition, we seek to introduce a transregional perspective and highlight the differences and similarities between various media representations of drone warfare in different regions and for different audiences.

We hope that this workshop will launch a debate about future collaborations on issues surrounding drone warfare, media cultures, and theory, especially among those interested in the regions of the Middle East.

Scholars, artists, and activists interested in the different dimensions of how drone technology is used in warfare are invited to participate.




Abendveranstaltung am 5. Juli 2018 in Kooperation mit dem Kunstverein München

Heba Amin (Berlin)

Performance Lecture "The General's Stork"

Zeit: 19 Uhr

Ort: Kunstverein München e.V., Galeriestraße 4


 Vorhergehende Medienworkshops


Bild: Drohnen Graffiti in Sana'a, Jemen (Quelle: New York Times, 20.12.2013)
