Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten



The Checklist of Arabic Documents

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(Last Update 23 July 2019)

by Petra M. Sijpesteijn (p.m.sijpesteijn at, John F. Oates (✝), Andreas Kaplony (andreas.kaplony at, Eva M. Youssef-Grob and Daniel Potthast.

We would like to thank Lesley Wilkins and Amalia Zomeño for making their bibliographies available to us to include in this checklist.

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The Checklist of Arabic Documents aims to facilitate and advance the use of Arabic documents. By providing this inclusive bibliography of editions of Arabic documentary texts - on papyrus, paper, parchment, leather, ostraca, wood, stone and bone - in monographs and articles, and setting out a standardized system of abbreviations for monographs of Arabic document editions, we hope it will serve to enhance the transparency of citations and improve the accessibility of editions, functioning as a useful point of reference for Arabists and non-Arabists, specialists and non-specials alike.

Arabic Papyrology

Scholars have long acknowledged the importance of papyri and other documents for our understanding of early and medieval Islamic culture and society. Tens of thousands of papyrus documents survive, in Greek, Coptic and Arabic, and among the vastly diverse and significant information they contain are the only contemporary records of the Muslim conquest of Egypt in the mid-seventh century, a cornerstone event not only in the history of Mediterranean civilization but in the development of one of the most populous religions of the world. Never intended to be read by later generations, the documents not only offer a useful check on the data preserved in narrative and literary sources, but also record aspects of life and strata of society to which we would otherwise have no access, and with a richness, immediacy and variety unmatched by any other source. Together, these documents have the potential to shine a fresh and detailed new light on early Islamic Mediterranean culture and society. The field can no longer afford to be without them.

Despite their importance, however, papyri from the Islamic period continue to be underused. The philological complexity of Arabic papyri combined with the poorly developed infrastructure of the field (with few catalogues and handlists) seriously impedes the edition of new documents. Of the tens of thousands of Arabic documents preserved in museum and library collections around the world, only some two thousand have been published so far. The relative neglect is especially striking when Arabic papyrology is compared to older disciplines such as Greek, Latin and Coptic papyrology, all of which have benefited from such essential tools as electronic and printed databases, lexicographic, geographical, onomastic and linguistic reference works and compilations of corrigenda - all of which Arabic papyrology lacks.

The Development of Arabic Papyrology

Change, however, is in the air. In March 2002 the International Society for Arabic Papyrology (ISAP) was founded in Cairo as part of an ongoing campaign to promote the study of this important resource and to ensure it is accessible to the larger scholarly community. The need to offer a professional forum for scholarly exchange has begun to be met by an electronic mailing list, the ISAP newsletter, and a web-site dedicated to the study of Arabic papyrology ( ISAP has also organized three conferences, in Cairo in 2002, in Granada, Spain in 2004, in Alexandria, Egypt in 2006, in Vienna in 2009, in Tunis 2012, and in Munich 2014 at which more than fifty scholars from around the world joined in a discussion of Arabic documentary sources, the challenges they pose and the rewards they offer. An important aspect of these conferences has been to integrate research conducted in the other languages of the medieval Middle East: Greek, Coptic, Judaeo-Arabic, and Persian. The high attendance among non-Arabists shows the extent to which Arabic papyrology is of interest to scholars beyond its own linguistic borders and heightens the need to make this field accessible to non-Arabic users.

On another front, in 2002 the Institute of Oriental Studies at the University of Zurich launched the internet-based Arabic Papyrology School offering initial training in the reading of Arabic papyri. The university is also building up a fully searchable Arabic Papyrology Database, which contains editions of Arabic documents with translations and corrections. APD and APS moved in 2014 to the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich ( and

Another development has been the offering of training courses in Arabic papyrology. A first Arabic Papyrology Workshop was organised in January 2006 at the Oriental Institute of the University of Oxford by Petra Sijpesteijn, Teresa Bernheimer and Chase Robinson, sponsored by the Hulme University Fund and the Oriental Faculty.

There still remain, however, large obstacles for scholars wishing to use Arabic documents. Most importantly, a comprehensive bibliography of edited Arabic documents, which are often published in journals and unique publications unknown except to the informed scholar, is completely lacking.

The Checklist for Arabic Documents

The Checklist for Arabic Documents seeks to fill this void by collecting the editions of Arabic documents published in monographs and those editions even harder to find published in Festschriften, obscure journals and other scattered publications. The system of standardized abbreviations of monograph editions makes referencing easier for Arabic papyrologists editing documents and facilitates the use of these editions by other scholars unfamiliar with the literature. Arabists and non-Arabists, papyrologists and other scholars interested in using documents in their research will find in the Checklist all published editions of Arabic documents grouped conveniently together and, using the uniform system of abbreviations, they should be able to reconstruct all cited bibliographical information with some ease.

The format of the abbreviations used in the Checklist for Arabic Documents, including some of the actual abbreviations, follow those of the Checklist of Greek, Latin, Demotic and Coptic, Papyri, Ostraca and Tablets, ed. J. F. Oates et al. (http:// The initial 'P.' refers to the papyrus, paper or parchment on which the documents are written. The next item in the abbreviation refers to (in order of precedence): (1) the name of the place or other geographical reference, or the individual or group of individuals with which the documents were associated in antiquity; (2) the modern-day collection to which the documents belong; (3) the title, when the documents are thematically related; or (4) the names of the editor(s). Those abbreviations in the Checklist for Arabic Documents which already exist in the Checklist of Greek, Latin, Demotic and Coptic, Papyri, Ostraca and Tablets are followed by 'Arab.' to distinguish them from similar editions in Greek, Coptic and Demotic.

Boundaries and Expected Expansion

The geographical boundaries for editions included in the Checklist for Arabic Documents are determined by the use of Arabic in the medieval Muslim world and include, for example, Egypt, Andalusia, Sicily, Palestine and Khurasan. The chronological limit is set by the Ottoman conquest of the Levant and Egypt in the sixteenth century. The Checklist for Arabic Documents includes, firstly, monographic editions of Arabic documents on papyrus, paper, parchment, and leather from the entire medieval Arabic world, consisting in most cases of an introduction, edition and translation of each text and with a comprehensive word index to all texts (I). Secondly, editions of texts on papyrus, paper, parchment, leather, wood, stone, ostraca and bone from Egypt or related to Egypt found in articles in scholarly journals, or editions of separate papers (e.g. Festschriften and symposium volumes) (II). Some instrumenta, including dictionaries, grammars, paleographical studies and the like are listed in section III. Finally, a list of abbreviated journals used in the Checklist appears at the end.

Excluded are for the moment waqf-documents which become especially numerous in Egypt from the Mamluk period onwards and often fall between the documentary and literary genre. Only a sample of Judeo-Arabic editions are included among the monograph editions and the articles. These documents were written in Arabic in Hebrew characters often interspersed with Hebrew and Aramaic phrases. Although this material is closely related in content and format to contemporary Arabic documents, we have decided not to include the vast bibliography of Judeo-Arabic editions in articles as good bibliographies of the Genizah material exist and more are being composed at the moment. See for example S. Reif, Published Material from the Cambridge Genizah Colletions: a Bibliography 1896-1980, Cambridge 1988, Hunter, E. C. D. and R. J. W. Jefferson, Published Material from the Cambridge Genizah Collections: a Bibliography 1980-1997, Cambridge 2004 and S. Shaked, A Tentative Bibliography of Geniza Documents. Prepared under the direction of D. H. Baneth and S. D. Goitein, Paris 1964. A large-scale project to gather bibliographical information on all Genizah fragments and which will include transcribed texts is currently being undertaken as part of the Friedberg Genizah Project.

As is clear from these last remarks, the Checklist for Arabic Documents remains a work in progress. The Checklist will be kept up-to-date on line and any corrections, suggestions and additions are very welcome and should be sent to Petra M. Sijpesteijn (p.m.sijpesteijn{at} or Andreas Kaplony (andreas.kaplony{at}

I. Papyri Published in Edited Volumes


= Berliner Klassikertexte VI: Altchristliche Texte, ed. C. Schmidt and W. Schubart. Berlin 1910. No. 5 contains the edition of an Arabic protocol. The protocol has been republished as APD

  • 5 = CPR III 39

CIAP = Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum Palaestinae

VI = Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum Palaestinae VI -J (1)-, ed. M. Sharon (HdO I, 30), Leiden 1997. Nos. 58-78 are documentary texts written on small slabs of marble, found in Khirbat al-Mafjar. APD

CPR = Corpus Papyrorum Raineri

III 1,1-3 = Corpus Papyrorum Raineri, Vienna III, Series Arabica I, ed. A. Grohmann. 1924. Pt. 1, Allgemeine Einführung in die arabischen Papyri; Pt. 2, Protokolle, Nos. 1-377, nos. 1-107 are bilingual, Arabic and Greek; Pt. 3, Protokolle, Tafeln. The following texts have been republished: APD

  • vol. 1 p. 50 = Grohmann, A., "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Aegyptens in arabischer Zeit," ArchOrient 7 (1935) 437-472, no. 23.
  • 27 = Chrest.Khoury I 2
  • 35 = P.Alqab 4
  • 38 = P.Cair.Arab. 13
  • 57 = P.Cair.Arab. 17
  • 59 = P.Cair.Arab. 14 = Chrest.Khoury I 3
  • 62 = P.Cair.Arab. 18
  • 65 = Chrest.Khoury I 4
  • 111 = P.Cair.Arab. 31 = Chrest.Khoury I 5
  • 126 = CPR XXII 18
  • 136 = Grohmann, A., "Probleme der arabischen Papyrusforschung," ArchOrient 3 (1931) 381-394; 5 (1933) 273-283; 6 (1934) 125-149; 377-398, no. 2.
  • 171 = P.World p. 120
  • 184 = P.Cair.Arab. 33
  • 186 = Chrest.Khoury I 6

XVI, Arabische Briefe aus dem 7.-10. Jahrhundert, ed. W. Diem. Wien 1993. Vol. 1, Textband; vol. 2, Tafelband. Nos. 1-35. See G. Khan, BJMES 22 (1995) 220-222. APD

XXI, Arabic Agricultural Leases and Tax Receipts from Egypt, 148-427 A.H./ 765-1035 A.D., ed. G. Frantz-Murphy. Wien 2001. Nos. 1-90. Nos. 36-37, 80-81, 83-90 are paper, 66 is vellum. Corrections in: W. Diem, "Philologisches zu arabischen Steuerquittungen aus Ägypten (8.-11. Jahrhundert)", WZKM 96 (2006) 55-111. Several texts have been republished: APD

  • 11 = P.Alqab 39
  • 15 = P.Mudun 33

XXII, Griechische Texte XV, Documenti greci per la fiscalità e la amministrazione dell'Egitto arabo, ed. F. Morelli. 2001. Nos. 1—60. Nos. 9 and 18 contain lines in Arabic. APD

XXVI, Arabische juristische Urkunden aus der Papyrussammlung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, ed. Michael H. Thung, München and Leipzig 2006. Nos. 1; 12; 14; 16–22; 25–26; 36–39 on papyrus; nos. 2–6; 8–11; 13; 15; 23–24; 27–35; 40–45 on paper; no. 7 on parchment. Unchanged reprint of: Thung, Michael H., Arabische juristische Urkunden aus der Papyrussammlung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, 2 vol. Amsterdam 1997. Please quote only as CPR XXVI. APD

XXXII, Arabische Briefe aus dem 10.-16. Jahrhundert, ed. W. Diem, Berlin and Boston 2011, Nos. 1-18 on paper. APD


= Muġāwirī Muḥammad, Saʿīd [Maghawry Mohammad, Said], al-Alqāb wa-asmāʾ al-ḥiraf wa-l-waẓāʾif fī ḍawʾ al-bardīyāt al-ʿarabīya [Titles and names of crafts and jobs in the light of the Arabic papyri. Historical civilizational study]. 3 vol. Cairo 1421-1423/2000-2002. ([Manšūrāt] Dār al-kutub wa-l-waṯāʾiq al-qawmīya=[Publications of the] National Library and Archive). Vol. 3 contains 120 editions. Almost all are republications except for nos. 19, 21, 27, 79, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 92, 97, 101, 102, 103, 105, 108, and 117. Three of these new editions have been reedited:

  • 27 = P.Terminkauf 3
  • 97 = P.JoySorrow 31
  • 117 = Reinfandt, L., "Leinenhändler im Herakleopolites in arabischer Zeit: P.Vindob. A.P. 15021 (PERF 576)," BASP 44 (2007) 97-123.


= Los documentos árabes diplomáticos del Archivo de la corona de Aragón, ed. M. Alarcón y Santón / R. García de Linares, Madrid 1940. Nos. 1-165. For the edition of the wax seals on some of the edited documents, see A. Labarta, "Sellos en la documentación nazarí", RCEHGR 28 (2016) 129-149. The following text has been reedited: APD

  • 154 = Barceló, C., "Documentos árabes de al-Azrāq (1245-1250)", Saitabi 32 (1982), 27-41, no. 2.


= La Corona de Aragón y Granada, Historia de las relaciones entre ambos reinos, , ed. Giménez Soler, A., Barcelona 1908. 14 documents. The following texts have been reedited:

  • P. 78-80 = P.Aragon 3
  • P. 221-223 = P.Aragon 15
  • P. 230-232 = P.Aragon 25
  • P. 311-312 = P.Aragon 75
  • P. 105-108 = P.Aragon 79
  • P. 154-155 = P.Aragon 82
  • P. 278-281 = P.Aragon 93
  • P. 293 = P.Aragon 102
  • P. 311-312 = P.Aragon 104
  • P. 291 = P.Aragon 106
  • P. 317-320 = P.Aragon 161


I = Escrituras árabes del Archivo municipal de Granada, ed. Gaspar Remiro, M. Granada 1907. Republication of: Gaspar Remiro, M. "Escrituras árabes del Archivo municipal de Granada", Alhambra: Revista Quincenal de Artes y Letras, año VIII (1905), nº 174, 243-247; nº 175, 266-269; nº 177, 315-318; nº 178, 339-341; nº 179, 365-367; nº 180, 389-392. 

II = Documentos árabes del Archivo Municipal de Granada (1481-1499), ed. Molina López, Emilio/Jiménez Mata, Maria Carmen. Granada 2004.


= Arabische und persische Privaturkunden des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts aus Ardabil (Aserbeidschan), ed. M. Gronke. Berlin 1982. (Islamkundliche Untersuchungen 72). 26 documents numbered 1, 3-18, 20-25 plus documents on the versos of 7, 11, and 15. All are on paper. Nos. 1, 4, 6 and 7 are Persian. APD

P.Bad. V

= Griechische, koptische und arabische Texte zur Religion und religiösen Literatur in Ägyptens Spätzeit, ed. F. Bilabel, A. Grohmann. 1: [Textband]. 2: Tafelband, 2 vol. Heidelberg 1934 (Veröffentlichungen aus den badischen Papyrussammlungen 5). Nos. 143-166 are Arabic. Two texts have been republished: APD

  • 153 = P.Blockprints p. 115
  • 155 = P.Blockprints p. 134-136


I, Ägyptische Urkunden aus den königlichen Museen zu Berlin, Arabische Urkunden, ed. L. Abel. Berlin Part 1, 1896, nos. 1-14; part 2, 1900, nos. 15-22. Nos. 12-14, 18-22 are paper; nos. 10, 16, 17 are parchment. For emendations see: J. Karabacek, WZKM 11 (1897) 1-21; S. Fraenkel, "Zu den arabischen Papyri der königlichen Museen zu Berlin," ZDMG 51 (1897) 170; Nallino, C. A., "Gli studi di E. Carusi sui diritti orientali," RSO 9 (1921-23) 92-114; and Diem, W., "Philologisches zu arabischen Steuerquittungen aus Ägypten (8.-11. Jahrhundert)", WZKM 96 (2006) 55-111. The following texts have been reedited: APD

  • 5 = Karabacek, J. (1897) WZKM 11, p. 8-11 = CPR XXI 39
  • 6 = CPR XXI 56
  • 8 = Karabacek, J. (1897) WZKM 11, p. 13 = Abel, L., "Arabische und andere Papyrus." A. Ermann / F. Krebs (eds.), Aus den Papyrus der königlichen Museen, Berlin 1899 (Handbücher der königlichen Museen zu Berlin) 284-290; pl. XXI-XXIV (= Fünfter Abschnitt).
  • 9 = Karabacek, J. (1897) WZKM 11, p. 13-15
  • 10 = Chrest.Khoury I 55
  • 11 = Chrest.Khoury I 56
  • 12 = Chrest.Khoury I 47 = P.Vente Appendix 1
  • 13 = Chrest.Khoury I 32 = Rāġib, Y., "Les archives d'un gardien du monastère de Qalamūn", AnnIslam 29 (1995) 25-57, no. 5.
  • 15 = David-Weill, J., Adda, M., and Cahen, Cl., "Lettres à un marchand égyptien du III/IXe siècle," JESHO 16 (1973) 1-14, no. 2 = P.Marchands III 39
  • 16 = P.Transmission 4
  • 17 = P.Transmission 5
  • 20 = Rāġib, Y., "Les archives d'un gardien du monastère de Qalamūn", AnnIslam 29 (1995) 25-57, no 4.

II, Arabische Briefe des 7. bis 13. Jahrhunderts aus den Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin, ed. W. Diem. Wiesbaden 1997. (Documenta Arabica Antiqua 4). Vol. 1 Textband; vol. 2 Tafelband. Nos. 23-85. Nos. 31-37, 66-71, 81-85 are paper. APD


= Enigmatic charms. Medieval Arabic block printed amulets in American and European libraries and museums,, ed. Karl Schaefer. Leiden 2006. (Handbuch der Orientalistik 82). 55 documents without numbering (only inventory nos.), all on paper. 55 plates. APD


= Arabic Papyri of the Bodleian Library, ed. D. S. Margoliouth. London 1893. Nos. 1 and 2. APD

P.Cair.Arab. = Arabic Papyri in the Egyptian Library, ed. A. Grohmann. Cairo.

I, 1934. Nos. 1-72. Nos. 37, 39, 41-42, 44, 50, 54, 58-60, and 62-69 are parchment; nos. 45, 47, 57, 61 and 70-72 are paper; nos. 48 and 56 leather. All text texts are Arabic, except for nos. 1-8, 10-21, 23-24, 28-30 (all bilingual Greek-Arabic) and nos. 9, 22, and 27 (all Greek). The following texts have been republished: APD

  • 3 = Chrest.Khoury I 1
  • 11 = Chrest.Khoury I 2
  • 14 = Chrest.Khoury I 3
  • 31 = Chrest.Khoury I 5
  • 37 = P.World p. 189 = Chrest.Khoury I 21
  • 38 = P.Mudun 4
  • 45 = P.World p. 196 = Chrest.Khoury I 11
  • 48 = P.World p. 191 = Chrest.Khoury I 14
  • 49 = Chrest.Khoury I 13
  • 52 = P.World p. 200 = Chrest.Khoury I 23
  • 53 = P.World p. 202
  • 54 = P.World p. 203 = P.Mudun 6
  • 64 = P.Mudun 25
  • 70 = P.Mudun 19
  • 72 = P.Mudun 36

II, 1936. Nos. 73-145. Nos. 73, 75-76, 119, 125 are parchment; nos. 74, 83-85, 105-113 and 131-141 are paper. The following texts have been republished: APD

  • 77 = CPR XXI 3
  • 79 = P.Alqab 61
  • 81 = P.World p. 207 = CPR XXI 15 = P.Mudun 33
  • 82 = CPR XXI 16
  • 83 = Chrest.Khoury I 70
  • 85 = Chrest.Khoury I 71
  • 86 = CPR XXI 31
  • 87 = CPR XXI 32
  • 88 = CPR XXI 17
  • 91 = P.Alqab 29
  • 96 = P.World p. 208 = Chrest.Khoury I 61
  • 98 = P.World p. 209 = Chrest.Khoury I 31
  • 101 = Chrest.Khoury I 28
  • 102 = P.Alqab 77
  • 105 = P.World p. 210 = P. Mudun 35
  • 106 = Chrest.Khoury I 35
  • 111 = P.World p. 212 = Chrest.Khoury I 36
  • 114 = Chrest.Khoury I 38
  • 117 = P.Mudun 7
  • 121 = Chrest.Khoury I 58
  • 137 = Chrest.Khoury I 86
  • 138 = Chrest.Khoury I 76
  • 139 = Chrest.Khoury I 8
  • 141 = Chrest.Khoury I 9

III, 1938. Nos. 146-214. Nos. 194-195, 199, 212 are paper. Nos. 160-163 are bilingual Greek-.Arabic, no. 167 is Greek, Coptic and Arabic, for which see R. Guest, "An Arabic Papyrus of the 8th Century," JAOS 43 (1923) 247-248, no. 166 is bilingual Greek-Coptic, and no. 200 is Greek. For nos. 146-152; 155; 157; 158 cf. W. Diem, "Philologisches zu den arabischen Aphrodito-Papyri", Der Islam 61 (1984) 251-75. For emendations see: Diem, W., "Philologisches zu arabischen Steuerquittungen aus Ägypten (8.-11. Jahrhundert)", WZKM 96 (2006) 55-111. Several documents have been republished: APD

  • 147 = P.Mudun 15
  • 154 = P.World p. 129 = P.Alqab 12
  • 167 = P.Alqab 14
  • 168 = P.Alqab 18
  • 172 = P.World p. 121 b = P.Alqab 43
  • 173 = P.Alqab 47
  • 177 = P.Mudun 37
  • 178 = P.Alqab 72
  • 180 = P.Alqab 13
  • 181 = P.Alqab 36 = P.Mudun 40
  • 184 = P.Alqab 40
  • 190 = P.Alqab 50
  • 193 = P.Alqab 76
  • 199 = P.Alqab 78
  • 203 = P.Alqab 62
  • 206 = P.Alqab 63
  • 209 = P.Alqab 64
  • 211 = P.Alqab 71
  • 214 = Sauvaget, J., "Sur une papyrus arabe de la Bibliothèque égyptienne", AIEO 7 (1948), 29-38 = P.Alqab 74

IV, 1952. Nos. 215-287. All are Arabic, except for no. 286 (bilingual Greek-Arabic). No. 255 bone; nos. 276, 278, 280 and 281 are paper. The following texts have been republished: APD

  • 237 = P.Mudun 27
  • 261 = P.Mudun 28
  • 278 = P.Mudun 31

V, 1955. Nos. 288-361. Nos. 291, 293, 298-300, 302, 306-308, 311, 312, 315, 316, 320, 322, 324-331, 335, 340, 347-349, 353, 354, 357, 358 and 360 are paper. For nos. 288-296; 298-302; 305-312; 314; 317; 319; 321-335; 337-339; 341-344; 346-351; 353-361 cf. Diem, W., "Philologisches zu arabischen Dokumenten. II: Dokumente aus der Sammlung der Egyptian Library in Kairo." ZAL 56 (2012) 27-78 (with three reeditions). The following texts have been republished: APD

  • 288 = P.Alqab 37
  • 289 = P.Alqab 58
  • 290 = P.Alqab 57
  • 291 = P.Mudun 1 = Diem, W., "Zwischen hohem Stil und Vulgarismus. Ein Brief aus dem Ägypten des 10.–11. Jahrhunderts n. Chr.," J. Den Heijer / P. La Spisa / L. Tuerlinckx (eds.), Études présentées à Jacques Grand’Henry à l’occasion de son 70e anniversaire, Louvain-La-Neuve 2012 (Publications de l'Institut Orientaliste de Louvain 61), 155-188.
  • 295 = P.Alqab 59
  • 301 = P.Alqab 116
  • 308 = P.Mudun 21
  • 317 = Diem, W., "Philologisches zu arabischen Dokumenten II: Dokumente aus der Sammlung der Egyptian Library in Kairo", ZAL 56 (2012) 27-78.
  • 322 = P.Alqab 60
  • 324 = P.Alqab 118
  • 327 = P.Mudun 16
  • 331 = P.Mudun 22
  • 335 = Diem, W., "Philologisches zu arabischen Dokumenten II: Dokumente aus der Sammlung der Egyptian Library in Kairo", ZAL 56 (2012) 27-78.
  • 336 = P.Cair.Arab. 431
  • 342 = P.Alqab 31
  • 343 = P.Alqab 30
  • 347 = P.Alqab 80
  • 348 = P.Alqab 82
  • 355 = P.Mudun 2 = Diem, W., "Philologisches zu arabischen Dokumenten II: Dokumente aus der Sammlung der Egyptian Library in Kairo", ZAL 56 (2012) 27-78.
  • 359 = P.Alqab 81

VI, 1962. Nos. 362-444. Nos. 362, 364, 365, 370, 376, 383, 386, 387, 390, 396, 397, 399, 400, 403, 408, 412, 422, 424 and 436 are paper. The following texts have been republished: APD

  • 376 = P.Mudun 38
  • 386 = P. Mudun 29


I = Muġāwirī, Saʿīd und Mirfat, ʿAbd ar-Raʾūf = Meghawry, Said und Abdel Rauf Saleh, Mervat (eds.), al-Bardīyāt al-ʿarabīya bi-Dār al-kutub al-miṣrīya = Arabic papyri, National Library of Egypt. Cairo 2008. Descriptions and photos of 71 documents, most of them from Cairo, Dār al-Kutub.


= Catalogues des documents d'archives du Caire de 239/853 à 922/1516 (depuis le IIIe/IXe siècle jusgu'à la fin del l'époque mamlouke) suivi de l'édition critique de neuf documents, ed. M.M. Amin. Cairo 1981. (Textes arabes et études islamiques 16). Description of 865 documents and an edition of 9 texts on paper. Some of the nos. of the catalogue have been published:

  • 1 = Cahen, Cl. / Raghib, Y. / Taher, M. A., "L'achat et le waqf d'un grand domaine égyptien par le vizir fatimide Talaiʿ b. Russiq (Contribution à une publication des waqf égyptiens médiévaux)," AnnIslam 14 (1978) 59-126.
  • 5 = Rabīʿ, Ḥ. M., "Ḥuǧǧat tamlīk wa-waqf", Maǧallat al-ǧamʿīya al-miṣrīya li-d-dirāsāt at-tārīḫīya 12 (1964) 161-172.
  • 15 = Amīn, M. M., "Waṯāʾiq waqf as-sulṭān Qalāwūn ‘alà l-Bīmāristān al-Manṣūrī", M. M. Amīn (ed.), Taḏkirat an-nabīh fī ayyām al-Manṣūr wa-banīh li-l-Ḥasan b. ‘Umar b. al-Ḥasan b. ‘Umar b. Ḥabīb al-mutawaffà sanat 779 h./1377 m. 1, Cairo (1976) 297-396, no 1.
  • 44 = Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., "Waṯiqat waqf Masrūr ibn ʿAbdallah aš-Šiblī al-Ǧamdār: Dirāsah wa-našr wa-taḥqīq," Maǧallat Kullīyat al-ʿĀdāb (Ǧāmiʿat al-Qāhira) 21 (1959) 95-133.
  • 131 = Reinfandt, L., "Die Beurkundung einer mamlukenzeitlichen Familienstiftung vom 12. ǧumādā II 864 (4. April 1460)," A. Meier / J. Pahlitzsch / L. Reinfandt Islamische Stiftungen zwischen juristischer Norm und sozialer Praxis, Berlin 2009 (Stiftungsgeschichten 5). 117-152.
  • 134 = P.Cair.Archives 8
  • 159 = Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., al-Muʾarriḫ Ibn Taġrī Birdī, Cairo 1974 = Hamza, H., Some Aspects of the Economic and Social Life of Ibn Taghrībirdī Based on an Examination of His Waqfīyah, MSR 12 (2008) 139-172.
  • 180 = Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., "Waṯīqat bayʿ: Dirāsa wa-našr wa-taḥqīq", Maǧallat Kullīyat al-ādāb (Ǧāmi‘at al-Qāhira) 19 (1957) 135-214.
  • 186 = Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., Dirāsāt fī l-kutub wa-l-maktabāt al-islāmīya, Cairo 1962.
  • 199 = Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., "Min waṯāʾiq at-taʾrīḫ al-ʿarabī", Maǧallat Ǧāmiʿat al-Qāhira bi-l-Ḫurṭūm 2 (1972) 45-75.
  • 214 = Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., "Ḫams waṯāʾiq šarʿīya", Maǧallat Ǧāmiʿat Umm Durmān al-Islāmīya 2 (1389/1969) 149-213, no. 2.
  • 235 = P.Cair.Archives 7
  • 249 = P.Cair.Archives 1
  • 260 = Ramaḍān, Ḥ. M. Ḥ., "Dirāsa li-waqf al-amīr Qīt ar-Raǧabī," AnnIslam 41 (2007) 67‒99
  • 272 = Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., “Waṯīqat istibdāl”, Maǧallat Kulliyyat al-Ādāb (Ǧāmiʿat al-Qāhira) 25 (1963) 1-38.
  • 299 = Amīn, M. M., "Waṯāʾiq waqf as-sulṭān Qalāwūn ‘alà l-Bīmāristān al-Manṣūrī", M. M. Amīn (ed.), Taḏkirat an-nabīh fī ayyām al-Manṣūr wa-banīh li-l-Ḥasan b. ‘Umar b. al-Ḥasan b. ‘Umar b. Ḥabīb al-mutawaffà sanat 779 h./1377 m. 1, Cairo (1976) 297-396, no. 2.
  • 306 = Christie, N., "A rental document from 8th/14th century Egypt," Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 41 (2004) 161-172.
  • 317 = Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., "Naṣṣāni ǧadīdāni min waṯīqat al-amīr Ṣarġiṭmiš", Maǧallat Kullīyat al-ʿĀdāb (Ǧāmiʿat al-Qāhira) 27 (1965) 121-158; 28 (1966) 143-21.
  • 330 = Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., "Ḫams waṯāʾiq šarʿīya", Maǧallat Ǧāmiʿat Umm Durmān al-Islāmīya 2 (1389/1969) 149-213, no. 5.
  • 344 = Loiseau, J., "Un bien de famille. La société mamelouke et la circulations des patrimoines, ou la petite histoire d'un moulin du Caire," AnnIslam 37 (2003) 275-314.
  • 348 = P.Cair.Archives 2
  • 355 = Loiseau, J. "Choisir sa famille: Waqf et transmission patrimoniale en Égypte au XVe siècle", AnnIslam 47 (2013) 175-195, no. 2 (partial edition).
  • 367 = Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., "Silsilat al-waṯā’iq at-ta’rīḫīya l-qawmīya: Maǧmū‘at al-waṯā’iq al-mamlūkīya 1; Waṯā’iq al-Amīr-āḫūr-kabīr Qarāquǧā l-Ḥasanī; Dirāsa wa-našr wa-taḥqīq", Maǧallat Kullīyat al-ādāb (Ǧāmi‘at al-Qāhira) 18 (1956) 183-252 = Loiseau, J. "Choisir sa famille: Waqf et transmission patrimoniale en Égypte au XVe siècle", AnnIslam 47 (2013) 175-195, no. 1 (partial edition).
  • 368 = Loiseau, J., "Les attestations de waqf de l'émir Qarāquga al-Hasani: documents et histoire urbaine dans l'Égypte mamlouke", A. Regourd (ed.), Documents et histoire: Islam, VIIe-XVIe s., Genève 2013, 219-246.
  • 407 = Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., "Ḫams waṯāʾiq šarʿīya", Maǧallat Ǧāmiʿat Umm Durmān al-Islāmīya 2 (1389/1969) 149-213, no. 4.
  • 428 = Conermann S. / Saghbini, S., "Awlād al-Nās as Founders of Pious Endowments: The Waqfīyah of Yaḥyá ibn T ̨ūghān al-Ḥasanī of the Year 870/1465", MSR 6 (2002) 21-50.
  • 467 = Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., “Waṯīqat as-sulṭān Qāyitbāy”, al-Muʾtamar aṯ-ṯāliṯ li-l-āṯār fī l-bilād al-ʿarabīya, Cairo 1959.
  • 474 = P.Cair.Archives 4
  • 475 = Mayer, L. A., The buildings of Qāytbāy as described in his endowment deed, London 1938.
  • 486 = Amīn, M. M., "Waṯīqat waqf as-sulṭān Qāyitbāy ‘alà l-Madrasa l-Ašrafīya wa-Qā‘at as-silāḥ bi-Dimyāṭ. Dirāsa wa-naqd wa-taḥqīq", Maǧallat al-ǧamʿīya l-Miṣrīya li-d-Dirāsāt at-Taʾrīḫīya 22 (1975) 343-390, no. 1.
  • 487 = Amīn, M. M., "Waṯīqat waqf as-sulṭān Qāyitbāy ‘alà l-Madrasa l-Ašrafīya wa-Qā‘at as-silāḥ bi-Dimyāṭ. Dirāsa wa-naqd wa-taḥqīq", Maǧallat al-ǧamʿīya l-Miṣrīya li-d-Dirāsāt at-Taʾrīḫīya 22 (1975) 343-390, no. 2.
  • 499 = Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., "Min waṯāʾiq at-taʾrīḫ al-ʿarabī", Maǧallat Ǧāmiʿat al-Qāhira bi-l-Ḫurṭūm 2 (1972) 45-75.
  • 617 = Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., "Ḫams waṯāʾiq šarʿīya", Maǧallat Ǧāmiʿat Umm Durmān al-Islāmīya 2 (1389/1969) 149-213, no. 1.
  • 619 = P.Cair.Archives 5
  • 646 = ʿAbd al-Wahhāb al-Miṣrī, A. M., "Waṯīqat taġyīr šarṭ al-intifāʾ bi-l-waqf min al-ʿaṣr al-mamlūkī li-l-Sayfī Qalag bin ʿAbd Allāh al-Šarīfī", AnnIslam 38 (2004), 1-15ar.
  • 671 = Amīn, M. M., "Manšūr bi-manḥ iqṭāʿ min ʿaṣr as-sulṭān al-Ġūrī", AnnIslam 19 (1983) 2-23.
  • 695 = Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., "at-Tawṯīqāt aš-šarʿīyah wa-l-ʾišhādāt fī ẓahr waṯīqat al-Ġūrī", Maǧallat Kullīyat al-ʿĀdāb (Ǧāmiʿat al-Qāhira) 19 (1957) 293-420.
  • 704 = P.Cair.Archives 9
  • 722 = P.Cair.Archives 6
  • 793 = Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., "Ḫams waṯāʾiq šarʿīya", Maǧallat Ǧāmiʿat Umm Durmān al-Islāmīya 2 (1389/1969) 149-213, no. 3.
  • 826 = P.Cair.Archives 3
  • 846 = Amīn, M. M., "aš-Šāhid al-ʿadl fi l-qaḍāʾ al-islāmī: Dirāsa taʾrīḫiyya maʿ našr wa-taḥqīq isǧāl al-ʿadāla min ʿaṣr salāṭīn al-mamālīk," AnnIslam 18 (1982), 1-20 ar.
  • 866 = P.Cair.Arab. 56
  • 867 = P.Cair.Arab. 57
  • 868 = P.Cair.Arab. 58
  • 869 = P.Cair.Arab. 59
  • 870 = P.Cair.Arab. 119
  • 872 = P.Cair.Arab. 63
  • 874 flesh side = P.Cair.Arab. 66
  • 874 hair side = P.Cair.Arab. 68
  • 875 = P.Cair.Arab. 54 = P.World p. 203 = P.Mudun 6
  • 877 = P.Cair.Arab. 60
  • 878 = P.Cair.Arab. 65
  • 882 = Darrāǧ, A., Ḥuǧǧat waqf Barsbay, Cairo 1963.


= Certificats de pèlerinage d'époque ayyoubide, Contribution à l'histoire de l'idéologie de l'Islam au temps des croisades, ed. Dominique Sourdel, Janine Sourdel-Thomine. Paris 2006. (Documents relatifs à l'histoire des croisades 19). Nos. 1-45 (editions) on paper. Description of another 102 documents. Pl. 1-48. For emendations see Diem, W., "Review of Sourdel / Sourdel-Thomine: Certificats de pèlerinage d’époque ayyoubide", ZDMG 160 (2010) 195–202. One document has been reedited:

  • 13 = P.Saladin 4


= Gaspar Remiro, M., "Documentos árabes de la corte nazarí de Granada," Revista de archivos, bibliotecas y museos 21 (1909) 330-339, 531-535. Reprinted as: Remiro, M. G., Documentos árabes de la corte nazarí de Granada, Madrid 1911. Edition of five letters and one decree from the 15th c. AD. APD


= Documentos árabes sobre el Castillo de Cúllar (Granadaa) (= Waṯāʾiq ʿarabiyya ʿan ḥiṣn Qūliyya (Ġarnāṭa), ed. A. Díaz García, Mojácar 2015. Nos. 1-17 on paper.


= Propriétés rurales et urbaines à Damas au Moyen Âge: un corpus de 73 documents juridiques entre 310/922 et 669/1271, ed. J.-M Mouton, D. Sourdel, and J. Sourdel-Thomine, Paris 2018. (Documents relatifs à l'histoire des croisades 23). Nos. 1-73.


= Atiya, Aziz Suryal, Egypt and Aragon. Embassies and diplomatic correspondence between 1300 and 1330 A.D.. Leipzig 1938 (AKM 23,7). No. 1-4, 6-7 and 9 are Arabic documents, all paper. Except for no. 3, all of them have been reedited: APD

  • 1 = P.Aragon 146 = Holt, P. M., "Al-Nāṣir Muḥammad's letter to a Spanish ruler in 699/1300", al-Masāq 3 (1990) 23-29
  • 2 = P.Aragon 147
  • 4 = P.Aragon 149
  • 6 = P.Aragon 150
  • 7 = P.Aragon 151
  • 9 = P.Aragon 152


= J. von Karabacek, Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer: Führer durch die Ausstellung. Vienna 1894. Catalogue of 1400 items with descriptions and some translations. "Protokolle" pp. 15-25, items nos. 71-100. Nos. 71-76 are Greek, nos. 77-83 Greek-Arabic, and nos. 84-100 Arabic. "Arabische Abteilung," pp. 131-278, items nos. 550-1400. Nos. 550-554, 556-557, 559-561, 563-564, 566-567, 571, 579, 586-587, 590, 607, and 629 are Greek, 881, 1120, and 1177 are Hebrew, and 876, 1121, 1143, 1151, and 1242 are Judaeo-Arabic. All other nos. are Arabic or Arabic-Greek. Many nos. have been edited: APD

  • 64 = P.Bad. V 152
  • 77 = Becker, C. H., "Das Lateinische in den arabischen Papyrusprotokollen", ZA 22 (1909) 166-193, no6 = CPR III 37
  • 78 = CPR III 18
  • 79 = Karabacek, J., Zur orientalischen Altertumskunde 2: Die arabischen Papyrusprotokolle, Wien 1908 (Sitzungsberichte der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse 161,1) p. 93 = CPR III 5
  • 80 = CPR III 73
  • 81 = Karabacek, J., Zur orientalischen Altertumskunde 2: Die arabischen Papyrusprotokolle, Wien 1908 (Sitzungsberichte der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse 161,1) p. 66 = CPR III 91
  • 82 = Karabacek, J., Zur orientalischen Altertumskunde 2: Die arabischen Papyrusprotokolle, Wien 1908 (Sitzungsberichte der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse 161,1) p. 98 = CPR III 60
  • 83 = CPR III 61
  • 84 = CPR III 211
  • 85 = CPR III 108
  • 86 = CPR III 271
  • 87 = Karabacek, J., Zur orientalischen Altertumskunde 2: Die arabischen Papyrusprotokolle, Wien 1908 (Sitzungsberichte der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse 161,1) p. 41 = CPR III 278
  • 88 = Karabacek, J., Zur orientalischen Altertumskunde 2: Die arabischen Papyrusprotokolle, Wien 1908 (Sitzungsberichte der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse 161,1) p. 42 = CPR III 325
  • 89 = CPR III 327
  • 90 = Karabacek, J., Zur orientalischen Altertumskunde 2: Die arabischen Papyrusprotokolle, Wien 1908 (Sitzungsberichte der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse 161,1) p. 44 = CPR III 123
  • 92 = CPR III 372
  • 93 = Karabacek, J., Zur orientalischen Altertumskunde 2: Die arabischen Papyrusprotokolle, Wien 1908 (Sitzungsberichte der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse 161,1) p. 45 = CPR III 170
  • 94 = CPR III 263
  • 95 = CPR III 177
  • 96 = CPR III 181
  • 97 = Karabacek, J., Zur orientalischen Altertumskunde 2: Die arabischen Papyrusprotokolle, Wien 1908 (Sitzungsberichte der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse 161,1) p. 49 = CPR III 186 = Chrest.Khoury I 6
  • 99 = CPR III 212
  • 100 = CPR III 257
  • 558 = Ǧrūmān, A., al-Muḥāḍara aṯ-ṭāniya ʿan al-awrāq al-bardīya al-ʿarabīya wa-minhā l-maḥfūẓ bi-d-Dār ... Taʿrīb ... Tawfīq Iskārūs II, Kairo 1348/1930 ([Manšūrāt] Dār al-Kutub al-miṣrīya )II p. 12 = Grohmann, A., "Aperçu de papyrologie arabe," ÉdP 1 (1932) p. 41 = P.World p. 113-114 = Hussein, F., Das Steuersystem in Ägypten von der arabischen Eroberung bis zur Machtergreifung der Ṭūlūniden 19-254/639-868 mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Papyrusurkunden, Frankfurt am Main 1982 (Heidelberger Orientalistische Studien 3) p. 53.
  • 568 = P.World p. 162
  • 569 = Chrest.Khoury I 19
  • 573 = Stoetzer, W. F. G. J. / Worp, K. A., "Zwei Steuerquittunguen aus London und Wien," Tyche 1 (1986) 195-202, no. 2.
  • 574 = Karabacek, J., Abendländische Künstler zu Konstantinopel im XV. und XVI. Jahrhundert (Denkschriften der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien: Philosophisch-historische Klasse 62,1), Wien 1918, p. 67.
  • 576 = P.Alqab 117 = Reinfandt, L., "Leinenhändler im Herakleopolites in arabischer Zeit: P.Vindob. A.P. 15021 (PERF 576)," BASP 44 (2007) 97-123.
  • 582 = Diem, W., "Einige frühe amtliche Urkunden aus der Sammlung Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer (Wien)," Le Muséon 97 (1984) 109-158, no. 2 = P.Alqab 2
  • 583 = Diem, W., "Einige frühe amtliche Urkunden aus der Sammlung Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer (Wien)," Le Muséon 97 (1984) 109-158, no. 1 = P.Alqab 3
  • 585 = Stoetzer, W. F. G. J. / Worp., K. A., "Eine arabische-griechische Steuerquittung aus Ägypten P. Vindob. G 39744," ZPE 50 (1983) 141-146.
  • 589 = Karabacek, J., "Zur Kenntnis des Umlautes im Arabischen," MPER 5 (1892), 59-64 = CPR III 1 p. 81 = P.World p. 107 = CPR XXII 9
  • 592 = Grohmann, A., "Ein Qorra-Brief vom Jahre 90 H.," in: Aus fünf Jahrtausenden morgenländischer Kultur: Festschrift für Max Freiherrn von Oppenheimer. Berlin 1933. 37-40 = P.Alqab 5
  • 593 = P.World p. 130 = Diem, W., "Philologisches zu den arabischen Aphrodito-Papyri," Islam 61 (1984) p. 261-264
  • 597 = Karabacek, J., Der Papyrusfund von el-Faijûm, Wien 1882 (Denkschrift der Philosophisch-historischen Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften 33), no. 1.
  • 598 = Diem, W., "Einige frühe amtliche Urkunden aus der Sammlung Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer (Wien)," Le Muséon 97 (1984) 109-158, no. 9.
  • 599 = Diem, W., "Einige frühe amtliche Urkunden aus der Sammlung Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer (Wien)," Le Muséon 97 (1984) 109-158, no. 10.
  • 600 = Diem, W., "Einige frühe amtliche Urkunden aus der Sammlung Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer (Wien)," Le Muséon 97 (1984) 109-158, p. 150 = Diem, W., "Drei amtliche Schreiben aus frühislamischer Zeit (Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer, Wien)," JSAI 12 (1989) 146-165, no. 3.
  • 601 = P.Giss.Arab. p. 33 a = Raghib, Y., "Sauf-conduits d'Égypte omeyyade et abbasside," AnnIslam 31 (1997) 143-168, no. 4.
  • 602 = Diem, W., "Einige frühe amtliche Urkunden aus der Sammlung Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer (Wien)," Le Muséon 97 (1984) 109-158, no. 8.
  • 604 = Grohmann, A., "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Aegyptens in arabischer Zeit," ArchOrient 7 (1935) 437-472, no. 17 = P.World p. 154 b = P.Alqab 111
  • 607 = Grohmann, A., "Probleme der arabischen Papyrusforschung," ArchOrient 3 (1931) 381-394; 5 (1933) 273-283; 6 (1934) 125-149; 377-398, no. 6.
  • 608 = Jahn, K., "Vom frühislamischen Briefwesen," ArchOrient 9 (1937) 153-200, no. 3.
  • 610 = Diem, W., "Einige frühe amtliche Urkunden aus der Sammlung Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer (Wien)," Le Muséon 97 (1984) 109-158, no. 5 = P.Alqab 17
  • 611 = Grohmann, A., "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Aegyptens in arabischer Zeit," ArchOrient 7 (1935) 437-472, no. 11 = P.World p. 153 a
  • 612 = Diem, W., "Einige frühe amtliche Urkunden aus der Sammlung Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer (Wien)," Le Muséon 97 (1984) 109-158, no. 3 = P.Alqab 20
  • 615 = P.World p. 186
  • 616 = CPR XVI 10
  • 617 = Thung, M. H., "Written Obligations from the 2nd/8th to the 4th/10th Century," ILS 3 (1996) 1-12, no. 1 = CPR XXVI 16
  • 618 = Grohmann, A., "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Aegyptens in arabischer Zeit," ArchOrient 7 (1935) 437-472, no. 25 = P.World p. 138 a
  • 621 top = P.GrohmannProbleme III p. 143 = Grohmann, A., "Aperçu de papyrologie arabe," ÉdP 1 (1932) p. 85 = P.Cair.Arab. II p. 70 = CPR XXI 2 a
  • 621 bottom = Grohmann, A., "Aperçu de papyrologie arabe," ÉdP 1 (1932) p. 50 = P.World p. 116 = CPR XXI 2 b
  • 623 = Grohmann, A., "Aperçu de papyrologie arabe," ÉdP 1 (1932) p. 52
  • 624 = P.World p. 132
  • 625 = Diem, W., "Einige frühe amtliche Urkunden aus der Sammlung Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer (Wien)," Le Muséon 97 (1984) 109-158, no. 4 = P.Alqab 23
  • 626 = Grohmann, A. "Die Papyrologie in ihrer Beziehung zur arabischen Urkundenlehre," MBPF 19 (1934) p. 338f. = Chrest.Khoury I 66
  • 630 = Chrest.Khoury I 64
  • 631= Grohmann, A., "Probleme der arabischen Papyrusforschung," ArchOrient 3 (1931) 381-394; 5 (1933) 273-283; 6 (1934) 125-149; 377-398, no. 17 = Diem, W., "Einige frühe amtliche Urkunden aus der Sammlung Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer (Wien)," Le Muséon 97 (1984) 109-158, no. 6.
  • 632 = Jahn, K., "Vom frühislamischen Briefwesen," ArchOrient 9 (1937) 153-200, no. 5.
  • 634 = Chrest.Khoury II 8
  • 636 = Abbott, N., Studies in Arabic literary papyri III, Chicago 1972, no. 5.
  • 638 = Grohmann, A. "Die Papyrologie in ihrer Beziehung zur arabischen Urkundenlehre," MBPF 19 (1934) p. 339f. = Chrest.Khoury II 26 = CPR XXI 4 b
  • 639 = P.World p. 181
  • 640 = P.Prag.Arab. Beilage VII
  • 641 = Karabacek, J., Neue Quellen zur Papiergeschichte, MPER 4 (1888) p. 107.
  • 643 = Grohmann, A., "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Aegyptens in arabischer Zeit," ArchOrient 7 (1935) 437-472, no. 22 = P.World p. 154 a
  • 644 = P.Bad. V 148
  • 646 A = Chrest.Khoury II 10
  • 646 B = Chrest.Khoury II 11
  • 646 C = Chrest.Khoury I 49 = Chrest.Khoury II 12
  • 646 D = Chrest.Khoury II 13
  • 646 E = Chrest.Khoury II 14
  • 648 = CPR XXVI 36
  • 650 = Jahn, K., "Vom frühislamischen Briefwesen," ArchOrient 9 (1937) 153-200, no. 9.
  • 651 = Jahn, K., "Vom frühislamischen Briefwesen," ArchOrient 9 (1937) 153-200, no. 10.
  • 653 = Jahn, K., "Vom frühislamischen Briefwesen," ArchOrient 9 (1937) 153-200, no. 6 = P.World p. 184-185
  • 656 = Karabacek, J. "Eine merkwürdige arabische Namenunterschrift," MPER I (1886), 126, no. 2.
  • 657 = Jahn, K., "Vom frühislamischen Briefwesen," ArchOrient 9 (1937) 153-200, no. 12 = Chrest.Khoury I 98 = P.Alqab 107
  • 661 = Grohmann, A., "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Aegyptens in arabischer Zeit," ArchOrient 7 (1935) 437-472, no. 14.
  • 663 = P.World p. 161
  • 665 = Abbott, N., Studies in Arabic literary papyri I, Chicago 1957, no. 4.
  • 667 = Karabacek, J., "Das arabische Papier“, MPER 2-3 (1887) p. 102.
  • 669 = CPR XVI 2
  • 670 = Grohmann, A., "Probleme der arabischen Papyrusforschung," ArchOrient 3 (1931) 381-394; 5 (1933) 273-283; 6 (1934) 125-149; 377-398, no. 18.
  • 677 = Grohmann, A., "Probleme der arabischen Papyrusforschung," ArchOrient 3 (1931) 381-394; 5 (1933) 273-283; 6 (1934) 125-149; 377-398, no. 5.
  • 685 = Grohmann, A., "Probleme der arabischen Papyrusforschung," ArchOrient 3 (1931) 381-394; 5 (1933) 273-283; 6 (1934) 125-149; 377-398, no. 4.
  • 687 = P.World p. 182
  • 689 = Grohmann, A., "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Aegyptens in arabischer Zeit," ArchOrient 7 (1935) 437-472, no. 7 = P.World p. 140
  • 691 = Grohmann, A., "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Aegyptens in arabischer Zeit," ArchOrient 7 (1935) 437-472, no. 10 = P.World p. 147 c
  • 693 = P.World p. 149
  • 694 = CPR XVI 23
  • 695 = Karabacek, J., Der Papyrusfund von el-Faijûm, Wien 1882 (Denkschrift der Philosophisch-historischen Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften 33), no. 2 = P.Alqab 33
  • 696 = P.World p. 144 b
  • 697 = P.World p. 142 b
  • 698 = Raghib, Y., "Contrat d' affermage d' un pressoir à huile en 205/821," StIr 11 (1982) 293-299 = Chrest.Khoury I 65 =  P.Alqab 34
  • 700 = Chrest.Khoury I 26
  • 701 = CPR XXVI 25
  • 702 = CPR XVI 1
  • 703 = P.World p. 139 b
  • 704 = Grohmann, A., "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Aegyptens in arabischer Zeit," ArchOrient 7 (1935) 437-472, no. 26 = P.World p. 158
  • 705 = Grohmann, A., "Probleme der arabischen Papyrusforschung," ArchOrient 3 (1931) 381-394; 5 (1933) 273-283; 6 (1934) 125-149; 377-398, no. 9.
  • 707 = Grohmann, A., "Probleme der arabischen Papyrusforschung," ArchOrient 3 (1931) 381-394; 5 (1933) 273-283; 6 (1934) 125-149; 377-398, no. 3.
  • 708 = Jahn, K., "Vom frühislamischen Briefwesen," ArchOrient 9 (1937) 153-200, no. 13 = P.World p. 183 a
  • 709 = P.World p. 134
  • 710 = Grohmann, A., "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Aegyptens in arabischer Zeit," ArchOrient 7 (1935) 437-472, no. 9 = P.World p. 142 a = P.Alqab 35
  • 711 = Sijpesteijn, P. M., "Making the Private Public: A Delivery of Palestinian Oil in Third/Ninth-Century Egypt," SOE 2 (2014) 74-91
  • 712 = Abbott, N., Studies in Arabic literary papyri III, Chicago 1972, no. 3.
  • 713 = CPR XXI 38
  • 714 = Grohmann, A., "Probleme der arabischen Papyrusforschung," ArchOrient 3 (1931) 381-394; 5 (1933) 273-283; 6 (1934) 125-149; 377-398, no. 8.
  • 716 = CPR XVI 4
  • 717 = Grohmann, A., "Probleme der arabischen Papyrusforschung," ArchOrient 3 (1931) 381-394; 5 (1933) 273-283; 6 (1934) 125-149; 377-398, no. 12.
  • 718 = P.Gascou 52
  • 721 = Grohmann, A., "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Aegyptens in arabischer Zeit," ArchOrient 7 (1935) 437-472, no. 16 = P.Alqab 104
  • 723 = CPR XXI 40
  • 724 = Grohmann, A., "Einige bemerkenswerte Urkunden aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer an der Nationalbibliothek zu Wien," ArchOrient 18 (1950) 80-119, no. 9.
  • 725 = Grohmann, A., "Einige bemerkenswerte Urkunden aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer an der Nationalbibliothek zu Wien," ArchOrient 18 (1950) 80-119, no. 8.
  • 726 = CPR XXI 41
  • 727 = Chrest.Khoury II 37
  • 731 = Abbott, N., Studies in Arabic literary papyri II, Chicago 1967, no. 2.
  • 734 = Abbott, Nabia, Studies in Arabic literary papyri I, Chicago 1957, no. 1.
  • 737 = CPR XXI 42
  • 738 = CPR XVI 19
  • 739 = Jahn, K., "Vom frühislamischen Briefwesen," ArchOrient 9 (1937) 153-200, no. 14.
  • 743 = Grohmann, A., "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Aegyptens in arabischer Zeit," ArchOrient 7 (1935) 437-472, no. 1.
  • 744 = Chrest.Khoury I 37
  • 745 = CPR XVI 6
  • 746 = P.Cair.Arab. III p. 143 = CPR XXI 46
  • 747 = Jahn, K., "Vom frühislamischen Briefwesen," ArchOrient 9 (1937) 153-200, no. 8 = Chrest.Khoury I 97 = P.Alqab 25
  • 748 = Grohmann, A., "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Aegyptens in arabischer Zeit," ArchOrient 7 (1935) 437-472, no. 5.
  • 749 = Chrest.Khoury I 24
  • 751 = CPR XVI 32
  • 752 = Grohmann, A., "Probleme der arabischen Papyrusforschung," ArchOrient 3 (1931) 381-394; 5 (1933) 273-283; 6 (1934) 125-149; 377-398, no. 10.
  • 753 = CPR XXI 47
  • 755 = Chrest.Khoury I 29
  • 757 = CPR XXVI 37
  • 758 = Grohmann, A., "Probleme der arabischen Papyrusforschung," ArchOrient 3 (1931) 381-394; 5 (1933) 273-283; 6 (1934) 125-149; 377-398, no. 13 = P.Alqab 38
  • 759 = Chrest.Khoury II 27 = CPR XXI 9
  • 761 = P.Prag.Arab. Beilage II = P.World p. 136
  • 762 = Grohmann, A., "Einige bemerkenswerte Urkunden aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer an der Nationalbibliothek zu Wien," ArchOrient 18 (1950) 80-119, no. 13.
  • 763 = Grohmann, A., "Aperçu de papyrologie arabe," ÉdP 1 (1932) p. 27 = P.World p. 119
  • 764 = Chrest.Khoury II 9
  • 765 = P.World p. 121 a
  • 766 = Grohmann, A., "Probleme der arabischen Papyrusforschung," ArchOrient 3 (1931) 381-394; 5 (1933) 273-283; 6 (1934) 125-149; 377-398, no. 11.
  • 767 = Grohmann, A., "Einige bemerkenswerte Urkunden aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer an der Nationalbibliothek zu Wien," ArchOrient 18 (1950) 80-119, no. 19 = P.World p. 166 = P.Marchands V/1 8
  • 768 = Grohmann, A., "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Aegyptens in arabischer Zeit," ArchOrient 7 (1935) 437-472, no. 2 = P.World p. 168
  • 769 = P.World p. 163 = P.Marchands V/1 7
  • 770 = P.Marchands V/1 2
  • 771 = Grohmann, A., "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Aegyptens in arabischer Zeit," ArchOrient 7 (1935) 437-472, no. 3 = P.Marchands V/1 5 = P.Alqab 55
  • 772 = Grohmann, A., "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Aegyptens in arabischer Zeit," ArchOrient 7 (1935) 437-472, no. 19 = P.Alqab 73
  • 773 = Grohmann, A., "Einige bemerkenswerte Urkunden aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer an der Nationalbibliothek zu Wien," ArchOrient 18 (1950) 80-119, no. 18.
  • 776 = CPR XXI 55
  • 777 = Karabacek, J. "Erstes urkundliches Auftreten von Türken," MPER I (1886), 93-108 = Grohmann, A., "Probleme der arabischen Papyrusforschung," ArchOrient 3 (1931) 381-394; 5 (1933) 273-283; 6 (1934) 125-149; 377-398, no. 16.
  • 779 = CPR XVI 33
  • 780 = Grohmann, A., "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Aegyptens in arabischer Zeit," ArchOrient 7 (1935) 437-472, no. 15.
  • 782 = Karabacek, J., Der Papyrusfund von el-Faijûm, Wien 1882 (Denkschrift der Philosophisch-historischen Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften 33), no. 3 = Chrest.Khoury I 50
  • 783 = Chrest.Khoury I 77
  • 784 = Grohmann, A., "Probleme der arabischen Papyrusforschung," ArchOrient 3 (1931) 381-394; 5 (1933) 273-283; 6 (1934) 125-149; 377-398, no. 14.
  • 787 = CPR XXI 59
  • 788 = Karabacek, J. "Erstes urkundliches Auftreten von Türken," MPER I (1886), p. 100.
  • 789 = Karabacek, J., Der Papyrusfund von el-Faijûm, Wien 1882 (Denkschrift der Philosophisch-historischen Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften 33), no. 5.
  • 793 = P.Harrauer 61
  • 795 = Karabacek, J., "Das arabische Papier“, MPER 2-3 (1887) p. 117 = CPR XXI 53
  • 797 = P.World p. 199 = Chrest.Khoury I 20
  • 798 = Grohmann, A., "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Aegyptens in arabischer Zeit," ArchOrient 7 (1935) 437-472, no. 12.
  • 800 = CPR III 1 p. 50 = Grohmann, A., "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Aegyptens in arabischer Zeit," ArchOrient 7 (1935) 437-472, no. 23.
  • 806 = CPR XVI 25
  • 807 = Chrest.Khoury I 84
  • 808 = CPR XXVI 38
  • 811 = Karabacek, J., Der Papyrusfund von el-Faijûm, Wien 1882 (Denkschrift der Philosophisch-historischen Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften 33), no. 4.
  • 814 = CPR XXI 65
  • 818 = Grohmann, A., "Einige bemerkenswerte Urkunden aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer an der Nationalbibliothek zu Wien," ArchOrient 18 (1950) 80-119, no. 15.
  • 823 = Karabacek, J., Die Involutio im arabischen Schriftwesen, Wien 1896 (Sitzungsberichte der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien: Philosophisch-historische Classe 135,5) p. 24-25 = Grohmann, A., "Einige bemerkenswerte Urkunden aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer an der Nationalbibliothek zu Wien," ArchOrient 18 (1950) 80-119, no. 14.
  • 824 = Grohmann, A., "Einige bemerkenswerte Urkunden aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer an der Nationalbibliothek zu Wien," ArchOrient 18 (1950) 80-119, no. 10.
  • 825 = P.World p. 147 a
  • 826 = P.World p. 146
  • 827 = Grohmann, A., "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Aegyptens in arabischer Zeit," ArchOrient 7 (1935) 437-472, no. 24.
  • 831 = P.World p. 147 b
  • 833 = Grohmann, A., "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Aegyptens in arabischer Zeit," ArchOrient 7 (1935) 437-472, no. 21.
  • 835 = CPR XXI 21
  • 836 = CPR XXI 22
  • 837 = Chrest.Khoury I 63
  • 839 = Karabacek, J., "Eine merkwürdige arabische Namenunterschrift," MPER I (1886), 126, no. 1 = P.World p. 144 a
  • 842 = Chrest.Khoury II 34
  • 843 = Grohmann, A., "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Aegyptens in arabischer Zeit," ArchOrient 7 (1935) 437-472, no. 27 = P.World p. 157
  • 845 = Reinfandt, L., "Versuchte Einflussnahme auf einen behördlichen Entscheidungträger: P.Vind.inv. A.P. 15228 aus der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek", Z. Gažaková and J. Drobný (eds.), Arabic and Islamic Studies in Honour of Ján Pauliny, Bratislava 2016, 367-384.
  • 846 = Chrest.Khoury II 7
  • 848 = Grohmann, A., "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Aegyptens in arabischer Zeit," ArchOrient 7 (1935) 437-472, no. 4 = P.Alqab 56
  • 854 = CPR XXI 23
  • 857 = Reinfandt, L., "Die Sorgen des Weingutbesitzers: der Wiener Papyrus P.Vind.inv. A.P. 11378," U. Marzolph (ed.), Orientalistische Studien zu Sprache und Literatur: Festgabe zum 65. Geburtstag von Werner Diem, Wiesbaden 2011. 203-216.
  • 858 = CPR XXI 70
  • 860 = Grohmann, A., "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Aegyptens in arabischer Zeit," ArchOrient 7 (1935) 437-472, no. 18 = P.World p. 155
  • 866 = Grohmann, A., "Einige bemerkenswerte Urkunden aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer an der Nationalbibliothek zu Wien," ArchOrient 18 (1950) 80-119, no. 11.
  • 867 = Grohmann, A., "Einige bemerkenswerte Urkunden aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer an der Nationalbibliothek zu Wien," ArchOrient 18 (1950) 80-119, no. 12.
  • 871 = Grohmann, A., "Probleme der arabischen Papyrusforschung," ArchOrient 3 (1931) 381-394; 5 (1933) 273-283; 6 (1934) 125-149; 377-398, no. 19.
  • 874 = P.World p. 151 a
  • 880 = CPR XVI 13
  • 883 = Chrest.Khoury I 80
  • 884 = CPR XXI 74
  • 885 = Grohmann, A., "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Aegyptens in arabischer Zeit," ArchOrient 7 (1935) 437-472, no. 13 = P.Alqab 49
  • 886 = Chrest.Khoury I 17
  • 888 = Grohmann, A., "Eine arabische Grundsteuerquittung vom Jahre 297 H. (909/910 n.Chr.) aus dem Amtsbereich eines ʿAbbasidenprinzen," Mélanges Maspéro III (1940) 9-13. (MIFA0 68).
  • 889 = Karabacek, J., "Das arabische Papier“, MPER 2-3 (1887) p. 162 a = P.World p. 148 a
  • 901 = Shahin, A. A., "Höfliche Bitte an einen Bekannten um Bezahlung eines Geldbetrags," Archiv 59,1 (2013) 176-183.
  • 902 = Jahn, K., "Vom frühislamischen Briefwesen," ArchOrient 9 (1937) 153-200, no. 15.
  • 903 = Jahn, K., "Vom frühislamischen Briefwesen," ArchOrient 9 (1937) 153-200, no. 16 = P.Alqab 109
  • 905 = CPR XXI 78
  • 906 = Chrest.Khoury I 52 = CPR XXI 79
  • 908 = CPR XXI 82
  • 913 = P.Cair.Arab. I p. 70 = Chrest.Khoury II 35
  • 918 = P.Vind.Arab. II 17
  • 919 = P.Vind.Arab. I 33
  • 924 = P.Vind.Arab. I 30
  • 925 = Youssef-Grob, E. M., "The Earliest Paper Documents in the Vienna Collection Revisited", CdÉ 90 (2015), 431-443.
  • 928 = P.Bad. V 153 = P.Blockprints p. 115
  • 930 = P.Blockprints p. 116-117
  • 931 = P.Blockprints p. 118-121
  • 933 = P.Blockprints p. 121-124
  • 934 = P.Blockprints p. 124-127
  • 935 = P.Blockprints p. 127-128
  • 936 = P.Blockprints p. 128-133
  • 937 = P.Blockprints p. 133-134
  • 938 = P.Bad. V 155 = P.Blockprints p. 134-136
  • 939 = P.Blockprints p.136-137
  • 940 = P.Blockprints p. 137-140
  • 941 = P.Blockprints p. 140-142
  • 942 = P.Blockprints p. 142-145
  • 943 = P.Blockprints p. 145
  • 944 = P.Blockprints p. 145-146
  • 945 = P.Blockprints p. 146-147
  • 946 = P.Blockprints p. 148-149
  • 947 = P.Blockprints p. 149-150
  • 948 = P.Blockprints p. 150-155
  • 952 = P.Vind.Arab. I 29
  • 955 = Grohmann, A., "Einige bemerkenswerte Urkunden aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer an der Nationalbibliothek zu Wien," ArchOrient 18 (1950) 80-119,no. 1 = Chrest.Khoury II 29
  • 956 = CPR XXVI 40
  • 958 = P.Vind.Arab. I 27
  • 962 = Thung, M. H., "Written Obligations from the 2nd/8th to the 4th/10th Century," ILS 3 (1996) 1-12, no. 4 = CPR XXVI 23
  • 963 = P.Vind.Arab. III 18
  • 967 = Grohmann, A., "Einige bemerkenswerte Urkunden aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer an der Nationalbibliothek zu Wien," ArchOrient 18 (1950) 80-119, no. 2.
  • 971 = Grohmann, A., "Einige bemerkenswerte Urkunden aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer an der Nationalbibliothek zu Wien," ArchOrient 18 (1950) 80-119, no. 3.
  • 973 = P.Vind.Arab. II 34
  • 978 = Karabacek, J., "Das arabische Papier“, MPER 2-3 (1887) 87-178, no. 1.
  • 983 = Karabacek, J., Neue Quellen zur Papiergeschichte, Mitteilungen aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer 4 (1888) p. 80.
  • 984 = Grohmann, A., "Einige bemerkenswerte Urkunden aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer an der Nationalbibliothek zu Wien," ArchOrient 18 (1950) 80-119, no. 4.
  • 986 = P.Vind.Arab. II 11
  • 987 = CPR XXVI 15
  • 992 = Grohmann, A., "Einige bemerkenswerte Urkunden aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer an der Nationalbibliothek zu Wien," ArchOrient 18 (1950) 80-119, no. 17.
  • 996 = Karabacek, J., "Das arabische Papier“, MPER 2-3 (1887) 87-178, no. 2.
  • 1001 = CPR XXVI 27
  • 1013 = P.Bad. V 163 c
  • 1014 = P.World p. 156 a
  • 1032 = P.Vind.Arab. I 24
  • 1040 = Grohmann, A., "Einige bemerkenswerte Urkunden aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer an der Nationalbibliothek zu Wien," ArchOrient 18 (1950) 80-119, no. 6 = Chrest.Khoury I 51
  • 1049 = Chrest.Khoury II 25
  • 1061 = CPR XXI 85
  • 1072 = P.World p. 173
  • 1075 = Karabacek, J., "Das arabische Papier“, MPER 2-3 (1887) 87-178, no. 3.
  • 1087 = CPR XXI 87
  • 1090 = CPR XXI 88
  • 1092 = Karabacek, J., "Das arabische Papier“, MPER 2-3 (1887) 87-178, no. 4.
  • 1141 = Grohmann, A., "Einige bemerkenswerte Urkunden aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer an der Nationalbibliothek zu Wien," ArchOrient 18 (1950) 80-119, no. 7.
  • 1142 = Grohmann, A., "Einige bemerkenswerte Urkunden aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer an der Nationalbibliothek zu Wien," ArchOrient 18 (1950) 80-119, no. 16.
  • 1147 = CPR XXI 36
  • 1153 = P.Vind.Arab. II 12
  • 1154 = Chrest.Khoury I 79
  • 1155 = Chrest.Khoury II 33 = P.Vind.Arab. III 75
  • 1156 = Chrest.Khoury II 31 = P.Vind.Arab. III 77
  • 1157 = Chrest.Khoury II 32 = P.Vind.Arab. III 76
  • 1158 = P.Vind.Arab. III 71
  • 1159 = P.Vind.Arab. I 57
  • 1181 = Karabacek, J., "Das arabische Papier“, MPER 2-3 (1887) 87-178, no. 5.
  • 1230 = CPR XXVI 4
  • 1290 = CPR XXVI 30
  • 1300 = CPR XXVI 31
  • 1305 = CPR XXVI 2
  • 1312 = P.Vind.Arab. I 10
  • 1313 = Seif, T., "Vom Alexanderroman: Aus den orientalischen Beständen der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek", Festschrift der Nationalbibliothek in Vienna herausgegeben zur Feier des 200jährigen Bestehens des Gebäudes, Vienna 1926, p. 745-770.
  • 1314 = Seif, T., "Vom Alexanderroman: Aus den orientalischen Beständen der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek", Festschrift der Nationalbibliothek in Vienna herausgegeben zur Feier des 200jährigen Bestehens des Gebäudes, Vienna 1926, p. 745-770.
  • 1315 = P.Vind.Arab. I 40
  • 1322 = CPR XXVI 11
  • 1332 = CPR XXVI 43
  • 1350 = P.Vind.Arab. II 40
  • 1358 = P.Vind.Arab. III 12
  • 1360 = P.Vind.Arab. I 65
  • 1362 = P.Vind.Arab. II 13
  • 1363 = P.Vind.Arab. III 45
  • 1375 = P.Vind.Arab. II 14
  • 1379 = P.Vind.Arab. III 5
  • 1389 = P.Vind.Arab. III 50
  • 1390 = P.Vind.Arab. III p. 240
  • 1398 = P.Vind.Arab. III 69


= Pons Boigues, F., Apuntes sobre las escrituras mozárabes Toledanas que se conservan en el Archivo histórico nacional, Madrid 1897. Catalogue of 130 Arabic documents from Toledo, all later edited in P.Mozarab. In an appendix, seven of them and two further documents were edited; all were republished:

  • p. 253-254 (Cat.-No. XV) = P.Mozarab. 32
  • p. 258-259 = P.Mozarab. 630
  • p. 262-264 (Cat.-No. XXIX) = P.Mozarab. 734
  • p. 267-268 (Cat.-No. CX) = P.Mozarab. 399
  • p. 270-275 (Cat.-No. VIII) = P.Mozarab. 1012
  • p. 281-289 (Cat.-No. XXI) = P.Mozarab. 1014
  • p. 299-301 (Cat.-No. XLV) = P.Mozarab. 1039
  • p. 304-305 = P.Mozarab. 1082a
  • p. 307-310 (Cat.-No. XLVII) = P.Mozarab. 977


= Fatimid Decrees: Original Documents from the Fatimid Chancery, ed. S. M. Stern. London 1964. Nos. 1-10 on paper. APD


= The Monasteries of the Fayyum, by N. Abbott. Chicago 1937. (Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilizations 16). Nos. 1-3 on parchment. The following document has been republished: APD

  • 3 = Chrest.Khour. I 74


= Hommes et villages du Fayyoum dans la documentation papyrologique arabe (Xe-XIe siècles), ed. C. Gaubert and J.-M. Mouton, Geneva 2014 (Hautes études orientales - Moyen et Proche-Orient 6, 52). Nos. 1-25 on parchment, nos. 26-45 on paper. APD


= I diplomi arabi del r. archivio fiorentino, ed. M. Amari. Florence 1863. In introduction, nos. 1-84 on paper are mentioned: Nos. 1-5, 7-10, 12, 14, 16, 38, 42, 47, 49-50, 57-58, 69 are in Latin; nos. 6, 13, 17, 20, 23, 44, 53, 62 are bilingual Arabic/Latin; nos. 60, 64, 83-84 are bilingual Arabic/Italian; nos. 11, 41, 45-46, 51, 54, 59, 63, 65-67, 68 (Venetian dialect), 71-74, 76, 80, 82 are in Italian; nos. 15, 19, 21-22, 24-37, 39-40, 43, 48, 52, 55, 61, 70, 75, 77-79, 81 are in Arabic; no. 56 contains Italian written in Arabic characters. The editions are quoted according to numbers in the edition part: Serie prima: Diplomi arabi nos. 1-46; serie seconda: Versioni latine e italiani contemporanee nos. 1-52. The following texts from the serie prima have been republished: APD

  • 2 = P.LettresAlmohades 32 = Buresi, P., "Les plaintes de l'archevêque," Martínez de Castilla, N. (ed.), Documentos y manuscritos árabes del Occidente musulmán medieval, Madrid 2010, 87-120, no. 1.
  • 3 = P.LettresAlmohades 33 = Buresi, P., "Les plaintes de l'archevêque," Martínez de Castilla, N. (ed.), Documentos y manuscritos árabes del Occidente musulmán medieval, Madrid 2010, 87-120, no. 2.
  • 6 = P.LettresAlmohades 46 = Buresi, P., "Les documents arabes et latins échangés entre Pise et L’Empire almohade en 596-598/1200-1202," A. Regourd (ed.), Documents et histoire: Islam, VIIe-XVIe siècle, Genève 2013, 13-88, no. 1
  • 9 = P.LettresAlmohades 47 = Buresi, P., "Traduttore, Traditore, à propos d’une correspondance arabe-latine entre l’empire almohade et le cité de Pise (début XIIIe siècle)," OrMod 88,2 (2008) 297-309. = Buresi, P., "Les documents arabes et latins échangés entre Pise et L’Empire almohade en 596-598/1200-1202," A. Regourd (ed.), Documents et histoire: Islam, VIIe-XVIe siècle, Genève 2013, 13-88, no. 2
  • 11 = P.LettresAlmohades 50 = Buresi, P., "Les documents arabes et latins échangés entre Pise et L’Empire almohade en 596-598/1200-1202," A. Regourd (ed.), Documents et histoire: Islam, VIIe-XVIe siècle, Genève 2013, 13-88, no. 3
  • 12 = P.LettresAlmohades 51 = Buresi, P., "Les documents arabes et latins échangés entre Pise et L’Empire almohade en 596-598/1200-1202," A. Regourd (ed.), Documents et histoire: Islam, VIIe-XVIe siècle, Genève 2013, 13-88, no. 4
  • 13 = P.LettresAlmohades 52 = Buresi, P., "Les documents arabes et latins échangés entre Pise et L’Empire almohade en 596-598/1200-1202," A. Regourd (ed.), Documents et histoire: Islam, VIIe-XVIe siècle, Genève 2013, 13-88, no. 5
  • 21 = P.LettresAlmohades 53 = Buresi, P., "Les documents arabes et latins échangés entre Pise et L’Empire almohade en 596-598/1200-1202," A. Regourd (ed.), Documents et histoire: Islam, VIIe-XVIe siècle, Genève 2013, 13-88, no. 6
  • 23 = Stern, S. M., "Petitions from the Ayyubid Period," BSOAS 27 (1964) 1-32, no. 1
  • 43 = Wansbrough, J., "The Safe-Conduct in Muslim Chancery Practice," BSOAS 34 (1971) 20-35.

P.Flor.Arab. Appendice

= I diplomi arabi del r. archivio fiorentino, Appendice, ed. M. Amari. Florence 1867. Ser. 1 no. 1 is an Arabic peace treaty. Ser. 2 nos. 1-32 are Latin and Italian documents.


= Mélanges Jean Gascou: Textes et études papyrologiques (P.Gascou), ed. J.-L. Fournet, A. Papaconstantinou. Paris 2016 (Travaux et Mémoires 20/1). Nos. 1—88. No. 27 is Greek/Arabic, nos. 52-58 Arabic. APD


= "The Compassionate and Benevolent": The Leading Elite in the Jewish Community of Alexandria in the Middle Ages ("Ha-Ohavim ṿeha-nedivim": ʿilit manhigah be-ḳerev Yehude Aleksandriyah bi-Yeme ha-Benayim), ed. M. Frenkel. Paris 2006. Nos. 1-100. Except for nos. 57, 60, 65, 86, 90,  and 95, which are written partly in arabic scrpt, all documents are Judaeo-Arabic.


= Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents in the Cambridge Genizah Collections, ed. G. Khan. Cambridge 1993. Nos. 1-159. Nos. 1, 3, 10, 21-22, 24-26, 32, 33, 43, 44, 47-57, 60-118 and 120-159 are paper. The others are parchment. See J. D. Latham, JSS 41 (1996) 164-169. One documents has been republished: APD

  • 125 = P.Heid.Arab. III p. 195


= Gottheil, Richard/Worrell, William H., Fragments from the Cairo Geniza in the Freer Collection, New York 1927 (University of Michigan Studies Humanistic Series 13). Nos. 1-4, 7-9, 12-14, 18, 21-22, 25-28, 30, 33-36, 40, 42-43, 45 are Judaeo-Arabic or include some Arabic elements, no. 16 is Arabic and has been reedited in: APD

  • 16 = Khan, G., "An Arabic Document of Acknowledgement from the Cairo Genizah," JNES 53 (1994) 117-124.


= Documents of the Jewish Pious Foundations from the Cairo Genizah, ed. M. Gil. Leiden 1976. (Publications of the Diaspora Research Institute, Tel Aviv University 2). Nos. 1-147 on paper. All texts are Judeo-Arabic.


= Jews in Islamic Countries in the Middle Ages (Be-malkhut Yishmael bi-tekufat ha-geonim), ed. M. Gil. Tel Aviv 1997. 4 vols. The first introductory volume has been translated into English under the same title (tr. D. Strassler. Leiden 2004. Etudes sur le judaïsme médiéval 28). Nos. 1-846 on paper. Nos. 115, 231, 279 and 500 are entirely in Arabic. The others are Judeo-Arabic, many have Arabic addresses.


= A History of Palestine 634-1099 (Erets-Yisra'el ba-tekufah ha-Muslemit ha-rishonah, 634-1099), ed. M. Gil. Tel Aviv 1983. 3 vols. The first introductory volume has been translated into English under the same title (tr. E. Broido. Cambridge 1997). Nos. 1-619 on paper. Nos. 141, 195-196, 249, 311, 315, 332, and 593 are entirely in Arabic; nos. 167-168, 197, 346, 353, 355-357, 456, and 460 are partially in Arabic. The others are Judeo-Arabic, many with addresses in Arabic. Several Arabic texts have been republished:

  • 196 = P.GenizahCambr. 73
  • 249 = Gil, M., "Religion and Realities in Islamic Taxation", IOS 10 (1983) 21-33.


= Die arabischen Papyri aus der Giessener Universitätsbibliothek, ed. A. Grohmann. Giessen 1960. (Nachrichten der Giessener Hochschulgesellschaft 28). Nos. 1-48. Nos. 16 and 17 are leather; no. 37 is paper and no. 43 is parchment. Nos. 1-18 also appeared in Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts, (Cairo University) 17(1955) 45-109. Corrections in: Diem, W., "Philologisches zu arabischen Dokumenten. I: Dokumente aus Sammlungen in Prag, Giessen und Jerusalem," ZAL 55 (2012) 5-43. Some texts have been republished: APD

  • p. 33 a = P.RagibSauf-conduits 4
  • 13 = P.Alqab 119


= Documentos arábigo-granadinos, ed. L. Seco de Lucena. Madrid 1961. Nos. 1-95 on paper. No. 93 is the republication of: Seco de Lucena Paredes, L., "Escrituras de donación arábigo granadinas," RIEEI 5 (1957) S. 65-78. No. 4. No. 16 is the republication of: Seco de Lucena Paredes, L., "Notas para el estudio de Granada bajo la dominación musulmana, Acerca de algunas familias ilustres arabigogranadinas," MEAH 1 (1952) 27-49. The following texts have been republished:

  • 1 = P.GranadaNazari 1
  • 4 = P.GranadaNazari 2
  • 57 = P.GranadaNazari 5
  • 65 = P.GranadaNazari 6
  • 81 = P.GranadaNazari 7
  • 95 = P.GranadaNazari 8


= Viejos Documentos del Reino Nazari de Granada, ed. A. García Valdecasas / L. Seco de Lucena Paredes, Madrid 1969. Nos. 1-8 on paper. APD

P.Grenf. II

= New Classical Fragments and Other Greek and Latin Papyri, ed. B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt, Oxford 1897. Nos. 1—113. Nos. 105 and 106 contain some lines in Arabic. APD


I = Arabische Papyri aus der Papyrussammlung der Hamburger Staats-und Universitäts-Bibliothek, ed. A. Dietrich. Leipzig 1937. (Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 22, 3). Nos. 1-19. Nos. 1, 4-6 and 11-13 are paper. The following text has been republished: APD

  • 4 = Chrest.Khoury I 44

II = Arabische Briefe aus der Papyrussammlung der Hamburger Staats-und Universitäts-Bibliothek, ed. A. Dietrich. Hamburg 1955. (Veröffentlichungen aus der Hamburger Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek 5). Nos. 1-69; nos. 6, 33, 41 and 56 are paper. Corrections in W. Diem, "Philologisches zu den arabischen Papyri der Hamburger Staats- und Universitäts-Bibliothek", ZAL 45 (2006) 7-54. APD


 I = Watha'iq maqdisiyya ta'rikhiyya I. (Jerusalem Historical Documents), ed. K. J. ʿAsali. Amman 1983. Corrections of nos. 7, 8, 9, 11-16, 19-25, 32, 74 as nos. 3-18 in W. Diem, "Philologisches zu mamlukischen Erlassen, Eingaben und Dienstschreiben des Jerusalemer al-Haram al-sharif," ZAL 33 (1997) 7-67. Several texts have been republished: APD

  • 8 = P.WataiqAlHaram 1
  • 27 = Müller, C., "Crimes without Criminals? Legal Documents on Fourteenth-Century Injury and Homicide Cases from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem", M. van Berkel / L. Buskens / P. M. Sijpesteijn (eds.), Legal Documents as Sources for the History of Muslim Societies: Studies in Honour of Rudolph Peters, Leiden 2017, 129-179 no. 6.
  • 43 = P.WataiqAlHaram 6
  • 44 = P.WataiqAlHaram 7 = Little, D. P., "Ḥaram documents related to the Jews of late fourteenth century Jerusalem", JSS 30 (1985) 227-264, no. 2.
  • 49 = P.WataiqAlHaram 4

II = Watha'iq maqdisiyya ta'rikhiyya. II (Jerusalem Historical Documents), ed. K. J. ʿAsali. Amman 1985. Corrections of nos. 58, 60 as nos. 19, 20 in W. Diem, "Philologisches zu mamlukischen Erlassen, Eingaben und Dienstschreiben des Jerusalemer al-Haram al-sharif," ZAL 33 (1997) 7-67. Several texts have been republished: APD

  • 1 = Little, D. P., "A fourteenth-century Jerusalem court record of a divorce hearing: A case study", D. J. Wasserstein / A. Ayalon (eds.), Mamluks and Ottomans: Studies in honour of Michael Winter, London 2006, 67-85.
  • 17 = Richards, D. S., "The Qasama in Mamluk Society: Some Documents from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem," AnnIslam 25 (1990) 245-284, no. 4.
  • 18 = P.WataiqAlHaram 5 = Little, D. P., "Ḥaram documents related to the Jews of late fourteenth century Jerusalem", JSS 30 (1985) 227-264, no. 3 = Richards, D. S., "The Qasama in Mamluk Society: Some Documents from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem," AnnIslam 25 (1990) 245-284, no. 7.
  • 19 = Richards, D. S., "The Qasama in Mamluk Society: Some Documents from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem," AnnIslam 25 (1990) 245-284, no. 5.
  • 20 = Richards, D. S., "The Qasama in Mamluk Society: Some Documents from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem," AnnIslam 25 (1990) 245-284, no. 11.
  • 21 = Richards, D. S., "The Qasama in Mamluk Society: Some Documents from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem," AnnIslam 25 (1990) 245-284, no. 8.
  • 22 = Richards, D. S., "The Qasama in Mamluk Society: Some Documents from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem," AnnIslam 25 (1990) 245-284, no. 9.
  • 23 = Müller, C., "Crimes without Criminals? Legal Documents on Fourteenth-Century Injury and Homicide Cases from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem", M. van Berkel / L. Buskens / P. M. Sijpesteijn (eds.), Legal Documents as Sources for the History of Muslim Societies: Studies in Honour of Rudolph Peters, Leiden 2017, 129-179, no. 3.
  • 47 = Müller, C., "Crimes without Criminals? Legal Documents on Fourteenth-Century Injury and Homicide Cases from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem", M. van Berkel / L. Buskens / P. M. Sijpesteijn (eds.), Legal Documents as Sources for the History of Muslim Societies: Studies in Honour of Rudolph Peters, Leiden 2017, 129-179, no. 1.


= A Catalogue of the Islamic Documents from al-Haram As-Sharif in Jerusalem, by D. P. Little. (Beiruter Texte und Studien 29). Beirut 1984. Not an edition of texts but a catalogue of 883 documents. The items are organized by type. 28 are Persian; the others Arabic. All written on paper except for nos. 15, 38, 39, 42, 44, 47, 54, 321, 322, 323, 327, 328, 329, 352, 353, 354, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 834, 853, and 883 on parchment. Some nos. of the catalogue have been edited:

  • 1 = P.Haram I 11
  • 2 = P.Haram I 14
  • 3 = P.Haram I 12
  • 4 = P.Haram I 13
  • 5 = Frenkel, Y., "The relationship between Mamluk officials and the urban civilian population. A study of some legal documents from Jerusalem," J. Pahlitzsch / L. Korn (eds.), Governing the Holy City: The interaction of social groups in Jerusalem between the Fatimid and the Ottoman period, Wiesbaden 2004, 191-198, no. 1.
  • 6 = Ġawānma, Y. D., Taʾrīḫ niyābat Bayt al-Maqdis fī l-ʿaṣr al-mamlūkī, Amman 1982, no. 8 = P.Haram I 9
  • 7 = P.Haram I 16-17
  • 8 = P.Haram I 8 = P.WataiqAlHaram 1
  • 9 = Little, D. P., "Five petitions and consequential decrees from late fourteenth century Jerusalem", AJH 14 / 54 (1996) 348-396, no. 5.
  • 10 = P.Haram I 22-23
  • 12 = P.Haram I 19
  • 13 = P.Haram I 20-21
  • 14 = P.Haram I 15
  • 20 = Ġawānma, Y. D., Taʾrīḫ niyābat Bayt al-Maqdis fī l-ʿaṣr al-mamlūkī, Amman 1982, no. 9 = P.WataiqAlHaram 2
  • 22 = P.Haram I 33
  • 25 = Little, D. P., "Five petitions and consequential decrees from late fourteenth century Jerusalem", AJH 14 / 54 (1996) 348-396, no. 1.
  • 26 = P.Haram I 18
  • 28 = P.Haram I 28-29
  • 30 = P.Haram II 47 = Müller, C., "Crimes without Criminals? Legal Documents on Fourteenth-Century Injury and Homicide Cases from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem", M. van Berkel / L. Buskens / P. M. Sijpesteijn (eds.), Legal Documents as Sources for the History of Muslim Societies: Studies in Honour of Rudolph Peters, Leiden 2017, 129-179, no. 1.
  • 32 = P.Haram I 26
  • 34 = P.Haram I 7
  • 35 = P.Haram I 47
  • 36 = P.Haram I 32
  • 39 = Müller, C., "Écrire pour établir la preuve orale en Islam: la pratique d’un tribunal à Jérusalem au XIVe siècle", A. Saito / Y. Nakamura (eds.), Les outils de la pensée. Étude historique et comparative des «textes», Paris 2010, 63-97, no. 1.
  • 43 = Ġawānma, Y. D., Taʾrīḫ niyābat Bayt al-Maqdis fī l-ʿaṣr al-mamlūkī, Amman 1982, no. 10.
  • 46 = P.Haram I 34
  • 47 = P.Haram I 37
  • 48 = P.Haram I 38
  • 59 = Richards, D. S., “The Mamlūk barīd: some evidence from the Haram documents”, A. Hadidi (ed.), SHAJ 3, Amman 1987, 205-209, no. 2
  • 67 = P.Haram II 60
  • 68 = Diem, W., "Philologisches zu mamlūkischen Erlassen, Eingaben und Dienstschreiben des Jerusalemer al-Ḥaram aš-Šarīf“, ZAL 33 (1997) 7-67, no. 2.
  • 74 = P.Haram I 46
  • 75 = Müller, C., "Crimes without Criminals? Legal Documents on Fourteenth-Century Injury and Homicide Cases from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem", M. van Berkel / L. Buskens / P. M. Sijpesteijn (eds.), Legal Documents as Sources for the History of Muslim Societies: Studies in Honour of Rudolph Peters, Leiden 2017, 129-179, no. 2.
  • 82 = P.Quds p. 37-38
  • 108 = Lutfi, H., "A Study of Six Fourteenth Century Iqrārs from al-Quds Relating to Muslim Women, JESHO 26 (1983) p. 267-269.
  • 133 = Little, D. P., "Documents Related to the Estates of a Merchant and His Wife in Late Fourteenth Century Jerusalem," MSR 2 (1998) 93-193, no. 1.
  • 163 = P.Haram I 43 = P.WataiqAlHaram 6
  • 181 = Müller, C., "Constats d'héritages dans la Jérusalem mamelouke: les témoins du cadi dans un document inédit du Haram al-Sarif," AnnIslam 35 (2001) 291-319.
  • 182 = P.Haram I 48
  • 183 = P.Haram II 37
  • 184 = P.Haram II 38 = Lutfi, H., "A Study of Six Fourteenth Century Iqrārs from al-Quds Relating to Muslim Women, JESHO 26 (1983) p. 262-266.
  • 186 = P.Haram II 30
  • 192 = P.Haram II 36
  • 197 = P.Haram II 8
  • 198 = P.Haram II 28
  • 199 = P.Haram II 27
  • 200 = P.Haram II 24
  • 201 = P.Haram II 29
  • 202 = P.Haram II 32
  • 203 = P.Haram II 61
  • 205 = P.Haram II 40 = Lutfi, H., "A Study of Six Fourteenth Century Iqrārs from al-Quds Relating to Muslim Women, JESHO 26 (1983) p. 269-273.
  • 206 = P.Haram II 35
  • 209 = P.Haram II 44
  • 211 = P.Haram I 10
  • 211 1 = P.Haram II 25
  • 211 2 = P.Haram II 26
  • 214 = Diem, W., "Philologisches zu mamlūkischen Erlassen, Eingaben und Dienstschreiben des Jerusalemer al-Ḥaram aš-Šarīf“, ZAL 33 (1997) 7-67, no. 1.
  • 215 = Little, D. P., "Five petitions and consequential decrees from late fourteenth century Jerusalem", AJH 14 / 54 (1996) 348-396, no. 2.
  • 223 = P.Haram II 20 = Richards, D. S., "The Qasama in Mamluk Society: Some Documents from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem," AnnIslam 25 (1990) 245-284, no. 11.
  • 229 = P.Haram I 30
  • 232 = P.Haram I 24
  • 265 = P.Haram II 21 = Richards, D. S., "The Qasama in Mamluk Society: Some Documents from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem," AnnIslam 25 (1990) 245-284, no. 8.
  • 269 = P.Quds p. 46-48
  • 272 = Richards, D. S., “The Mamlūk barīd: some evidence from the Haram documents”, A. Hadidi (ed.), SHAJ 3, Amman 1987, 205-209, no. 1.
  • 278 = P.Haram I 25
  • 287 = P.Haram II 39 = Lutfi, H., "A Study of Six Fourteenth Century Iqrārs from al-Quds Relating to Muslim Women, JESHO 26 (1983) p. 273-277.
  • 288 = P.Haram II 48
  • 289 = P.Haram II 42 = Lutfi, H., "A Study of Six Fourteenth Century Iqrārs from al-Quds Relating to Muslim Women, JESHO 26 (1983) p. 258-262.
  • 292 = P.Haram II 23 = Müller, C., "Crimes without Criminals? Legal Documents on Fourteenth-Century Injury and Homicide Cases from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem", M. van Berkel / L. Buskens / P. M. Sijpesteijn (eds.), Legal Documents as Sources for the History of Muslim Societies: Studies in Honour of Rudolph Peters, Leiden 2017, 129-179, no. 3.
  • 293 = Richards, D. S., "The Qasama in Mamluk Society: Some Documents from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem," AnnIslam 25 (1990) 245-284, no. 3.
  • 298 = Little, D. P., "Six Fourteenth Century Deeds for Slaves from al-Haram al-Sharif," ZDMG 131 (1981) 297-337, no. 5 = P.Haram II 53
  • 301 = P.Haram II 6
  • 303 = Frenkel, Y., "The relationship between Mamluk officials and the urban civilian population. A study of some legal documents from Jerusalem," J. Pahlitzsch / L. Korn (eds.), Governing the Holy City: The interaction of social groups in Jerusalem between the Fatimid and the Ottoman period, Wiesbaden 2004, 191-198, no. 2.
  • 305 = Little, D. P., "Five petitions and consequential decrees from late fourteenth century Jerusalem", AJH 14 / 54 (1996) 348-396, no. 4.
  • 307 = P.Haram II 58
  • 310 = Little, D. P., "Five petitions and consequential decrees from late fourteenth century Jerusalem", AJH 14 / 54 (1996) 348-396, no. 3.
  • 312 = P.Haram II 34
  • 315 = P.Haram II 43 = Lutfi, H., "A Study of Six Fourteenth Century Iqrārs from al-Quds Relating to Muslim Women, JESHO 26 (1983) p. 278-287.
  • 316 = Little, D. P., "Six Fourteenth Century Deeds for Slaves from al-Haram al-Sharif," ZDMG 131 (1981) 297-337, no. 3 = P.Haram II 52
  • 326 = P.WataiqAlHaram 3
  • 330 = Naṣr ʿAbd ar-Raḥmān, M., "al-Taʿāmulāt al-qaḍāʾiyya li-ahl al-ḏimma fī al-Quds al-mamlūkiyya fī ḍawʾ waṯāʾiq al-Ḥaram al-qudsī", al-Muʾarriḫ al-ʿArabī 22 (2014) 157-184 = AnnIslam 50 (2016), 343–363
  • 331 = P.Haram II 15
  • 334 = P.Haram II 2
  • 335 = P.Haram I 44 = P.WataiqAlHaram 7 = Little, D. P., “Ḥaram documents related to the Jews of late fourteenth century Jerusalem”, JSS 30 (1985) 227-264, no. 2.
  • 336 = P.Haram I 49 = P.WataiqAlHaram 4
  • 346 = P.Haram II 33
  • 348 = P.Haram I 39
  • 355 = Little, D. P., "Documents Related to the Estates of a Merchant and His Wife in Late Fourteenth Century Jerusalem," MSR 2 (1998) 93-193, no. 3-4.
  • 367 = P.Haram I 35
  • 373 = Müller, C., "Crimes without Criminals? Legal Documents on Fourteenth-Century Injury and Homicide Cases from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem", M. van Berkel / L. Buskens / P. M. Sijpesteijn (eds.), Legal Documents as Sources for the History of Muslim Societies: Studies in Honour of Rudolph Peters, Leiden 2017, 129-179, no. 4.
  • 374 = Richards, D. S., “The Mamlūk barīd: some evidence from the Haram documents”, A. Hadidi (ed.), SHAJ 3, Amman 1987, 205-209, no. 3.
  • 376 = P.Haram I 42
  • 382 = Little, D. P., "Six Fourteenth Century Deeds for Slaves from al-Haram al-Sharif," ZDMG 131 (1981) 297-337, no. 2 = P.Haram I 36
  • 395 = P.Haram I 41
  • 412 = P.Quds p. 44-45
  • 458 = P.Haram II 41
  • 459 = P.Haram II 31
  • 460 = P.Haram II 10
  • 461 = P.Haram II 9
  • 467 = P.Haram II 7
  • 469 = P.Quds p. 49-50
  • 488 = P.Haram II 19 = Richards, D. S., "The Qasama in Mamluk Society: Some Documents from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem," AnnIslam 25 (1990) 245-284, no. 5.
  • 490 = P.Haram II 50
  • 494 = P.WataiqAlHaram 9
  • 501 = P.Haram I 45
  • 535 = Richards, D. S., “The Mamlūk barīd: some evidence from the Haram documents”, A. Hadidi (ed.), SHAJ 3, Amman 1987, 205-209, no. 4.
  • 554 = Little, D. P., “Ḥaram documents related to the Jews of late fourteenth century Jerusalem”, JSS 30 (1985) 227-264, no. 1.
  • 573 = P.Haram II 57
  • 574 = Little, D. P., "Six Fourteenth Century Deeds for Slaves from al-Haram al-Sharif," ZDMG 131 (1981) 297-337, no. 1 = P.Haram II 54-55
  • 577 = P.Quds p. 41-43
  • 586 = P.Haram II 56
  • 591 = Little, D. P., "Documents Related to the Estates of a Merchant and His Wife in Late Fourteenth Century Jerusalem," MSR 2 (1998) 93-193, no. 2.
  • 593 = Richards, D. S., “Glimpses of provincial Mamluk society from the documents of the Ḥaram al-Sharīf in Jerusalem”, M. Winter / A. Levanoni (eds.), The Mamluks in Egyptian and Syrian politics and society, Leiden 2004 (The Medieval Mediterranean 51), 45-57.
  • 595 = P.Haram II 49
  • 596 = Richards, D. S., "The Qasama in Mamluk Society: Some Documents from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem," AnnIslam 25 (1990) 245-284, no. 10.
  • 603 = P.Haram II 59
  • 607 = P.Quds p. 54-60 = Lutfi, H., "A Documentary Source for the Study of Material Life: A Specimen of the Haram Estate Inventories from al-Quds in 1393 A.D.," ZMDG 135 (1985) 213-226.
  • 609 = P.Haram II 12
  • 613 = P.Haram II 51
  • 616 = Little, D. P., "Two petitions and consequential court records from the Ḥaram Collection", JSAI 25 (2001) 171-194, no. 2.
  • 628 = Müller, C., "Crimes without Criminals? Legal Documents on Fourteenth-Century Injury and Homicide Cases from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem", M. van Berkel / L. Buskens / P. M. Sijpesteijn (eds.), Legal Documents as Sources for the History of Muslim Societies: Studies in Honour of Rudolph Peters, Leiden 2017, 129-179, no. 5.
  • 635 = P.Haram II 5
  • 636 = P.Haram II 18 = P.WataiqAlHaram 5 = P.LittleJews 3 = Richards, D. S., "The Qasama in Mamluk Society: Some Documents from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem," AnnIslam 25 (1990) 245-284, no. 7.
  • 640 = P.Haram II 16
  • 642 = P.Haram I 27 = Müller, C., "Crimes without Criminals? Legal Documents on Fourteenth-Century Injury and Homicide Cases from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem", M. van Berkel / L. Buskens / P. M. Sijpesteijn (eds.), Legal Documents as Sources for the History of Muslim Societies: Studies in Honour of Rudolph Peters, Leiden 2017, 129-179, no. 6.
  • 645 = P.Haram II 46
  • 647 = P.Haram II 14
  • 647 1 = P.Haram II 13
  • 648 = P.Haram II 4
  • 649 = Little, D. P., "Two fourteenth-century court records from Jerusalem concerning the disposition of slaves by minors", Arabica 29 (1982) 17-28, no. 1 = P.Haram II 3
  • 650 = Little, D. P., "Two fourteenth-century court records from Jerusalem concerning the disposition of slaves by minors", Arabica 29 (1982) 17-28, no. 2.
  • 653 = P.Haram II 1 = Little, D. P., "A fourteenth-century Jerusalem court record of a divorce hearing: A case study", D. J. Wasserstein / A. Ayalon (eds.), Mamluks and Ottomans: Studies in honour of Michael Winter, London 2006, 67-85.
  • 654 = Little, D. P., "Two petitions and consequential court records from the Ḥaram Collection", JSAI 25 (2001) 171-194, no. 1.
  • 688 = Little, D. P., "Six Fourteenth Century Deeds for Slaves from al-Haram al-Sharif," ZDMG 131 (1981) 297-337, no. 4
  • 691 = Richards, D. S., "The Qasama in Mamluk Society: Some Documents from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem," AnnIslam 25 (1990) 245-284, no. 2.
  • 694 = P.Quds p. 51-53
  • 695 = P.Haram II 11
  • 697 = P.Haram II 22 = Richards, D. S., "The Qasama in Mamluk Society: Some Documents from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem," AnnIslam 25 (1990) 245-284, no. 9.
  • 703 = P.Haram II 17 = Richards, D. S., "The Qasama in Mamluk Society: Some Documents from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem," AnnIslam 25 (1990) 245-284, no. 4.
  • 706 = P.Haram II 45
  • 710 = P.Haram I 40
  • 712 = Richards, D. S., "The Qasama in Mamluk Society: Some Documents from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem," AnnIslam 25 (1990) 245-284, no. 1.
  • 720 = Müller, C., "Écrire pour établir la preuve orale en Islam: la pratique d’un tribunal à Jérusalem au XIVe siècle", A. Saito / Y. Nakamura (eds.), Les outils de la pensée. Étude historique et comparative des «textes», Paris 2010, 63-97, no. 2.
  • 767 ǧ = P.Quds p. 64-66
  • 770 ṯ = Richards, D. S., “The Mamlūk barīd: some evidence from the Haram documents”, A. Hadidi (ed.), SHAJ 3, Amman 1987, 205-209, no. 5.
  • 833 = P.Haram I 31
  • 840 = P.Quds p. 39-40
  • 847 = Richards, D. S., "The Qasama in Mamluk Society: Some Documents from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem," AnnIslam 25 (1990) 245-284, no. 6.
  • 849 = P.Quds p. 61-63


= Wiener Papyri als Festgabe zum 60. Geburtstag von Hermann Harrauer, ed. B. Palme. Vienna 2001. Nos. 1-62. Nos. 1-3, 28-36, 38-45, 47-56 and 58-60 are Greek. Nos. 4 and 57 are Coptic. Nos. 5-11, 12-15 and 32-33 are Demotic. No. 37 is Latin. No. 61 is Arabic. Nos. 26-27 are Demotic and Greek. No. 46 is Greek and Latin. No. 62 is a medieval bilingual glossary (Latin/Greek). Nos. 1-2, 4, 12-36, 38-61 are papyri; nos. 5-11, 26-27 and 37 are ostraca. No. 3 is a tablet. APD


I = Papyri Haunienses (P.Haun.). Part I, ed. A. Hanafi, Kairo 1989. (Bulletin of the Center of Papyrological Studies (B.A.C.P.S.) [Ain Shams University. Center of Papyrological Studies] = Maǧallat ad-Dirāsāt al-Bardīya [Ǧāmiʿat ʿAyn Šams. Markaz ad-Dirāsāt al-Bardīya] 6). Nos. 1-10. Nos. 1-6; 9-10 on papyrus, nos. 7-8 on paper. Nos. 1-6 have some Greek words or numbers in it. No. 7 and 8 are literary.


I = Papyri Schott-Reinhardt I, ed. C. H. Becker, Heidelberg 1906. (Veröffentlichungen aus der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung 3). Nos. 1-22 with an appendix of 12 Strasbourg texts. Nos. 5, 7-9, 21, 22 and the 12 texts in the appendix are bilingual, Arabic and Greek. The Greek texts have been reprinted in SB I 5638-5655. Cf. W. Diem, "Philologisches zu den arabischen Aphrodito-Papyri", Der Islam 61 (1984) 251-275. The following Arabic texts have been republished: APD

  • 1 = P.World p. 124 = Chrest.Khoury I 90 = P.Alqab 6 = P.Mudun 8
  • 2 = P.Alqab 7 = P.Mudun 9
  • 3 = Chrest.Khoury I 91 = P.Alqab 8
  • 5 = Chrest.Khoury I 93 = P.Mudun 11
  • 6 = Chrest.Khoury I 94 = P.Alqab 9 = P.Mudun 12
  • 8 = P.Mudun 32
  • 10 = P.Alqab 10 = P.Mudun 5
  • 21 = Becker, C. H., "Das Lateinische in den arabischen Papyrusprotokollen", ZA 22 (1909) 166-193, no. 8 = CPR III 74
  • p. 7 = P.Jahn 2

II = Arabische Briefe auf Papyrus und Papier aus der Heidelberger Papyrus-Sammlung, ed. W. Diem. Wiesbaden 1991. (Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophische-Historische Klasse. Kommission für Papyrus-Editionen). Vol. 1, Textband; vol. 2, Tafelband. Nos. 1-70. Nos. 2-4, 11, 13-16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 34-41, 44-48 and 59-70 are paper. There is a line of Coptic in no. 34. [OH] See Raghib, Y., "Compte rendu de: Diem, Werner, Arabische Briefe auf Papyrus und Papier aus der Heidelberger Papyrus-Sammlung, 2 Bände Wiesbaden 1991," Arabica 40 (1993) 439-441 and G. Khan, "Arabische Briefe auf Papyrus und Papier der Heidelberger Papyrus-Sammlung. By Werner Diem," BJMES (1992) 231-233. Several documents have been republished: APD

  • 1 recto = Chrest.Khoury I 96 = P.Alqab 67
  • 5 = P.Alqab 28+32
  • 8 = P.Alqab 65
  • 23 = P.Mudun 20
  • 30 = P.Alqab 53
  • 32 = P.Alqab 84
  • 35 = P.Mudun 14
  • 55 = P.Alqab 66

III = Arabische Briefe auf Papier aus der Heidelberger Papyrus-Sammlung, ed. W. Diem. Heidelberg 2013. Nos. 1-52. All documents on paper. Nos. 1-41, 43, 45 and 48 are Arabic, nos. 42, 44, 46 and 49 Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic, and nos. 47, 50 and 51 Judaeo-Arabic. For emendations see B. Liebrenz's review in Orientalische Literaturzeitung 110 (2015) 233-236. APD


= Ein arabisches Rechtsgutachten zum Eherecht aus dem 11.-12. Jahrhundert aus der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung, ed. W. Diem. Wiesbaden 2007. (Schriften der Max Freiherr von Oppenheim Stiftung 17) APD


= Gedenkschrift Ulrike Horak, ed. H. Harrauer and R. Pintaudi. (Pap.Flor. XXXIV). 2 volumes of texts and studies. Nos. 1-6, 8-14, 16-82 are Greek. No. 7 is a drawing. No. 83 is Demotic and no. 85 Arabic. No. 15 and no. 84 are Coptic. No.1 and 31-62 are ostraca; no. 14 is parchment; no. 18 is on wood; no. 28 is an inscription; nos. 68-79 are graffiti. APD


= The Jews in Sicily I: 383-1300, S. Simonsohn, Leiden (1997). One bilingual Greek-Arabic document with edition of the Greek part and English translations (by Moshe Gil) of the Arabic part: no. 185, p. 418-421.


= Younes, Kh. M., Joy and Sorrow in Early Muslim Egypt: Arabic Papyrus Letters; Text and Content, PhD Thesis, Universiteit Leiden, Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen 2013. Nos. 1-43 on papyrus. Several texts have been republished: APD

  • 19 = Younes, Kh. M., “Arabic Letters of Condolence on Papyrus”, S. Bouderbala / S. Denoix / M. Malczycki (eds.), New Frontiers of Arabic Papyrology, Arabic and Multilingual Texts from Early Islam (Islamic History and Civilization 144), Leiden 2017, 67-100, no. 2.
  • 20 = Younes, Kh. M., “Arabic Letters of Condolence on Papyrus”, S. Bouderbala / S. Denoix / M. Malczycki (eds.), New Frontiers of Arabic Papyrology, Arabic and Multilingual Texts from Early Islam (Islamic History and Civilization 144), Leiden 2017, 67-100, no. 5.


= Karaite Marriage Documents from the Cairo Genizah, ed. J. Olszowy-Schlanger. Leiden 1998. (Études sur le judaisme médiéval 20). Nos. 1-57. Only no. 7 is Arabic; the remainder Hebrew. APD


I = Arabic Papyri: Selected Material from the Khalili Collection, ed. G. Khan. Oxford 1992. (Studies in the Khalili Collection 1). Nos. 1-36. No. 13 is parchment. No. 1 is bilingual, Greek and Arabic, for which see N. Gonis, CdÉ 75 (2000) 128-132. For emendations see Diem, W., "Philologisches zu den Khalili Papyri," WZKM 83 (1993) 39-81; Diem, W. "Philologisches zu den Khalili Papyri II," WZKM 84 (1994) 57-92; and Diem, W., "Philologisches zu arabischen Steuerquittungen aus Ägypten (8.-11. Jahrhundert)", WZKM 96 (2006) 55-111. The following texts have been reedited: APD

  • 18 = Diem, W., "Philologisches zu den Khalili Papyri II," WZKM 84 (1994) 57-92, No. 4
  • 19 = Diem, W., "Philologisches zu den Khalili Papyri II," WZKM 84 (1994) 57-92, No. 5
  • 28 = Diem, W., "Philologisches zu den Khalili Papyri," WZKM 83 (1993) 39-81, No. 1
  • 32 = Diem, W., "Philologisches zu den Khalili Papyri," WZKM 83 (1993) 39-81, No. 2
  • 35 = Diem, W., "Philologisches zu den Khalili Papyri," WZKM 83 (1993) 39-81, No. 3

II = Bills, Letters and Deeds. Arabic Papyri of the 7th to 11th Centuries, ed. G. Khan. Oxford 1993. (Publications of the Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art 6). Not an edition but an illustrated catalogue of the papyri in the Khalili Collection. Nos. 1-258 including the 36 texts edited in P.Khalili I. See also J. D. Latham, JSS 41 (1996) 158-163. The following documents have been edited:

  • 1 = P.Khalili I 2
  • 2 = P.Khalili I 1
  • 4 = P.Khalili I 7
  • 5 = Bruning, J., "Developments in Egypt's early Islamic postal system (with an edition of P.Khalili II 5)", BSOAS 81 (2018) 25-40.
  • 6 = P.Khalili I 6
  • 9 recto = P.Khalili I 5
  • 10 = P.Khalili I 3
  • 17 recto = P.Khalili I 4
  • 20 = P.Khalili I 8
  • 28 = P.JoySorrow 11
  • 30 = P.Khalili I 15
  • 31 recto = P.Khalili I 24
  • 34 = P.Khalili I 14
  • 38 = P.Khalili I 21
  • 39 = P.Khalili I 31
  • 40 = P.Khalili I 34
  • 42 = P.Khalili I 16
  • 47 verso = P.Steuerquittungen 6
  • 54 verso = P.Khalili I 18
  • 55 = P.Khalili I 28
  • 58 =  P.Khalili I 22
  • 68 verso = P.Khalili I 19
  • 72 = P.Khalili I 29
  • 73 = P.Khalili I 20
  • 74 = P.Khalili I 17
  • 76 verso = P.Khalili I 30
  • 86 = P.Khalili I 23
  • 87 verso = P.Khalili I 35
  • 93 = P.Khalili I 36
  • 94 = P.Khalili I 27
  • 95 = P.Khalili I 32
  • 97 = P.Khalili I 9
  • 98 = P.Khalili I 10
  • 100 = P.Khalili I 12
  • 101 = P.Khalili I 13
  • 102 verso = P.Khalili I 11
  • 104 recto = Vanthieghem, N., "Les archives d’un maquignon d’Égypte médiévale", AnalPap 26 (2014), 291-315, no. 7.
  • 115 = P.JoySorrow 30
  • 192 = Vanthieghem, N., "Les archives d’un maquignon d’Égypte médiévale", AnalPap 26 (2014), 291-315, no. 8.


= Arabic Documents from Early Islamic Khurasan, ed. Geoffrey Khan. London 2007. (Studies in the Khalili Collection 5). Nos. 1- 32 on parchment. See Bosworth, C. E., "Review of: Khan, Geoffrey, Arabic documents from Early Islamic Khurasan, London 2007 (Studies in the Khalili Collection 5)," JSS 55 (2010) 618-62. APD


= Eine arabische Kaufurkunde von 1024 n. Chr. aus Ägypten, ed. Werner Diem. Wiesbaden 2004. (Schriften der Max Freiherr von Oppenheim Stiftung 16). One text on parchment. APD


Koptische Rechtsurkunden des achten Jahrhunderts aus Djême (Theben), ed. W. E. Crum. Leipzig 1912. (Reprint in Subsidia Byzantina lucis ope iterata 18, with an introduction by A. A. Schiller. Leipzig 1973). Nos. 1—123 are Coptic. Nos. 4, 6, 13-15, 19-20, 22, 24, 35-36, 41, 70, 82, 88, 99-100, and 106 contain some lines in Arabic. All Arabic texts have been republished: APD

  • 4 = CPR III 189
  • 6 = CPR III 191
  • 13 = CPR III 110
  • 14 = CPR III 190
  • 15 = CPR III 193
  • 19 = CPR III 216
  • 20 = CPR III 192
  • 22 = CPR III 125
  • 24 = CPR III 115
  • 35 = CPR III 9
  • 36 = CPR III 100
  • 41 = CPR III 117
  • 70 = CPR III 70
  • 82 = CPR III 128
  • 88 = CPR III 124
  • 99 = CPR III 135
  • 100 = CPR III 133
  • 106 = CPR III 109


Nouvelles lettres almohades, ed. Ahmed Azzaoui. Tome I: Kénitra 1995; Tome II: Kénitra 2001. (Publications de la Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines de Kénitra, Série: Textes et documents no. 1 et 2). Nos. 1-130. Nos. 32, 33, 35, 36, 46-53, 62, 105 mukarrar, 112, and 126 are editions of original documents; all others nos. are editions of literary transmitted letters. The following texts have been republished: APD

  • 32 = Buresi, P., "Les plaintes de l'archevêque," N. Martínez de Castilla (ed.), Documentos y manuscritos árabes del Occidente musulmán medieval, Madrid 2010, 87-120, no. 1.
  • 33 = Buresi, P., "Les plaintes de l'archevêque," N. Martínez de Castilla (ed.), Documentos y manuscritos árabes del Occidente musulmán medieval, Madrid 2010, 87-120, no. 2.
  • 46 = Buresi, P., "Les documents arabes et latins échangés entre Pise et L’Empire almohade en 596-598/1200-1202," A. Regourd (ed.), Documents et histoire: Islam, VIIe-XVIe siècle, Genève 2013, 13-88, no. 1
  • 47 = Buresi, P., "Traduttore, Traditore, à propos d’une correspondance arabe-latine entre l’empire almohade et le cité de Pise (début XIIIe siècle)," Oriente Moderno 88,2 (2008) 297-309. = Buresi, P., "Les documents arabes et latins échangés entre Pise et L’Empire almohade en 596-598/1200-1202," in: A. Regourd (ed.), Documents et histoire: Islam, VIIe-XVIe siècle, Genève 2013, 13-88, no. 2
  • 50 = Buresi, P., "Les documents arabes et latins échangés entre Pise et L’Empire almohade en 596-598/1200-1202," A. Regourd (ed.), Documents et histoire: Islam, VIIe-XVIe siècle, Genève 2013, 13-88, no. 3
  • 51 = Buresi, P., "Les documents arabes et latins échangés entre Pise et L’Empire almohade en 596-598/1200-1202," A. Regourd (ed.), Documents et histoire: Islam, VIIe-XVIe siècle, Genève 2013, 13-88, no. 4
  • 52 = Buresi, P., "Les documents arabes et latins échangés entre Pise et L’Empire almohade en 596-598/1200-1202," A. Regourd (ed.), Documents et histoire: Islam, VIIe-XVIe siècle, Genève 2013, 13-88, no. 5
  • 53 = Buresi, P., "Les documents arabes et latins échangés entre Pise et L’Empire almohade en 596-598/1200-1202," A. Regourd (ed.), Documents et histoire: Islam, VIIe-XVIe siècle, Genève 2013, 13-88, no. 6

P.Lond. IV

= The Aphrodito Papyri, ed. H. I. Bell, with an appendix of Coptic papyri ed. W.E. Crum. 1910. Nos. 1332—1646; nos. 1494—1646 are Coptic. Nos. 1340, 1346, 1353, 1356, 1359, 1360, 1362, 1368, 1370, 1375, 1378, 1413, 1418, 1431, 1433, 1434, 1435, 1450, 1451, 1460, 1462, 1494, 1496, 1523, 1540, 1542, 1545, 1575, 1581, 1610, and 1611 contain lines in Arabic. Some of these Arabic texts have been republished (Arabic parts): APD

  • 1340 = Cadell, H., "Nouveaux fragments de la correspondance de Kurrah ben Sharik," RechPap 4 (1968) 107-160, no. 1.
  • 1412 = CPR III 2
  • 1413 = CPR III 69
  • 1418 = CPR III 40
  • 1431 = CPR III 1
  • 1433 = CPR III 35
  • 1434 = CPR III 67
  • 1435 = CPR III 66
  • 1451 = CPR III 88
  • 1462a = CPR III 89
  • 1462c = CPR III 86
  • 1462f = CPR III 56
  • 1462g = CPR III 93
  • 1462h = CPR III 3
  • 1462i = CPR III 72
  • 1462k = CPR III 90
  • 1462l = CPR III 21
  • 1462m = CPR III 44
  • 1462 p = CPR III 1 36
  • 1462 p footnote = CPR III 1 46
  • 1462q = CPR III 17
  • 1462r = CPR III 20
  • 1462t = CPR III 14
  • 1462s = CPR III 15
  • 1462 u = P.Lond. IV 1611 = CPR III 1 22
  • 1462 y = CPR III 1 33
  • 1494 = CPR III 84
  • 1496 = CPR III 1 42
  • 1499 = CPR III 85
  • 1540 = CPR III 1 12
  • 1542 = CPR III 1 43
  • 1545 = CPR III 95
  • 1574 = CPR III 1 45
  • 1581 = CPR III 94
  • 1610 = CPR III 41


= Marchands d'étoffes du Fayyoum au IIIe/IXe siècle d'après leurs archives (actes et lettres), ed. Y. Ragib.

I, Les actes des Banu ʿAbd al-Mu'min. Cairo 1982. (AnnIslam. Supplément 2). Nos. 1-12. See W. Diem, "Neues zur arabischen Papyrologie, " Der Islam 64 (1987) 272-277. The following texts have been republished: APD

  • 1 = Chrest.Khoury I 60
  • 3 = P.Alqab 41
  • 6 = P.Alqab 44
  • 8 = Chrest.Khoury I 30 = P.Alqab 46

II, La Correspondence administrative et privée des Banu ʿAbd al-Mu'min. Cairo 1985. (AnnIslam. Supplément 5). Nos. 1-42. The following texts have been republished: APD

  • 12 = P.Berl.Arab. II 47
  • 32 = P.Berl.Arab. II 48

III, Lettres des Banu Thawr aux Banu ʿAbd al-Mu'min. Cairo 1992. (AnnIslam. Supplément 14) Nos. 1-44. The following texts have been republished: APD

  • 12 = P.Berl.Arab. II 46
  • 13 = P.Berl.Arab. II 44
  • 21 = P.Berl.Arab. II 45

V/I, Archives de trois commissionnaires. Cairo 1996. (AnnIslam. Supplément 16). Nos. 1-23. One text has been republished: APD

  • 5 = P.Alqab 55


= Documentos árabes granadinos del archivo del Marqués de Corvera (1399-1495), ed. Damaj, A. and García Luján, J. A., Huéscar 2012. For emendations see the the review of J. Ženka (Revista del CEHGR 26 (2014) 499–501). APD


= Mariage et séparation à Damas au moyen âge. Un corpus de 62 documents juridiques inédits entre 337/948 et 698/1299, ed. Mouton, J.-M., Sourdel, D., Sourdel-Thomine, J., Paris 2013 (Documents relatifs à l'histoire des croisades 21) . For emendations see the reviewv of B. Liebrenz (Archiv 60 (2014) 258-263). APD


= Papiri della Università degli Studi di Milano, ed. A. Vogliano. Milan 1961. There are 10 Arabic texts edited by A. Grohmann on pages 243-269. Nos. 2-10 are documentary; no. 3 is paper and has been republished: APD

  • 3 = Chrest.Khoury I 27


= Arabic Papyri from Khirbet el-Mird, ed. A. Grohmann. Leuven 1963. Nos. 1-100. Nos. 2-4 and 74-75 are bilingual, Greek and Arabic protocols. Corrections in: Diem, W., "Philologisches zu arabischen Dokumenten I: Dokumente aus Sammlungen in Prag, Giessen und Jerusalem," ZAL 55 (2012) 5-43. The following text has been republished: APD

  • 28 = Kister, M. J., "On an Early Fragment of the Qur'an," S. R. Brunswick (ed.), Studies in Judaica, Karaitica and Islamica Presented to Leon Nemoy on His Eightieth Birthday. Ramat-Gan 1982. 163-166.
  • 42 = Diem, W., "Philologisches zu arabischen Dokumenten I: Dokumente aus Sammlungen in Prag, Giessen und Jerusalem," ZAL 55 (2012), 36-39.
  • 47 = Kister, M. J., "On a Fragment of a Private Letter of the First Century A.H.," JSAI 3 (1981) 237-239 = Diem, W., "Eine umstrittene Stelle: APMḪ 47", ZAL 16 (1987) 120-122.


= Spanisch-islamische Urkunden aus der Zeit der Nasriden und Moriscos, ed. W. Hoenerbach. Bonn 1965. (Bonner Orientalistische Studien 15; also as University of California Publications: Near Eastern Studies 3). Nos. 1-60 on paper. Nos. 6-9, 14-18, 20-23, 28, 32, 38-39, 41, 45-47, 50-51 and 60 are written in al-Jamiado (SpanoArabic); no. 55 is bilingual Arabic-al-Jamiado list of plants and drugs; no. 56 is a bilingual Arabic-German wordlist. The following text has been republished: APD

  • 58 = P.PaisValenciano 267


= Los Mozarabes de Toledo en los siglos XII y XIII, ed. A. González Palencia. Madrid. All texts are parchment.

I, 1926. Nos. 1-382.

II, 1926. Nos. 383-726.

III, 1928. Nos. 727-1151.

A further volume of studies contains the indices and, in Appendix 3, nos. 1152-1175. 1930.

The texts 1132-1151 have been reedited and republished by Ferrando Frutos, Ignacio, 23 contratos comerciales escritos por los judíos de Toledo en los siglos XIII y XIV, Edición completa y estudio lingüístico de los datos judeo-árabes y andalusíes, Zaragoza 1994 [P.Toledo]. All of them are Judaeo-Arabic texts, written in the republication in Hebrew script as in the original. Besides these reeditions, P.Toledo contains three first editions (nos. 7, 22, and 23).

  • 1132 = P.Toledo. 3
  • 1133 = P.Toledo. 4
  • 1134 = P.Toledo. 5
  • 1135 = P.Toledo. 8
  • 1136 = P.Toledo. 10
  • 1137 = P.Toledo. 18
  • 1138 = P.Toledo. 19
  • 1139 = P.Toledo. 20
  • 1140 = P.Toledo. 21
  • 1141 = P.Toledo. 1
  • 1142 = P.Toledo. 2
  • 1143 = P.Toledo. 6
  • 1144 = P.Toledo. 9
  • 1145 = P.Toledo. 11
  • 1146 = P.Toledo. 12
  • 1147 = P.Toledo. 13
  • 1148 = P.Toledo. 14
  • 1149 = P.Toledo. 15
  • 1150 = P.Toledo. 16
  • 1151 = P.Toledo. 17


= al-Mudun wa-l-qurà l-miṣrīya fī l-bardīyāt al-ʿarabīya: Dirāsa aṯarīya wa-ḥaḍarīya (Nuṣūṣ ʿarabīya wa-dirāsāt islāmīya 48), ed. M. A. ʿAbd al-Laṭīf, Cairo 2012. Nos. 1-41. All nos. except for nos. 3, 13, 17, 18, 24, 30, and 34 are republications.


= Sijpesteijn, P. M., Shaping a Muslim state. The world of a mid-eigth-century Egyptian official, Oxford 2013 (Oxford Studies in Byzantium). Nos. 1-39 on papyrus. For emendations, see: N. Vanthieghem, "Review of P. M. Sijpesteijn, Shaping a Muslim State. The World of a Mid-Eighth-Century Egyptian Official (Oxford, 2013)", Le muséon 129 (2016) 238-241 and W. Diem, "Philologisches zu einem Korpus aus frühislamischer Zeit (P.MuslimState) Teil I", ZAL 64 (2016) 5-33; "Teil 2", ZAL 65 (2017) 5-37. APD


= Excavations at Nessana

I, Introductory Volume, ed. H. D. Colt. London 1962. Pages 259-262 contain a summary by P. Mayerson of Nessana papyri relating to agriculture.

III, Non-Literary Papyri, ed. C. J. Kraemer, Jr. Princeton 1958. Nos. 14-195. Nos. 56 and 60-67 are bilingual, Arabic and Greek; the rest are Greek. One Arabic text has been republished: APD

  • 60 = Grohmann, Adolf, "Zum Papyrusprotokoll in früharabischer Zeit", JÖBG 9 (1960) 1-19, no. 2.


Johns, J., Arabic administration in Norman Sicily: The royal dīwān (Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilizaton), Cambridge 2002.

I = Appendix 1: Catalogue of dīwānī documents, p. 301-314. Nos. 1-46. Most nos. have been edited:

  • 2 = Mortillaro, V., "Catalogo ragionato dei diplomi esistenti nel tabulario della metropolitana chiesa di Palermo", V. Mortillaro (ed.), Opere 1, Palermo 1843, 155-490, no. 5 = P.Sicilia 6 (Cattedrale di Palermo 1)
  • 4 = P.Sicilia 7 (Chiesa di Catania 1)
  • 7 = P.Sicilia 23 (San Filippo di Fragalà/Santa Maria di Maniaci 10) = G. La Mantia, Il primo documento in carta (Contessa Adelaide, 1109) esistente in Sicilia e rimasto sinora sconosciuto, Palermo 1908.
  • 12 = P.Sicilia 45 (Chiese di Patti e di Lipari 5) = Ménager, L. R., Amiratus - Ἀμηρᾶς, l’emirat e les origines de l‘Amirauté (Xie-XIIIe siècles), Paris 1960, no. 24.
  • 13 = P.Sicilia 47 (Chiese di Patti e di Lipari 6)
  • 18 = Gálvez, M. E., "Fragmento de Yarīda del Archivo Ducal de la Casa de Medinaceli de Sevilla," Historia, Instituciones, Documentos 16 (1989) 1-14 = Gálvez, M. E., "Noticia sobre los documentos árabes de Sicilia del Archivo Ducal de Medinaceli", B. Scarcia Amoretti (ed.), Giornata di studio, Del nuovo sulla Sicilia musulmana, Roma, 3 maggio 1993 (Accademia dei Lincei, Fondazione Leone Caetani 26), Rom 1995, 167–182.
  • 20 = Garofalo, A., Tabularium Regiae ac Imperialis Capellae Collegiatae Divi Petri in Regio Panormitano Palatio Ferdinandi II. Regni Utriusque Siciliae Regis iussu editum, Palermo 1835, no. 5 = P.Sicilia 70 (Capella Palatina, S. Maria dell' Ammiragli e Monasterio della Martorana di Palermo 5)
  • 21 = P.Sicilia 77 (Chiesa di Catania 7)
  • 22 = P.Sicilia 78 (Chiesa di Catania 8)
  • 24 = P.Sicilia 79 (Chiesa di Cefalu 2)
  • 25 = P.Sicilia 82 (Chiesa di Monreale 5)
  • 26 = P.Sicilia 73 (Diplomi varii 3)
  • 29 = P.Sicilia 89 (Cattedrale di Palermo 10) = Johns, J. / Metcalfe, A., "The Mystery at Chùrchuro: Conspiracy or Incompetence in Twelfth-Century Sicily?", BSOAS 62 (1999) 226-259, no. 1.
  • 30 = P.Sicilia 91 (Chiesa di Monreale 2)
  • 33 = P.Sicilia 93 (Cattedrale di Palermo 12) = Johns, J. / Metcalfe, A., "The Mystery at Chùrchuro: Conspiracy or Incompetence in Twelfth-Century Sicily?", BSOAS 62 (1999) 226-259, no. 2.
  • 35 = P.Sicilia 101 (Diplomi varii 7) = P.JewsSicily 185
  • 36 = P.Sicilia 49 (Appendice 2) = Enzensberger, H., Guilelmi I regis diplomata (Codex diplomaticus Regni Siciliae: Diplomata regum et principum e gente Normannorum, series I, tomus III), Cologne 1996, no. 32.
  • 37 = von Falkenhausen, V. / Johns, J., "An Arabic-Greek charter for Archbishop Nicholas of Messina, November 1166", L. Bénou / C. Rognoni (eds.), Χρόνος συνήγορος. Mélanges André Guillou = Νέα Ῥώμη. Rivista di ricerche bizantinistiche 8 (2011) 153–170.
  • 38 = P.Sicilia 110 (Cattedrale di Palermo 13)
  • 39 = Garofalo, A., Tabularium Regiae ac Imperialis Capellae Collegiatae Divi Petri in Regio Panormitano Palatio Ferdinandi II. Regni Utriusque Siciliae Regis iussu editum, Palermo 1835, no. 13 = P.Sicilia 119 (Capella Palatina, S. Maria dell' Ammiragli e Monasterio della Martorana di Palermo 10) = Ménager, L. R., Amiratus - Ἀμηρᾶς, l’emirat e les origines de l‘Amirauté (Xie-XIIIe siècles), Paris 1960, no. 33.
  • 44 = P.Sicilia 137 (Chiesa di Monreale 4)
  • 45 = Noël des Vergers, M., "Sur les diplômes arabes conservés dans les archives de la Sicile," Journal asiatique, sér. 4, vol. VI (1845) p. 318-322 = P.Sicilia 143 (Chiesa di Monreale 5)
  • 46 = P.Sicilia 190 (Cattedrale di Girgenti 3) = Collura, P., Le più antiche carte dell'Archivio Capitolare di Agrigento (1092-1282), Palermo 1961, no. 63.

II = Appendix 2: Provisional catalogue of private documents, p. 314-325. Nos. 1-32. Most documents have been edited:

  • 1 = P.Sicilia 14 (Chiesa di Cefalu 14)
  • 2 = P.Sicilia 31 (Diplomi varii 2)
  • 5 = P.Sicilia 43 (Cattedrale di Palermo 3) = Grand'Henry, J., "Un contrat arabe d'échange de la propriété de tours d'irrigation dans la région de Palerme (Sicile) en 526 h/1131(édition arabe revisée, première traduction et commentaires linguistiques," Folia Orientalia 49 (2012) (= Studia Andreae Zaborski dedicata) 203-217.
  • 6 = P.Sicilia 54 (Capella Palatina, S. Maria dell' Ammiragli e Monasterio della Martorana di Palermo 4)
  • 7 = P.Sicilia 61 (Cattedrale di Palermo 7)
  • 8 = P.Sicilia 90 (Chiesa di Cefalu 13) = Johns, J., "Arabic contracts of sea-exchange from Norman Sicily", P. Xuereb / G. Karissime (eds.), Historical essays presented to Professor Godfrey Wettinger on his seventieth birthday, Malta 1999, 55-78.
  • 9 = P.Sicilia 102 (Chiesa della Magione 1)
  • 10 = P.Sicilia 105 (Chiesa della Magione 2)
  • 12 = Garofalo, A., Tabularium Regiae ac Imperialis Capellae Collegiatae Divi Petri in Regio Panormitano Palatio Ferdinandi II. Regni Utriusque Siciliae Regis iussu editum, Palermo 1835, no. 11 = P.Sicilia 109 (Capella Palatina, S. Maria dell' Ammiragli e Monasterio della Martorana di Palermo 8)
  • 13 = P.Sicilia 111 (Capella Palatina, S. Maria dell' Ammiragli e Monasterio della Martorana di Palermo 9)
  • 14 = P.Sicilia 117 (Appendice 8)
  • 15 = P.Sicilia 123 (Appendice 9)
  • 16 = P.Sicilia 129 (Chiesa della Magione 4) = Johns, J., "The boys from Mezzoiuso" R. Hoyland (ed.), Islamic Reflections, Arabic Musings: studies in honour of Professor Alan Jones, Cambridge 2004, 243-256.
  • 17 = P.Sicilia 134 (Appendice 10)
  • 18 = P.Sicilia 139 (Cattedrale di Palermo 14)
  • 19 = P.Sicilia 8 (Chiesa di Cefalu 8)
  • 21 = P.Sicilia 144 (Chiesa della Magione 3)
  • 22 = P.Sicilia 150 (Appendice 11)
  • 23 = Garofalo, A., Tabularium Regiae ac Imperialis Capellae Collegiatae Divi Petri in Regio Panormitano Palatio Ferdinandi II. Regni Utriusque Siciliae Regis iussu editum, Palermo 1835, no. 16 = P.Sicilia 155 (Capella Palatina, S. Maria dell' Ammiragli e Monasterio della Martorana di Palermo 11)
  • 25 = P.Sicilia 156 (Chiesa di Cefalu 10) = Wansbrough, J., "A Judaeo-Arabic Document from Sicily," BSOAS 30,2 (1967) 305-313.
  • 26 = P.Sicilia 160 (Cattedrale di Palermo 15)
  • 27 = P.Sicilia 169 (Chiesa di Cefalu 11)
  • 28 = P.Sicilia 171 (Capella Palatina, S. Maria dell' Ammiragli e Monasterio della Martoran di Palermo 13)
  • 29 = P.Sicilia 172 (Chiesa di Cefalu 12)
  • 31 = P.Sicilia 188 (Appendice 15)

P.Oxy. VI

= Egypt Exploration Fund, Graeco-Roman Branch, The Oxyrhynchus Papyri (Nos. 845-1006), ed. B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt. London 1908. Nos. 1004-1006 are descriptions of Arabic documents (two on papyrus, one on paper) in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.


I = Minorías islámicas en el país valenciano, Historia y dialecto, ed. Barceló Torres, María del Carmen. Valencia 1984. Catalogue of 271 documents with edition of 211 documents.

  • 67 (descr.) = P.PaisValenciano II 17
  • 119 (descr.) = P.PaisValenciano II 21
  • 173 (descr.) = P.PaisValenciano II 72
  • 182 (descr.) = P.PaisValenciano II 88
  • 245 = P.PaisValenciano II 175

II = "Archivos moriscos" Textos árabes de minoría islámica valenciana 1401-1608, ed. C. Barceló and A. Labarta. Valencia 2009. 177 documents.


= Coptica Barcinonensia, ed. Albarrán Martínez, M. J., Boud’hors, A., Delattre, A., Leuven 2017 (= JCoptStud 19), 129-134. Two Arabic papyri. The same volume, p. 21-126, contains P.PalauRib.Copt. with the editions of 29 Coptic papyri. APD


= Zwei Urkunden aus den bischöflichen Archiv von Panopolis in Ägypten, ed. F. Bilabel and A. Grohmann. Heidelberg 1935. (Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Altertums und des Mittelalters. Reihe A: Mehrsprachige Texte 1). 2 texts on paper. Each has text in Coptic and Arabic. APD


= Arabic Papyri in the University Museum in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), ed. G. Levi della Vida. Rome 1981. (Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Anno 378 1981. Memorie. Classe di Scienze morali, storiche e filologiche. Serie VIII 25.1). Nos. 1-188; partly editions, partly only descriptions. Nos. 1-116 are documents, nos. 117-167 literary and semi-literary texts, nos. 168-188 unclassified fragments. Nos. 5, 18, 26, 29, 42, 43, 78, 62-73 and 111-112 are paper; nos. 27 and 35 are parchment. No. 26 is Coptic with some Arabic words; no. 31 contains a few Coptic letters. For Nos. 11, 14, 15, 27, 29, 65, 74, 75, 76, and 78 see Diem, Mamlukischer Brief p. 140-141. For emendations see: Diem, W., "Philologisches zu arabischen Steuerquittungen aus Ägypten (8.-11. Jahrhundert)", WZKM 96 (2006) 55-111. No. 113 has just been described by Levi della Vida but been published later: APD

  • 113 = Diem, W., "Ein mamlukischer Brief aus der Sammlung des University Museum in Philadelphia," Le Muséon 99 (1986) 131-143.


= Arabische Papyri aus der Sammlung Carl Wessely im Orientalischen Institute zu Prag, ed. A. Grohmann. Published in 4 parts in Archív Orientální, 10 (1938) pp. 149-162, 11 (1939) 242-289, 12 (1941) 1-112, 14 (1943) 161-260. Nos. 1-96. Nos. 7, 9, 1 0, 30, 33, 36-49, 56, 63, 66, 67, 72, 73, 76, 78, 84-87, 89-92 and 96 are paper. Nos. 1 and 2 are bilingual, Arabic and Greek protocols. Corrections in: Diem, W., "Philologisches zu arabischen Steuerquittungen aus Ägypten (8.-11. Jahrhundert)", WZKM 96 (2006) 55-111 and Diem, W., "Philologisches zu arabischen Dokumenten. I: Dokumente aus Sammlungen in Prag, Giessen und Jerusalem," ZAL 55 (2012) 5-43. The following texts have been republished: APD

  • 4 = Chrest.Khoury I 69 = CPR XXI 11 = P.Alqab 39
  • 14 = P.Alqab 45
  • 20 = P.Alqab 54
  • 25 = P.Alqab 26
  • Beilage II = P.World p. 136


= al-Quds al-Mamlukiyya: A History of Mamluk Jerusalem Based on the Haram Documents, ed. H. Lutfi. Berlin 1985. (Islamkundliche Untersuchungen 113). There are editions of 10 documents on pp. 37-66. One text has been republished: APD

  • p. 54-60 = Lutfi, H., "A Documentary Source for the Study of Material Life. A Specimen of the Haram Estate Inventories from al-Quds in 1393 A.D.," ZMDG 135 (1985) 213-226.


= The Kurrah Papyri from Aphrodito in the Oriental Institute, ed. N. Abbott. Chicago 1938. (Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 15). Nos. 1-5. One text has been republished: APD

  • 2 = P.Alqab 11


I = Commerce, Culture and Community in a Red Sea Port in the Thirtheenth Century: the Arabic Documents from Quseir, ed. L. Guo. Leiden 2004. (Islamic History and Civilization: Studies and Texts 52). Nos. 1-80 on paper. Nos. 42; 53; 39; 56; 46; 59; 63; 64; 7; 20; 9; 74 are republications of L. Guo, "Arabic Documents from the Red Sea Port of Quseir in the 7th/13th Century, Part I: Business Letters," JNES 58 (1999) 161-190, nos. 1-8; and of L. Guo, "Arabic Documents from the Red Sea Port of Quseir in the 7th/13th Century, Part II: Shipping Notes and Account Records," JNES 60 (2001) 81-117, no. 1-4. Emendations in: M. Friedman, "Quṣayr and Geniza Documents on the Indian Ocean Trade", JAOS 126 (2006) 401-409; W. Diem, ZDMG 158 (2008) 164-170. Several documents have been republished: APD

  • 22 = P.QuseirArab. II 21
  • 31 recto = P.QuseirArab. II 14 recto
  • 31 verso = P.QuseirArab. II 14 verso
  • 37 = P.QuseirArab. II 23
  • 39 = P.QuseirArab. II 11
  • 40 = P.QuseirArab. II 18
  • 41 = P.QuseirArab. II 12
  • 43 = P.QuseirArab. II 19
  • 52 = P.QuseirArab. II 10
  • 60 = P.QuseirArab. II 20

II = Fünfundzwanzig arabische Geschäftsdokumente aus dem Rotmeer-Hafen al-Quṣayr al-Qadīm (7./13. Jh.), ed. A. Kaplony, Leiden 2014. Islamic History and Civilization: Studies and Texts 109). Nos. 1-24 on paper. Emendations in W. Diem's review, Der Islam 93 (2016) 268-285, and N. Vanthieghem's review, Le muséon 129 (2016) 236-238.


= Papyri russischer und georgischer Sammlungen. Tiflis.

IV, Die Kome-Aphrodito Papyri der Sammlung Lichacov, ed. P. Jernstedt. 1927 (repr. Amsterdam 1966). Nos. 1-27. There are Arabic fragmenta at nos. 10; 12; 14; 27 I h. APD

V, Varia, ed. G. Zereteli and P. Jernstedt. 1935. Nos. 1-73. No. 73 is bilingual Greek-Arabic text.


I, Cataloque of Arabic Papyri in the John Rylands Library Manchester, ed. D. S. Margoliouth. Manchester 1933. The texts are divided into 15 categories (nos. I-XV) with texts numbered sequentially within each category. For emendations see: Diem, W., "Philologisches zu arabischen Steuerquittungen aus Ägypten (8.-11. Jahrhundert)", WZKM 96 (2006) 55-111. The following tests have been reedited: APD

  • I 5 = P.World p. 171 = Younes, K. M., "New Governors Identified in Arabic Papyri", Delattre, A. / Legendre, M., /and Sijpesteijn, P. M. (eds.), Authority and Control in the Countryside: From Antiquity to Islam in the Mediterranean and Near East (6th-10th Century) (Leiden Studies in Islam and Society 9), Leiden: Brill 2018, 13–43, no.1.
  • I 14 = Diem, W., "Der Gouverneur an den Pagarchen. Ein verkannter arabischer Papyrus vom Jahre 65 der Higra," Der Islam 60 (1983) 104-111
  • I 15 = Chrest.Khoury I 85
  • II 6 = P.Alqab 95
  • II 8 = P.Ryl.Arab. II 1 = P.Alqab 99
  • III 4 = P.Alqab 51
  • III 6 = Vanthieghem, N., "Le dossier fiscal de Saʿdūn b. Abū Ḥamza: Réédition de P. Ryl. Arab. I, III 6", CdÉ 91 (2016), 427-432.
  • III 8 = Grohmann, A., "Neue Beiträge zur arabischen Papyrusforschung", AnzeigerAkadWien 85 (1948), p. 231-233 I = P.Alqab 75
  • IV 1 = Raghib, Y., "Lettres de service au maître de poste d'Ashmun," AI 3 (1992), p. 5-16, no. 3.
  • IV 5 = Raghib, Y., "Lettres de service au maître de poste d'Ashmun," AI 3 (1992), p. 5-16, no. 5 = P.Ryl.Arab. II 7.
  • V 2 = Grohmann, A., "Neue Beiträge zur arabischen Papyrusforschung", AnzeigerAkadWien 85 (1948), p. 233-237
  • VI 1 = P.World p. 177
  • VI 12 = P.Ryl.Arab. II 8 = P.Mudun 39
  • VI 14 = P.World p. 179
  • VI 15 = P.World p. 175 b
  • VI 18 = P.World p. 180
  • VI 20 = P.Alqab 93
  • VI 21 = P.Mudun 26
  • VII 4 = P.Mudun 23
  • VIII 11 = P.Alqab 100
  • IX 2 = P.Alqab 94
  • IX 7 = P.Alqab 24 = P.Mudun 41
  • X 2 = Grohmann, A.,  "Neue Beiträge zur arabischen Papyrusforschung", AnzeigerAkadWien 85 (1948), p. 238-239
  • X 10 = Vanthieghem, N., "Contribution à l’histoire de la transition du papyrus au papier. À propos de la date de P. Ryl. Arab. I, X 10", CdÉ 90 (2015) 423-430
  • XI 11 = Grohmann, A., "Neue Beiträge zur arabischen Papyrusforschung", AnzeigerAkadWien 85 (1948), p. 240
  • XI 3 = P.Alqab 91
  • XII 2 = P.Alqab 96
  • XII 5 = P.Alqab 98
  • XII 6 = P.Alqab 113
  • XII 8 = P.Alqab 115
  • XII 9 = P.Alqab 90
  • XII 11 = P.Alqab 114
  • XII 12 = Grohmann, A., "Neue Beiträge zur arabischen Papyrusforschung", AnzeigerAkadWien 85 (1948), p. 241-242
  • XIII 2 = Diem, W., "Drei magische Texte auf Papyrus aus dem 3./9. Jahrhundert," M. Forstner (ed.), Festgabe für Hans-Rudolf Singer. Zum 65. Geburtstag am 6. April 1990 überreicht von seinen Freunden und Kollegen, Frankfurt am Main etc. 1991, p. 27- 36, no. 3.
  • XV 59 = Diem, W., "Der Gouverneur an den Pagarchen. Ein verkannter arabischer Papyrus vom Jahre 65 der Higra," Der Islam 60 (1983), p. 104-111.

II, The Arabic Papyri of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, ed. G. Rex Smith and Moshalleh al-Moraekhi. Manchester 1996. (Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 78.2). Part I (nos. 1-356) is a supplementary Catalogue of all the pieces not inincluded in P.Ryl.Arab. I. All are Arabic except for nos. 22 (Coptic), 230 (Pahlawi), and 252 (Demotic). Part II (nos. 1-11) is an edition of texts from the collection. For emendations see W. Diem, JSS 18 (1998) 89-111 and Diem, W., "Philologisches zu arabischen Steuerquittungen aus Ägypten (8.-11. Jahrhundert)", WZKM 96 (2006) 55-111.

Several texts of part I (descriptions) have been edited:

  • 67 verso = Vanthieghem, N., "Papyrologica VI: 55", CdÉ 92 (2017), 443.
  • 117 = CPR XXI 76
  • 236 recto = P.Ryl.Arab. II 9
  • 237 verso = P.Ryl.Arab. II 10
  • 250 recto = CPR XXI 19
  • 351 recto = P.Ryl.Arab. II 3
  • 353 recto = CPR XXI 45
  • 354 = P.Ryl.Arab. II 11 = Vanthieghem, N., "Violences et extorsions contre des moines dans la région d’Assiout: Réédition de P.Ryl.Arab. II 11", JCoptStud 18 (2016), 185-196.

Several texts of part II (editions) have been reedited: APD

  • 4 = CPR XXI 5
  • 8 = P.Mudun 39
  • 11 = Vanthieghem, N., "Violences et extorsions contre des moines dans la région d’Assiout: Réédition de P.Ryl.Arab. II 11", JCoptStud 18 (2016), 185-196.


= Catalogue of the Coptic Manuscripts in the Collection of the John Rylands Library, ed. W. E. Crum. Manchester 1909. Nos. 1-467. Catalogue with many (partial) editions. There is Arabic at nos. 115, 116, 135, 188, 214, 236, 237, 243, 259, 309, 351, 372, 376, 377, 379, 388, 390, 392, 395, 397, 401, 402, 410, and 464. Two bilingual texts have been republished:

  • 379 = Delattre, A., Liebrenz, B., Richter, T. S., Vanthieghem, N., "Écrire en arabe et en copte: Le cas de deux lettres bilingues", CdÉ 87 (2012) 170-188, no. 1.
  • 464 = CPR XXI 89


= A waqf-document from Sinai, ed. Saarisalo, A. Helsingfors 1933 (= StOr 5,1). No 1.


= Gouvernance et libéralités de Saladin d'après les donnnées inédites de six documents arabes, ed. J.-M. Mouton, D. Sourdel, J. Sourdel-Thomine, Paris 2015. Edition of six documents on paper. Nr. 4 is a reedition (see P.CertificatsPelerinage) APD


= I diplomi greci ed arabi de Sicilia pubblicati nel testo originale, tradotti ed illustrati, 1,1-2, ed. Cusa, S., Palermo 1868-1882, reprint Köln/Wien 1982. For an Italian translation see: Gaetano, T., Sopravvivenze arabe in Sicilia, Documenti arabo-siculi del periodo normanno ; luoghi, contrade, feudi, fonti e castelli siculi di origine araba. I comuni siciliani, con particolare riguardo a quelli di origine araba. I cognomi siciliani di origine araba, Monreale 1949. The documents are classified according their provenance and do not have continuous numbers in the original edition. The documents' numbers are only given in Cusa's registers. Nos. 1-202, nos. 8, 14, 31, 43, 54, 89, 90, 129, 139, 144, 160, 169, 172, 178, 201 are Arabic documents, no. 156 is Judaeo-Arabic, no. 202 is Ottoman-Turkish, nos. 6, 7, 23, 45, 47, 49, 61, 70, 73, 77, 78, 79, 82, 91, 93, 101, 102, 104, 109, 110, 117, 119, 123, 134, 156, 171, 195 are bilingual Greek-Arabic, nos. 93, 137, 155, 190 are bilingual Latin-Arabic and nos. 111 and 188 are trilingual Greek-Arabic-Latin. All other nos. are Greek or Greek-Latin documents. Some documents have been reedited:

  • 23 (San Filippo di Fragalà/Santa Maria di Maniaci 10) = La Mantia, G., Il primo documento in carta (Contessa Adelaide, 1109) esistente in Sicilia e rimasto sinora sconosciuto, Palermo 1908.
  • 43 (Cattedrale di Palermo 3) = Grand'Henry, J., "Un contrat arabe d'échange de la propriété de tours d'irrigation dans la région de Palerme (Sicile) en 526 h/1131," FO 49 (2012) 203-217
  • 45 (Chiese di Lipari e di Patti 5) = Ménager, L. R., Amiratus - Ἀμηρᾶς, l’emirat e les origines de l‘Amirauté (Xie-XIIIe siècles), Paris 1960, no. 24.
  • 49 (Appendice 2) = Enzensberger, H., Guilelmi I regis diplomata (Codex diplomaticus Regni Siciliae: Diplomata regum et principum e gente Normannorum, series I, tomus III), Cologne 1996, no. 32.
  • 89 (Cattedrale di Palermo 10) = Johns, J. and Metcalfe, A., "The Mystery at Chùrchuro", BSOAS 62 (1999) 226-259, document no. 1
  • 90 (Chiesa di Cefalu 13) = Johns, J., "Arabic contracts of sea-exchange from Norman Sicily", P. Xuereb / G. Karissime (eds.), Historical essays presented to Professor Godfrey Wettinger on his seventieth birthday, Malta 1999, 55-78
  • 93 (Cattedrale di Palermo 12) = Johns, J. and Metcalfe, A., "The Mystery at Chùrchuro", BSOAS 62 (1999) 226-259, document no. 2
  • 101 (Diplomi varii 7) = P.JewsSicily 185
  • 119 (Capella Palatina 10) = Ménager, L. R., Amiratus - Ἀμηρᾶς, l’emirat e les origines de l‘Amirauté (Xie-XIIIe siècles), Paris 1960, no. 33
  • 129 (Chiesa della Magione 4) = Johns, J., "The boys from Mezzoiuso" R. Hoyland (ed.), Islamic Reflections, Arabic Musings: studies in honour of Professor Alan Jones, Cambridge 2004, 243-256.
  • 156 (Chiesa di Cefalu 10) = Wansbrough, J., "A Judaeo-Arabic Document from Sicily," BSOAS 30,2 (1967) 305-313.
  • 178 (Appendice 1) = Jamil, N., Johns, J., An original Arabic document from Crusader Antioch (1213 AD),  C. F. Robinson (ed.), Texts, documents and artefacts. Islamic studies in honour of D.S. Richards, Leiden 2003, 157-190
  • 190 (Cattedrale di Girgenti 3) = Collura, P., Le più antiche carte dell'Archivio Capitolare di Agrigento (1092-1282), Palermo 1961, no. 63.


= Moritz, Bernhard, Beiträge zur Geschichte des Sinaiklosters im Mittelalter nach arabischen Quellen, Berlin 1918. Edition of three documents. The first one (covenant of the prophet Muḥammad) is based on three of the five copies now known from the Dayr Sānt Kātrin. The other two texts have been replublished: APD

  • II, 1 = P.St.Catherine I 47
  • II, 2 = P.St.Catherine I 39


I = Die mamlukischen Sultansurkunden des Sinai-Klosters, ed. H. Ernst. Wiesbaden 1960. Nos. I-LXXII. All texts are listed in A.S. Atiya, Arabic Manuscripts of Mount Sinai. There is a concordance on pp. xiii-xvi. Several texts have been republished: APD

  • 3 = Stern, S.M, "Petitions from the Mamlūk period", BSOAS 29 (1966), 233-276, no. 1
  • 13 = Stern, S.M, "Petitions from the Mamlūk period", BSOAS 29 (1966), 233-276, no. 2
  • 14 = Stern, S.M, "Petitions from the Mamlūk period", BSOAS 29 (1966), 233-276, no. 3
  • 15 = Stern, S.M, "Petitions from the Mamlūk period", BSOAS 29 (1966), 233-276, no. 3a

II = Mamluk administrative documents from St Catherine's Monastery, ed. D. S. Richards. Leuven 2011. (Mémoires de l'Association pour la Promotion de l'Histoire et de l'Archéologie Orientales, Université de Liège 55). Nos 1-18 on paper. For emendations see the reviews of Diem, W., OLZ 108/3 (2013) 194-197 and Vanthieghem, N., CdÉ 90 (2015) 256-257. APD


= Arabische Steuerquittungen des 8. bis 11. Jahrhunderts aus der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung und anderen Sammlungen, ed. W. Diem. Wiesbaden 2008. (Documenta Arabica Antiqua 5). Nos. 1-64. Nos. 1-3, 5-9, 36-38 are papyrus, nos. 4, 10-35, 39-64 are paper. For emendations see: Sijpesteijn, P. M., "Locating Arabic papyrology: Fiscal politics in medieval Egypt as a test-case for setting disciplinary boundaries and standards", BASP 51 (2014) 217-228. APD


= Arabischer Terminkauf: ein Beitrag zur Rechts- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte Ägyptens im 8. bis 14. Jahrhundert. Wiesbaden 2006, ed. Werner Diem. Nos. 1 and 3 on papyrus, no. 2 on parchment. APD


= Castellani, E., Catalogo dei firmani ed altri documenti legali emanati in lingua araba e truca concernenti i Santuari, le proprietà, i diritti della Custodia di Terra Santa conservati nell'Archivio della stessa Custodia di Gerusalemme, Jerusalem 1922. Catalogue, nos. 1-2644. Nos. 1-83 are descriptions of Arabic documents from the Ayyūbid and Mamlūk period, nos. 84-2644 descriptions of Arabic and Turkish documents from the Ottoman period.


= Transmission de biens, mariage et répudiation à Uqlūl, village du Fayyoum, au Ve/XIe siècle (Cahiers des Annales islamologiques 33), Cairo 2016, ed. Yūsuf Rāġib. Nos. 1-8 on paper. APD


= Actes de vente d'esclaves et d'animaux d'Égypte médiévale I, ed. Y. Ragib. Cairo 2002 (Cahier des AnnIslam 23). Nos. 1-28 and appendix nos. 1-5. Nos. 1-5 and 15-23 are papyrus; no. 9 is parchment and the remainder are paper. Vol. II has no editions. APD


= Vier Studien zu arabischen Dokumenten des 8.-14. Jahrhunderts, ed. W. Diem. Wiesbaden 2018. Part 1 republishes P.Jahn 9 and 10, Part 2 P.Vind.Arab. II 51, and Part 3 P.Mozarab. 509; 565; 753; 827; 844; 858; 911; 930; 951; 1061; 1121; 1174 and offers emendations to P.Cair.Archives; P.Flor.Arab.; P.Granada; P.Mozarab.; P.Moriscos; P.PaisValenciano I. Part 4 is a study of literary letters.


I, Arabische Geschäfsbriefe des 10. bis 14. Jahrhunderts aus der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek in Wien, ed. W. Diem. Wiesbaden 1995. Vol. 1, Textband; vol. 2, Tafelband. (Documenta Arabica Antiqua 1). Nos. 1-68, all documents are paper; there are two lines of Coptic in no. 24. For emendation see G. Khan, Review in al-Masāq 9 (1996-97) 209-212 and Y. Ragib, Review in BCAI 14 (1998) 171-179. APD

II, Arabische Privatbriefe des 9. bis 15. Jahrhunderts aus der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek in Wien, ed. W. Diem. Wiesbaden 1996. Vol.1, Textband; vol. 2, Tafelband. (Documenta Arabica Antiqua 2). Nos. 1-52. All documents are paper. For emendations see Y. Ragib, Review in BCAI 15 (1999) 194-197. APD

III, Arabische amtliche Briefe des 10. bis 16. Jahrhunderts aus der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek in Wien, ed. W. Diem. Vol. 1, Textband; vol. 2, Tafelband. (Documenta Arabica Antiqua 3). Wiesbaden 1996. Nos. 1-80, all documents are paper. For emendations see Y. Ragib, Review in BCAI 16 (2000) 185-186. APD


= Ṣāliḥiyya, M. ʿĪ., Min waṯāʾiq al-Ḥaram al-Qudsī al-Šarīf al-mamlūkiyya (Ḥawliyyāt Kulliyat al-Ādāb 6 ), Kuwait 1985. Nos. 1-10 on paper. Several texts have been republished: APD

  • 5 = Little, D. P., "Ḥaram documents related to the Jews of late fourteenth century Jerusalem", JSS 30 (1985) 227-264, no. 3 = Richards, D. S., "The Qasama in Mamluk Society: Some Documents from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem," AnnIslam 25 (1990) 245-284, no. 7.
  • 7 = Little, D. P., "Ḥaram documents related to the Jews of late fourteenth century Jerusalem", JSS 30 (1985) 227-264, no. 2.


= A. Grohmann, From the World of Arabic Papyri. Cairo 1952. There are 84 texts published on pages 113-213 of this volume. The majority derive from the Vienna Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer collection. For emendations see Diem, W., "Philologisches zur arabischen Dokumenten der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek in Wien," WZKM 101 (2011) 75-140. The follwing is a concordance to those that had been published elsewhere. At the left are page numbers of Grohmann, Arabic Papyri. APD

  • 115 = SB XX 14443 (Greek text; note also that on pages 113 and 131 there are 2 bilingual, Greek and Arabic, texts.)
  • 119 = Grohmann, "Aperçu," ÉdP 1 (1932) 27
  • 121 = P.Cair.Arab. 172
  • 122 = Levi della Vida, G., "A papyrus Reference to the Damietta Raid of 853 A.D.," Byzantion 17 (1944-1945) 212-221 = P.Philad.Arab. 75
  • 123 = P.Ryl.Arab. I I 6
  • 124-125 = P.Heid.Arab. I 1 = P.Chrest.Khoury I 90 = P.Mudun 8
  • 126-128 = P.Cair.Arab. 148
  • 129 = P.Cair.Arab. 154
  • 130 = Diem, W., "Philologisches zu den arabischen Aphrodito-Papyri," Islam 61 (1984) p. 251-275 "
  • 138 = Grohmann, "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte," ArchOrient 7 (1935). No. 25
  • 140 = Grohmann, "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte," ArchOrient 7 (1935). No. 7
  • 141 = Grohmann, "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte," ArchOrient 7 (1935). No. 8
  • 142 = Grohmann, "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte," ArchOrient 7 (1935). No. 9
  • 147-148 = Grohmann, "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte," ArchOrient 7 (1935). No. 10
  • 148 = Karabacek, MPER II/III (1887) 162
  • 152b = Chrest.Khoury II 15
  • 153 = Grohmann, "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte," ArchOrient 7 (1935). No. 11
  • 154-155 = Grohmann, "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte," ArchOrient 7 (1935). No. 17
  • 158 = Grohmann, "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte," ArchOrient 7 (1935). No. 26
  • 166-167 = Grohmann, "Einige bemerkenswerte Urkunden," ArchOrient 18 (1950). No. 19
  • 168-170 = Grohmann, "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte," ArchOrient 7 (1935). No. 2
  • 171-172 = P.Ryl.Arab. I I 5 = Younes, K. M., "New Governors Identified in Arabic Papyri", Delattre, A. / Legendre, M., /and Sijpesteijn, P. M. (eds.), Authority and Control in the Countryside: From Antiquity to Islam in the Mediterranean and Near East (6th-10th Century) (Leiden Studies in Islam and Society 9), Leiden: Brill 2018, 13–43
  • 175-176 = P.Ryl.Arab. I VI 15
  • 177 = P.Ryl.Arab. I VI 1
  • 178-179 = P.Ryl.Arab. I VI 6
  • 179-180 = P.Ryl.Arab. I VI 14
  • 180-181 = P.Ryl.Arab. I VI 18
  • 184-185 = Jahn, "Vom frühislamischen Briefwesen," ArchOrient 9 (1937). No. 6
  • 185-186 = Jahn, "Vom frühislamischen Briefwesen," ArchOrient 9 (1937). No. 7
  • 189-190 = P.Cair.Arab. 37
  • 191-193 = P.Cair.Arab. 48
  • 196-197 = P.Cair.Arab. 45
  • 200-201 = P.Cair.Arab. 52
  • 202-203 = P.Cair.Arab. 53
  • 203-205 = P.Cair.Arab. 54 = P.Mudun 6
  • 207-208 = P.Cair.Arab. 81 = CPR XXI 15 = P.Mudun 33
  • 208-209 = P.Cair.Arab. 96
  • 209-210 = P.Cair.Arab. 98
  • 210-211 = P.Cair.Arab. 105 = P.Mudun 35
  • 212-213 = P.Cair.Arab. 111

II. Papyrus Editions Published in Articles

Abbott, N., "Arabic Papyri from the Reign of Gaʿfar al-Mutawakkil ʿala-llah (A.H.232-47/A.D.847-61)," ZDMG 92 (1938) 88-135. Nos. 1-3. APD

Abbott, N., "Arabic Marriage Contracts among Copts," ZDMG 95 (1941) 59-81. Nos. 1-2. Both text have been republished: APD

  • 1 = Chrest. Khoury I 10
  • 2 = Chrest. Khoury I 15

Abbott, N., “A Ninth-Century Fragment of the ‘Thousand Nights’: New Light on the Early History of the Arabian Nights”, JNES 8 (1949) 129-164. Paper. Nos. 1-6. Edition of fragment of the Thousand Nights and several documents written on it. APD

Abbott, N., "A New Papyrus and a Review of the Administration of ʿUbayd Allah b. al-Habhab," Arabic and Islamic Studies in Honor of Hamilton A.R. Gibb, ed. G. Makdisi. Leiden 1965. 21-35. APD

ʿAbd al-Laṭīf, M. A., "al-Iskandariyya fī ḍawʾ waṯāʾiq al-bardī al-ʿarabī ḫilāl al-qarn 1-3 h / 7-9 m", BACPS 28 (2011), 237-258.

Abd ar-Rāziq, ʾA., "Un document concernant le mariage des esclaves au temps des Mamlūks," JESHO 13 (1970) 309-314. APD

ʿAbd el-Tawab, ʿA., "Deux investitutres du calife abbaside, al-Mustangid billah Abul Muzaffar," AnnIslam 11 (1972) 153-162. Nos. 1-2. Material unknown.

ʿAbd al-Wahhāb al-Miṣrī, A. M., "Waṯīqat taġyīr šarṭ al-intifāʾ bi-l-waqf min al-ʿaṣr al-mamlūkī li-l-Sayfī Qalag bin ʿAbd Allāh al-Šarīfī", AnnIslam 38 (2004), 1-15ar.

Abel, L., "Arabische und andere Papyrus." Aus den Papyrus der königlichen Museen, ed. A. Ermann, F. Krebs. Berlin 1899 (Handbücher der königlichen Museen zu Berlin) 284-290; pl. XXI-XXIV (= Fünfter Abschnitt). One papyrus document. APD

Abū Ṣafīya, Ǧ., "Risālat Mūsà b. Kaʿb ilà malik an-Nūba", ʿĀlam al-maḫṭūṭāt wa-n-nawādir 8,1 (2003) 235-268. APD

Acién Almansa, M., "Dos textos mudéjares de la serranía de Ronda (1491)," CEM 2-3 (1975) 245-257. Two documents on paper. APD

Aguilo, E. de Kostka, "Tractat de pau entre el rey de Mallorca don Sanxo y el de Bugia Boyhahia Abubechre," BSAL 31 (1915) 217-233. One peace treaty (Latin-Arabic) from 1312. APD

Aguirre Sábada, Javier, "Un documento de compraventa arábigo granadino", Andalucía IslámicaTextos y Estudios I (1980) 163-170. One contract of sale dated 1494 CE, 1 pl.. APD

Alarcón y Santón, Maximilano, "Carta de Abenabóo en árabe granadino", in: Miscelánea de estudios y textos árabes, Madrid 1915, 691-723. One letter. APD

Albarracín, J., "Abū l-ʿAsị̄ en un documento posesorio arábigo-granadino (1493)," Andalucía Islámica: Textos y Estudios II-III (1981-1982) 179-186. APD

Agius, D. A., "'Leave your homeland in search of prosperity': the ostrich egg in a burial site at Quseir al-Qadim in the Mamluk period," in: Vermeulen, U. and van Steenbergen, J. (eds.), Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk eras 4. Proceedings of the 9th and 10 International Colloquium organized at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in May 2000 and May 2001, Leuven 2005 (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 140), 355-379. One text on a egg shell. This text has been republished as: APD

  • = Agius, D. A., "The inscribed ostrich egg", in: Peacock, David and Blue, L. (eds.), Myos Hormos - Quseir al-Qadim. Roman and Islamic ports on the Red Sea. 1: Survey and excavations 1999-2003, Oxford 2006, 158-160.

Agius, D. A., "The inscribed ostrich egg", in: Peacock, David and Blue, L. (eds.), Myos Hormos - Quseir al-Qadim. Roman and Islamic ports on the Red Sea. 1: Survey and excavations 1999-2003, Oxford 2006, 158-160. APD

Amari, M., "Novi ricordi arabici su la storia di Genova," ASL 5 (1867) 549-635. Nos. 1-2; 5-6; 8 editions of documents. Nos. 3-4; 7; 9 editions of inscriptions or literary texts. APD

Amīn, M. M., "Un acte de fondation de waqf par une Chretienne (Xe siècle h., XVIe s. chr.), JESHO 18/1 (1975) 43-52. APD

Amīn, M. M., "Waṯīqat waqf as-sulṭān Qāyitbāy ‘alà l-Madrasa l-Ašrafīya wa-Qā‘at as-silāḥ bi-Dimyāṭ. Dirāsa wa-naqd wa-taḥqīq", Maǧallat al-ǧamʿīya l-Miṣrīya li-d-Dirāsāt at-Taʾrīḫīya 22 (1975) 343-390.

Amīn, M. M., "Waṯāʾiq waqf as-sulṭān Qalāwūn ‘alà l-Bīmāristān al-Manṣūrī", in: Amīn, M. M. Taḏkirat an-nabīh fī ayyām al-Manṣūr wa-banīh li-l-Ḥasan b. ‘Umar b. al-Ḥasan b. ‘Umar b. Ḥabīb al-mutawaffà sanat 779 h./1377 m. 1, Cairo (1976) 297-396. Edition of two documents.

Amīn, M. M., "aš-Šāhid al-ʿadl fi l-qaḍāʾ al-islāmī: Dirāsa taʾrīḫiyya maʿ našr wa-taḥqīq isǧāl al-ʿadāla min ʿaṣr salāṭīn al-mamālīk," AnnIslam 18 (1982), 1-20 ar. APD

Amīn, M. M., "Manšūr bi-manḥ iqṭāʿ min ʿaṣr as-sulṭān al-Ġūrī", AnnIslam 19 (1983) 2-23. APD

Anawati, G. / Jomier, J., "Un papyrus chrétien en arabe (Égypte, IXe siècle ap. J.-C.)," MélIslam 2 (1954) 91-102. The first 3 volumes of AnnIslam were titled MélIslam. APD

Apellániz Ruiz de Galareta, J. F., "Banquiers, diplomates et pouvoir sultanien. Une affaire d’épices sous les Mamelouks circassiens", AnnIslam 38 (2004), 285-304. Edition of three letters. All have been republished: APD

  • 1 = Bauden, F., "« Lam baqa yuʿāriḍkum ». Analyse linguistique de trois lettres rédigées par un marchand au Caire en 819/1416-820/1417," in: Den Heijer, J., La Spisa, P., Tuerlinckx, L. (eds.), Études présentées à Jacques Grand’Henry à l’occasion de son 70e anniversaire, Louvain-La-Neuve 2012 (Publications de l'Institut Orientaliste de Louvain 61), 1-37, no. 6.
  • 2 = Bauden, F., "« Lam baqa yuʿāriḍkum ». Analyse linguistique de trois lettres rédigées par un marchand au Caire en 819/1416-820/1417," in: Den Heijer, J., La Spisa, P., Tuerlinckx, L. (eds.), Études présentées à Jacques Grand’Henry à l’occasion de son 70e anniversaire, Louvain-La-Neuve 2012 (Publications de l'Institut Orientaliste de Louvain 61), 1-37, no. 4.
  • 3 = Bauden, F., "« Lam baqa yuʿāriḍkum ». Analyse linguistique de trois lettres rédigées par un marchand au Caire en 819/1416-820/1417," in: Den Heijer, J., La Spisa, P., Tuerlinckx, L. (eds.), Études présentées à Jacques Grand’Henry à l’occasion de son 70e anniversaire, Louvain-La-Neuve 2012 (Publications de l'Institut Orientaliste de Louvain 61), 1-37, no. 5.

Arcas Campoy, M. / Jiménez Alcázar, J. F., "Una carta en la frontera de Granada: de la Vera nazarí a la capital de la gobernación de Orihuela (año 879/1474)", EDNA 10 (2006) 81-92. APD

Atiya, A. S., The Arabic manuscripts of Mount Sinai: A handlist of Arabic manuscripts and scrolls microfilmed at the Library of the Monastery of St. Catherine, Mount Sinai, Baltimore 1955. The part "the scrolls of Mount Sinai" is a handlist of documents, nos. 1-1067. Nos. 1-90, 92-101, 108-118, 140, 185-190, 237-341, 821, 825, 892, 933-935, 942, 962-964, 1000, and 1062-1066 are documents from pre-Ottoman times. All other nos. are from Ottoman times or undated. Many documents of pre-Ottoman times have been edited:

  • 6 = P.Fatimid 6
  • 7 = P.St.Catherine II 7
  • 8 = ʿĪsā, A. M., "Maḫṭūṭāt wa-waṯāʾiq Dayr Sānt Kātarīn," Maǧallat al-Ǧamʿīa al-Miṣrīya li-d-Dirāsāt at-Taʾrīḫīya 5 (1956) 105-124= P.Fatimid 5
  • 9 = P.Fatimid 7
  • 10 = P.Fatimid 8
  • 11 = Stern, S. M., "Two Ayyûbid Decrees from Sinai," in: Documents from Islamic Chanceries, ed. S. M. Stern. Cambridge MA 1965. 9-38, no. 1.
  • 12 = Stern, S. M., "Two Ayyûbid Decrees from Sinai," in: Documents from Islamic Chanceries, ed. S. M. Stern. Cambridge MA 1965. 9-38, no. 2.
  • 13 = Stern, S. M., "Petitions from the Ayyubid Period," BSOAS 27 (1964) 1-32, no. 3.
  • 14 = Stern, S. M., "Petitions from the Ayyubid Period," BSOAS 27 (1964) 1-32, no. 2.
  • 15 = Stern, S. M., "Petitions from the Ayyubid Period," BSOAS 27 (1964) 1-32, no. 3.
  • 16 = Richards, D. S., “Three (twelfth-century?) guarantees issued for the monks of St Catherine’s Monastery in Sinai”, in: Christian Müller / Muriel Roiland-Rouabah (eds.), Les non-dits du nom: Onomastique et documents en terres d’Islam, Beirut 2013, 15-27, no. 3.
  • 17 = P.St.Catherine I 1
  • 18 = P.St.Catherine I 2
  • 19 = P.St.Catherine I 4
  • 20 = P.St.Catherine II 3
  • 21 = P.St.Catherine II 5
  • 22 = P.St.Catherine I 5
  • 23 = P.St.Catherine I 67
  • 24 = P.St.Catherine I 7
  • 25 = P.St.Catherine I 8
  • 26 = P.St.Catherine I 3 = Stern, S. M., " Petitions from the Mamluk Period (Notes on the Mamluk Documents from Sinai)," BSOAS 29 (1966) 233-276, no. 1.
  • 27 = P.St.Catherine I 29
  • 28 = P.St.Catherine II 2
  • 29 = P.St.Catherine I 19 = al-Samarrai, Q., "A Unique Mamluk Document of al-Malik al-Muʿizz Aybak al-Turkumānī al-Ṣāliḥī, the First Mamluk Sultan of Egypt, from the Monastery of Sinai," Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica 21 (1990) 195-211.
  • 30 = P.St.Catherine I 15 = Stern, S. M., " Petitions from the Mamluk Period (Notes on the Mamluk Documents from Sinai)," BSOAS 29 (1966) 233-276, no. 3a.
  • 31 = P.St.Catherine I 20
  • 32 = P.St.Catherine I 9
  • 33 = P.St.Catherine I 10
  • 34 = P.St.Catherine I 11
  • 35 = P.St.Catherine I 12
  • 36 = P.St.Catherine I 14 = Stern, S. M., " Petitions from the Mamluk Period (Notes on the Mamluk Documents from Sinai)," BSOAS 29 (1966) 233-276, no. 3.
  • 37 = P.St.Catherine I 13 = Stern, S. M., " Petitions from the Mamluk Period (Notes on the Mamluk Documents from Sinai)," BSOAS 29 (1966) 233-276, no. 2.
  • 38 = P.St.Catherine I 16
  • 39 = P.St.Catherine I 17
  • 40 = P.St.Catherine I 17
  • 41 = P.St.Catherine II 8
  • 44 = P.St.Catherine I 34
  • 45 = P.St.Catherine I 21
  • 46 = P.St.Catherine I 22
  • 47 = P.St.Catherine I 23
  • 48 = P.St.Catherine I 6
  • 49 = P.St.Catherine I 24
  • 50 = P.St.Catherine I 25
  • 51 = P.St.Catherine I 26
  • 52 = P.St.Catherine I 27
  • 53 = P.St.Catherine I 33
  • 54 = P.St.Catherine I 32
  • 55 = P.St.Catherine I 30
  • 56 = P.St.Catherine I 31
  • 57 = P.St.Catherine I 41
  • 58 = P.St.Catherine I 38
  • 59 = P.St.Catherine I 28
  • 60 = P.Sinaikloster II, 2 = P.St.Catherine I 39
  • 61 = P.St.Catherine I 35
  • 62 = P.St.Catherine I 42
  • 63 = P.St.Catherine I 40
  • 64 = P.St.Catherine I 43
  • 65 = P.St.Catherine I 49
  • 66 = P.St.Catherine I 45
  • 67 = P.St.Catherine I 46
  • 68 = P.Sinaikloster II, 1 = P.St.Catherine I 47
  • 69 = P.St.Catherine I 36
  • 70 = P.St.Catherine I 50
  • 71 = P.St.Catherine I 51
  • 72 = P.St.Catherine I 52
  • 73 = P.St.Catherine I 53
  • 74 = P.St.Catherine I 55
  • 75 = P.St.Catherine I 48
  • 76 = P.St.Catherine I 54
  • 77 = P.St.Catherine I 44
  • 78 = P.St.Catherine I 56
  • 79 = P.St.Catherine I 37
  • 80 = P.St.Catherine I 57
  • 81 = P.St.Catherine I 58
  • 82 = P.St.Catherine I 59
  • 83 = P.St.Catherine I 60
  • 84 = P.St.Catherine II 17
  • 85 = P.St.Catherine I 61
  • 86 = P.St.Catherine I 65
  • 87 = P.St.Catherine I 62
  • 88 = P.St.Catherine I 64
  • 89 = P.St.Catherine I 68
  • 90 = P.St.Catherine I 69
  • 92 = P.St.Catherine I 70
  • 93 = P.St.Catherine I 71
  • 94 = P.St.Catherine II 13
  • 95 = P.St.Catherine I 63
  • 96 = P.St.Catherine II 15
  • 97 = P.St.Catherine II 11
  • 98 = P.St.Catherine I 66
  • 99 = P.St.Catherine II 14
  • 100 = P.St.Catherine I 72
  • 101 = P.St.Catherine II 16
  • 108 = P.St.Catherine II 10
  • 109 = P.St.Catherine II 9
  • 110 = Richards, D. S., “Three (twelfth-century?) guarantees issued for the monks of St Catherine’s Monastery in Sinai”, in: Christian Müller / Muriel Roiland-Rouabah (eds.), Les non-dits du nom: Onomastique et documents en terres d’Islam, Beirut 2013, 15-27, no. 2.
  • 112 = P.St.Catherine II 6
  • 113 = P.St.Catherine I 8
  • 114 = P.St.Catherine I 25
  • 115 = P.St.Catherine I 18
  • 116 = P.St.Catherine I 18
  • 117 = P.St.Catherine II 18
  • 118 = Richards, D. S., "A Fatimid Petition and 'Small Decree' from Sinai," IOS 3 (1973) 140-158.
  • 140 = Humbsch, R., Beiträge zur Geschichte des osmanischen Ägyptens nach arabischen Sultans- und Statthalterurkunden des Sinai-Klosters, Freiburg i. Br. 1976 (Islamkundliche Untersuchungen 39), no. 1 = P.St.Catherine II 1
  • 185 = Richards, D. S., "Some Muslim and Christian Documents from Sinai Concerning Christian Property," in: Law, Christianity and Modernism in Islamic Society. Proceedings of the Eighteenth Congress of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, ed. U. Vermeulen and J. M. F. van Reeth. Leuven 1998 (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 86). 2 vols. Vol. 1 161-170, no. Atiya 185.
  • 186 = Richards, D. S., "St Catherine's Monastery and the Bedouin: Archival Documents of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries," in: Le Sinaï de la conquête arabe à nos jours, ed. J.-M. Mouton. Cairo 2001 (Cahier des annales islamologiques 21). 149-181, no. 1.
  • 187 = Richards, D. S., "St Catherine's Monastery and the Bedouin: Archival Documents of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries," in: Le Sinaï de la conquête arabe à nos jours, ed. J.-M. Mouton. Cairo 2001 (Cahier des annales islamologiques 21). 149-181, no. 2.
  • 188 = Richards, D. S., "St Catherine's Monastery and the Bedouin: Archival Documents of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries," in: Le Sinaï de la conquête arabe à nos jours, ed. J.-M. Mouton. Cairo 2001 (Cahier des annales islamologiques 21). 149-181, no. 3.
  • 189 = Richards, D. S., "St Catherine's Monastery and the Bedouin: Archival Documents of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries," in: Le Sinaï de la conquête arabe à nos jours, ed. J.-M. Mouton. Cairo 2001 (Cahier des annales islamologiques 21). 149-181, no. 5.
  • 190 = Richards, D. S., "St Catherine's Monastery and the Bedouin: Archival Documents of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries," in: Le Sinaï de la conquête arabe à nos jours, ed. J.-M. Mouton. Cairo 2001 (Cahier des annales islamologiques 21). 149-181, no. 7.
  • 238 = Richards, D. S., "Some Muslim and Christian Documents from Sinai Concerning Christian Property," in: Law, Christianity and Modernism in Islamic Society. Proceedings of the Eighteenth Congress of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, ed. U. Vermeulen and J. M. F. van Reeth. Leuven 1998 (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 86). 2 vols. Vol. 1 161-170, no. Atiya 238.
  • 244 Richards, D. S., "Some Muslim and Christian Documents from Sinai Concerning Christian Property," in: Law, Christianity and Modernism in Islamic Society. Proceedings of the Eighteenth Congress of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, ed. U. Vermeulen and J. M. F. van Reeth. Leuven 1998 (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 86). 2 vols. Vol. 1 161-170, no. Atiya 244.
  • 247 = Richards, D. S., "A Mamluk Petition and a Report from the Diwan al-Jaysh," BSOAS 40 (1977) 1-14.
  • 249 = Richards, D. S., "Documents from Sinai concerning Mainly Cairene Property," JESHO 28 (1985) 225-293, no. 1.
  • 252 = Richards, D. S., "Documents from Sinai concerning Mainly Cairene Property," JESHO 28 (1985) 225-293, no. 18 (only description).
  • 254 = Richards, D. S., "Documents from Sinai concerning Mainly Cairene Property," JESHO 28 (1985) 225-293, no. 5 (only description).
  • 255 = Richards, D. S., "Documents from Sinai concerning Mainly Cairene Property," JESHO 28 (1985) 225-293, no. 20 (only description).
  • 256 = Richards, D. S., "Documents from Sinai concerning Mainly Cairene Property," JESHO 28 (1985) 225-293, no. 3.
  • 258 Richards, D. S., "Documents from Sinai concerning Mainly Cairene Property," JESHO 28 (1985) 225-293, no. 8.
  • 259 = Richards, D. S., "Documents from Sinai concerning Mainly Cairene Property," JESHO 28 (1985) 225-293, no. 2.
  • 260 = Richards, D. S., "Documents from Sinai concerning Mainly Cairene Property," JESHO 28 (1985) 225-293, no. 6 (only description).
  • 261 = Richards, D. S., "Documents from Sinai concerning Mainly Cairene Property," JESHO 28 (1985) 225-293, no. 4 (only description).
  • 265 = Richards, D. S., "Documents from Sinai concerning Mainly Cairene Property," JESHO 28 (1985) 225-293, no. 7.
  • 270 = Richards, D. S., "Documents from Sinai concerning Mainly Cairene Property," JESHO 28 (1985) 225-293, no. 10.
  • 271 = Richards, D. S., "Documents from Sinai concerning Mainly Cairene Property," JESHO 28 (1985) 225-293, no. 11 (only description).
  • 272 = Richards, D. S., "Documents from Sinai concerning Mainly Cairene Property," JESHO 28 (1985) 225-293, no. 12.
  • 273 = Richards, D. S., "Documents from Sinai concerning Mainly Cairene Property," JESHO 28 (1985) 225-293, no. 13.
  • 275 = Richards, D. S., "Documents from Sinai concerning Mainly Cairene Property," JESHO 28 (1985) 225-293, no. 14.
  • 276 = Richards, D. S., "Documents from Sinai concerning Mainly Cairene Property," JESHO 28 (1985) 225-293, no. 15.
  • 277 = Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., "Min waṯāʾiq Dayr Sant Katrīn: ṯalāṯ waṯāʾiq fiqhiyya," Maǧallat Kullīyat al-ʿĀdāb (Ǧāmiʿat al-Qāhira) 25 (1963) 95-133, no. 1.
  • 281 = Richards, D. S., "Documents from Sinai concerning Mainly Cairene Property," JESHO 28 (1985) 225-293, no. 9.
  • 285 = Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., "Min waṯāʾiq Dayr Sant Katrīn: ṯalāṯ waṯāʾiq fiqhiyya," Maǧallat Kullīyat al-ʿĀdāb (Ǧāmiʿat al-Qāhira) 25 (1963) 95-133, no. 2.
  • 286 = Richards, D. S., "Documents from Sinai concerning Mainly Cairene Property," JESHO 28 (1985) 225-293, no. 17 (only description).
  • 295 = Richards, D. S., "Documents from Sinai concerning Mainly Cairene Property," JESHO 28 (1985) 225-293, no. 16 (only description).
  • 300 Richards, D. S., "Documents from Sinai concerning Mainly Cairene Property," JESHO 28 (1985) 225-293, no. 19.
  • 304 = Richards, D. S., "St Catherine's Monastery and the Bedouin: Archival Documents of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries," in: Le Sinaï de la conquête arabe à nos jours, ed. J.-M. Mouton. Cairo 2001 (Cahier des annales islamologiques 21). 149-181, no. 4.
  • 306 = Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., "Min waṯāʾiq Dayr Sant Katrīn: ṯalāṯ waṯāʾiq fiqhiyya," Maǧallat Kullīyat al-ʿĀdāb (Ǧāmiʿat al-Qāhira) 25 (1963) 95-133, no. 3.
  • 821 = Richards, D. S., "Some Muslim and Christian Documents from Sinai Concerning Christian Property," in: Law, Christianity and Modernism in Islamic Society. Proceedings of the Eighteenth Congress of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, ed. U. Vermeulen and J. M. F. van Reeth. Leuven 1998 (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 86). 2 vols. Vol. 1 161-170, no. Atiya 821.
  • 933 = P.St.Catherine II 4
  • 934 = P.St.Catherine II p. 56-58
  • 935 = P.St.Catherine II 12
  • 962 = Stern, S. M., "A Fatimid Decree of the Year 524/1130," BSOAS 23 (1960) 439-455 = P.Fatimid 3
  • 963 = P.Fatimid 9
  • 1062 = Richards, D. S., “Three (twelfth-century?) guarantees issued for the monks of St Catherine’s Monastery in Sinai”, in: Christian Müller / Muriel Roiland-Rouabah (eds.), Les non-dits du nom: Onomastique et documents en terres d’Islam, Beirut 2013, 15-27, no. 1.

Bachatly, C., "Document sur un pèlerinage à la Mecque au début du Xe siècle de l’hégire," BSGE 21 (1943) 23-27.

Bacqué-Grammont, J.-L. / Choumet, M. / Ducatez, G., "Lettres de Hā'ir Beg, dernier Nâ'ib Mamlouk d'Alep, à la porte Ottomane", JA 281 (1993) 235-316. Edition of twelve letters from 1510-1514. Nos. 1-8 and 12 are Ottoman, nos 9-11 Arabic. APD

Baramki, D. C., "Excavations at Khirbet el Mefjer. III," QDAP 8 (1938) 51-53. No. 1 on marble. The text has been republished as: APD

  • CIAP VI 64

Barceló, C., "Documentos árabes de al-Azrāq (1245-1250)", Saitabi 32 (1982), 27-41. Two documents. APD

Barcelò, C., " Inventario de documentos árabes alicantinos," Revista del instituto de estudios alicantinos 37 (1982) 53-65. All documents have been republished:

  • 1 = P.PaisValenciano II 52
  • 2 = P.PaisValenciano II 53

Barceló, C., "Consideraciones en torno a un texto árabe del Archivo Municipal de Sueca," Quaderns de Sueca 4 (1983) 61-68. Nos. 1-4. Some documents have been republished:

  • 1 = P.PaisValenciano II 18
  • 2 = P.PaisValenciano II 28
  • 3 = P.PaisValenciano II 54

Barceló, C., "Un assassinat en la Valldigna (1492)," Ullal: Revista d'Història i Cultura 3 (1983) 103-107. The documents has been republished:

  • = Barcelò, C., "Un asesinato en la Valldigna (Valencia, 1492), al-Qanṭara 26 (2005), 475-498 = P.PaisValenciano II 20

Barceló, C. / Labarta, A., "Azucar, "Trapigs" y dos textos árabes valencianos," Sharq al-Andalus 1 (1984) 55-70. Two documents.

  • A = P.PaisValenciano II 144
  • B = P.PaisValenciano II 139

Barceló, C. / Labarta, A., "Indumentaria morisca valenciana," Sharq al-Andalus 2 (1985) 49-73. Nos. 1 and 2 are Arabic, 3 and 4 Spanish.

  • 1 = P.PaisValenciano II 74
  • 2 = P.PaisValenciano II 85

Barceló, C., "Nuevos fondos arábigo-valencianos: la Colección Martínez Aloy," al-Qanṭara 7 (1986) 321-330. Nos. 1-5.

  • 1 = P.PaisValenciano II 14
  • 2 = P.PaisValenciano II 15
  • 3 = P.PaisValenciano II 48
  • 4 = P.PaisValenciano II 49
  • 5 = P.PaisValenciano II 70

Barceló, C., "Poblamiento y toponomástica de la Vall de Gallinera islámica," Saitabi 37 (1987) 115-130. Nos. 4-6 are documents. Two have been republished:

  • 4 = Barceló, C., "Poblament i toponomàstica de la Vall de Gallinera Islàmica," Aguaits 2 (1988) p. 15 a = P.PaisValenciano II 1
  • 6 = Barceló, C., "Poblament i toponomàstica de la Vall de Gallinera Islàmica," Aguaits 2 (1988) p. 15 c= P.PaisValenciano II 176

Barceló, C., "Poblament i toponomàstica de la Vall de Gallinera Islàmica," Aguaits 2 (1988) 5-16. On p. 15 edition of three documents. Two have been republished:

  • p. 15 a = P.PaisValenciano II 1
  • p. 15 c = P.PaisValenciano II 176

Barcelò, C., "Penàguila: un topònim àrab," A Sol Post: Estudis de Llengu i Literatura 2 (1991), 39-44. Both documents have been republished:

  • A = P.PaisValenciano II 46
  • B = P.PaisValenciano II 62

Barceló, C. / Labarta, A., "Balad al-munastir y otros lugares arabófonos castellonenses (siglos XV-XVI)," in BSCC 81 (2005), 289-304.

  • 2 = P.PaisValenciano II 12
  • 3 = P.PaisValenciano II 22
  • 4 = P.PaisValenciano II 29
  • 5 = P.PaisValenciano II 30

Barcelò, C., "Un document àrab conservat a L'Arxiu municipal de Culla," in: C. Pitarch Alfonso (ed.), Imatge de Culla: Estudis recollits en el 750é aniversari de la Carta de Població (1244-1994), Culla 1994, 375-378. The documents has been republished:

  • = P.PaisValenciano II 23

Barcelò, C., "Un asesinato en la Valldigna (Valencia, 1492), al-Qanṭara 26 (2005), 475-498. The document has been republished as

  • = P.PaisValenciano II 20

Barceló, C. / Labarta, A., "Tres cartes àrabs del senyoriu de Benilloba a l'arxiu municipal d'Ontinyent (1513-1516), Alba: Revista d'estudis comarcals de la vall d'albaida 20-21 (2005-2006), 4-23. Nos. 1-3 have been republished:

  • 1 = P.PaisValenciano II 33
  • 2 = P.PaisValenciano II 37
  • 3 = P.PaisValenciano II 39

Barthold, W. “The Bughra Khan mentioned in the Qudatqu Bilik.” BSOS 3,1 (1923), 151-158. One on paper. It has been republished as: APD

  • = Gronke, M., "The Arabic Yarkand Documents," BSOAS 49 (1986) 454-507, no. 1.

Bauden, F., "The Mamluk documents of the Venetian State Archives: handlist", QSA 20-21 (2002-2003) 147-156. Nos. 1-19. Handlist of Arabic documents in the Archivio di Stato di Venezia. Several nos. have been edited:

  • 1 = Wansbrough, J., "A Mamluk letter of 877/1473," BSOAS 24 (1961) 200-213 = Hours, F., "Fraude commerciale et politique internationale: les relations entre l'Egypte et Venise d'après une lettre de Qayt Bey (1472-1473)," BEO 25 (1972) 173-184.
  • 3 = Wansbrough, J., "A Mamluk Ambassador to Venice," BSOAS 26 (1963) 503-530.
  • 5 = Bauden, F., "D'Alexandrie à Damas et retour: La poste privée à l'époque mamlouke à la lumière d'une commission accomplié pour le compte d'un vénitien (821 A.H./1418 É.C.)", in: U. Vermeulen and K. D'Hulster (eds.), Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk eras, VI: proceedings of the 14th and 15th International Colloquium ... Leuven ... 2005 and ... 2006, Leuven 2010, 157-189.
  • 7 = Bauden, F., "« Lam baqa yuʿāriḍkum ». Analyse linguistique de trois lettres rédigées par un marchand au Caire en 819/1416-820/1417," J. Den Heijer, P. La Spisa, L. Tuerlinckx (eds.), Études présentées à Jacques Grand’Henry à l’occasion de son 70e anniversaire, Louvain-La-Neuve 2012 (Publications de l'Institut Orientaliste de Louvain 61), 1-37, no. 4.
  • 8 = Bauden, F., "« Lam baqa yuʿāriḍkum ». Analyse linguistique de trois lettres rédigées par un marchand au Caire en 819/1416-820/1417,"  J. Den Heijer, P. La Spisa, L. Tuerlinckx (eds.), Études présentées à Jacques Grand’Henry à l’occasion de son 70e anniversaire, Louvain-La-Neuve 2012 (Publications de l'Institut Orientaliste de Louvain 61), 1-37, no. 5.
  • 9 = Bauden, F., "« Lam baqa yuʿāriḍkum ». Analyse linguistique de trois lettres rédigées par un marchand au Caire en 819/1416-820/1417,"  J. Den Heijer, P. La Spisa, L. Tuerlinckx (eds.), Études présentées à Jacques Grand’Henry à l’occasion de son 70e anniversaire, Louvain-La-Neuve 2012 (Publications de l'Institut Orientaliste de Louvain 61), 1-37, no. 6.
  • 10 = Bauden, F., "L'achat d'esclaves et la rédemption des captifs d'Alexandrie d'après deux documents arabes d'époque mamelouke conservés aux Archives de l'Etat à Venise (ASVe)". In: Regards croisés sur le Moyen Âge arabe: mélanges à la mémoire de Louis Pouzet s.j. (1928-2002), ed. Anne-Marie Eddé and Emma Gannagé, Beirut 2005 (Mélanges de l'Université St.Joseph 58), 269-325, no. 1.
  • 11 = Bauden, F., “Le transport de merchandise et de personnes sur le Nil en 823 A.H./1420 È.C.", A. T. Schubert and P. M. Sijpesteijn (eds.), Documents and the History of the Early Islamic World, Leiden 2015, 100-129.
  • 12 = Bauden, F., "L'achat d'esclaves et la rédemption des captifs d'Alexandrie d'après deux documents arabes d'époque mamelouke conservés aux Archives de l'Etat à Venise (ASVe)". In: Regards croisés sur le Moyen Âge arabe: mélanges à la mémoire de Louis Pouzet s.j. (1928-2002), ed. Anne-Marie Eddé and Emma Gannagé, Beirut 2005 (Mélanges de l'Université St.Joseph 58), 269-325, no. 2.
  • 13 = Bauden, F., "The role of interpreters in Alexandria in the light of an oath (qasāma) taken in the year 822 A.H./1419 A.D.", K. D'Hulster and J. van Steenbergen, J. (eds.), Continuity and change in the realms of Islam. Studies in honour of Professor Urbain Vermeulen, Leuven/Paris/Dudley, Ma 2008 (Orientalia Lovanensia Analecta 171), 33-63.

Bauden, F., "The recovery of Mamluk chancery documents in an unsuspected place", in: Winter, M. / Levanoni, A. (eds.), The Mamluks in Egyptian and Syrian politics and society (The Medieval Mediterranean 51), Leiden 2003, 59–76. Nos. 1-3, administrative documents.

Bauden, F., "L'achat d'esclaves et la rédemption des captifs d'Alexandrie d'après deux documents arabes d'époque mamelouke conservés aux Archives de l'Etat à Venise (ASVe)", in: Regards croisés sur le Moyen Âge arabe: mélanges à la mémoire de Louis Pouzet s.j. (1928-2002), ed. Anne-Marie Eddé and Emma Gannagé, Beirut 2005 (Mélanges de l'Université St.Joseph 58), 269-325. Nos. 1-2 on paper. APD

Bauden, F., "The role of interpreters in Alexandria in the light of an oath (qasāma) taken in the year 822 A.H./1419 A.D.", in: D'Hulster, K. and van Steenbergen, J. (eds.), Continuity and change in the realms of Islam. Studies in honour of Professor Urbain Vermeulen, Leuven/Paris/Dudley, Ma 2008 (Orientalia Lovanensia Analecta 171), 33-63. No. 1 on paper, one plate. APD

Bauden, F., "Due trattati di pace conclusi nel dodicesimo secolo trai i Banū Ġāniya, signori delle isole Baleari, e il comune di Genova", in: Martínez de Castilla, N. (ed.), Documentos y manuscritos árabes del Occidente musulmán medieval, Madrid 2010, 33-86. Nos. 1-2 on parchment. No. 1 dated 577 AH / 1181 CE, no. 2 dated 584 AH / 1188 CE. 3 plates. APD

Bauden, F., "D'Alexandrie à Damas et retour: La poste privée à l'époque mamlouke à la lumière d'une commission accomplié pour le compte d'un vénitien (821 A.H./1418 É.C.)", in: U. Vermeulen and K. D'Hulster (eds.), Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk eras, VI: proceedings of the 14th and 15th International Colloquium ... Leuven ... 2005 and ... 2006, Leuven 2010, 157-189. One document on paper. APD

Bauden, F., "« Lam baqa yuʿāriḍkum ». Analyse linguistique de trois lettres rédigées par un marchand au Caire en 819/1416-820/1417," in: Den Heijer, J., La Spisa, P., Tuerlinckx, L. (eds.), Études présentées à Jacques Grand’Henry à l’occasion de son 70e anniversaire, Louvain-La-Neuve 2012 (Publications de l'Institut Orientaliste de Louvain 61), 1-37. Nos. 1-3 on paper. APD

Bauden, F., “Le transport de merchandise et de personnes sur le Nil en 823 A.H./1420 È.C.", in A. T. Schubert and P. M. Sijpesteijn (eds.), Documents and the History of the Early Islamic World, Leiden 2015, 100-129. APD

Bauden, F., "Diplomatic Entanglements between Tabriz, Cairo, and Herat: a Reconstructed Qara Qoyunlu Letter Datable to 818/1415", Bauden, F. and Dekkiche, M. (eds.), Mamluk Cairo, a crossroads for embassies: Studies on diplomacy and diplomatics (Islamic History and Civilization 161), Leiden 2019, 410–483. Edition of a letter, early 15th c. APD

Becker, C. H., "Arabische Papyri des Aphroditofundes," ZA 20 (1906) 68-104. Nos. 1-17. The following texts have been republished: APD

  • 3 = Vanthieghem, N., "La correspondance de Qurra b. Šarīk et de Basileios revisitée II: À propos de P.BeckerPAF 3 (P. Lond. Inv. Or. 6233 [1-4])", CdÉ 92 (2017), 419–424.
  • 7 = Becker, C. H., "Neue Arabische Papyri des Aphroditofundes," Der Islam 2 (1911) 245-268, no. 4 = P.Cair.Arab. 147 = P.Mudun 15
  • 9 = P.Mudun 32
  • 12 = P.Cair.Arab. 150
  • 14 = Becker, C. H., "Neue Arabische Papyri des Aphroditofundes," Der Islam 2 (1911) 245-268, no. 5 = P.Cair.Arab. 151
  • 15.1 = Becker, C. H., "Das Lateinische in den arabischen Papyrusprotokollen", ZA 22 (1909) 166-193, no. 9 = CPR III 1 26 = P.Cair.Arab. 10
  • 15.2 = Becker, C. H., "Das Lateinische in den arabischen Papyrusprotokollen", ZA 22 (1909) 166-193, no. 10

Becker, C. H., "Papyrusstudien," ZA 22 (1909) 137-154. One document. APD

Becker, C. H., "Das Lateinische in den arabischen Papyrusprotokollen", ZA 22 (1909) 166-193. Nos. 1-11. Most texts have been republished: APD

  • 1 = P.Lond. IV 1431 = CPR III 1
  • 2 = P.Lond. IV 1412 = CPR III 2
  • 3 = P.Lond. IV 1433 = CPR III 35 = P.Alqab 4
  • 4 = CPR III 58
  • 5 = P.Lond. IV 1499 = CPR III 85
  • 6 = CPR III 37
  • 7 = CPR III 82
  • 8 = CPR III 74
  • 9 = CPR III 26 = P.Cair.Arab. 10
  • 11 = CPR III 27 = P.Cair.Arab. 11 = Chrest.Khoury I 2

Becker, C. H., "Neue Arabische Papyri des Aphroditofundes," Der Islam 2 (1911) 245-268. Nos. 1-16. The following texts have been republished: APD

  • 1 = P.Cair.Arab. 146
  • 2 = P.Cair.Arab. 148
  • 3 = P.Cair.Arab. 149
  • 4 = P.Cair.Arab. 147 = P.Mudun 15
  • 5 = P.Cair.Arab. 151
  • 6 = P.Cair.Arab. 153
  • 8 = P.Cair.Arab. 154 = P.World p. 129 = P.Alqab 12
  • 9 = P.Cair.Arab. 155
  • 10 = P.Cair.Arab. 152
  • 11 = P.Cair.Arab. 156
  • 13 = P.Cair.Arab. 160
  • 14 = P.Cair.Arab. 161
  • 15 = P.Cair.Arab. 162
  • 16 = P.Cair.Arab. 163

Bejarano, Í. / Roldán, F., "Documentos árabes de la Biblioteca Capitular de la cathedral de Sevilla I", AndMag 3 (1995), 187-198. APD

Bejarano, Í. / Roldán, F., "Documentos árabes de la Biblioteca Capitular de la Catedral de Sevilla II", A. Tawfik, / J. M. Carabaza Bravo / P. Cano Avila / I. Garijo Galán (eds.), El saber en Al-Andalus, textos y studios, Sevilla 1999, vol. 1, 163-172. APD

Bell, H. I., "Two official letters of the Arab period", JEA 12 (1926) 265-281. No. 1-2- No. 1 is bilingual Greek and Arabic, no. 2 only Greek. APD

Bell, H. I, "The Arabic Bilingual Entagion", TAPA 89 (1945) 538-542. Nos. 1-8 plus appendix. Nos. 1-7 are bilingual Greek and Arabic. Only the Greek is transcribed. The bilingual texts are republished as P.Ness. III 60-64 and 66-67.

Berkes, L. / Younes, Kh. M., "A Trilingual Scribe from Abbasid Egypt? A Note on CPR XXII 17", Archiv 58 (2012) 97–100.

Berkes, L., "Papyrologica VII: 66", CdÉ 92 (2017), 220–221. Emendations.

Duque de Berwick y de Alba, Notices históricas y genealógicas de los estados de Montjo y Teba, según los documentos de sus archivos, Madrid 1915. An edition of an Arabic letter on p. 31-34.

Blau, J. / Hopkins, S., "Judaeo-Arabic Papyri - Collected, Edited, Translated and Analysed," JSAI 9 (1987) 87-160. Nos. 1-17.

Bosch Vilá, J., "Los documentos árabes del Archivo Catedral de Huesca," RIEIM 5 (1957) 1-48; 12 plates. Nos. 1-12 on parchment. APD

Bosch Vilá, J., "Dos nuevos manuscritos y papeles sueltos de moriscos aragoneses", al-Andalus 22 (1957) 463-470. In Aljamiado.

Bresc, H. / Rāġib, Y., Le sultan mérinide Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAlī et Jacques III de Majorque : du traité de paix au pacte secret, Le Caire 2011 (Cahier des Annales islamologiques 32). One document. APD

Bruning, J. "A reused piece of paper with a personal letter and a list", A. Boud’hors / A. Delattre / C. Louis / T. S. Richter, Coptica Argentoratensia: Textes et documents de la troisième université d’été de papyrologie copte (Strasbourg, 18-25 julliet 2010), Paris 2014, 219-205. APD

Bruning, J. “A Legal Sunna in Dhikr Ḥaqqs from Sufyanid Egypt” ILS 22 (2015) 352-374. APD

Bruning, J., "Developments in Egypt's early Islamic postal system (with an edition of P.Khalili II 5)", BSOAS 81 (2018) 25-40. Edition of a papyrus. APD

Brunschvig, R., "Une lettre du calife hafside 'Utmän au Duc de Milan (1476)", Les Cahiers de Tunisie 26, 3-4 (1978) 27-32. One document on paper. APD

Bsees, U., "Half a sale contract or an unknown type of document? Going deeper into P.Cair.EgLib. inv. 885 verso", T. Derda / A. Ɫajtar / J. Urbanik, Proceedings of the 27th International Congress of Papyrology, Warsaw, 29 July - 3 August 2013 (The Journal of Juristic Papyrology Supplements, vol. 28), Warsaw 2016, 1077-1084. APD

Bsees, U., "Zwischen 'Eifer, ihn zu erfreuen' und 'Ich mache Dich fertig': das emotionale Spektrum zweier arabischer Briefe auf Papyrus (P.Vind.inv. A.P. 6452)", J. Hämeen-Anttila / P. Koskikallio / I. Lindstedt, Contacts and Interaction: Proceedings of the 27th Congress of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, Helsinki 2014 (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 254), Leuven 2017, 95-106.

Buresi, P., "Traduttore, Traditore, à propos d’une correspondance arabe-latine entre l’empire almohade et le cité de Pise (début XIIIe siècle)," OrMod 88,2 (2008), 297-309. One document. APD

Buresi, P., "Les plaintes de l'archevêque: chronique des premiers échanges épistolaires entre Pise et le gouverneur almohade de Tunis 1182," N. Martínez de Castilla (ed.), Documentos y manuscritos árabes del Occidente musulmán medieval, Madrid 2010, 87-120. Nos. 1-2. APD

Buresi, P., "Les documents arabes et latins échangés entre Pise et L’Empire almohade en 596-598/1200-1202: la chancellerie au coeur des relations diplomatiques," in: A. Regourd (ed.), Documents et histoire: Islam, VIIe-XVIe siècle; Actes des premières Journées d’étude internationales, École pratique des hautes études, IVe section, musée du Louve, département des Arts de l’Islam, Paris, 16 et 17 mai 2008, Genève 2013, 13-88. Nos. 1-6. APD

Burns, Robert I. / Chevedden, Paul E., "El tractat de rendició d'al-Azraq amb Jaume I i l'Infant Alfons en 1245, el text àrab i el context valencià", Espill 17-18 (1983), 242-257. APD

Burns, Robert I. / Chevedden, Paul E., "Al-Azraq's Surrender Treaty with Jaume I and Prince Alfonso in 1245, Arabic Text and Valencian Context", Der Islam 66 (1989), 1-37. APD

Burns, Robert I. / Chevedden, Paul E. / de Epalza, Míkel, Negotiating Cultures. Bilingual Surrender Treaties in Muslim-Crusader Spain under James the Conqueror, Leiden 1999 (The Medieval Mediterranean - Peoples, Economies and Cultures, 400-1453, vol. 22). Two peace treaties on parchment (chapter 3 and chapter 9). The first one (chapter 3) is a reedition (see Momblanch y Gonzálbez). APD

Bustani, A. (ed.), Kitāb nubdhat al-ʿaṣr fi akhbār mulūk banī Naṣr (Publicaciones del Instituto General Franco para la investigación hispano-árabe 2,2), Larache 1940. On p. 276-283 an edition of a Arabic letter. The text has been republished as: APD

  • Muriel Morales, F., "Tres cartas de la cancillería de Muḥammad IX de Granada", al-Andalus-Magreb 5 (1997) 171-188, no. 2.

Bustani, A., "Tres cartas árabes del último período del Reino de Granada, que se conservan en el archivo del Marqués de Campo Real de Jerez de la Frontera", in Mauritania: Revista de cultura marroquí 181 (1942) 370-372. Images and translations of three letters. All have been edited as: Muriel Morales, F., "Tres cartas de la cancillería de Muḥammad IX de Granada", al-Andalus-Magreb 5 (1997) 171-188.

Cabanelas, D., "Un documento de los mozárabes de Toledo (siglo XIII)," Awrāq ŷadīda 5 (1984) 7-15. A contract of sale from 1209 CE. APD

Cabanelas, D., "Otro documento de los Mozarabes de Toledo (siglo XIII)," Toletum 17 (1985) 177-191. APD

Cadell, H., "Nouveaux fragments de la correspondance de Kurrah ben Sharik," RechPap 4 (1968) 107-160. Nos. 1-8 Greek. There is a half line of Arabic in no. 1. APD

Cahen, Cl., "Une lettre d'un prisonnier musulman des Francs de Syrie," Études de civilisation médiévale (IXe-XIIe siècles). Mélanges E.-R. Labande Poitiers: CESCM, (1974) 83-87. APD

Cahen, Cl. / Raghib, Y., "Une reconnaissance de dette en 389h-999 J.C. (papier arabe Strasbourg 11B)," Cahiers d'études arabes et islamiques 2/3 (1977) 23-28. APD

Cahen, Cl. / Rémondon, D. et al., "Un fait divers au temps des Mamluks," Arabica 25 (1978) 198-202. Paper. APD

Cahen, Cl. / Raghib, Y. / Taher, M. A., "L'achat et le waqf d'un grand domaine égyptien par le vizir fatimide Talaiʿ b. Russiq (Contribution à une publication des waqf égyptiens médiévaux)," AnnIslam 14 (1978) 59-126. Paper.

Caruso, G., "Appendice all'opera del Mongitore Bullae privilegia et instrumenta Eccl. Pan.", Biblioteca Sacra: Giornale-Scientifico-Letterario-Ecclesiastico per la Sicilia (1834), 1-21. Two documents on parchment. Both have been republished:

  • 1 = P.Sicilia 93 (Cattedrale di Palermo 12) = Johns, J. / Metcalfe, A., "The Mystery at Chùrchuro: Conspiracy or Incompetence in Twelfth-Century Sicily?", BSOAS 62 (1999) 226-259, no. 2.
  • 2 = P.Sicilia 89 (Cattedrale di Palermo 10) = Johns, J. / Metcalfe, A., "The Mystery at Chùrchuro: Conspiracy or Incompetence in Twelfth-Century Sicily?", BSOAS 62 (1999) 226-259, no. 1.

Casanova, P., "Note sur des papyrus arabes du Musée égyptien," ASAE 9 (1908) 193-302. 3 "dossiers" containing fragments of papyrus and paper documents. A few are transcribed and others just listed.

Champollion Figeac, J.-J., Documents historiques inédits tirés des collections manuscrites de la Bibliothèque Royale et des archives ou des bibliothèques des départements, Tome second, 2e partie: texte des documents, Paris 1843. The only Arabic document is XXXVII no. 5. It has been republished as: APD

  • = Bresc, H. / Rāġib, Y., Le sultan mérinide Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAlī et Jacques III de Majorque : du traité de paix au pacte secret, Le Caire 2011 (Cahier des Annales islamologiques 32)

Cervera, M. J., "Documento árabe de venta (Zaragoza, 1194)," EDNA 2 (1997) 83-93. APD

Christie, N., "A rental document from 8th/14th century Egypt," JARCE 41 (2004) 161-172. APD

Ciasca, A., I papiri Copti del Museo Borgiano della S. C. de propaganda fide, Rom 1881. No. 1 is the edition of an Arabic protocol. It has been republished as: APD

  • 1 = P.KRU 106 = CPR III 1 106

Colin, G. S., "Sur une charte hispano-arabe de 1312," Islamica 3 (1927) 363-390. APD

Colin, G. S., Un petit glossaire hispanique arabo-allemand du début du XVIe siècle, al-Andalus 11 (1946) 275-281. One document on paper. The text has been republished as: APD

  • = P.Moriscos 56

Collura, P., Le più antiche carte dell'Archivio Capitolare di Agrigento (1092-1282), Palermo 1961. No. 63 is an edition Latin-Arabic document.

Conermann S. / Saghbini, S., "Awlād al-Nās as Founders of Pious Endowments: The Waqfīyah of Yaḥyá ibn Tūghān al-Ḥasanī of the Year 870/1465", MSR 6 (2002) 21-50. Edition of a waqfīya.

Crum, W. E., “A Coptic ‘Letter of Order’”, BSBA 20 (1898) 270-276. The document has been republished as: APD

  • = P.Panop.Bisch. 2

Crum, W. E., “A Bilingual Charm“, PSBA 24 (1902) 329-331. APD

Cuenca i Montagut, R., "L'islam clandestí: els moriscos (1525-1609)," V. Terol i Reig (ed.), Catàleg de l'exposiciò: 750 anys com a valencians: Albaida i la Vall 1245-1995, Albaida 1995. The documents have been republished:

  • 2 = P.PaisValenciano II 75
  • 3 = P.PaisValenciano II 90

Daaïf, L., "Un document juridique mamelouk: Se porter garant de la comparution d'un tiers", AnnIslam 47 (2013), 425-444. One document on paper. APD

Dagorn, R., "Le document almohade de Poblet," Islamochristiana 7 (1981) 146-166. APD

Darrāǧ, A., Ḥuǧǧat waqf Barsbay, Cairo 1963. Edition of one waqfiyya from the Egyptian Library.

David-Weill, J., "Papyrus arabes d'Edfou," BIFAO 30 (1931) 33-44. Nos. 1-2. APD

David-Weill, J., "Une nouveau titre de proprieté daté," Mélanges Gaudefroy-Demombynes. Cairo 1939-1945. 141-146. APD

David-Weill, J., "Un papyrus inédit du Musée du Louvre," Semitica 4 (1951-2) 67-71. See further Semitica 5 (1955) 103. APD

David-Weill, J., "Papyrus Louvre 6842," BIFAO LIX (1960) 151-156. APD

David-Weill, J., "Contrat de travail au pair. Papyrus Louvre 7348," in Études d'orientalisme dédiés à la mémoire de Lévi-Provençal. Leiden 1962. 509-515. APD

David-Weill, J. / Adda, M. / Cahen, Cl., "Lettres à un marchand égyptien du III/IXe siècle," JESHO 16 (1973) 1-14. Nos. 1-2. One text has been republished: APD

  • 1 = P.Marchands III 1

David-Weill, J. "Papyrus arabes du Louvre I-III," JESHO 8 (1965) 277-311. Nos. 1-10; JESHO 14 (1971) 1-24. Nos. 11-20; JESHO 21 (1978) 146-164. Nos. 21-30. For emendations see: Diem, W., "Philologisches zu arabischen Steuerquittungen aus Ägypten (8.-11. Jahrhundert)", WZKM 96 (2006) 55-111. The following texts have been republished: APD

  • 7 = P.Marchands V/1 21
  • 8 = P.Marchands V/1 3
  • 14 = Chrest.Khoury I 7.
  • 27A = Diem, W., "Vier Dienstschreiben an ʿAmmar. Ein Beitrag zur arabischen Papyrologie," ZDMG 133 (1983) 239-262, No. d
  • 27B = Diem, W., "Vier Dienstschreiben an ʿAmmar. Ein Beitrag zur arabischen Papyrologie," ZDMG 133 (1983) 239-262, No. a

Delattre, A. / Liebrenz, B. / Richter, T. S. / Vanthieghem, N., "Écrire en arabe et en copte: Le cas de deux lettres bilingues", CdÉ 87 (2012) 170-188. No. 1 on papyrus, No. 2 on paper. APD

Delattre, A., / Pintaudi, R. / Vanthieghem, N., "An entagion bilingue du gouverneur ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ibn Marwān trouvé à Antinoé," CdÉ 33 (2013) 363-371. One document on papyrus. APD

Delattre, A. / Vanthieghem, N., "Un symbole de Nicée-Constantinople en copte au verso d'un protocole arabe: édition de p. Stras. inv. Kopt. 221+224," JCoptStud 15 (2013) 1–14. Includes the edition of the Arabic protocol. APD

Delattre, A. / Vanthieghem, N., "Un ensemble archivistique trilingue à Strasbourg: un protocole et deux ordres de réquisition de la fin du VIIe siècle", in: Mélanges Jean Gascou: Textes et études papyrologiques (P.Gascou) (Travaux et Mémoires 20/1), ed. J.-L. Fournet, A. Papaconstantinou. Paris 2016,109-131 (= P.Gascou 27-28). No. 27 is Greek/Arabic, no. 28 Coptic. APD

Denoix, S., "Les ostraca de Istabl ʿAntar, 1985", AnnIslam 22 (1986) 27-33. Nos. 100, 102 (1), 102 (2), 482, 578 (only description), 708, 744, 770, 1105, 1130, 1405 (1) and 1405 (2). APD

Derenbourg, H., "Quatre lettres missives écrites dans les années 1470-1475 par Abou'l Hassan Ali, avant-dernier roi more de Grenade, Texte arabe publié pour la première fois avec traduction française," in: Cordier, H. (ed.), Mélanges orientaux, Paris 1883, 1-28. Nos. 1-4.

Derenbourg, H. / Barrau-Dihigo, L., "Une charte hispano-arabe de l'année 1312," RH 15 (1906) 765 (plate); RH 20 (1909) (edition). This document has been reedited by: APD

  • = Colin, G. S., "Sur une charte hispano-arabe de 1312," Islamica 3 (1927) 363-390 = León Tello, P., "Carta de Poblacion a los moros de Urzante," F. M. Pareja (ed.), Actas de Primer congreso de estudios árabes e islamicos (Córdoba 1962), Madrid 1964, 329-343.

Diem, W., "Der Gouverneur an den Pagarchen. Ein verkannter arabischer Papyrus vom Jahre 65 der Higra," Der Islam 60 (1983) 104-111. APD

Diem, W., "Vier Dienstschreiben an ʿAmmar. Ein Beitrag zur arabischen Papyrologie," ZDMG 133 (1983) 239-262. Four texts, nos. a-d. APD

Diem, W., "Einige frühe amtliche Urkunden aus der Sammlung Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer (Wien)," Le Muséon 97 (1984) 109-158. Nos. 1-10. Several texts have been republished: APD

  • 1 = P.Alqab 3
  • 2 = P.Alqab 2
  • 3 = P.Alqab 20
  • 4 = P.Alqab 23
  • 5 = P.Alqab 17
  • 7 = P.Alqab 21

Diem, W., "Philologisches zu den arabischen Aphrodito-Papyri," Islam 61 (1984) 251-275. Many emendations but also reeditions and an editio princeps that has been reedited: APD

  • p. 272 = Raghib, Y. (2009), "Un papyrus arabe de l'an 22 de l'hégire"

Diem, W., "Ein mamlukischer Brief aus der Sammlung des University Museum in Philadelphia," Le Muséon 99 (1986) 131-143. Paper. APD

Diem, W., "Eine umstrittene Stelle: APMḪ 47", ZAL 16 (1987) 120-122. Papyrus. APD

Diem, W., "Drei amtliche Schreiben aus frühislamischer Zeit (Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer, Wien)," JSAI 12 (1989) 146-165. Nos. 1-3. APD

Diem, W., "Drei magische Texte auf Papyrus aus dem 3./9. Jahrhundert," in: M. Forstner (ed.), Festgabe für Hans-Rudolf Singer. Zum 65. Geburtstag am 6. April 1990 überreicht von seinen Freunden und Kollegen, Frankfurt am Main etc. 1991, 27- 36. APD

Diem, W., "Zwei arabische Privatbriefe aus dem Ägyptischen Museum in Kairo," ZAL 25 (1993) 148-153. Nos. 1-2 on paper. APD

Diem, W., "Philologisches zu den Khalil-Papyri," WZKM I: 83 (1993) 39-81; II: 84 (1994) 57-93. Beside many emendations five reeditions. APD

Diem, W., "Vier arabische Rechtsurkunden aus dem Ägypten des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts," Der Islam 72 (1995) 193-257. Nos. 1-4 on paper. APD

Diem, W., "Philologisches zu mamlukischen Erlassen, Eingaben und Dienstschreiben des Jerusalemer al-Haram al-sharif," ZAL 33 (1997) 7-67. Edition of two documents on paper. APD

Diem, W., "Schwieriger Verkauf einer Mauleselin (Pap.Berlin 24008)," in: Jastrow, O. / Talay, S. / Hafenrichter, H. (eds.), Studien zur Semitistik und Arabistik. Festschrift für Hartmut Bobzin zum 60. Geburtstag, Wiesbaden 2008, 57-72. Papyrus. APD

Diem, W., "Philologisches zu arabischen Dokumenten der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek in Wien," WZKM 101 (2011) 75-140. Editions of six documents in an appendix. APD

Diem, W. / Edzard, L., "Ein unhöflicher [unhoeflicher] Brief und liebliche Verse: ein Genizadokument des 11.-12. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. aus der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung, " ZDMG 161 (2011) 276-304. APD

Diem, W., "Ein arabischer Kontoauszug in Briefform aus dem 9. Jahrhundert n. Chr. (Pap. Berlin P. 15128)," V. M. Lepper (ed.), Forschung in der Papyrussammlung. Eine Festgabe für das Neue Museum, Berlin 2012, 411-423. One letter on papyrus. APD

Diem, W., "Zwischen hohem Stil und Vulgarismus. Ein Brief aus dem Ägypten des 10.–11. Jahrhunderts n. Chr.," J. Den Heijer / P. La Spisa / L. Tuerlinckx (eds.), Études présentées à Jacques Grand’Henry à l’occasion de son 70e anniversaire, Louvain-La-Neuve 2012 (Publications de l'Institut Orientaliste de Louvain 61), 155-188. APD

Diem, W., "Three Remarkable Arabic Documents from the Heidelberg Papyrus Collection (First-Third/Seventh-Ninth Centuries", A. Kaplony / D. Potthast / C. Römer (eds.), From Bāwīṭ to Marw: Documents from the Medieval Muslim World, Leiden 2015, 1-22. Edition of three letters. APD

Diem, W., "Ein Begleitbrief von 904 H zu Erlassen aus dem mamlūkischen Ägypten", L. Edzard (ed.), Arabic and Semitic linguistics contextualized: A Festschrift for Jan Retsö, Wiesbaden 2015, 84-101. One document on paper. APD

Dietrich, A., "Eine arabische Eheurkunde aus der Aiyubidenzeit," in Documenta Islamica inedita, ed. J. W. Fück. Berlin 1952. 121-154. Linen. APD

Dietrich, A., "Zwei arabisch beschriftete Knochenstücke aus dem mittelalterlichen Ägypten," Le Muséon 65 (1952) 259-270. Nos. 1-2 on bone. APD

Dietrich, A., Zum Drogenhandel im islamischen Ägypten: Eine Studie über die arabische Handschrift Nr. 912 der Heidelberger Papyrus-Sammlung (Veröffentlichungen aus der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung. Neue Folge I), Heidelberg 1954. Edition of a business letter on paper. The document has been republished as: APD

  • = P.GenizahKingdom 231

Dietrich, A., "Die arabischen Papyri des Topkapi Sarayi-Museums in Istanbul," Der Islam 33 (1958) 37-50. Nos. 1-4. See also W. Diem, "Philologisches zu den arabischen Aphrodito-Papyri," Der Islam 61 (1984) 251-275, esp. 264-265. APD

Donner, F. M., "Fragments of Three Umayyad Official Documents", M. A. Pomerantz / A. A. Shahin (eds.), The Heritage of Arabo-Islamic Learning: Studies Presented to Wadad Qadi (Islamic History and Civilization 122), Leiden 2015, 28-41. Nos. 1-3 on papyrus. APD

Dridi, A., "2. Lettre mentionnant un calife, un gouverneur d’Égypte et un pagarque du Fayoum", Albarrán Martínez, M. J., Boud’hors, A., Delattre, A. (eds.), Coptica Barcinonensia, Leuven 2017 (= JCoptStud 19), 132–134. APD

Dridi, M., "La fonction du ʿakkām dans la caravane des pèlerins: un métier méconnu, à la lumière d'un document légal mamelouk inédit," Arabica 63 (2016) 118-147. Edition of a Mamluk document. APD

Elezović, G., Turski spomenici 1,2, Beograd 1952. Nos. 134-136 are Arabic documents. Nos. 181-183 of Turski spomenici 1,1 (Beograd 1940) are Serbian translations of the Arabic documents. All documents have been edited:

  • 134 = Korkut, B., Arapski dokumenti u Državnom arhivu u Dubrovniku (= al-Waṯāʾiq al-ʿarabiyya fī Dār al-maḫṭūṭāt bi-madīnat Dubrūwnīk), vol. 1, pt. 3: Osnivanje Dubrovačkog konzulata u Aleksandriji, Sarajevo 1969, no. 2.
  • 135 = Korkut, B., Arapski dokumenti u Državnom arhivu u Dubrovniku (= al-Waṯāʾiq al-ʿarabiyya fī Dār al-maḫṭūṭāt bi-madīnat Dubrūwnīk), vol. 1, pt. 3: Osnivanje Dubrovačkog konzulata u Aleksandriji, Sarajevo 1969, no. 3.
  • 136 = Korkut, B., Arapski dokumenti u Državnom arhivu u Dubrovniku (= al-Waṯāʾiq al-ʿarabiyya fī Dār al-maḫṭūṭāt bi-madīnat Dubrūwnīk), vol. 1, pt. 3: Osnivanje Dubrovačkog konzulata u Aleksandriji, Sarajevo 1969, no. 1.

Enzensberger, H., Guilelmi I regis diplomata (Codex diplomaticus Regni Siciliae: Diplomata regum et principum e gente Normannorum, series I, tomus III). Cologne 1996. One bilingual Greek-Arabic document: no. 32 p. 85-87. APD

Fahmy Muhammad, A., "Watha'iq li-l-taʿaqud min fajr al-Islam fi Misr," BIE 54 (1972-3), 1-58. The following text has been republished: APD

  • 10 = P.Vente 8

von Falkenhausen, V. / Johns, J.,  "An Arabic-Greek charter for Archbishop Nicholas of Messina, November 1166", Bénou, L. / C. Rognoni (eds.), Χρόνος συνήγορος. Mélanges André Guillou = Νέα Ῥώμη. Rivista di ricerche bizantinistiche 8 (2011) 153–170. One Arabic-Greek document on parchment. APD

von Falkenhausen, V. / Jamil, N. / Johns, J., "The Twelfth-century Documents of St. George’s of Tròccoli Sicily". In JAIS 16 (2016), 1–84. Nos. 1-6. Nos 1-3 and 5 are Greek-Arabic, nos. 4 and 6 Arabic. APD

Fenton, P., "Tefillah le-rashût û-reshût la-tefillah: zûtôt min ha-genizâh (Prière pour les autorités et autorité pour la prière: textes de la genizah)", Mi-Mizrah û-mi-Ma‘arab 4 (1983) 7-21. Editions of three documents. No. 3 is Arabic and has been republished as:

  • 3 = P.GenizahCambr. 65

Fernández y González, F., Estado social y politico de los mudejares de Càstilla, considerados en si mismos y respecto de la civilizacion española, Madrid 1866. Nos. LXXIV (p.393-394), XCI-XCIII (p. 435-439) and XCVII (p. 442) are Arabic. There are also some Aljamiado documents. Several texts have been republished:

  • XCI = P.Moriscos 39a
  • XCII = P.Moriscos 39b
  • XCIII = P.Moriscos 39c
  • XCVII = P.PaisValenciano II 50

Ferrando Frutos, I., "Dos nuevos documentos mozárabes de Toledo (años 1234-1250)," AndMag 7 (1999) 83-100. APD

Ferrando Frutos, I., "Donación en Totanés (Toledo), año 1271, un documento árabe de los mozárabes de Toledo," AndMag 14 (2007) 39-49. APD

Ferrando Frutos, I., "Testamento y compraventa en Toledo (años 1214 y 1215). Dos documentos árabes de los mozárabes de Toledo," CCO 4 (2007) 41-54. APD

Frantz-Murphy, G., "A Comparison of the Arabic and Earlier Egyptian Contract Formularies, Part I: The Arabic Contracts from Egypt (3rd/9th-5th/11th)," JNES 40 (1981) 203-235. Nos. 1 and 2 on parchment. APD

Frantz-Murphy, G., "The Red Sea Port of Quseir: Arabic Documents and Narrative Sources," D. S. Whitcomb / J. H. Johnson (eds.), Quseir al-Qadim 1980: Preliminary Report, Malibu 1982 (American Research Center in Egypt Reports 7), 267-283. Nos. P. 1-2 on paper, nos. O. 1-2 on ostrich egg shells. APD

Frantz-Murphy, G., "Papyrus Agricultural Contracts in the Oriental Institute Museum from Third/Ninth Century Egypt," R. Curiel / R. Gyselen (eds.), Itinéraires d'Orient. Hommages à Claude Cahen. Textes réunies, Bures-sur-Yvetter 1994 (Res Orientales 6), 119-131. Nos. 1-5. APD

Frantz-Murphy, G., "Transformation of Egyptian agricultural receipts in the 10th-12th centuries C.E.," V. M. Lepper (ed.), Forschung der Papyrussammlung: Eine Festgabe für das Neue Museum, Berlin 2012, 425-434. One document on paper. APD

Frenkel, Y., "The relationship between Mamluk officials and the urban civilian population. A study of some legal documents from Jerusalem," J. Pahlitzsch / L. Korn (eds.), Governing the Holy City: The interaction of social groups in Jerusalem between the Fatimid and the Ottoman period, Reichert 2004, 91-198. Nos. 1-2. Paper. APD

al-Ǧabarat, M. M., "Waqfīyat Manǧak Bāšā (784/1382): Dirāsa wa-taḥqīq”, al-Maǧalla al-urdunnīya li-t-taʾrīḫ wa-l-āṯār 3/1 (2009) 71-100. Nos. 1-4.

Gálvez, M. E., "Fragmento de Yarīda del Archivo Ducal de la Casa de Medinaceli de Sevilla," HID 16 (1989) 1-14. One document. The document has been republished as: APD

  • = Gálvez, M. E., "Noticia sobre los documentos árabes de Sicilia del Archivo Ducal de Medinaceli", B. Scarcia Amoretti (ed.), Giornata di studio, Del nuovo sulla Sicilia musulmana, Roma, 3 maggio 1993 (Accademia dei Lincei, Fondazione Leone Caetani 26), Rom 1995, 167–182 = von Falkenhausen, V. / Jamil, N. / Johns, J., "The Twelfth-century Documents of St. George’s of Tròccoli Sicily". In JAIS 16 (2016), 1–84, no. 4.

Gálvez, M. E., "Noticia sobre los documentos árabes de Sicilia del Archivo Ducal de Medinaceli", B. Scarcia Amoretti (ed.), Giornata di studio, Del nuovo sulla Sicilia musulmana, Roma, 3 maggio 1993 (Accademia dei Lincei, Fondazione Leone Caetani 26), Rom 1995, 167–182. One document. The document has been republished: APD

  • = von Falkenhausen, V. / Jamil, N. / Johns, J., "The Twelfth-century Documents of St. George’s of Tròccoli Sicily". In JAIS 16 (2016), 1–84, no. 4.

García-Arenal, M., "Documentos árabes di Tudela y Tarazona," al-Qantara 3 (1982) 27-72. Nos. 1-10. APD

García-Arenal, M. "Un nuevo documento arabe de Tudela, año de 1509,", al-Qantara 5 (1984) 455-462.

García de Linares, R., "Escrituras arabes pertenencientes al archivo de Ntra. Sra. del Pilar des Zaragoza," in: Homenaje a Fr. Codera (1904) 171-197. APD

García Luján, J. A., Treguas, guerra y capitulaciones de Granada (1457-1491), Documentos del Archivo de los Duques de Frías, Granada 1998. Nos. 1-41. Only no. 2 and 4 are Arabic and no. 6 Arabic-Spanish. All Arabic texts have been republished:

  • 2 = Monferrer Sala, J. P. / Pinilla Melguizo, R., "Tres documentos árabes granadinos sobre las treguas de 1469 y 1472", Revista del CEHGR 12 (1998), 231–261, no. 1.
  • 4 = Monferrer Sala, J. P. / Pinilla Melguizo, R., "Tres documentos árabes granadinos sobre las treguas de 1469 y 1472", Revista del CEHGR 12 (1998), 231–261, no. 2.
  • 6 = Monferrer Sala, J. P. / Pinilla Melguizo, R., "Tres documentos árabes granadinos sobre las treguas de 1469 y 1472", Revista del CEHGR 12 (1998), 231–261, no. 3.

García Luján, J. A. / Lázaro Durán, M., "Escrituras árabes granadinas y firma autógrafa de Abū Zakariyyā Yaḥyā al-Nayyār," MEAH 54 (2005) 79-99.

Garofalo, A., Tabularium Regiae ac Imperialis Capellae Collegiatae Divi Petri in Regio Panormitano Palatio Ferdinandi II. Regni Utriusque Siciliae Regis iussu editum, Palermo 1835. Some of these documents have been reedited:

  • 5 = P.Sicilia 70 (Capella Palatina 5)
  • 11 = P.Sicilia 109 (Capella Palatina 8)
  • 13 = P.Sicilia 119 (Capella Palatina 10)
  • 16 = P.Sicilia 155 (Capella Palatina 11)

Gascou, J., "Sur la lettre arabe de Qurra b. Šarīk. P.Sorb. inv. 2344," AnnIslam 45 (2011) 269-271. APD

Ġawānma, Y. D., Taʾrīḫ niyābat Bayt al-Maqdis fī l-ʿaṣr al-mamlūkī, Amman 1982. Nos. 1-10 in the Appendix. Nos 1-7 are literary transmitted documents (al-Qalqashandī, Subḥ al-aʿshà); nos. 8-10 editions of documents from the Ḥaram al-sharīf collection in Jerusalem. Two have been republished: APD

  • 8 = P.Haram I 9
  • 9 = P.WataiqAlHaram 2

de Gayangos y Arce, P., "Documento arábigo del monasterio de Poblet," 
Memorial histórico español, Colección de documentos, opísculos y 
antigüedades, Madrid 1851-1918 (48 vols). Vol. 6, 111-119. Unchanged reprint in: Poblet 11 (1949), Faszikel V and VI. This document as been republished as: APD

  • = Dagorn, R., "Le document almohade de Poblet,"
Islamochristiana 7 (1981) 146-166 = P.LettresAlmohades 105 mukarrar

Gil, M., "Religion and Realities in Islamic Taxation", IOS 10 (1983) 21-33. Edition of a petition on paper. The text has republished as: APD

  • = P.GenizahPalestine 249

Giménez Soler, A., "Documentos de Túnez, originales ó traducidos, del Archivo de la Corona de Aragón", AIEC (1909-1910) 210-259. Nos. 1-33. Nos. 1-3, 14 and 24 are descriptions of Arabic documents, nos. 6-7, 10, 12, 17, 19, 20, 21-22, 27-28 30 and 32-34 are editions of Arabic documents. Most of the documents are acccompanied by contemporaneous Catalan or Castilian translations. All other nos. are Romance translations of lost Arabic documents. All Arabic documents have been republished: APD

  • 1 (description only) = P.Aragon 128
  • 2 (description only) = P.Aragon 115
  • 3 (description only) = P.Aragon 124
  • 6 = P.Aragon 120
  • 7 = P.Aragon 119
  • 10 = P.Aragon 125
  • 12 = P.Aragon 127
  • 14 (description only) = P.Aragon 133
  • 17 = P.Aragon 130
  • 19 = P.Aragon 132
  • 20 = P.Aragon 131
  • 21 = P.Aragon 134
  • 22 = P.Aragon 135
  • 24 (description only) = P.Aragon 123
  • 27 = P.Aragon 136
  • 28 = P.Aragon 138
  • 30 = P.Aragon 139
  • 32 = P.Aragon 141
  • 33 = P.Aragon 142
  • 34 = P.Aragon 144

Giner, F., "Dues àpoques en morisc de l'arxiu de Cullera," Estudis 5 (1976) 21-28. The documents have been republished as: APD

  • = P.PaisValenciano 268

González Palencia, A., "Venta por deudas en Toledo," al-Andalus 3 (1935) 43-62. Nos. A-G on parchment. APD

González Palencia, A., "Documentos árabes del Cenete," al-Andalus 5 (1940), 301-382. Nos. 1-11.

González Palencia, A., "Notas sobre el régimen de riegos en la región de Veruela en los siglos XII y XIII," al-Andalus 10 (1941) 79-88. One document. APD

Gottheil, R. J. H., "An eleventh-century document concerning a Cairo synagogue," JQR 19 (1907) 467-539. APD

Gottheil, R. J. H., "A decree in favour of the Karaites of Cairo dated 1024," in: A. Harkavy Festschrift, St. Petersburg 1908, 115-125. The text has been republished as: APD

  • = P.Fatimid 2

Gottheil, R. J. H., "Dhimmis and Moslems in Egypt," R. F. Harper (ed.), Old Testament and Semitic Studies in Memory of William Rainey Harper, Chicago 1908, II, 353-414. Paper. The document has been republished as:

  • = Richards, D. S., "Dhimmi Problems in Fifteenth-Century Cairo: Reconsideration of a Court Document," in Studies in Muslim-Jewish Relations, ed. R. Nettler. Vol 1. Chur; Reading 1992. 127-163.

Gottheil, R. J. H., "A Document of the Fifteenth Century Concerning Two Synagogues of the Jews in Old Cairo," JQR 18 (1927-8) 131-152.

Grand'Henry, J., "Un contrat arabe d'échange de la propriété de tours d'irrigation dans la région de Palerme (Sicile) en 526 h/1131 (édition arabe revisée, première traduction et commentaires linguistiques," FO 49 (2012) (= Studia Andreae Zaborski dedicata) 203-217.

Grohmann, A., "Probleme der arabischen Papyrusforschung," ArchOrient 3 (1931) 381-394; 5 (1933) 273-283; 6 (1934) 125-149; 377-398. Nos. 1-19 in the last part of the series. Nos. 1 and 2 are Greek; there are Greek numerals in nos. 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 16. For emendations see: Diem, W., "Philologisches zu arabischen Steuerquittungen aus Ägypten (8.-11. Jahrhundert)", WZKM 96 (2006) 55-111. Several texts have been republished: APD

  • 13 = P.Alqab 38
  • 17 = Diem, W., "Einige frühe amtliche Urkunden aus der Sammlung Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer (Wien)," Le Muséon 97 (1984) 109-158, no. 6.
  • part III p. 143 = Grohmann, A., "Aperçu de papyrologie arabe," ÉdP 1 (1932), p. 85 = P.Cair.Arab. II p. 70 = CPR XXI 2 a

Grohmann, A., "Aperçu de papyrologie arabe," ÉdP 1 (1932) 23-95. On pages 41-46 Grohmann publishes 3 papyri from the early Arabic period. One is bilingual, Arabic and Greek and two are Greek only. The 3 Greek texts are reprinted in SB VI 9576-9578. The texts are listed in J. Karabacek, Führer durch die Ausstellung: Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer, no. 558 (= SB VI 9576); no. 557 (= SB VI 9577); no. 555 (= SB VI 9578). There is a translation of the Arabic text and a bibliography of images of no. 558 at SB VI 9576. Some further minor editions are scattered in the paper. For emendations see Diem, W., "Philologisches zur arabischen Dokumenten der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek in Wien," WZKM 101 (2011) 75-140. Some text have been republished: APD

  • p. 27 = P.World p. 119
  • p. 33 = P.Cair.Arab. 16
  • p. 50 = P.World p. 116 = CPR XXI 2 b
  • p. 90 = Diem, W., "Einige frühe amtliche Urkunden aus der Sammlung Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer (Wien)," Le Muséon 97 (1984) 109-158, p. 150 = Diem, W., "Drei amtliche Schreiben aus frühislamischer Zeit (Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer, Wien)," JSAI 12 (1989) 146-165, no. 3.

Grohmann, A., "Ein Qorra-Brief vom Jahre 90 H.," in Aus fünf Jahrtausenden morgenländischer Kultur. Festschrift für Max Freiherrn von Oppenheimer. Berlin 1933. 37-40. (Archiv für Orientforschung 1). The text has been republished as: APD

  • = P.Alqab 5

Grohmann, A. "Die Papyrologie in ihrer Beziehung zur arabischen Urkundenlehre," MBPF 19 (1934) 327-350. There are 2 texts on pages 338 and 339. Both have been republisheh:

  • p. 338 = Chrest.Khoury I 66
  • p. 339 = Chrest.Khoury II 26 = CPR XXI 4 b

Grohmann, A., "Arabische Papyri aus den Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin," Der Islam 22 (1934) 1-68. Nos. 1-15. Nos. 1 and 2 are bilingual, Arabic and Greek protocol texts. No. 7 is leather, nos. 9, 11 are parchment, nos. 12, 15 paper, and 13-14 linen. The following texts have been republished: APD

  • 7 = Chrest.Khoury I 22
  • 13 = Chrest.Khoury I 12
  • 15 = Chrest.Khoury I 16 = Rāġib, Yūsuf, Les archives d'un gardien du monastère de Qalamūn, AnnIslam 29 (1995) 25-57, no. 3.

Grohmann, A., "Texte zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Aegyptens in arabischer Zeit," ArchOrient 7 (1935) 437-472. Nos. 1-27. For emendations see Diem, W., "Philologisches zur arabischen Dokumenten der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek in Wien," WZKM 101 (2011) 75-140. Several texts have been republished: APD

  • 2 = P.World p. 168
  • 3 = P.Marchands V/1 5 = P.Alqab 55
  • 4 = P.Alqab 56
  • 7 = P.World p. 140
  • 8 = P.World p.141 b
  • 9 = P.World p. 142 a = P.Alqab 35
  • 10 = P.World p. 147 c
  • 11 = P.World p. 153 a
  • 13 = P.Alqab 49
  • 16 = P.Alqab 104
  • 17 = P.World p. 154 b = P.Alqab 111
  • 18 = P.World p. 155
  • 19 = P.Alqab 73
  • 20 = P.Alqab 112
  • 22 = P.World p. 154 a
  • 25 = P.World p. 138 a
  • 26 = P.World p. 158
  • 27 = P.World p. 157

Grohmann, A., "Ein arabischer Steuerpapyrus aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer," ZNTW 37 (1938) 52-53. For emendations see Diem, W., "Philologisches zur arabischen Dokumenten der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek in Wien," WZKM 101 (2011) 75-140. APD

Grohmann, A., "Eine arabische Grundsteuerquittung vom Jahre 297 H. (909/910 n.Chr.) aus dem Amtsbereich eines ʿAbbasidenprinzen," Mélanges Maspéro III (1940) 9-13. (MIFA0 68). For emendations see Diem, W., "Philologisches zur arabischen Dokumenten der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek in Wien," WZKM 101 (2011) 75-140.

Grohmann, A., "Neue Beiträge zur arabischen Papyrologie," AnzeigerAkadWien 85 (1948) 228-343. Reeditions of texts from P.Ryl.Arab. I: nos. III 8, V 2, X 2, XI 11, XII 12. For emendations see: Diem, W., "Philologisches zu arabischen Steuerquittungen aus Ägypten (8.-11. Jahrhundert)", WZKM 96 (2006) 55-111. APD

Grohmann, A., "New Discoveries in Arabic Papyri. An Arabic Tax-Account Book ( 1400) Found in Umm El Bureigât (Tebtynis) in 1916," BIÉ 32 (1949-1950) 159-170. Not an edition but a description of some parts of the folio leaves of a codex containing a tax account.

Grohmann, A., "Einige bemerkenswerte Urkunden aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer an der Nationalbibliothek zu Wien," ArchOrient 18 (1950) 80-119. Nos. 1-19. Nos. 1-7, 16 and 17 are paper. For emendations see: Diem, W., "Philologisches zu arabischen Steuerquittungen aus Ägypten (8.-11. Jahrhundert)", WZKM 96 (2006) 55-111 and Diem, W., "Philologisches zur arabischen Dokumenten der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek in Wien," WZKM 101 (2011) 75-140. Two texts have been republished: APD

  • 1 = Chrest.Khoury II 29
  • 6 = Chrest.Khoury I 51
  • 19 = P.World p. 166 = P.Marchands V/1 8

Grohmann, A., "New Discoveries in Arabic Papyri II," BIÉ 35 (1952-1953) 159-169.

Grohmann, A. "Arabische Papyri der Pap.Giss.Univ.Bibl. und Papyri Janda in der Universitäts Bibliothek," Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts (Cairo University) 17 (1955) 45-109. Nos. 1-18. These texts are republished as nos. 1-18 in P.Giss.Arab. Please quote only as P.Giss.Arab.

Grohmann, A., "Ein bemerkenswerter Papyrus der Sammlung George Michaelides in Kairo," WZKM 54 (1957) 51-54. APD

Grohmann, A., "Ein Fatimidenerlass vom Jahre 415 A.H. (1024 A.D.) im Koptischen Museum in Alt-Kairo," RSO 32 (1957), 641-654. Paper. The text has been republished: APD

  • = P.Fatimid 1

Grohmann, A., "Einige arabische Ostraka und ein Ehevertrag aus der Oase Bahriya," Studi in onore di Aristide Calderini e Roberto Paribeni, vol. II. Milan 1957. 499-509. Nos. 1-4. No. 1 paper; 2-4 ostraca. APD

Grohmann, A., "Greek papyri of the Early Islamic period in the Collection of Archduke Rainer", ÉdP 8 (1957) 7-40. Nos. 1-13. All nos. are Greek. No. 13 has an Arabic seal. APD

Grohmann, A., "Zum Papyrusprotokoll in früharabischer Zeit", JÖBG 9 (1960) 1-19. Nos. 1-7. All are bilingual Greek-Arabic papyrus protocols. APD

Gronke, M., "The Arabic Yarkand Documents," BSOAS 49 (1986) 454-507. Nos. 1-5 on paper. Nos. 3 and 5 contain lines in Turkish. APD

Guest, R., "An Arabic papyrus of the 8th century," JAOS 43 (1923) 247-248. This text was republished as: APD

  • = P.Cair.Arab. 167 = P.Alqab 14

Guichard, P., Les musulmans de Valence et la reconquête (XIe-XIIIe siècles), Damaskus 1990-91. With extracts from literary works, photos, maps, pieces of arts, archaeological references and some documents. No. 68a is the only Arabic document. APD

Guillou, A., Les actes grecs de Santa Maria di Messina, Enquête sur les populations grecques d'Italie du Sud et de Sicile (XIe-XIVe siècles). Palermo 1963. No. 3 is Arabic.

Guo, L., "Arabic Documents from the Red Sea Port of Quseir in the 7th/13th Century, Part I: Business Letters," JNES 58 (1999) 161-190. Nos. 1-4 on paper. The following texts have been republished: APD

  • 1 = P.QuseirArab. I 7
  • 2 = P.QuseirArab. I 20
  • 3 = P.QuseirArab. I 9
  • 4 = P.QuseirArab. I 74

Guo, L., "Arabic Documents from the Red Sea Port of Quseir in the 7th/13th Century, Part II: Shipping Notes and Account Records," JNES 60 (2001) 81-117. Nos. 1-8 on paper. The following texts have been republished: APD

  • 1 = P.QuseirArab. I 42
  • 2 = P.QuseirArab. I 53
  • 3 = P.QuseirArab. I 39 = P.QuseirArab. II 11
  • 4 = P.QuseirArab. I 56
  • 5 = P.QuseirArab. I 46
  • 6 = P.QuseirArab. I 59
  • 7 = P.QuseirArab. I 6
  • 8 = P.QuseirArab. I 64

Guo, L., "Golden dinars and silver dirhams in the Red Sea trade. The evidence of the Quseir documents," in: Lunde, P., Porter, A. (eds.), Trade and travel in the Red Sea region. Proceedings of Red Sea project I held in the British Museum October 2002, London 2004 (University of Southampton Series In Archaeology 2) (BAR International Series 1269) 117-122. Edition of one document on paper. It has been republished as: APD

  • 1 = P.QuseirArab. 1

Haim, O. / Shenkar, M. / Kurbanov, S., "The earliest Arabic documents written on paper: three letters from Sanjar-Shah (Tajikistan)", JSAI 43 (2016), 141-189. Edition of three letters on paper.

Hamza, H., Some Aspects of the Economic and Social Life of Ibn Taghrībirdī Based on an Examination of His Waqfīyah, MSR 12 (2008) 139-172. Edition of a waqfīya.

Hanafi, A., "Four Unpublished Documents," PapCongr. XXI (1997) 406-412. Nos. 1-4. No. 4 is Arabic. (Archiv Beih. 3). APD

Hanafi, A., "Two Private Letters," The Arabist 19-20 (1998) 51-56. (Proceedings of Arabic and Islamic Sections of the 35th International Congress of Asian and North African Studies. Budapest 1997.) One papyrus with texts on both sides. APD

Hanafi, A., "Two Contracts of Marriage of Papyrus Collections in Cairo and Copenhagen," PapCongr. XXII.1. (2001) 571-584. No. 1 is Greek on papyrus; no. 2 is Arabic on vellum. APD

Hanafi, A., "Two Unpublished Paper Documents and a Papyrus," P. M. Sijpesteijn / L. Sundelin (eds.), Papyrology and the History of Early Islamic Egypt, Leiden 2004. 45-62. (Islamic History and Civilization: Studies and Texts 55). APD

Hanafi, A., "Two unpublished Arabic documents," in: Palme, B. (ed.), Akten des 23. Internationalen Papyrologenkongresses, Wien, 22-28.Juli 2001. Wien 2007. 261-265. Nos. 1-2 on papyrus. APD

Hanafi, A., "An Early Arabic business letter," P. M. Sijpesteijn / L. Sundelin /  S. T. Tovar / A. Zomeño (eds.), From al-Andalus to Khurasan. Documents from the Medieval Muslim World. Leiden 2007. 153-161. (Islamic History and Civilization 66). Papyrus. APD

Hanafi, A., "An Arabic will written on a ship," in: Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Congress of Papyrology, Ann Arbor 2007. Ann Arbor 2010. 299-306. (American Studies in Papyrology). Papyrus. APD

Hanafi, A., "Two New Arabic Editions: A Land Survey from Ihnās and Ḥadīths Concerning Funerary Practice”, A. T. Schubert / P. M. Sijpesteijn (eds.), Documents and the History of the Early Islamic World, Leiden 2015, 261-290. APD

Hanafi, A. "Two Arabic Documents from Cairo and Copenhagen", A. Kaplony / D. Potthast / C. Römer (eds.), From Bāwīṭ to Marw: Documents from the Medieval Muslim World, Leiden 2015, 170-181. APD

Hanafi, A., "A Report of a surveyor", Graeco-Arabica 12 (2017), 343-348. Edition of a list.

Hanafi, A. / Ebeid, I., "A Part of a Sermon," BCPS 3 (1986) 126-148.

Harvey, L. P., "The Arabic Dialect of Valencia in 1595," al-Andalus 36 (1971) 81-115. The document has been republished as:

  • = P.PaisValenciano 270.

Heidemann, S. / Müller, C. / Raghib, Y., "Un décret d'al-Malik al-ʿAdil en 571/1176 relatif aux moines du Mont Sinai," AnnIslam 31 (1997) 81-107. No. 1 on paper. APD

Hein, H.-A., Beiträge zur ayyubidischen Diplomatik (Islamkundliche Untersuchungen 8), Freiburg 1971. Edition of two documents on pages 100-109 and 186-188. APD

Herzfeld, E., Geschichte der Stadt Samarra, Hamburg 1948. Nos. 2-8 in the section "Epigraphisches: Einzelfunde" are Arabic documents: Nos. 2 and 3 on papyrus, nos. 4-7 on paper, no. 8 on stone. Only no. 4 is an edition, all other nos. are only descriptions. APD

Hinds, M. / Sakkout, H., "A Letter from the Governor of Egypt to the King of Nubia and Muqurra Concerning Egyptian-Nubian Relations in 141/758," in Studia Arabica et Islamica: Festschrift for Ihsan Abbas, W. al-Qadi. Beirut 1981. 209-229. Reprinted in Studies in Early Islamic History/ Martin Hinds, ed. J. Bacharach, L. Conrad and P. Crone. Princeton 1996. 160-187. An English translation was published by J. M. Plumley, "An Eighth Century Arabic Letter to the King of Nubia," JEA 61 (1975) 241-245. The text has been republished as: APD

  • = P.Alqab 15 = Abū Ṣafīya, Ǧ., "Risālat Mūsà b.Kaʿb ilà malik an-Nūba", in: ʿĀlam al-maḫṭūṭāt wa-n-nawādir 8,1 (2003) 235-268.

Holt, P. M., "Al-Nāṣir Muḥammad's letter to a Spanish ruler in 699/1300," al-Masāq 3 (1990) 23-29. One letter. APD

Hours, F., "Fraude commerciale et politique internationale: les relations entre l'Egypte et Venise d'après une lettre de Qayt Bey (1472-1473)," BEO 25 (1972) 173-184. APD

Hoyland, R., "The earliest attestation of the dhimma of God and his messenger and the rediscovery of P. Nessana 77 (60s AH/680 CE), with an appendix by Hannah Cotton", in: B. Sadeghi et al. (eds.), Islamic cultures, Islamic contexts: Essays in honor of Professor Patricia Crone, Leiden 2014, 51-71. Edition of two Arabic letters. APD

Humbsch, R., Beiträge zur Geschichte des osmanischen Ägyptens nach arabischen Sultans- und Statthalterurkunden des Sinai-Klosters, Freiburg i. Br. 1976 (Islamkundliche Untersuchungen 39). Nos. 1-82. No. 1 from 1234 AD, the others are from the Ottoman period. APD

Ibrahim b. Abdel Rahman, "Deed of Lease from Fustat Rajab the 11th 567 AH/Feb. the 16th 1172," AnnIslam 34 (2000) 1-8. APD

Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., "Silsilat al-waṯā’iq at-ta’rīḫīya l-qawmīya: Maǧmū‘at al-waṯā’iq al-mamlūkīya 1; Waṯā’iq al-Amīr-āḫūr-kabīr Qarāquǧā l-Ḥasanī; Dirāsa wa-našr wa-taḥqīq", Maǧallat Kullīyat al-ādāb (Ǧāmi‘at al-Qāhira) 18 (1956) 183-252. One waqfiyya that has been partially republished:

  • = Loiseau, J. "Choisir sa famille: Waqf et transmission patrimoniale en Égypte au XVe siècle", AnnIslam 47 (2013) 175-195, no. 1.

Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., "Waṯīqat bayʿ: Dirāsa wa-našr wa-taḥqīq", Maǧallat Kullīyat al-ādāb (Ǧāmi‘at al-Qāhira) 19 (1957) 135-214. One document.

Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., "at-Tawṯīqāt aš-šarʿīyah wa-l-ʾišhādāt fī ẓahr waṯīqat al-Ġūrī", Maǧallat Kullīyat al-ʿĀdāb (Ǧāmiʿat al-Qāhira) 19 (1957) 293-420. One document.

Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., "Waṯiqat waqf Masrūr ibn ʿAbdallah aš-Šiblī al-Ǧamdār. Dirāsah wa-našr wa-taḥqīq," Maǧallat Kullīyat al-ʿĀdāb (Ǧāmiʿat al-Qāhira) 21 (1959) 95-133. No. 1.

Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., Dirāsāt fī l-kutub wa-l-maktabāt al-islāmīya, Cairo 1962. Two documents.

Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., "Waṯīqat istibdāl", Maǧallat Kullīyat al-ʿĀdāb 25 (1963), 1–38. APD

Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., "Min waṯāʾiq Dayr Sant Katrīn: ṯalāṯ waṯāʾiq fiqhiyya," Maǧallat Kullīyat al-ʿĀdāb (Ǧāmiʿat al-Qāhira) 25 (1963) 95-133. Nos. 1-3. APD

Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., "Naṣṣāni ǧadīdāni min waṯīqat al-amīr Ṣarġiṭmiš", Maǧallat Kullīyat al-ʿĀdāb (Ǧāmiʿat al-Qāhira) 27 (1965) 121-158; 28 (1966) 143-21. One document.

Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., "Ḫams waṯāʾiq šarʿīya", Maǧallat Ǧāmiʿat Umm Durmān al-Islāmīya 2 (1389/1969) 149-213. Nos. 1-5.

Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., "Min waṯāʾiq at-taʾrīḫ al-ʿarabī", Maǧallat Ǧāmiʿat al-Qāhira bi-l-Ḫurṭūm 2 (1972) 45-75. Two Documents.

Ibrāhīm, ʿA. L., al-muʾarriḫ Ibn Taġrī Birdī, Cairo 1974. One document that has been republished as:

  • = Hamza, H., Some Aspects of the Economic and Social Life of Ibn Taghrībirdī Based on an Examination of His Waqfīyah, MSR 12 (2008) 139-172.

ʿInān, M. ʿA., "Waṯīqa andalusiyya qaštālliyya min al-qarn at-tāsiʿ al-hiǧrī", RIEEI 2 (1954), 38–54. Edition of a peace treaty (1432).

ʿĪsā, Aḥmad Muḥammad, "Maḫṭūṭāt wa-waṯāʾiq Dayr Sānt Kātarīn," Maǧallat al-Ǧamʿīa al-Miṣrīya li-d-Dirāsāt at-Taʾrīḫīya 5 (1956) 105-124. The text has been republished as:

  • P.Fatimid 7

Isaacs, H. D., "A Medieval Arab Medical Certificate, in: Med Hist 35 (1991), 250-257. One testimony from the Geniza that has been republished as: APD

  • = P.GenizahCambr. 50

Jahn, K., "Vom frühislamischen Briefwesen," ArchOrient 9 (1937) 153-200. Nos. 1-17. For emendations see Levi della Vida, G., "Remarks on a recent edition of Arabic papyrus letters," JAOS 64 (1944) 127-137 and Diem, W., "Philologisches zur arabischen Dokumenten der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek in Wien," WZKM 101 (2011) 75-140. The following texts have been republished: APD

  • 1 = Chrest.Khoury I 96 = P.Heid.Arab. II 1 (with edition of verso)
  • 6 = P.World p. 184
  • 7 = P.World p. 185
  • 8 = Chrest.Khoury I 97 = P.Alqab 25
  • 12 = Chrest.Khoury I 98 = P.Alqab 107
  • 13 = P.World p. 183 a
  • 16 = P.Alqab 109
  • 17 = P.Alqab 106

Jamil, N. / Johns, J., "An Original Arabic Document from Crusader Antioch (1213 AD)," C. F. Robinson (ed.), Texts, Documents and Artefacts. Islamic Studies in Honour of D. S. Richards, Leiden 2003 (Islamic History and Civilization 45). 157-90. Parchment. APD

Jamil, N. / Johns, J., "A new Latin-Arabic document from Norman Sicily (November 595 H/1198 CE)." In The Heritage of Learning: Arabic and Islamic Studies Presented to Wadad Kadi, ed. M. A. Pomerantz and A. A. Shahin (Islamic History and Civilization 122), Leiden 2015: 111-166. APD

Johns, J. / Metcalfe, A., "The Mystery at Chùrchuro: Conspiracy or Incompetence in Twelfth-Century Sicily?", BSOAS 62 (1999) 226-259. Nos. 1-4. Only No. 1 and 2 are real reeditions (see P. Sicilia). APD

Johns, J., "Arabic contracts of sea-exchange from Norman Sicily", P. Xuereb / G. Karissime (eds.), Historical essays presented to Professor Godfrey Wettinger on his seventieth birthday, Malta 1999, 55-78. One document. APD

Johns, J., "Sulla Condizione ei musulmani di Corleone sotto il dominio normanno nel XII secolo", in: R. M. Bonacasa Carra (ed.), Byzantino-Sicula IV: Atti del I Congresso internazionale di archeologia della Sicilia bizantina. Corleone, 28 luglio-2 agosto 1998, Palermo, 2002, 276-294. The document has ben republished as: APD

  • Johns, J., "The boys from Mezzoiuso: Muslim jizya-payers in Christian Sicily," in: R. Hoyland (ed.), Islamic Reflections, Arabic Musings: studies in honour of Professor Alan Jones, Cambridge 2004, 243-256.

Johns, J., "The boys from Mezzoiuso: Muslim jizya-payers in Christian Sicily," in: R. Hoyland (ed.), Islamic Reflections, Arabic Musings: studies in honour of Professor Alan Jones, Cambridge 2004, 243-256. One document. APD

Kaper, O., "Arabic Papyri from Naqlun," PAM 2 (1991) 57-59. Description of one Arabic papyrus and 5 paper documents.

Karabacek, J., Der Papyrusfund von el-Faijûm, Wien 1882 (Denkschrift der Philosophisch-historischen Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften 33). Nos. 1-5 on papyrus. For emendations see: Diem, W., "Philologisches zu arabischen Steuerquittungen aus Ägypten (8.-11. Jahrhundert)", WZKM 96 (2006) 55-111. Several texts have been republished: APD

  • 2 = P.Alqab 33
  • 3 = Chrest.Khoury I 50

Karabacek, J. "Erstes urkundliches Auftreten von Türken," MPER 1 (1886), 93-108. Editions and partial editions of three Vienna Arabic papyri.

Karabacek, J. "Eine merkwürdige arabische Namenunterschrift," MPER 1 (1886), 126. One text has been republished as: APD

  • 1 = P.World p. 144 a

Karabacek, J., "Anhang. Transkription, Uebersetzung und Erklärung der auf Tafel III abgebildeten arabischen Papiere," MPER 2 (1887), 160-171. Editions of 8 papyri numbered 1 (2 docs); 2 (2 docs); 3; 4 (2 docs); 5. For emendations see: Diem, W., "Philologisches zu arabischen Steuerquittungen aus Ägypten (8.-11. Jahrhundert)", WZKM 96 (2006) 55-111 and Diem, W., "Philologisches zur arabischen Dokumenten der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek in Wien," WZKM 101 (2011) 75-140. APD

Karabacek, J., "Neue Quellen zur Papiergeschichte", MPER 4 (1888) 75-122. There are on p. 80 (paper) and 107 (papyrus) editions. APD

Karabacek, J., "Zur Kenntnis des Umlautes im Arabischen," MPER 5 (1892), 59-64. Edition of a seal. the seal has bee republished as: APD

  • = CPR III 1,1 p. 81 = P.World p. 107 = CPR XXII 9

Karabacek, J., "Bemerkungen zu Adalbert Merx': 'Documents de Paléographie hebraïque et arabe. Leyden 1894'", WZKM 8 (1894) 293-294. APD

Karabacek, J., "Aegyptische Urkunden aus den königlichen Museen zu Berlin," WZKM 11 (1897) 1-21. APD

Karabacek, J., "Arabic palaeography", WZKM 20 (1906) 131-148. Nos. 1-3. All texts have been republished: APD

  • p. 139 (fragment 1) = Becker, C. H., "Arabische Papyri des Aphroditofundes," ZA 20 (1906) 68-104, no. 15.1 = Becker, C. H., "Das Lateinische in den arabischen Papyrusprotokollen", ZA 22 (1909) 166-193, no. 9 = CPR III 26 = P.Cair.Arab. 10
  • p. 141 (fragment 2) = Becker, C. H., "Arabische Papyri des Aphroditofundes," ZA 20 (1906) 68-104, no. 15.2 = Becker, C. H., "Das Lateinische in den arabischen Papyrusprotokollen", ZA 22 (1909) 166-193, no. 10
  • p. 141 (fragment 3) = Becker, C. H., "Arabische Papyri des Aphroditofundes," ZA 20 (1906) 68-104, no. 15.3 = Becker, C. H., "Das Lateinische in den arabischen Papyrusprotokollen", ZA 22 (1909) 166-193, no. 11 = CPR III 27 = P.Cair.Arab. 11 = Chrest.Khoury I 2

Karabacek, J., Zur orientalischen Altertumskunde 2: Die arabischen Papyrusprotokolle (Sitzungsberichte der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien: Philosophisch-Historische Klasse 161,1), Vienna 1908. Edition twelve Arabic protocols. All have been repiblished: APD

  • p. 41 = CPR III 278
  • p. 42 = CPR III 325
  • p. 43 = CPR III 231
  • p. 44 = CPR III 123
  • p. 45 = CPR III 170
  • p. 48 = CPR III 175
  • p. 49 = CPR III 186 = Chrest.Khoury I 6
  • p. 50 = CPR III 118
  • p. 65 = CPR III 83
  • p. 66 = CPR III 91
  • p. 93 = CPR III 5
  • p. 98 = CPR III 60

Karabacek, J., Abendländische Künstler zu Konstantinopel im XV. und XVI. Jahrhundert (Denkschriften der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien: Philosophisch-historische Klasse 62,1), Wien 1918. Edition of an Arabic papyus in an appendix (p. 67). APD

Khan, G., "Copy of a Decree from the Archives of the Fatimid Chancery," BSOAS 49 (1986) 439-453. Paper. The document has been republished: APD

  • = P.GenizahCambr. 117

Khan, G., "The Historical Development of the Structure of Medieval Arabic Petitions," BSOAS 53 (1990) 8-30. Nos. 1-4. No. 1 is paper. One document has been republished: APD

  • 4 = P.GenizahCambr. 78

Khan, G., "A Petition to the Fatimid Caliph al-ʿAmir," JRAS (1990) 44-54. Paper. APD

Khan, G., "A Document of Appointment of a Jewish Leader in Syria Issued by al-Malik al-Afdal ʿAli in 589 A.H./1193 A.D.," Y. Raghib (ed.), Documents de l'Islam médiévale: Nouvelles perspectives de recherche, Cairo 1991. 97-116. Paper. APD

  • P.GenizahCambr. 121

Khan, G., "An Arabic Document of Acknowledgement from the Cairo Genizah," JNES 53 (1994) 117-124. Paper. APD

Khan, G., "An Arabic Legal Document from the Umayyad Period," JRAS (1994) 357-368. APD

Khan, G., "An Early Arabic Legal Papyrus," L. H. Schiffman (ed.), Semitic Papyrology in Context, Leiden 2003. (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 14). 227-239. APD

Khan, G., "A Petition to the Fatimid Caliph al-Āmir Concerning an Inheritance," U. Marzolph (ed.), Orientalistische Studien zu Sprache und Literatur: Festgabe zum 65. Geburtstag von Werner Diem, Wiesbaden 2011. 175-186. APD

Khan, G., "The Medieval Arabic Documents from Qasr Ibrim," J. van der Vliet / J. L. Hagen (eds.), Qasr Ibrim, between Egypt and Africa. Studies in Cultural Exchange (Nino Symposium, Leiden, 11-12 December 2009), Leiden 2013, 145-156. Edition of one document on paper. APD

Kister, M. J., "On a Fragment of a Private Letter of the First Century A.H.," JSAI 3 (1981) 237-239. APD

Kister, M. J., "On an Early Fragment of the Qur'an," in S. R. Brunswick (ed.), Studies in Judaica, Karaitica and Islamica Presented to Leon Nemoy on His Eightieth Birthday, Ramat-Gan 1982, 163-166. APD

Korkut, B., Arapski dokumenti u Državnom arhivu u Dubrovniku (= al-Waṯāʾiq al-ʿarabiyya fī Dār al-maḫṭūṭāt bi-madīnat Dubrūwnīk), vol. 1, pt. 3: Osnivanje Dubrovačkog konzulata u Aleksandriji, Sarajevo 1969. Nos. 1-4, nos. 1-3 are Mamlūk documents, no. 4 is from 1780. APD

Kračkovskaya, V. A. / Kračkovskij, I. J., "Le plus ancient document arabe de l'Asie Centrale," Sogdiiskii Sbornik, Leningrad 1934, 52-90. Reprinted in Krackovskij, I. J., Izbrannye Socineniya 1. Moscow-Leningrad 1955. 182-212. There is a description and depiction of the text in Pages of Perfection, ed. Y.A. Petrosyan et al. Lugano; Milan 1995. 122-123. APD

Krall, J., "Zwei koptische Verkaufsurkunden," WZKM 2 (1888) 25-36. Two Coptic contracts. The first contains two Arabic lines and has been republished as: APD

  • 1 = P.KRU 22 = CPR III 125

Labarta, A., "Los libros de los moriscos valencianos," Awrāq 2 (1979) 73-80. One document. It has been republished as

  • = P.PaisValenciano II 125

Labarta, A., "Inventario de los documentos árabes contenidos en procesos inquisitoriales contra moriscos vlanecianos conservados en el Archivo Histórico Nacional de Madrid (legajos 548-556)," al-Qanṭara 1 (1980) 115-164. Catalogue of documents without editions. Documents mentioned on p. 141 (= P.PaisValenciano II 177), p. 144 (= P.PaisValenciano II 164), and 149 (= P.PaisValenciano II 131) have been edited later.

Labarta, A., "Cinco documentos árabes de los moriscos valencianos," Awrāq 3 (1980) 110-117. Nos. 1-5 (16th c.). The documents have been republished: APD

  • 1 = P.PaisValenciano II 71
  • 2 = P.PaisValenciano II 100
  • 3 = P.PaisValenciano II 172
  • 4 = P.PaisValenciano II 61
  • 5 = P.PaisValenciano II 138

Labarta, A., "Una receta morisca para fabricar jabón," J. Vernet (ed.), Estudios sobre historia de la ciencia árabe, Barcelona 1981, 155-163. The document has been republished as:

  • = P.PaisValenciano II 130

Labarta, A., "Ecos de la tradición mágica del " Picatrix" en textos moriscos,", J. Vernet (ed.), Textos y estudios sobre astronomía española en el s. XIII, Barcelona 1981, 101-109.

  • = P.PaisValenciano II 127

Labarta, A., "Textos para el estudio de la terapéutica entre los moriscos valencianos," Dynamis: Acta hispanica ad medicinae scientiarumque historiam illustrandam 1 (1981) 275-310.

  • 1 = P.PaisValenciano II 110
  • 2 = P.PaisValenciano II 112
  • 3 = P.PaisValenciano II 67
  • 4 = P.PaisValenciano II 81
  • 5 = P.PaisValenciano II 86
  • 6A = P.PaisValenciano II 159
  • 6B = P.PaisValenciano II 160
  • 7 = P.PaisValenciano II 128

Labarta, A., "cuentas del tendero morisco Gerónimo Hoix (Gandía, 1587)," al-Qanṭara 3 (1982) 135.171.

  • = P.PaisValenciano II 140

Labarta, A., "Notas sobre algunos traductores de árabe en la Inquisición valenciana (1565-1609), RIEEI 21 (1982) 102-133. No. 1 is Spanish, nos. 2-3 Arabic.

  • 2 = P.PaisValenciano II 101
  • 3 = P.PaisValenciano II 93

Labarta, A., "Reconocimiento de tutela a un mudéjar de Daroca (documento árabe de 1477)", AEMed 5 (1983) 207-218. APD

Labarta, A., "Contratos matrimoniales entre moriscos valencianos", al-Qanṭara 4 (1983) 57-88. Nos. 1-4. APD

  • 1 = P.PaisValenciano II 99
  • 2 = P.PaisValenciano II 133
  • 3 = P.PaisValenciano II 151
  • 4 = P.PaisValenciano II 147

Labarta, A., "Dos cartas desde Tetuán 1585," Homenaje al Prof. Darío Cabanelas Rodríguez, O.F.M., con motivo de su LXX aniversario, Granada 1987, 397-403.

Labarta, A. / Barceló, C., "Nuevas recetas médicas de moriscos valencianos," Dynamis: Acta hispanica ad medicinae scientiarumque historiam illustrandam 7-8 (1987-88) 347-354. Nos. 1-4, paper.

  • 1 = P.PaisValenciano II 113
  • 2 = P.PaisValenciano II 105
  • 3 = P.PaisValenciano II 106
  • 4 = P.PaisVlaenciano II 111

Labarta, A. / Barceló, C., "Los documentos árabes del archivo municipal de Novelda (Alicante)", Saitabi 38 (1988) 119-140. Nos. 1-14. 16th century.

  • 1 = P.PaisValenciano II 68
  • 2 = P.PaisValenciano II 116
  • 3 = P.PaisValenciano II 76
  • 7 = P.PaisValenciano II 135
  • 10 = P.PaisValenciano II 157
  • 12 = P.PaisValenciano II 153

Labarta, A., "La aljama de los musulmanes de Calatorao nombra procurador (documento árabe de 1451)", al-Qanṭara 9,2 (1988) 511-518. APD

Labarta, A., "Cartas árabes malagueñas", Anuario de Estudios Medievales 19 (1989) 611-625. Nos. 1-2 are bilingual Spanish letters, nos. 3-6 Arabic letters. APD

Labarta, A., " Contabilidad del morisco valenciano Josep Maluš en los años 1581-1583,“ Saitabi 44 (1994) 57-71. The document has been republished as

  • = P.PaisValenciano II 131

Lacarra, J. M., "Dos tratados de paz y alianza entre Sancho el de Peñalen y Moctadir de Zaragoza (1069 y 1073)," J. M. Lacarra (ed.), Colonización, parias, repoblación y otros estudios, Zaragoza 1981. 77-94. Each contract contains one line of Arabic. APD

León Tello, P., "Carta de Poblacion a los moros de Urzante," F. M. Pareja (ed.), Actas de Primer congreso de estudios árabes e islamicos (Córdoba 1962), Madrid 1964. 329-343. One document. APD

Legendre, M., "Reútilisation, notes et ratures: Une lettre fragmentarie et un recensement de bétail dans un papyrus arabe de la Bibliothèque Laurentienne", AnalPap 23-24 (2011-12) 171-183. APD

Levi della Vida, G., "A Papyrus Reference to the Damietta Raid of 853 A.D.," Byzantion 17 (1944-45) 212-221. The text has been republished as: APD

  • = P.World p. 122 = P.Philad.Arab. 75

Levi della Vida, G., "A Druggist's Account on Papyrus," Archaeologica Orientalia in Memoriam Ernst Herzfeld. Glückstadt/Hamburg/New York 1952. 150-155. This text has been reedited as: APD

  • = P.Phil.Arab. 52

Levi della Vida, G., "A Marriage Contract on Parchment from Fatimite Egypt," Eretz-Israel 7 (1964) 64-69. Parchment. This text has been reedited as: APD

  • = P.Philad.Arab. 27

Lévi-Provencal, É., "Un document inédit sur l'expédition sa'dide au Soudan," Arabica 2 (1955) 89-96. Edition of a letter to the qāḍī of Timbuktu 1591 CE. APD

Liebrenz, B., "Eine frühe arabische Quittung aus Oberägypten", Archiv 56 (2010) 294-314. Papyrus. APD

Liebrenz, B., "An Arabic Letter (ca. AH 6th/12th CE c.) Concerning the Production of a Manuscript of Ibn Sīnā’s al-Šifā", JIM 9, 1 (2018), 32–38. Paper. APD

Little, D. P., "Six Fourteenth Century Deeds for Slaves from al-Haram al-Sharif," ZDMG 131 (1981) 297-337. Paper. Reprinted in D. Little, History and Historiography of the Mamluks, London 1986. Several documents have been republished: APD

  • 1a = P.Haram II 54
  • 1b = P.Haram II 55
  • 2 = P.Haram I 36
  • 3 = P.Haram II 52
  • 5 = P.Haram II 53

Little, D. P., "Two fourteenth-century court records from Jerusalem concerning the disposition of slaves by minors", Arabica 29 (1982) 17-28. One text has been republished: APD

  • 1 = P.Haram II 3

Little, D. P., "Ḥaram documents related to the Jews of late fourteenth century Jerusalem", JSS 30 (1985) 227-264. APD

Little, D. P., "Five petitions and consequential decrees from late fourteenth century Jerusalem", AJH 14 / 54 (1996) 348-396. No. 9, 25, 215, 305 and 310 on paper. For emendations of no. 305 see: Diem, W., "Philologisches zu mamlūkischen Erlassen, Eingaben und Dienstschreiben des Jerusalemer al-Ḥaram aš-Šarīf", ZAL 33 (1997) 7-67. APD

Little, D. P., "Documents Related to the Estates of a Merchant and His Wife in Late Fourteenth Century Jerusalem," MSR 2 (1998) 93-193. Nos. 1-4 on paper. APD

Little, D. P., "Two petitions and consequential court records from the Ḥaram Collection", JSAI 25 (2001) 171-194. Two documents on paper. APD

Little, D. P., "A fourteenth-century Jerusalem court record of a divorce hearing: A case study", D. J. Wasserstein / A. Ayalon (eds.), Mamluks and Ottomans: Studies in honour of Michael Winter, London 2006, 67-85. One document on paper. APD

Loiseau, J., "Un bien de famille. La société mamelouke et la circulations des patrimoines, ou la petite histoire d'un moulin du Caire", AnnIslam 37 (2003) 275-314 (302-314: Annexes: Edition et traduction d'un acte de vente du début IXe/XVe siècle).

Loiseau, J., "Les attestations de waqf de l'émir Qarāquga al-Hasani: documents et histoire urbaine dans l'Égypte mamlouke", in: A. Regourd (ed.), Documents et histoire: Islam, VIIe-XVIe s., Genève 2013, 219-246.

Loiseau, J. "Choisir sa famille: Waqf et transmission patrimoniale en Égypte au XVe siècle", AnnIslam 47 (2013) 175-195. Nos. 1-2 are partial editions of two waqfiyyas in the Wizārat al-awqāf, Cairo. No. 1 = P.Cair.Archives 367 (line 177-201) and no. 2 = P.Cair.Archives 355 (line 127-154).

Longás, P., "Capitulaciones celebradas para el rescate de Abu Omar Muza Benibrahim, vizir (?) de reino de Fez, cautivo en el reino de Aragón," in: Homenaje a Menéndez Pidal, Madrid 1925, 551-561. Has been republished as APD

  • = P.PaisValenciano 265.

Loth, O., "Zwei arabische Papyrus," ZDMG 34 (1880) 685-691. Nos. 1 and 2. These texts have been republished: APD

  • 1 = Chrest.Khoury I 72 = CPR XXI 1
  • 2 = Chrest.Khoury I 72 = P.Berl.Arab. II 75

Lutfi, H., "A Study of Six Fourteenth Century Iqrārs from al-Quds Relating to Muslim Women, JESHO 26 (1983) 246-294. Nos. 1-6 on paper. See also: Lutfi, H. and Little, D. P., "Iqrārs from al-Quds: Emendations," JESHO 28 (1985) 326-330. Several texts have been republished: APD

  • p. 258-262 = P.Haram II 42
  • p. 262-266 = P.Haram II 38
  • p. 269-273 = P.Haram II 40
  • p. 273-277 = P.Haram II 39
  • p. 278-281 = P.Haram II 43

Lutfi, H., "A Documentary Source for the Study of Material Life. A Specimen of the Haram Estate Inventories from al-Quds in 1393 A.D.," ZMDG 135 (1985) 213-226. Paper. APD

Māhir, S., "ʿUqūd az-zawāǧ ʿalā l-mansūǧāt al-aṯariyya," Minbar al-Islām 29 (1961) 94-97. A marriage contract dated 734 H on cotton.

Malczycki, W. M., "Instructions for Islamic prayer from the second century AH/eighth century CE," BASP 49 (2012) [2013] 41-54. The docment has been republished as: APD

  • = Malczycki, M. “A Comparison of P.Utah.Ar.inv. 205 to the Canonical Hadith Collections: The Written Raw Material of Early Hadith Study”, S. Bouderbala / S. Denoix / M. Malczycki (eds.), New Frontiers of Arabic Papyrology, Arabic and Multilingual Texts from Early Islam (Islamic History and Civilization 144), Leiden 2017, 101-112.

Malczycki, W. M., "A Page from an Aspiring Muḥaddiṯ’s Personal Notes, dated mid-late thrird/ninth century (P.Utah, Ar. inv. 443v), in: A. Regourd (ed.), Documents et histoire: Islam, VIIe-XVIe siècle; Actes des premières Journées d’étude internationales, École pratique des hautes études, IVe section, musée du Louve, département des Arts de l’Islam, Paris, 16 et 17 mai 2008, Genève 2013, 247-267.

Malczycki, W. M.,” A Qurānic Amulet on Papyrus: P.Utah.Ar. 342”, A. T. Schubert / P. M. Sijpesteijn (eds.), Documents and the History of the Early Islamic World, Leiden 2015, 234-246.

Malczycki, M. “A Comparison of P.Utah.Ar.inv. 205 to the Canonical Hadith Collections: The Written Raw Material of Early Hadith Study”, S. Bouderbala / S. Denoix / M. Malczycki (eds.), New Frontiers of Arabic Papyrology, Arabic and Multilingual Texts from Early Islam (Islamic History and Civilization 144), Leiden 2017, 101-112. On papyrus. APD

Malpica Cuello, A. and J. A. Rodriguez Lozano, “La Alquería de Cázulas y la tierra de Almuñecar a finales del siglo XV (Notas y documentos para su estudio)”, EHAM 2 (1982), 71-89. Edition of a contract of sale (1492).

Mandalá, G., La sottoscrizione araba di ʿAbd al-Masīḥ (Palermo, 15 Ottobre 1201), QSA n.s. 3 (2008) 153-164. Edition of Arabic signatures on a Latin and a Greek contract of sale. APD

La Mantia, G., Il primo documento in carta (Contessa Adelaide, 1109) esistente in Sicilia e rimasto sinora sconosciuto. Palermo 1908. One document. APD

Margoliouth, D. S., "Arabic document", in: A. Smith Lewis, Apocrypha Syriaca: The Protevangelium Jacobi and Transitus Mariae (Studia Sinaitica 11), London 1902, LXIX-LXXI.

Margoliouth, D. S., "Select Arabic papyri of the Rylands Collection, Manchester," in: Florilegium ou Recueil de travaux d'érudition dédiés à Monsieur le marquis Melchior de Vogüé à l'occasion du quatre-vingtième, Paris 1909, 407-417. Nine texts on papyrus; all have been republished: APD

  • 1 = P.Ryl.Arab. I IV 3 = Raghib, Y., "Lettres de service au maître de poste d'Ashmun," Archéologie Islamique 3 (1992), no. 1.
  • 2 = P.Ryl.Arab. I IV 2 = Raghib, Y., "Lettres de service au maître de poste d'Ashmun," Archéologie Islamique 3 (1992), no. 2.
  • 3 = P.Ryl.Arab. I IV 4 =  Raghib, Y., "Lettres de service au maître de poste d'Ashmun," Archéologie Islamique 3 (1992), no. 4.
  • 4 = P.Ryl.Arab. I VIII 2
  • 5 = P.Ryl.Arab. I XIII 6 = Diem, W., "Drei magische Texte auf Papyrus aus dem 3./9. Jahrhundert," M. Forstner (ed.), Festgabe für Hans-Rudolf Singer. Zum 65. Geburtstag am 6. April 1990 überreicht von seinen Freunden und Kollegen, Frankfurt am Main etc. 1991, no. 2.
  • 6 = P.Ryl.Arab. I III 11
  • p. 413-414 = P.Ryl.Arab. I IX 6 = P.Ryl.Arab. II 4 = CPR XXI 5
  • 7 = P.Ryl.Arab. I III 4 = P.Alqab 51
  • 8 = P.Ryl.Arab. I III 1 = P.Ryl.Arab. II 2

Margoliouth, D. S. / Holmyard, E. J., "Arabic Documents from the Monneret Collection," Islamica 3 (1930) 249-271. Nos. I-A, B, 2, 3, 4, 5, II-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, III-1, 2, 3, 4, IV. APD

Marrow, S., "Two Arabic Private Exchanges (P.Palau Rib inv. 35 and 36)", StudPapyrol 8 (1969) 111-114. Nos. 1-2. Both texts have been republished: APD

  • 1 = Vanthieghem, N. / Younes, Kh. M., "Deux lettres arabes de la collection Palau-Ribes: Réédition de P.MarrowExchanges 1 et 2", CdÉ 92 (2017), 209-216, no. 1.
  • 2 = Vanthieghem, N. / Younes, Kh. M., "Deux lettres arabes de la collection Palau-Ribes: Réédition de P.MarrowExchanges 1 et 2", CdÉ 92 (2017), 209-216, no. 2.

Martínez Almira, M. M., "A propósito del rescate de cautivos conforme a las fuentes musulmanas de época nasri", AHDE 73 (2003) 457-496. Edition of an official letter. The letter has been republished as: APD

  • = Arcas Campoy, M. / Jiménez Alcázar, J. F., "Una carta en la frontera de Granada: de la Vera nazarí a la capital de la gobernación de Orihuela (año 879/1474)", EDNA 10 (2006) 81-92.

Mas Belén, B., "El documento morisco de la parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Belén: testimonio genuino de la lajama crevillentina a finales del siglo XVI," Alquibla: Revista de Investigación del Bajo Seguro 5 (1999), 551-566. The document has been republished as:

  • = P.PaisValenciano II 77

Maspero, G., "Un diplôme arabe-chrétien du XIIIe siècle," ASAE 11 (1910) 177-185. Paper.

de Mata Carriazo, J., "Las treguas con Granada de 1475 y 1478," al-Andalus 19 (1954) 317-367. One peace contract (Arabic text by Emilio García Gómez). APD

Mayer, L. A., The buildings of Qāytbāy as described in his endowment deed, London 1938. Partial edition of one waqfiyya.

Ménager, L. R., Amiratus - Ἀμηρᾶς, l’emirat e les origines de l‘Amirauté (Xie-XIIIe siècles), Paris 1960.

Merx, A., Documents de paléographie hébraîque et arabe, Leiden 1894. Edition of an Arabic papyrus in chapter 12 (p. 55-57). The document has been reedited as: APD

  • = Karabacek, J., "Bemerkungen zu Adalbert Merx': 'Documents de Paléographie hebraïque et arabe. Leyden 1894'", WZKM 8 (1894) 293-294.

Millás, J. M., "Cedulets en àrabs vulgar d’origen aragonès," EUC 12 (1927) 59-67. Nos. 1-17. All have been republished as: APD

  • = Colin, G. S., "Notes sur l'arabe d'Aragon", Islamica 4 (1930) 159-169.

Momblanch y Gonzálbez, Francisco de Paula, al-Azraq, capitán de moros, Alicante 1977. With an edition of a peace treaty by María del Carmen Barceló Torres and Houhir Khranji (p. 40-44). This peace treaty has been reedited and/or republished several times: APD

  • = Barceló Torres, M. C., "Documentos árabes de al-Azrāq (1245-1250)", Saitabi 32 (1982), 27-41 = Burns, R. I. / Chevedden, P. E., "El tractat de rendició d'al-Azraq amb Jaume I i l'Infant Alfons en 1245, el text àrab i el context valencià", Espill 17-18 (1983), 242-257 = Burns, R. I. / Chevedden, P. E., "Al-Azraq's Surrender Treaty with Jaume I and Prince Alfonso in 1245, Arabic Text and Valencian Context", Der Islam 66 (1989), 1-37 = Guichard, P., Les musulmans de Valence et la reconquête (XIe-XIIIe siècles), Damaskus 1990-91 = Burns, R. I. / Chevedden, P. E. / de Epalza, M., Negotiating Cultures. Bilingual Surrender Treaties in Muslim-Crusader Spain under James the Conqueror, Leiden 1999 (The Medieval Mediterranean - Peoples, Economies and Cultures, 400-1453, vol. 22). Chapter 3.

Molina López, E., "El documento árabe de Guadix (c. XII)," Homenaje al Prof. Jacinto Bosch Vilá 1, Granada 1991, 271-292. APD

Molina López, E., "Un nuevo fondo de documentos árabes granadinos, Archivo de la Catedral de Granada," F. de Jong (ed.), Miscellanea Arabica et Islamica, Dissertationes in Academia Ultrajectina prolatae anno MCMXC (OLA 52), Leuven 1993. Catalogue of 37 documents on paper. Several texts have been published:

  • 1 = Rodríguez Gómez, M. D., "Documentos notariales árabes sobre Almacerías (Mediados S. XV-1499), Edición y traducción," RCEHGR 19 (2007) 217-258, no. 1
  • 2 = Rodríguez Gómez, M. D., "Documentos notariales árabes sobre Almacerías (Mediados S. XV-1499), Edición y traducción," RCEHGR 19 (2007) 217-258, no. 2
  • 3 = Rodríguez Gómez, M. D., "La porte d'al-Murḍī de Grenade à travers deux documents notariaux arabes (1493)," Arabica 56 (2009) 235-268.
  • 4 = Rodríguez Gómez, M. D., "Documentos notariales árabes sobre Almacerías (Mediados S. XV-1499), Edición y traducción," RCEHGR 19 (2007) 217-258, no. 4
  • 5 = Rodríguez Gómez, M. D., "Documentos notariales árabes sobre Almacerías (Mediados S. XV-1499), Edición y traducción," RCEHGR 19 (2007) 217-258, no. 5
  • 6 = Rodríguez Gómez, M. D., "Documentos notariales árabes sobre Almacerías (Mediados S. XV-1499), Edición y traducción," RCEHGR 19 (2007) 217-258, no. 6
  • 7 = Rodríguez Gómez, M. D., "Documentos notariales árabes sobre Almacerías (Mediados S. XV-1499), Edición y traducción," RCEHGR 19 (2007) 217-258, no. 7
  • 8 = Rodríguez Gómez, M. D., "Documentos notariales árabes sobre Almacerías (Mediados S. XV-1499), Edición y traducción," RCEHGR 19 (2007) 217-258, no. 8
  • 9 = Rodríguez Gómez, M. D., "Documentos notariales árabes sobre Almacerías (Mediados S. XV-1499), Edición y traducción," RCEHGR 19 (2007) 217-258, no. 9
  • 17 = Rodríguez Gómez, M. D. / Vidal Castro, F., "Les terres de l’Alitaje (Grenade) et le pouvoir socio-politique et économique dans l’al-Andalus naṣride: Édition, traduction et étude de deux actes notariés de 878/1473-879/1474", Arabica 65,3 (2018), 331-367.
  • 20 = Molina López, E. / Jiménez Mata, M. C., "La propiedad de la tierra en la Vega de Granada a finales del siglo XV. El caso de Alitaje," AEA 12 (2001) 449-479, no. 20
  • 21 = Molina López, E. / Jiménez Mata, M. C., "La propiedad de la tierra en la Vega de Granada a finales del siglo XV. El caso de Alitaje," AEA 12 (2001) 449-479, no. 21
  • 22 = Molina López, E. / Jiménez Mata, M. C., "La propiedad de la tierra en la Vega de Granada a finales del siglo XV. El caso de Alitaje," AEA 12 (2001) 449-479, no. 22
  • 28 = Molina López, E. / Jiménez Mata, M. C., "La propiedad de la tierra en la Vega de Granada a finales del siglo XV. El caso de Alitaje," AEA 12 (2001) 449-479, no. 28
  • 29 = Molina López, E. / Jiménez Mata, M. C., "La propiedad de la tierra en la Vega de Granada a finales del siglo XV. El caso de Alitaje," AEA 12 (2001) 449-479, no. 29
  • 35 = Albarracín, J., "Abū l-ʿAsị̄ en un documento posesorio arábigo-granadino (1493)," Andalucía Islámica: Textos y Estudios II-III (1981-1982) 179-186.

Molina López, E. / Jiménez Mata, M. C., "La propiedad de la tierra en la Vega de Granada a finales del siglo XV. El caso de Alitaje," AEA 12 (2001) 449-479.

Monferrer Sala, J. P. / Pinilla Melguizo, R., "Tres documentos árabes granadinos sobre las treguas de 1469 y 1472", RCEHGR 12 (1998), 231–261. Nos. 1-3

Moritz, B., Ein Firman des Sultans Selim I. für die Venezianer vom Jahre 1517, in: G. Weil (ed.), Festschrift Eduard Sachau zum siebzigsten Geburtstage, Berlin 1915, 423-443. One Arabic document on paper. APD

Mortillaro, V., "Catalogo ragionato dei diplomi esistenti nel tabulario della metropolitana chiesa di Palermo", in: Mortillaro, V. (ed.), Opere 1, Palermo 1843, 155-490. Catalogue of Greek, Arabic, and Latin documents. Nos. 9, 11, 14, 16, 20, 25, and 27 are description of Arabic or Greek-Arabic documents. No. 5 is an edition of a Greek-Arabic document that has been republished as

  • = P.Sicilia 6 (Cattedrale di Palermo 1)

Mouton, J.-M., "La documentation papyrologique," J.-M. Mouton (ed.), Ṣadr, une forteresse de Saladin au Sinaï. Histoire et archéologie, 2 vols., Paris 2010 (Mémoires de l'Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres 43), 1: 135-150; 2: pl. 234-241. Nos. 1-8 on paper. APD

Mouton, J.-M. / Sourdel, D. / Sourdel-Thomine, J., "A propos de la «pauvreté» à Damas à l'époque ayyoubide: deux documents inédits," Archiv 57,1 (2011) 99–108. Nos.1-2 on paper. APD

Mouton, J.-M. / Sourdel, D. / Sourdel-Thomine, J., "Deux documents damascains touchant au rachat de captifs détenus par les Francs", Archiv 59,2 (2014) 406-420. No. 1 on paper, no. 2 on parchment. APD

Mouton, J.-M. / Sourdel, D. / Sourdel-Thomine, J., "Témoignages sur un waqf de la région d'Irbil a l'époque de Saladin", Lionel Marti, Christophe Nicolle, and Kawah Shawaly (eds.), Recherches en Haute-Mésopotamie 2: Mission archéologique de Bash Tapa (campagnes 2012-2013) et les enjeux de la recherche dans la région d'Erbil (Mémoires de N.A.B.U 17), Paris 2015, 51–57. APD

Mouton, J.-M. / Sourdel-Thomine, J., "Pèlerinages par procuration à la Mecque et société médiévale damascaine (476/1084-710/1312)", JA 306 (2018) 3–29. Annexe 2 is an edition of a pilgrinage certificate. APD

Mouton, J.-M. / Sourdel-Thomine, J., "La pratique de la ziyāra par procuration dans la Syrie médiévale à partir de trois documents inédits", Islam 95 (2018) 507-523. Nos. 1-3, 12th/13th century. APD

Mouton, J.-M. / Sourdel, D. / Sourdel-Thomine, J., "Un exemple de lettre adressée à un soufi de Damas au XIIe siècle", Archiv 64,2 (2018), 343–357.

Muehlhauesler, M., "Eight Arabic block prints from the Collecton of Aziz S. Atiya," Arabica 55 (2008) 528-582.

Muehlhaeusler, M., "Math and magic: a block-printed wafq amulet from the Beinecke Library at Yale", JAOS 130 (2010) 607-618.

Muehlhaeusler, M., "Fragments of Arabic Poetry on Papyrus: Questions of Textual Genesis, Attribution, and Representation", JAOS 134 (2014) 673-687. Edition of a business letter and poetry. APD

Muḫliṣ, ‘A., "‘Aqdā nikāḥ kutibā fī awāsiṭ al-qarn aṯ-ṯāmin," RAAD 21 (1946) 419-426.

Müller, C., "Constats d'héritages dans la Jérusalem mamelouke: les témoins du cadi dans un document inédit du Haram al-Sarif," AnnIslam 35 (2001) 291-319. Paper. APD

Müller, C. / Pahlitzsch, J., "Sultan Baybars I and the Georgians - in the ligh of new documents related to the Monastery of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem," Arabica 51 (2004) 258-290. APD

Müller, C., "Écrire pour établir la preuve orale en Islam: la pratique d’un tribunal à Jérusalem au XIVe siècle", in: Akira Saito / Yusuke Nakamura (eds.), Les outils de la pensée. Étude historique et comparative des «textes», Paris 2010, 63-97. APD

Müller, C., "Crimes without Criminals? Legal Documents on Fourteenth-Century Injury and Homicide Cases from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem", M. van Berkel / L. Buskens / P. M. Sijpesteijn (eds.), Legal Documents as Sources for the History of Muslim Societies: Studies in Honour of Rudolph Peters, Leiden 2017, 129-179. Edition of six documents, 14th c. APD

Muriel Morales, F., "Tres cartas de la cancillería de Muḥammad IX de Granada", AndMag 5 (1997) 171-188. APD

Naṣr ʿAbd ar-Raḥmān, M., "al-Taʿāmulāt al-qaḍāʾiyya li-ahl al-ḏimma fī al-Quds al-mamlūkiyya fī ḍawʾ waṯāʾiq al-Ḥaram al-qudsī", al-Muʾarriḫ al-ʿArabī 22 (2014) 157-184. The paper has ben reprinted as in AnnIslam 50 (2016), 343–363. On paper.

Noël des Vergers, M., "Sur les diplômes arabes conservés dans les archives de la Sicile," JA, sér. 4, vol. VI (1845) 313-342. Two documents. Both have been reedited:

  • p. 318-322 = P.Sicilia 143 (Chiesa di Monreale 5)
  • p. 338-339 = P.Sicilia 104 (Chiesa di Monreale 3)

d'Ottone, A., "A far eastern type of print technique for islamic amulets from the Mediterranean: an unpublished example," Scripta 6 (2013) 67-74. Edition of one blockprint. APD

Pahlitzsch, J., "Documents on intercultural communication in Mamlūk Jerusalem. The Georgians under Sultan an-Nāṣir Ḥasan in 759 (1358)," in: Beihammer, A., Parani, M., Schabel, Ch. (eds.), Diplomatics in the Eastern Mediterranean 1000-1500. Aspects of cross-cultural communication, Leiden 2008 (The Medieval Mediterranean 74), 373-394. APD

Pilette, P. / Vanthieghem, N., "A propos de la datation du manuscrit Pierpont Morgan inv. M. 636: Edition d‘un protocole arabe inédit", JCoptStud 17 (2015) 147-152. APD

Pilette, P. / Vanthieghem, N., "Un nouveau sauf-conduit du monastère d’Apa Jeremias à Saqqara?", BASP 53 (2016) 233-238. APD

Potthast, D., "Drei Fragmente von arabischen Staatsbriefen (14. Jh.) im Archivo de la Corona de Aragón", Der Islam 92 (2015) 367-412. APD

Pourrière, L., "Appendice I: Firmani e documenti arabi inediti estratti dall'Archivio della procura di T.S. in Gerusalemme colla traduzione italiana," in: G. Golubovich (ed.), Series cronologica dei reverendissimi superiori di Terra Santa, Jerusalem 1898, 123-187. Nos. A-M. Two texts have been republished:

  • M = Risciani, N./Castellani, E., Documenti e firmani dei sultani che occuparono il trono d'Egitto, dal 1363-1496, Jerusalem 1931, no. 15.
  • N = Risciani, N./Castellani, E., Documenti e firmani dei sultani che occuparono il trono d'Egitto, dal 1363-1496, Jerusalem 1931, no. 26.

Puerta Vílchez, J. M., “Documento de compraventa de la casa de la hija de un alfaquí en Granada, fechado en dicha ciudad el 22 de agosto de 1493", in esther Cruces Blanco et al. (eds.), El Pergamino de Antequera, Antequera 2010, 41-45.

Rabīʿ, Ḥ. M., "Ḥuǧǧat tamlīk wa-waqf", Maǧallat al-ǧamʿīya al-miṣrīya li-d-dirāsāt at-tārīḫīya 12 (1964) 161-172. Edition of one waqfiyya.

Raghib, Y., "Lettres Arabes," I: AnnIslam 14 (1978) 15-35; II: AnnIslam 16 (1980) 1-29. Nos. 1-19. One text has been republished: APD

  • 1 = Chrest.Khoury I 95
  • 5 = P.Alqab 83
  • 7 = P.Alqab 68
  • 13 = P.Alqab 70
  • 17 = P.Alqab 69

Raghib, Y., "Quatre papyrus arabes d'Edfou," AnnIslam 14 (1978) 1-14. Nos. 1-4. APD

Raghib, Y., "Trois documents datés du Louvre," AnnIslam 15 (1979) 1-9. Nos. 1-3. For emendations see: Diem, W., "Philologisches zu arabischen Steuerquittungen aus Ägypten (8.-11. Jahrhundert)", WZKM 96 (2006) 55-111. One text has been republished: APD

  • 1 = P.Alqab 42

Raghib, Y., "Un contrat de mariage sur soie d' Egypte fatimide," AnnIslam 16 (1980) 31-37. Silk. APD

Raghib, Y., "Lettres nouvelles de Qurra b. Sharik," JNES 40 (1981) 174-185. Nos. 1-4. The following text has been reedited: APD

  • 1 = Chrest.Khoury.I 92 = Gascou, J., "Sur la lettre arabe de Qurra b. Šarīk. P.Sorb. inv. 2344," AnnIslam 45 (2011) 269-271

Raghib, Y., "Contrat d' affermage d' un pressoir à huile en 205/821," StIr 11 (1982) 293-299. The text has been republished as: APD

  • = Chrest.Khoury I 65 = P.Alqab 34

Raghib, Y, "Deux baux de maisons d’Egypte médiévale," AnnIslam 25 (1990) 119-126; pl. XVI-XVII. No. 1 on papyrus, no. 2 on paper. APD

Raghib, Y., "La plus ancienne lettre arabe de marchand," Y. Raghib (ed.), Documents de l'islam médiéval. Nouvelles perspectives de recherche, Cairo 1991. 1-9. Palimpsest text written over a Latin text published as PSI XII 1272. Parchment. APD

Raghib, Y., "Lettres de service au maître de poste d'Ashmun," AI 3 (1992) 5-16. Nos. 1-5. APD

Raghib, Y. "L'inventiare des documents exhumés à Naqlun 1991," PAM 3 (1992) 57-58. Description not an edition of 11 items. Nos. 5, 7-10 are documents. No. 10 is parchment the others paper.

Raghib, Y., "Une vente à livrer de colombine en 320/932," Itinéraires d'Orient. Hommages à Claude Cahen, Res Orientales 6 (1994) 133-141. APD

Raghib, Y., "Les archives d'un gardien du monastère de Qalamun," AnnIslam 29 (1995) 25-57. Nos. 1-8. APD

Raghib, Y., "Sauf-conduits d'Égypte omeyyade et abbasside," AnnIslam 31 (1997) 143-168. Nos. 1-8 on papyrus. APD

Raghib, Y., "Une ère inconnue d’Égypte musulmane : l’ère de la juridiction des croyants," AnnIslam 41 (2007) 187‒207. Nos 1-2. One papyrus has been republished: APD

  • 2 = Tillier, M. / Vanthieghem, N., "Recording Debts in Sufyanid Fusṭāṭ: Reexamination of the Procedures and Calendar in Use in the First/Seventh Century", J. V. Tolan (ed.): Geneses: A Comparative Study of the Historiographies of the Rise of Christianity, Rabbinic Judaism, and Islam, New York 2019, 148–188, no. 2

Raghib, Y., "Un papyrus arabe de l'an 22 de l'hégire," in: Histoire, archéologies, littératures du monde musulman. Mélanges en l'honeur de André Raymond, ed. G. Alleaume, S. Denoix, M. Tuchscherer, le Caire 2009, 363-372. APD

Raghib, Y., "Une lettre familiale rédigée en 102/721," AnnIslam 45 (2011) 273-284. APD

Raghib, Y., "Lettre d'un marchand d'Alexandrie de la collection Golenischeff à Moscou," AnnIslam 48,2 (2014) 61-80. APD

Raghib, Y., "Une lettre de Šaǧar al-Durr au futur sultan Quṭuz," AnnIslam 48,2 (2014) 135-165. APD

Raghib, Y., "Lettre relative à la location d’une chambre au début du IIIe/IXe siècle", AnnIslam 49 (2015) 145-159. Edition of a papyrus. APD

Raghib, Y., "Une commande d’articles à Fustat rédigée dans le dernier tiers du IIe siècle de l’Islam ou le premier du suivant", AnnIslam 50 (2016), 269–290.

Ramaḍān, Ḥ. M. Ḥ., "Dirāsa li-waqf al-amīr Qīt ar-Raǧabī," AnnIslam 41 (2007) 67‒99 [Arabic part]. Edition of one document.

Regourd, A., "Arabic documents from the Cairo Geniza in the David Kaufmann Collection in the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest", JIM 3 (2012) 1-19. Handlist of Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic documents in the David Kaufmann Collection (Budapest) that contains also an edition of a literary fragment by al-Ǧāḥiẓ. The text has been republished as:

  • = Regourd, A., "Ǧāḥiẓiana: Addition à l'essai d'inventaire de l'oeuvre ǧāḥiẓienne: le Kitāb al-Fityān retrouvé?", Arabica 60, 1-2 (2013), 106-130.

Regourd, A., "A late Ayyubid Report of Death Found at Quṣayr al-Qadīm", A. T. Schubert and P. M. Sijpesteijn (eds.), Documents and the History of the Early Islamic World, Leiden 2015, 11-26. Edition of two documents. APD

Regourd, A., “Une requête (petition) au calife fatimide al-Ḥākim bi-amr Allāh (Rémondon 1, musée du Louvre)”, BSOAS 80 (2017), 1-7. APD

Reinfandt, L., "Leinenhändler im Herakleopolites in arabischer Zeit: P.Vindob. A.P. 15021 (PERF 576)," BASP 44 (2007) 97-123. Papyrus. APD

Reinfandt, L., "Die Beurkundung einer mamlukenzeitlichen Familienstiftung vom 12. ǧumādā II 864 (4. April 1460)," in: Islamische Stiftungen zwischen juristischer Norm und sozialer Praxis, ed. A. Meier, J. Pahlitzsch, L. Reinfandt. Berlin 2009 (Stiftungsgeschichten 5). 117-152. Parchment scroll.

Reinfandt, L., "Die Sorgen des Weingutbesitzers: der Wiener Papyrus P.Vind.inv. A.P. 11378," in: Orientalistische Studien zu Sprache und Literatur: Festgabe zum 65. Geburtstag von Werner Diem, ed. U. Marzolph. Wiesbaden 2011. 203-216. Papyrus. APD

Reinfandt, L. / Vanthieghem, N., "Les archives fiscales de Mīnā, fils de Damarqūra, un contribuable copte du Ixe siècle", in: Mélanges Jean Gascou: Textes et études papyrologiques (P.Gascou) (Travaux et Mémoires 20/1), ed. J.-L. Fournet, A. Papaconstantinou. Paris 2016, 351-370 (= P.Gascou 52-58). APD

Reinfandt, L., "Versuchte Einflussnahme auf einen behördlichen Entscheidungträger: P.Vind.inv. A.P. 15228 aus der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek", Z. Gažaková and J. Drobný (eds.), Arabic and Islamic Studies in Honour of Ján Pauliny, Bratislava 2016, 367-384. Edition of a letter and a list on papyrus. APD

Rémondon, R., "Ordre de paiement d'époque arabe pour l'impôt de capitation", in: Raccolta di scritti in onore di Girolamo Vitelli III = Aegyptus 32 (1952) 257-264. Greek papyrus with an Arabic seal.

Rémondon, D., "Cinq documents arabes d'Edfou," MélIslam 1 (1954) 103-112. Nos. 1-5. APD

Reinhardt, K., "Eine arabische-koptische Kirchenbann-Urkunde," in: Aegyptiaca. Festschrift für Georg Ebers zum 1. März 1897, Leipzig 1897, 89-91. Paper.

Revillout, E., “Actes et contracts des Musées Égyptiens de Boulaq et du Louvre 1: Textes et Fac-simile; Papyrus Coptes,” Études Égyptologiques 5 (1878). On pages 1, 90 and 94 editions of three Arabic protocols. They have been republished as: APD

  • 1 = Ciasca, A., I papiri Copti del Museo Borgiano della S. C. de propaganda fide, Rom 1881, no. 1 = P.KRU 106 = CPR III 1 109
  • 14 = P.KRU 100 = CPR III 1 133
  • 15 = P.KRU 99 = CPR III 1 135

Ribera y Tarragó, J., La enseñanza entre los musulmanes españoles, Discurso leído en la Universidad de Zaragoza en la solemne apertura del Curso Académico de 1893 a 1894, Zaragoza 1894. One document on paper (in the Apéndice 2). The text has been republished: APD

  • = P.Moriscos 43

Ribera, J., Orígenes del Justicia de Aragón. Zaragoza 1897, 453-461. One edition. This document has been listed as:

  • = Garcia de Linares, R., "Escrituras arabes pertenencientes al archivo de Ntra. Sra. del Pilar des Zaragoza," in: Homenaje a Fr. Codera (1904) 171-197, no. 14.

Ribera y Tarragó, J. / Asín y Palacios, M., "Documentos bilingües del Archivo de la Catedral de Tudela," Revista de Aragón 3 (1902), 324-327; 406-409. Nos. 1-8. All of these documents have been reedited in García-Arenal, M., "Documentos árabes di Tudela y Tarazona," al-Qantara 3 (1982) 27-72. APD

  • 1 = Garcia, Tudela Tarazona 2
  • 2 = Garcia, Tudela Tarazona 3
  • 3 = Garcia, Tudela Tarazona 4
  • 4 = Garcia, Tudela Tarazona 6
  • 5 = Garcia, Tudela Tarazona 5
  • 6 = Garcia, Tudela Tarazona 8
  • 7 = Garcia, Tudela Tarazona 9
  • 8 = Garcia, Tudela Tarazona 10

Ribera y Tarragó, J, "Tratado de paz ó tregua entre Fernando I el Bastardo, rey de Nápoles, Abuámer Otmán, rey de Túnez", in: Centenario della nascita di Michele Amari: scritti di filologia e storia arab ; di geografia, storia, diritto della Sicilia medievale; studi bizantini e giudaici relativi all'Italia meridionale nel medio evo; documenti sulla relazioni fra gli stati italiani ed il levante, Palermo 1910, 373-386. Edition of a peace treaty on parchment. APD

Ribera y Tarragó, J. / Asin y Palacios, M., Manuscritos árabes y aljamiados de la Biblioteca de la Junta, Madrid 1912. Cataloge of manuscripts and documents with some editions. Two texts have been republished:

  • 89 = P.Moriscos 39 Appendix
  • 101 E/2 = P.Moriscos 59

Richards, D. S., "Arabic Documents from the Karaite Community in Cairo," JESHO 15 (1972) 105-162. Catalogue of 27 documents; nos.1, 7-27 are paper; 2-6 are parchment. There is a transcription of no. 6 in an appendix. Several documents have been published: APD

  • 1 = Gottheil, R. J. H., "A decree in favour of the Karaites of Cairo dated 1024," in: A. Harkavy Festschrift, St. Petersburg 1908, 115-125 = P.Fatimid 2
  • 6 = Richards, D. S., "Arabic Documents from the Karaite Community in Cairo," JESHO 15 (1972) 105-162 (Appendix).
  • 9 = Gottheil, R. J. H., "Dhimmis and Moslems in Egypt," R. F. Harper (ed.), Old Testament and Semitic Studies in Memory of William Rainey Harper, Chicago 1908, II, 353-414.

Richards, D. S., "A Fatimid Petition and 'Small Decree' from Sinai," IOS 3 (1973) 140-158. Nos. 1 and 2. Paper. APD

Richards, D. S., "A Mamluk Petition and a Report from the Diwan al-Jaysh," BSOAS 40 (1977) 1-14. Paper. Texts on both sides. APD

Richards, D. S., "Documents from Sinai concerning Mainly Cairene Property," JESHO 28 (1985) 225-293. Nos. 1-20; extensive description of contents. Nos. 1-9, 19 parchment; nos. 10-11, 13-18, 19 paper; no. 12 not stated. Partial transcriptions of nos. 1-3, 7-10, 12-15, 19.

Richards, D. S., "Arabic Documents from the Monastery of St. James in Jerusalem Including a Mamluk Report on the Ownership of Calvary," REA 21 (1988-1989) 455-69. No. 12 is an edition of a Mamlūk document on paper.  No. 1-11 are a catalogue of documents from the Ottoman period. APD

Richards, D. S., "The Mamlūk barīd: some evidence from the Haram documents", in: Hadidi, Adnan (ed.), SHAJ 3, Amman 1987, 205-209. Six documents on paper. APD

Richards, D. S., "A Report on an Order of Qarāqūš" Arabica 36 (1989) 237-241. Paper. The document has been republished as: APD

  • = P.GenizahCambr. 52

Richards, D. S., "Written Documents," W. Kubiak / G. T. Scanlon (eds.), Fustat Expeditions Final Report, Winona Lake Indiana 1989. 64-80. Description of 124 documents and editions of nos. 1, 4, 18. The first is parchment, the other 2 paper. APD

Richards, D. S., "The Qasama in Mamluk Society: Some Documents from the Haram Collection in Jerusalem," AnnIslam 25 (1990) 245-284. Nos. 1-11 on paper. APD

Richards, D. S., "A Mamluk Emir's 'Square' Decree," BSOAS 54 (1991) 61-6. Paper. APD

Richards, D. S., "Fragments of a slave dealer's day-book from Fusṭāṭ", Documents de l'Islam médiéval: Nouvelles perspectives de recherche; Actes de la Table Ronde (Paris ... 1988), ed. Y. Rāġib. Cairo 1991 (Textes arabes et études islamiques 29), 89-96. APD

Richards, D. S., "A Petition for an Iqtaʿ Addressed to Saladin or al-ʿAdil," BSOAS 55 (1992) 98-105. Paper. The text has been republished as: APD

  • = P.GenizahCambr. 88

Richards, D. S., "Dhimmi Problems in Fifteenth-Century Cairo: Reconsideration of a Court Document," in Studies in Muslim-Jewish Relations, ed. R. Nettler. Vol 1. Chur; Reading 1992. 127-163. Editions of two documents on paper, one in the text and one in an appendix.

Richards, D. S., "A Doctor's Petition for a Salaried Post in Saladin's Hospital", SHM 5 (1992) 297-306. Edition of an Arabic petition from the Cairo Geniza. Paper. The document has been republished as: APD

  • = P.GenizahCambr. 90

Richards, D. S., "Some Muslim and Christian Documents from Sinai Concerning Christian Property," U. Vermeulen / J. M. F. van Reeth (eds.),  Law, Christianity and Modernism in Islamic Society. Proceedings of the Eighteenth Congress of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, Leuven 1998 (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 86). 2 vols. Vol. 1 161-170. Nos. 1-4. Paper. APD

Richards, D. S., "A Late Mamluk Document Concerning Frankish Commercial Practice at Tripoli," BSOAS 62 (1999) 21-35. Paper. APD

Richards, D. S., "St Catherine's Monastery and the Bedouin: Archival Documents of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries," J.-M. Mouton (ed.), Le Sinaï de la conquête arabe à nos jours, Cairo 2001 (Cahier des annales islamologiques 21). 149-181. Nos. 1-9 are nos. 186, 187, 188, 189, 191, 190, 193, 194 in A. S. Atiya, The Arabic Manuscripts of Mount Sinai: a Handlist of Arabic Manuscripts and Scrolls Microfilmed at the Library of the Monastery of St. Catherine, Mount Sinai, Baltimore 1955. No. 1 parchment, nos. 2-9 paper.

Richards, D. S., "Primary Education under the Mamluks: Two Documents from the Haram in Jerusalem," The Arabist (Budapest Studies in Arabic) 24-25 (2002). No. 1 on paper. APD

Richards, D. S., “Glimpses of provincial Mamluk society from the documents of the Ḥaram al-Sharīf in Jerusalem”, M. Winter / A. Levanoni (eds.), The Mamluks in Egyptian and Syrian politics and society, Leiden 2004 (The Medieval Mediterranean 51), 45-57. APD

Richards, D. S., “Three (twelfth-century?) guarantees issued for the monks of St Catherine’s Monastery in Sinai”, C. Müller / M. Roiland-Rouabah (eds.), Les non-dits du nom: Onomastique et documents en terres d’Islam, Beirut 2013, 15-27. Nos. 1-3. APD

Risciani, N. / Castellani, E., Documenti e firmani dei sultani che occuparono il trono d'Egitto, dal 1363-1496, Jerusalem 1931. Nos. 1-28.

Rocco, B., "Pergamene", in: F. Campagna Cicala / E. Calandra (eds.), Messina - Il ritorno della memoria, Palermo 1994, 147-189. Catalogue of of documents in the Archivo de los Duques de Medinaceli (Sevilla). Nos. 30, 31, 32 and 36 are Greek-Arabic, no. 33 is Arabic. Two documents have been edited:

  • 33 = Gálvez, M. E., "Fragmento de Yarīda del Archivo Ducal de la Casa de Medinaceli de Sevilla," Historia, Instituciones, Documentos 16 (1989) 1-14 = Gálvez, M. E., "Noticia sobre los documentos árabes de Sicilia del Archivo Ducal de Medinaceli", in: Scarcia Amoretti, B. (ed.), Giornata di studio, Del nuovo sulla Sicilia musulmana, Roma, 3 maggio 1993 (Accademia dei Lincei, Fondazione Leone Caetani 26), Rom 1995, 167–182.
  • 36 = von Falkenhausen, V. / Johns, J., "An Arabic-Greek charter for Archbishop Nicholas of Messina, November 1166", L. Bénou / C. Rognoni (eds.), Χρόνος συνήγορος. Mélanges André Guillou = Νέα Ῥώμη. Rivista di ricerche bizantinistiche 8 (2011) 153–170.

Rodríguez Gómez, M. D., "Documentos notariales árabes sobre Almacerías (Mediados S. XV-1499), Edición y traducción," RCEHGR 19 (2007) 217-258. APD

Rodríguez Gómez, M. D. / Domínguez Rojas, S. M., "La compraventa de fincas urbanas en la Granada del siglo XV a través de dos documentos notariales árabes," AEA 19 (2008) 175-199. APD

Rodriguez Gómez, M. D., "Les Maṣārī de Grenade d'après quelques documents arabes (1442-1490)," BO 65 (2008) 555-594. Nos. 1-7 on paper. APD

Rodríguez Gómez, M. D., "Al otro lado de la muralla. Dos documentos notariales árabes granadinos de Almanjáyar (Granada 1499)," MEAH 57 (2008) 295-319. Nos 1-2. APD

Rodríguez Gómez, M. D., "La porte d'al-Murḍī de Grenade à travers deux documents notariaux arabes (1493)," Arabica 56 (2009) 235-268. Nos. 1-2. APD

Rodríguez Gómez, M. D. / Vidal Castro, F., “Fāṭima bint Muḥammad vende una finca de regadío: Sobre mujeres nazaríes y propiedades en la Granada del siglo XV”, Estudios de Frontera 8: Mujeres y Fronteras; Homenaje a Cristina Segura Graíño, Congreso celebrado en Alcalá la Real, 19 y 20 de noviembre de 2010, ed. F. Toro Ceballos and J. Rodríguez Molina, Jaén 2011, 415-430. APD

Rodríguez Gómez, M. D. / Vidal Castro, F., "Les terres de l’Alitaje (Grenade) et le pouvoir socio-politique et économique dans l’al-Andalus naṣride: Édition, traduction et étude de deux actes notariés de 878/1473-879/1474", Arabica 65,3 (2018), 331-367. APD

Rogers, E. Th., Notice sur les papyrus postérieurs à l'ère chrétienne, Bulletin de l'Institut Egyptien, 2ème série 1 (1880) 9-23. Five editions. The edition on p. 10 is an unchanged reprint of Silvestre, M.J.B., Universal palaeography, 1850; 84f.; Tf. 29. The edition on p. 11 is an unchanged reprint of Silvestre de Sacy, Antoine Isaac. "Mémoire sur quelques papyrus écrits en arabe et récemment découvers en Egypte". In: Journal des Savants (août 1825) p. 462-473; 2 pl. (Reprinted in: Mémoires de l'Institut Royal de France. Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres 9 (1831) 66-85, no. A. Two texts have been republished:

  • p. 15 top = Diem, W., "Einige frühe amtliche Urkunden aus der Sammlung Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer (Wien)," Le Muséon 97 (1984) 109-158, no. 7.
  • p. 15 bottom = Raghib, Y., "Lettres Arabes", I: AnnIslam 14 (1978) 15-35, no. 2 a.

Ruiz Orsatti, R., "Tratado de paz entre Alfonso V de Aragón y el Sultán de Egipto, al-Malik al-Ašraf Barsbāy," al-Andalus 4 (1939) 333-389. Republished as

  • = P.Aragon 153

Rustow, M., "A petition to a woman at the Fatimid court (413–414 A.H./1022–23 C.E.)," BSOAS 73 (2010) 1-27. Paper. APD

Saiyour, S. / Bloom, J. M., "Paper fragments", A. H. Pincis / H. al-Zahem (eds.), Bahnasā (Oxyrhynchus): Final report of the excavations (1985-1987), Kuwait 2006, 150-156. Nos. 1-15 are descriptions of documents. One documents has been edited:

  • 4 = Vanthieghem, N., "Papyrologica VI: 57", CdÉ 92 (2017), 444-445.

al-Samarrai, Q., "A Unique Mamluk Document of al-Malik al-Muʿizz Aybak al-Turkumānī al-Ṣāliḥī, the First Mamluk Sultan of Egypt, from the Monastery of Sinai," Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica 21 (1990) 195-211. This is no. 29 in A. S. Atiya, The Arabic Manuscripts of Mount Sinai: a Handlist of Arabic Manuscripts and Scrolls Microfilmed at the Library of the Monastery of St. Catherine, Mount Sinai, Baltimore 1955. Paper. APD

Sauvaget, J., "Sur une papyrus arabe de la Bibliothèque égyptienne", AIEO 7 (1948), 29-38. The text has been republished as: APD

  • = P.Alqab 74

Schlumberger, D., "Les fouilles de Qasr el-Heir el-Gharbi (1936-1938): Rapport préliminaire", Syria 20,4 (1939) 324-373. On p. 372-373 edition of letter written on a marble slab. APD

Schneider, M., "Deux actes de donation en arabe," AE 8 (1970) 79-85.

Seco de Lucena Paredes, L., "Documentos granadinos I, Documentos de Colegio de ninos nobles," al-Andalus 8 (1943). 415-429. Nos. 1-3.

Seco de Lucena Paredes, L., "Documentos granadinos II, Documentos de las Comendadoras de Santiago," al-Andalus 9 (1944) 121-140. No. 1.

Seco de Lucena Paredes, L., "La familia de Muhammad X," al-Andalus 11 (1946) 379-387. No. 1. APD

Seco de Lucena Paredes, L., "La sultana madre de Boabdil," al-Andalus 12 (1947) 359-390. Nos. 1-3.

Seco de Lucena Parades, L., "Un documento del sultán granadino Yūsuf IV ibn al-Mawl," al-Andalus 13 (1948) 497-500; pl. No. 1. [Aljamiado]

Seco de Lucena Paredes, L., "Notas para el estudio de Granada bajo la dominación musulmana, Acerca de algunas familias ilustres arabigogranadinas," MEAH 1 (1952) 27-49. No. 1 on paper. This text has been republished:

  • 1 = P.Granada 16

Seco de Lucena Paredes, L., "El título profesional de un médico del siglo XV, Un curioso documento granadino," MEAH 3 (1954) 23-40. Parchment.

Seco de Lucena Paredes, L, "Un nuevo texto en árabe dialectal granadino," al-Andalus 20 (1955) 153-165. APD

Seco de Lucena Parades, L., "Notas para el studio del derecho hispano-musulmán, Dos fatwas de Ibn Manẓūr," MEAH 5 (1956) 5-17. APD

Seco de Lucena Paredes, L., "Escrituras de donación arábigo granadinas," RIEEI 5 (1957) 65-78. The following text has been republished:

  • 4 = P.Granada 93

Seco de Lucena Paredes, L., “Escrituras árabes de la Universidad de Granada”, al-Andalus 35 (1970) 315-353. Nos. 1-92. Catalogue with descriptions, no editions. A complete catalogue of the same collection has been published as: Zomeño, A., “Repertorio documental arábigo-granadino: Los documentos de la Biblioteca Universitaria de Granada”, Qurtuba 6 (2001), 275-296. Several documents have been edited:

  • 3 = Rodriguez Gómez, M. D., "Les Maṣārī de Grenade d'après quelques documents arabes (1442-1490)," BO 65 (2008) 555-594, no. 5.
  • 13 = Zomeño, A., "Notaries and their Formulas: The Legacies from the University Library of Granada", P. M. Sijpesteijn / L. Sundelin / S. T. Tovar / A. Zomeño (eds.), From al-Andalus to Khurasan. Documents from the Medieval Muslim World. Leiden 2007. 59-77. (Islamic History and Civilization 66), no. 2.
  • 14 = Zomeño, A., "Notaries and their Formulas: The Legacies from the University Library of Granada", P. M. Sijpesteijn / L. Sundelin / S. T. Tovar / A. Zomeño (eds.), From al-Andalus to Khurasan. Documents from the Medieval Muslim World. Leiden 2007. 59-77. (Islamic History and Civilization 66), no. 3.
  • 15 = Zomeño, A., "Notaries and their Formulas: The Legacies from the University Library of Granada", P. M. Sijpesteijn / L. Sundelin / S. T. Tovar / A. Zomeño (eds.), From al-Andalus to Khurasan. Documents from the Medieval Muslim World. Leiden 2007. 59-77. (Islamic History and Civilization 66), no. 1.
  • 17 = Rodríguez Gómez, M. D. / Domínguez Rojas, S. M., "La compraventa de fincas urbanas en la Granada del siglo XV a través de dos documentos notariales árabes," AEA 19 (2008) 175-199, no. 1.
  • 22 = Rodriguez Gómez, M. D., "Les Maṣārī de Grenade d'après quelques documents arabes (1442-1490)," BO 65 (2008) 555-594, no. 1.
  • 26 = Rodriguez Gómez, M. D., "Les Maṣārī de Grenade d'après quelques documents arabes (1442-1490)," BO 65 (2008) 555-594, no. 3.
  • 36 = Rodríguez Gómez, M. D. / Vidal Castro, F., “Fāṭima bint Muḥammad vende una finca de regadío: Sobre mujeres nazaríes y propiedades en la Granada del siglo XV”, Estudios de Frontera 8: Mujeres y Fronteras; Homenaje a Cristina Segura Graíño, Congreso celebrado en Alcalá la Real, 19 y 20 de noviembre de 2010, ed. F. Toro Ceballos and J. Rodríguez Molina, Jaén 2011, 415-430.
  • 38 = Rodriguez Gómez, M. D., "Les Maṣārī de Grenade d'après quelques documents arabes (1442-1490)," BO 65 (2008) 555-594, no. 2.
  • 57 = Rodriguez Gómez, M. D., "Les Maṣārī de Grenade d'après quelques documents arabes (1442-1490)," BO 65 (2008) 555-594, no. 6.
  • 70 = Rodriguez Gómez, M. D., "Les Maṣārī de Grenade d'après quelques documents arabes (1442-1490)," BO 65 (2008) 555-594, no. 7.
  • 84 = Vidal Castro, F., "Water and Farm Estates in the Arabic Documents of the Naṣrid Kingdom of Granada", P. M. Sijpesteijn / L. Sundelin / S. T. Tovar / A. Zomeño (eds.), From al-Andalus to Khurasan. Documents from the Medieval Muslim World. Leiden 2007. 39-58. (Islamic History and Civilization 66).
  • 92 = Rodríguez Gómez, M. D. / Domínguez Rojas, S. M., "La compraventa de fincas urbanas en la Granada del siglo XV a través de dos documentos notariales árabes," AEA 19 (2008) 175-199, no. 2.

Seidel, E., "Medizinisches aus den Heidelberger Papyri Schott-Reinhardt," Der Islam 1 (1910) 145-152; 238-263; 2 (1911) 220-231; 3 (1912) 273-291. Nos. 1-4.

Seif, Th., "Zwei arabische Papyrusurkunden," WZKM 32 (1925) 275-285. Both texts have been republished: APD

  • 1 = Diem, W., "Vier Dienstschreiben an ʿAmmar. Ein Beitrag zur arabischen Papyrologie," ZDMG 133 (1983) 239-262, No. b
  • 2 = Diem, W., "Vier Dienstschreiben an ʿAmmar. Ein Beitrag zur arabischen Papyrologie," ZDMG 133 (1983) 239-262, No. c

Shahin, A. A., "Höfliche Bitte an einen Bekannten um Bezahlung eines Geldbetrags," Archiv 59,1 (2013) 176-183. Papyrus. APD

Shahin, A. A. "Ein Scheltbrief", Archiv 60 (2014) 413- 419. APD

Shahin, A. A., "Schreibübung und Schriftübungszettel zwischen Theorie und Praxis", A. Kaplony / D. Potthast / C. Römer (eds.), From Bāwīṭ to Marw: Documents from the Medieval Muslim World, Leiden 2015, 95-113. Edition of three writing exercises on papyrus. APD

Sijpesteijn, P. M., "Profit Following Responsibility. A Leaf from the Records of a Third/Ninth Century Tax-Collecting Agent," JJurPap 31 (2001) 91-132. No. 1. APD

Sijpesteijn, P. M., "Travel and Trade on the River," P. M. Sijpesteijn / L. Sundelin (eds.), Papyrology and the History of Early Islamic Egypt, Leiden 2004, 115-152. No. 1. APD

Sijpesteijn, P. M., "Request to buy coloured silk," H. Harrauer / R. Pintaudi (eds.), Gedenksschrift Ulrike Horak (P.Horak), Florenz 2004 (Papyrologica Florentina 34), 255-272; pl. 50. = P.Horak 85. APD

Sijpesteijn, P. M., "The archival mind in Early Islamic Egypt: two Arabic papyri," P. M. Sijpesteijn / L. Sundelin / S. T. Tovar / A. Zomeño (eds.), From al-Andalus to Khurasan. Documents from the Medieval Muslim World, Leiden 2007 (Islamic History and Civilization 66), 163-186. APD

Sijpesteijn, P. M., "A seventh/eighth-century list of companions from Fusṭāṭ," F. Hoogendijk (ed.), Sixt-five papyrological texts presented to Klaas A. Worp on the occasion of his 65th birthday (P. L. Bat. 33), Leiden 2008 (Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava 33), 369-377 (= Artikel 65). = P.L.Bat. XXXIII 65. APD

Sijpesteijn, P. M., "A mid-eighth-century trilingual tax demand related to the monastery of Apa Apollo at Bawit," A. Boud'hors / J. Clackson / C. Louis / P. M. Sijpesteijn (eds.), Monastic Estates in Late Antique and Early Islamic Egpyt: Ostraca, Papyri, and Studies in Honour of Sarah Clackson, Cincinnati: Ohio 2008, 102-119. = P.Clackson 45. APD

Sijpesteijn, P. M., "Army Economics: An Early Papyrus Letter Related to ʿAṭāʾ Payments," E. Margariti / A. Sabra / P. M. Sijpesteijn (eds.), Histories of the Middle East: Studies in Middle Eastern Society, Economy and Law in Honor of A.L. Udovitch, Leiden 2011 (Islamic History and Civilization 79), 245-267. APD

Sijpesteijn, P. M., "Une nouvelle lettre de Qurra b. Šarīk: P.Sorb. inv. 2345," AnnIslam 45 (2011) 257-268. Papyrus. APD

Sijpesteijn, P. M., "Taking Care of the Weak. An Arabic Papyrus from the Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam," D. Minutoli (ed.), Inediti offerti a Rosario Pintaudi per il 65° compleanno (P.Pintaudi), Florence 2012, 289-294. APD

Sijpesteijn P. M., "An Arabic Land Lease from Ṭuṭūn," R. Ast / H. Cuvigny / T. Hickey (eds.), Papyrological Texts in Honor of Roger S. Bagnall, Durham NC (2013), 301-306. No. 53. APD

Sijpesteijn, P. M., "An Early Umayyad Papyrus Invitation for the Ḥajj," JNES 73 (2014) 179-190. APD

Sijpesteijn, P. M., "Making the Private Public: A Delivery of Palestinian Oil in Third/Ninth-Century Egypt," StOrE 2 (2014) 74-91 APD

Sijpesteijn, P. M., "Financial Troubles: A Mamluk Petition", A. E. Franklin / R. E. Margariti / M. Rustow, U. Simonsohn (eds.), Jews, Christians and Muslims in Medieval and Early Modern Times: A Festschrift in Honor of Mark R. Cohen, Leiden 2014 (Christians and Jews in Muslim Societies 2), 352-366. Paper. APD

Sijpesteijn, P. M., "A Ḥadīth Fragment on Papyrus", Der Islam 92 (2015), 321-333.

Sijpesteijn, P. M., "Delegation of Judicial Power in Abbasid Egypt", M. van Berkel / L. Buskens / P. M. Sijpesteijn (eds.), Legal Documents as Sources for the History of Muslim Societies: Studies in Honour of Rudolph Peters, Leiden 2017, 61-84. Edition of a papyrus. APD

Silvestre de Sacy, A. I., "Mémoire sur quelques papyrus écrits en arabe et récemment découvers en Egypte," Journal des Savants (août 1825) 462-473; 2 pl. (Reprinted in: Mémoires de l'Institut Royal de France. Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres 9 (1831) 66-85; 2 pl.). Nos. 1-2 on papyrus. Both texts have been reedited: APD

  • 1 = Raghib, Y., "Sauf-conduits d'Egypte omeyyade et abbaside," AnnIslam 31 (1997) 143-168, No. 7
  • 2 = Raghib, Y., "Sauf-conduits d'Egypte omeyyade et abbaside," AnnIslam 31 (1997) 143-168, No. 8

Silvestre de Sacy, A. I., "Pièces diplomatiques tirées des archives de la République de Gènes," in: Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque nationale et autres bibliothèques 11, Paris 1827, 1-96. Nos. 1-2. Both texts have been reedited twice: APD

  • 1 = Amari, M., "Novi ricordi arabici su la storia di Genova," Atti della Società Ligure di Storia Patria 5 (1867) 549-635, No. 1 = Bauden, F., "Due trattati di pace conclusi nel dodicesimo secolo trai i Banū Ġāniya, signori delle isole Baleari, e il comune di Genova", in: Martínez de Castilla, N. (ed.), Documentos y manuscritos árabes del Occidente musulmán medieval, Madrid 2010, 33-86, No. 1
  • 2 = Amari, M., "Novi ricordi arabici su la storia di Genova," Atti della Società Ligure di Storia Patria 5 (1867) 549-635, No. 2 = Bauden, F., "Due trattati di pace conclusi nel dodicesimo secolo trai i Banū Ġāniya, signori delle isole Baleari, e il comune di Genova", in: Martínez de Castilla, N. (ed.), Documentos y manuscritos árabes del Occidente musulmán medieval, Madrid 2010, 33-86, No. 2

Silvestre de Sacy, A. I., "Mémoire sur le traité fait entre le roi de Tunis et Philippe-le-Hardi, en 1270, pour l'évacuation du territoire de Tunis par l'armée des croisés," Histoire et mémoires de l'institut royal de France, Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres IX (1832) 448-477. One document on parchment. APD

Silvestre de Sacy, A. I., " Mémoire sur un Correspondance de l'Empereur de Maroc Yakoub, fils d'Abd-alhakk, avec Philippe-le-Hardi, conservée dans les Archives du Royaume," Histoire et mémoires de l'institut royal de France, Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres IX (1832) 478-506. APD

Silvestre de Sacy, A. I., "Mémoire sur deux papyrus, écrits en langue arabe, appartenant à la Collection du Roi", Histoire et mémoires de l'institut royal de France, Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres X (1833) 65-88. Description and translation of two papyri, a passport and letter.

Soldevila, F., "Apèndixs I: Documents", F. Soldevila, Pere el Gran II: El regnat fins a l'any 1282, vol. 2 (Institut d'estudis catalans: Memòries de la secció històrico-arqueològica 22), Barcelona 1962. Nos. 1-115. No. 58 is an Arabic surrender treaty. APD

Sourdel, D. / Sourdel-Thomine, J., "Trois actes de vente Damascains du début du IVe/Xe siècle," JESHO 8 (1965) 164-184. Nos.1-3. Parchment. All documents have been republished: APD

  • 1 = P.Damas 1
  • 2 = P.Damas 2
  • 3 = P.Damas 5

Sourdel, D. / Sourdel-Thomine, J., "Un acte de vente arabe portant sur la région d’Ahlat au VIIe/XIIIe siècle," Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 6 (1968), 51-57. The document has been republished: APD

  • = P.Damas 65

Sourdel, D., "Deux documents relatifs à la communauté hanbalite de Damas," BEO 25 (1972) 141-149. Nos. 1-2. Paper. APD

Sourdel, D. / Sourdel-Thomine, J., "Biens fonciers constitués waqf en Syrie fatimide pour une famille de Šarīfs damascains," JESHO 15 (1972) 269-296; Pl. I-VII. One document, paper. The document has been republished: APD

  • = P.Damas 10

Sourdel, D. / Sourdel-Thomine, J., "Un texte d'invocations en faveur de deux princes ayyūbides," D. K. Kouymijan (ed.), Near Eastern Numismatics, Epigraphy and History, Studies in Honor of Georges C. Miles, Beirut 1974, 347-352. One Document on paper. APD

Sourdel, D. / Sourdel-Thomine, J., "Nouvelle lettre d'un docteur hanbalite de Damas à l'époque ayyoubide," JNES 40 (1981) 265-276. Paper. APD

Sourdel, D. / Sourdel-Thomine, J., "Une collection médiévale de certificats de pèlerinage à la Mekka conservés à Istanbul. Les actes de la période seljoukide et bouride (jusqu'à 549/1154)," in: Etudes médiévales et patrimoine turc. Volume publié à l'occasion du centième anniversaire de la naissance de Kemal Atatürk Paris 1983 (Cultures et civilisations médiévales 1), 167-273. Nos. 1-22 are editions, nos. 23-34 descriptions. APD

Sourdel, D. / Sourdel-Thomine, J., "Deux actes de vente damascains du bas Moyen-Âge", M. Sharon (ed.), Studies in Islamic History and Civilization in Honour of Professor David Ayalon, Jerusalem/Leiden 1986, 517-525. Two contract from the 11th-13th centuries. Both texts have been republished: APD

  • 1 = P.Damas 18
  • 2 = P.Damas 41

Sourdel, D. / Sourdel-Thomine, J. / Mouton, J.-M., "Un acte notarié d'époque bouride: povoir politique et propiété immobilière dans un quartier de Damas au XIIe siècle", in: AnnIslam 29 (1995), 59-74. Parchment. The document has been republished: APD

  • = P.Damas 29

Sourdel, D. / Sourdel-Thomine, J., "Certificats de pèlerinage par procuration à l'époque mamlouke," JSAI 25 (2001) 212-233. Nos. 1-6 are descriptions and translations of pilgrimage certificates, nos. Fr. 1-Fr. 15 only descriptions.

Sourdel, D. / Sourdel-Thomine, J. / Mouton, J.-M., "Une attaque de Damas par les Qarmates au Xe siècle d’après la lettre d’un marchand," Archiv 56 (2010) 64-76; pl. VII. Paper. APD

Sourdel, D. / Sourdel-Thomine, J. / Mouton, J.-M. / Moussé, C., "La découverte d'un culte de nabī Zakariyyāʾ à la grande mosquée de Damas à l'époque ayyoubide", Der Islam 90 (2013) 412-444. Four documents on paper. APD

Stern, S. M., "An Original Document from the Fatimid Chancery Concerning Italian Merchants," Studi orientalistici in onore di Giorgio Levi della Vida. Vol. 2, Rome 1956, 529-538. Paper. The document has been republished as: APD

  • = P.GenizahCambr. 109

Stern, S. M., "A Fatimid Decree of the Year 524/1130," BSOAS 23 (1960) 439-455. Paper. The text has been republished: APD

  • = P.Fatimid 3

Stern, S. M., "Three Petitions of the Fatimid Period," Oriens 15 (1962) 172-209. No. 1-3 on paper. All documents have been republished: APD

  • 1 = P.GenizahCambr. 74
  • 2 = P.GenizahCambr. 77
  • 3 = P.GenizahCambr. 85

Stern, S. M., "Petitions from the Ayyubid Period," BSOAS 27 (1964) 1-32. Nos. 1-3. APD

Stern, S. M., "Two Ayyûbid Decrees from Sinai," S. M. Stern (ed.), Documents from Islamic Chanceries, Cambridge MA 1965. 9-38. Both documents are paper and are nos. 11 and 12 in A.S. Atiya, The Arabic Manuscripts of Mount Sinai: a Handlist of Arabic Manuscripts and Scrolls Microfilmed at the Library of the Monastery of St. Catherine, Mount Sinai. Baltimore 1955. APD

Stern, S. M., " Petitions from the Mamluk Period (Notes on the Mamluk Documents from Sinai)," BSOAS 29 (1966) 233-276. APD

Stern, S. M., "A petition to the Fāṭimid caliph al-Mustanṣir concerning a conflict with in the Jewish community," REJ 128 (1969) 203-222. Nos. 1-2 are different drafts of a petition (no. 1 Judaeo-Arabic, no. 2 recto Arabic and no 2 verso Judaeo-Arabic). All drafts have been republished as: APD

  • = P.GenizahPalestine 197

Stern, S. M., "Cairo as the centre of the Ismāʾīlī movement," Colloque International sur l'Histoire du Caire. 27 mars - 5 avril, 1969, Gräfenhainichen 1972, 437-450. One document. APD

Stoetzer, W. F. G. J. / Worp., K. A., "Eine arabische-griechische Steuerquittung aus Ägypten P. Vindob. G 39744," ZPE 50 (1983) 141-146. APD

Stoetzer, W. F. G. J. / Worp, K. A., "Zwei Steuerquittunguen aus London und Wien," Tyche 1 (1986) 195-202. No. 1 is Greek and no. 2 Arabic. APD

Tekin, S. “A Qaraḫānid Document of A.D. 1121 (A.H. 515) from Yarkand.” HUS 3-4 (1979-80), 868-883. One document on paper. It has been republished as: APD

  • = Gronke, M., "The Arabic Yarkand Documents," BSOAS 49 (1986) 454-507, no. 3.

Thomann, J., " 266: le dernier horoscope sur papyrus - le premier horoscope en arabe," P. Schubert (ed.), Actes du 26e Congrès intenational de papyrologie. Genève, 16-21 auût 2010, Genf 2012 (Recherces et rencontres. Publications de la Faculté des Lettres de l'Université de Genève 30), 747-750. One docment on papyrus.

Thomann, J., "An Arabic Ephemeris for the Year 954/955 CE and the Geographical Latitude of al-Bahnasa/Oxyrhynchus (P.Stras. Inv. Ar. 446)," CdÉ 88 (2013) 385-396. One document on paper.

Thomann, J., "An Arabic Ephemeris for the Year 1026/1027 CE. in the Vienna Papyrus Collection," G. Katsiampoura (ed.), Scientific Cosmopolitanism and Local Cultures: Religions, Ideologies, Societies, Proceedings of 5th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, National Hellenic Research Foundation/Institute of Historical Research, Athens 2014, 54-60. One document on paper.

Thomann, J., "An Arabic Ephemeris for the Year 931-932 CE", A. Kaplony / D. Potthast / C. Römer (eds.), From Bāwīṭ to Marw: Documents from the Medieval Muslim World, Leiden 2015, 115-153. Edition of an astronomical document.

Thomann, J., “A Fragment of an Unusual Arabic Almanac for 297 AH/910 Ce (P.Berl.inv. 12793)”, S. Bouderbala / S. Denoix / M. Malczycki (eds.), New Frontiers of Arabic Papyrology, Arabic and Multilingual Texts from Early Islam (Islamic History and Civilization 144), Leiden 2017, 179-196.

Thung, M. H., "An Arabic Letter of the Rijksmuesum van Oudheden, Leiden," Oudheidkundige Mededelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden 76 (1996) 63-68. APD

Thung, M. H., "Written Obligations from the 2nd/8th to the 4th/10th Century," ILS 3 (1996) 1-12. Nos. 1-4. No. 4 is on paper. All have been republished: APD

  • 1 = CPR XXVI 16
  • 2 = CPR XXVI 17
  • 3 = CPR XXVI 21
  • 4 = CPR XXVI 23

Tillier, M., "Deux papyrus judicaires de Fuṣṭāṭ (IIe/VIIIe siècle)", CdÉ 89 (2014) 412-445. APD

Tillier, M. / Vanthieghem, N., "La rançon du serment: un accord d'amiable au tribunal fatimide de Ṭalīt", REMMM 140 (2016) 53-72. APD

Tillier, M. / Vanthieghem, N., "Deux quittances de loyer pour un four", BASP 54 (2017), 157-165. Nos. 1-2. Papyrus. APD

Tillier, M. / Vanthieghem, N., "Un reçu de paiement pour une vente immobilière à terme", CdÉ 93 (2018) 421–431. Edition of a paper, 11th century. APD

Tillier, M. / Vanthieghem, N., "Un registre carcéral de la Fusṭāṭ abbasside", ILS 25 (2018), 1–40. APD

Tillier, M. / Vanthieghem, N., "Une oeuvre inconnue de Wakīʿ b. al-Ǧarrāḥ (m. 197/812?) et sa transmission en Égypte au IIIe/IXe siècle", Arabica 65 (2018), 656-700. Edition of a literary papyrus.

Tillier, M. / Vanthieghem, N., "Recording Debts in Sufyanid Fusṭāṭ: Reexamination of the Procedures and Calendar in Use in the First/Seventh Century", J. V. Tolan (ed.): Geneses: A Comparative Study of the Historiographies of the Rise of Christianity, Rabbinic Judaism, and Islam, New York 2019, 148–188. Edition of four papyri from the 7th century. APD

Tisserant, E. / Wiet, G., "Lettre de l'almohade Murtadi au pape Innocent IV," Hespéris 6 (1926) 27-53. Paper. The text has been republished as: APD

  • = P.LettresAlmohades 126

Torrey, C. C., "An Arabic Papyrus Dated 205 AH," JAOS 56 (1936) 288-292. No. 1 with revisions by N. Abbott in JAOS 57 (1937) 312-315. APD

al-ʿUmarī, A., "Dirāsa li-baʿḍ waṯāʾiq tataʿallaq bi-bayʾ wa-širāʾ ḫuyūl min al-ʿaṣr al-mamlūkī," RIMA 10 (1964) 223-272. Nos. 1-15 on paper. APD

Vanthieghem, N., "Un reçu pour l’impôt foncier ou pour la capitation. Édition de P.Stras. Inv. G 2554," Aegyptus 90 (2010) 143-146. One document on papyrus. APD

Vanthieghem, N., "Un contrat de location d'une maison en arabe (P. Brux. Inv. E. 8449)," CdÉ 88 (2013) 188-197. APD

Vanthieghem, N., "Le plus ancien sauf-conduit arabe," Der Islam 91 (2014), 266-271. APD

Vanthieghem, N., "Un exercice épistolaire arabe adressé au gouverneur Ǧābir ibn al-Ašʿaṯ", Archiv 60 (2014), 402-405. APD

Vanthieghem, N., "Les archives des marchands d’étoffes du Fayoum revisitées I: Un nouveau ḏikr ḥaqq du marchand Abū Hurayra", Archiv 60 (2014), 406-412. APD

Vanthieghem, N., "Contrats de location arabes II", CdÉ 89 (2014), 210-215. APD

Vanthieghem, N., "La toponymie arabe : à propos d'un ouvrage récent", CdÉ 89 (2014), 216-223. APD

Vanthieghem, N., "Les archives d’un maquignon d’Égypte médiévale", AnalPap 26 (2014), 291-315. APD

Vanthieghem, N., "Quelques contrats de vented’esclaves de la collection Aziz Atiyya", JJP 44 (2014), 163–187. Nos. 1-6. Nos. 1-2 are on papyrus, nos. 3-6 on paper. APD

Vanthieghem, N., "Trois ordres de paiement arabes à un responsable du miel dans le milieu de Fusṭāṭ (iie siècle / viiie siècle)", CdÉ 90 (2015), 199-206. APD

Vanthieghem, N., "Contribution à l’histoire de la transition du papyrus au papier. À propos de la date de P. Ryl. Arab. I, X 10", CdÉ 90 (2015), 423-430. APD

Vanthieghem, N., "Un fragment coranique sur papyrus (Coran 19, 43-49)", CdÉ 90 (2015), 420-422.

Vanthieghem, N., "Violences et extorsions contre des moines dans la région d’Assiout: Réédition de P.Ryl.Arab. II 11", JCoptStud 18 (2016), 185-196. APD

Vanthieghem, N., "Le dossier fiscal de Saʿdūn b. Abū Ḥamza: Réédition de P. Ryl. Arab. I, III 6", CdÉ 91 (2016), 427-432. APD

Vanthieghem, N., "Une contribution pour la table d’un prince ikhchidide: Édition de P. Utah Inv. 1383", CdÉ 91 (2016), 433-436. APD

Vanthieghem, N., "L'arabisation des coptes, Un témoin inédit", U. Vermeulen, K. D'Hulster und J. van Steenbergen (eds.), Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk Eras VIII, Proceedings of the 19th, 20th, 21st and 22nd international colloquium organized at the Ghent University in May 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 244), Leuven 2016, 121–131. Edition of a contract of sale, 11th century. APD

Vanthieghem, N. / Younes, Kh. M., "Deux lettres arabes de la collection Palau-Ribes: Réédition de P.MarrowExchanges 1 et 2", CdÉ 92 (2017), 209-216. APD

Vanthieghem, N., "1. Lettre", Albarrán Martínez, M. J., Boud’hors, A., Delattre, A. (eds.), Coptica Barcinonensia, Leuven 2017 (= JCoptStud 19), 129–131. APD

Vanthieghem, N., "La correspondance de Qurra b. Šarīk et de Basileios revisitée II: À propos de P.BeckerPAF 3 (P. Lond. Inv. Or. 6233 [1-4])", CdÉ 92 (2017), 419–424.

Vanthieghem, N., "Papyrologica VI: 52-57", CdÉ 92 (2017), 441–445. Nos. 52-54 and 56 offer emendations, no. 55 is the edition of a lease on papyrus, no. 57 of an order for payment on paper. APD

Vanthieghem, N., "Le plus ancien papier documentaire arabe: Édition de P. Cambr. UL Inv. Michael. Chart. B 90", CdÉ 93 (2018), 200-204. APD

Vanthieghem, N., "Papyrologica VII: 67-72", CdÉ 92 (2017), 221–224. Emendations. APD

Vesely, R., "Trois certificats délivrés pour les fondations pieuses en Egypte au XVIe siêcle. Troisième contribution à la question des fondations pieuses ottomanes d'Egypte et de la diplomatique judiciaire," Oriens 21-22 (1968-1969) 248-299.

Vidal Castro, F., "Water and Farm Estates in the Arabic Documents of the Naṣrid Kingdom of Granada", P. M. Sijpesteijn / L. Sundelin / S. T. Tovar / A. Zomeño (eds.), From al-Andalus to Khurasan. Documents from the Medieval Muslim World. Leiden 2007. 39-58. (Islamic History and Civilization 66). One document on paper. APD

Vila, S.,"Un contrato de matrimonio entre musulmanes del siglo XVI", AHDE 10 (1933) 186-196. The contract has been republished as:

  • = P.PaisValenciano II 80

Viladrich, M., "Jaque al sultán en el "damero maldito". Edición y traducción de un tratado diplomático entre los mercaderes catalanes y el sultanato mameluco (1429)," M. T. Ferrer i Mallol / D. Coulon (eds.), L'expansió catalana a la mediterrània a la baixa edat mitjana, Actes del Séminaire/Seminari organitzat per la Casa de Velazquez (Madrid) i la Institució Mia i Fontanals (CSIC, Barcelona), Barcelona 1999, 161-205. One document on paper. APD

Viguera Molíns, M. J., "Dos documentos árabes de Aragón (Jarque y Morés, 1492)," AEMed 4 (1981) 235-261. APD

Viguera Molíns, M. J., "Partición de herencia entre una familia mudéjar de Medinaceli," al-Qanṭara 3 (1982) 73–133.

Vogliano, A., "Rapporto preliminare della IVa campagna di scavo a Madinat Madi (R. Unversità di Milano)," ASAE 38 (1938) 533-49. In the appendix there is one papyrus edition by A. Grohmann. APD

Wansbrough, J., "A Mamluk letter of 877/1473," BSOAS 24 (1961) 200-213. This document has been reedited once. Emendations in: Bauden, F., "The Mamluk documents of the Venetian State Archives: handlist," QSA 20-21 (2002-2003) 147-156. APD

  • = Hours, F., "Fraude commerciale et politique internationale: les relations entre l'Egypte et Venise d'après une lettre de Qayt Bey (1472-1473)," BEO 25 (1972) 173-184.

Wansbrough, J., "A Moroccon amīr's commercial treaty with Venice of the year 913/1508", BSOAS 25 (1962) 449-471. Edition of a letter and a treaty, both on paper. APD

Wansbrough, J., "A Mamluk Ambassador to Venice," BSOAS 26 (1963) 503-530. A treaty on parchment in Italian with Arabic subscriptions. APD

Wansbrough, J., "A Mamluk Commercial Treaty Concluded with the Republic of Florence 849/1489," S. M. Stern (ed.), Documents from Islamic Chanceries, Cambridge MA 1965, 39-80. Paper. APD

Wansbrough, J., "Venice and Florence in the Mamluk Commercial Privileges," BSOAS 28 (1965) 483-523. Two treaties on paper. No. 1 is in Italian, no. 2 in Arabic. APD

Wansbrough, J., "A Judaeo-Arabic Document from Sicily," BSOAS 30,2 (1967) 305-313. One document.

Wansbrough, J., "The Safe-Conduct in Muslim Chancery Practice," BSOAS 34 (1971) 20-35; pl. I-VI. Edition of one document on paper. APD

Younes, Kh. M., "An Arabic Acknowledgment of a Debt on Papyrus“, Archiv 62 (2016) 195-202. APD

Younes, Kh. M., "Indecent Clothing and Violence in the Street: A Third/Ninth-Century Arabic Papyrus", AnnIslam 50 (2016), 291–300.

Younes, Kh. M., "Two Arabic Deeds of House Lease Argreement on Papyrus", Islam 94,1 (2017), 57-65. APD

Younes, Kh. M., “Arabic Letters of Condolence on Papyrus”, S. Bouderbala / S. Denoix / M. Malczycki (eds.), New Frontiers of Arabic Papyrology, Arabic and Multilingual Texts from Early Islam (Islamic History and Civilization 144), Leiden 2017, 67-100. Nos. 1-5 on papyrus. APD

Younes, K. M., "New Governors Identified in Arabic Papyri", Delattre, A. / Legendre, M., / Sijpesteijn, P. M. (eds.), Authority and Control in the Countryside: From Antiquity to Islam in the Mediterranean and Near East (6th-10th Century) (Leiden Studies in Islam and Society 9), Leiden: Brill 2018, 13–43. Nos. 1-3, letters, 8th c. APD

Youssef-Grob, E. M., "The Earliest Paper Documents in the Vienna Collection Revisited", CdÉ 90 (2015), 431-443. One document on paper. APD

Zayed, A. S. M., Datos dialectales andalusíes (Gramaticales y léxicos) en algunos documentos tardíos granadinos y moriscos. Madrid 1993. Unchanged republication of P.Moriscos. Please quote all documents according to P.Moriscos.

Zomeño, A., “Repertorio documental arábigo-granadino: Los documentos de la Biblioteca Universitaria de Granada”, Qurtuba 6 (2001), 275-296. Catalogue, no editions. Several documents have been published:

  • 1 = P.GranadaNazari 3
  • 16 = Vidal Castro, F., "Water and Farm Estates in the Arabic Documents of the Naṣrid Kingdom of Granada", P. M. Sijpesteijn / L. Sundelin / S. T. Tovar / A. Zomeño (eds.), From al-Andalus to Khurasan: Documents from the Medieval Muslim World, Leiden 2007. 39-58.
  • 21 = Rodríguez Gómez, M. D. / Vidal Castro, F., “Fāṭima bint Muḥammad vende una finca de regadío: Sobre mujeres nazaríes y propiedades en la Granada del siglo XV”, Estudios de Frontera 8: Mujeres y Fronteras; Homenaje a Cristina Segura Graíño, Congreso celebrado en Alcalá la Real, 19 y 20 de noviembre de 2010, ed. F. Toro Ceballos and J. Rodríguez Molina, Jaén 2011, 415-430.
  • 25 = Rodríguez Gómez, M. D. / Domínguez Rojas, S. M., "La compraventa de fincas urbanas en la Granada del siglo XV a través de dos documentos notariales árabes," AEA 19 (2008) 175-199, no. 2.
  • 26 = Zomeño, A., "Notaries and their Formulas: The Legacies from the University Library of Granada", P. M. Sijpesteijn / L. Sundelin / S. T. Tovar / A. Zomeño (eds.), From al-Andalus to Khurasan: Documents from the Medieval Muslim World, Leiden 2007, 59-77, no. 1.
  • 27 = Zomeño, A., "Notaries and their Formulas: The Legacies from the University Library of Granada", P. M. Sijpesteijn / L. Sundelin / S. T. Tovar / A. Zomeño (eds.), From al-Andalus to Khurasan: Documents from the Medieval Muslim World, Leiden 2007, 59-77, no. 2.
  • 29 = Rodriguez Gómez, M. D., "Les Maṣārī de Grenade d'après quelques documents arabes (1442-1490)," BO 65 (2008) 555-594, no. 5.
  • 35 = Rodriguez Gómez, M. D., "Les Maṣārī de Grenade d'après quelques documents arabes (1442-1490)," BO 65 (2008) 555-594, no. 7.
  • 44 = Zomeño, A., "Notaries and their Formulas: The Legacies from the University Library of Granada", P. M. Sijpesteijn / L. Sundelin / S. T. Tovar / A. Zomeño (eds.), From al-Andalus to Khurasan: Documents from the Medieval Muslim World, Leiden 2007, 59-77, no. 3.
  • 47 = Rodriguez Gómez, M. D., "Les Maṣārī de Grenade d'après quelques documents arabes (1442-1490)," BO 65 (2008) 555-594, no. 3.
  • 50 = Rodríguez Gómez, M. D. / Domínguez Rojas, S. M., "La compraventa de fincas urbanas en la Granada del siglo XV a través de dos documentos notariales árabes," AEA 19 (2008) 175-199, no. 1.
  • 77 = Rodriguez Gómez, M. D., "Les Maṣārī de Grenade d'après quelques documents arabes (1442-1490)," BO 65 (2008) 555-594, no. 6.
  • 84 = Rodriguez Gómez, M. D., "Les Maṣārī de Grenade d'après quelques documents arabes (1442-1490)," BO 65 (2008) 555-594, no. 1.
  • 89 = Rodriguez Gómez, M. D., "Les Maṣārī de Grenade d'après quelques documents arabes (1442-1490)," BO 65 (2008) 555-594, no. 2.
  • 91 VI = Rodriguez Gómez, M. D., "Les Maṣārī de Grenade d'après quelques documents arabes (1442-1490)," BO 65 (2008) 555-594, no. 4.
  • 5-13 = P.Granada 1 = P.GranadaNazari 1
  • 5-15 = P.Granada 8
  • 5-16 = P.Granada 9
  • 5-17 = P.Granada 12
  • 5-18 = Seco de Lucena Paredes, L., "Notas para el estudio de Granada bajo la dominación musulmana, Acerca de algunas familias ilustres arabigogranadinas," MEAH 1 (1952) 27-49.
  • 5-19 = P.Granada 17
  • 5-20 = P.Granada 18
  • 5-21 = P.Granada 19
  • 5-22 = P.Granada 20
  • 5-23 = P.Granada 21
  • 5-24 = P.Granada 22
  • 5-25 = P.Granada 23
  • 5-26 = P.Granada 24
  • 5-27 = P.Granada 27
  • 5-28 = P.Granada 29
  • 5-29 = P.Granada 31
  • 5-30 = P.Granada 33
  • 5-31 = P.Granada 36
  • 5-32 = P.Granada 38
  • 5-33 = P.Granada 39
  • 5-34 = P.Granada 40
  • 5-35 = P.Granada 41
  • 5-36 = P.Granada 43
  • 5-37 = P.Granada 44
  • 5-38 = P.Granada 47
  • 5-39 = P.Granada 54
  • 5-40 = P.Granada 59
  • 5-41 = P.Granada 61
  • 5-42 = P.Granada 62
  • 5-43 = P.Granada 63
  • 5-44 = P.Granada 64
  • 5-45 = P.Granada 87
  • 5-46 = P.Granada 90
  • 5-47 = P.Granada 92
  • 5-48 = Seco de Lucena Paredes, L., "Escrituras de donación arábigo granadinas," RIEEI 5 (1957) 65-78, no. 4 = P.Granada 93
  • 5-49 = Seco de Lucena Paredes, L., "El título profesional de un médico del siglo XV, Un curioso documento granadino," MEAH 3 (1954) 23-40.

Zomeño, A., "Notaries and their Formulas: The Legacies from the University Library of Granada", P. M. Sijpesteijn / L. Sundelin / S. T. Tovar / A. Zomeño (eds.), From al-Andalus to Khurasan: Documents from the Medieval Muslim World (Islamic History and Civilization 66), Leiden 2007. 59-77, . Three documents on paper. APD

III. Corpora


I, R. G. Khoury, Chrestomathie de papyrologie arabe. Documents relatifs à la vie privé sociale et administrative dans les premiers siècles islamiques. Leiden 1993. (Handbuch der Orientalistik. Ergänzungsband 2, Zweiter Halbband). Nos. 1-98. For emendations see S. Hopkins, JSAI 21 (1997) 187-220 and Diem, W., "Philologisches zur arabischen Dokumenten der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek in Wien," WZKM 101 (2011) 75-140. The following texts have been republished: APD

  • 33 = Rāġib, Y., "Les archives d'un gardien du monastère de Qalamūn", AnnIslam 29 (1995) 25-57, no. 1.
  • 47 = P.Vente appendix 1
  • 48 = Tillier, M. / Vanthieghem, N., "Recording Debts in Sufyanid Fusṭāṭ: Reexamination of the Procedures and Calendar in Use in the First/Seventh Century", J. V. Tolan (ed.): Geneses: A Comparative Study of the Historiographies of the Rise of Christianity, Rabbinic Judaism, and Islam, New York 2019, 148–188, no. 1.
  • 49 = Chrest.Khoury II 12
  • 52 = CPR XXI 79
  • 53 = P.Vente 9
  • 54 = P.Vente 25
  • 59 = Rāġib, Y., "Les archives d'un gardien du monastère de Qalamūn", AnnIslam 29 (1995) 25-57, no. 7.
  • 67 = CPR XXI 7
  • 69 = CPR XXI 11
  • 72 = CPR XXI 1
  • 75 = Rāġib, Y., "Les archives d'un gardien du monastère de Qalamūn", AnnIslam 29 (1995) 25-57, no. 5.
  • 90 = P.Mudun 8
  • 93 = P.Mudun 11
  • 94 = P.Alqab 9 = P.Mudun 12

II, R. G. Khoury, Papyrologische Studien. Zum privaten und gesellschaftlichen Leben in den ersten islamischen Jahrhunderten. Wiesbaden 1995 (Codices Arabici Antiqui 5). Nos. 1-38. The following texts have been republished: APD

  • 1 = P.Transmission 6
  • 16 = P.Vente 10
  • 17 = P.Vente 14
  • 18 = P.Vente 17
  • 23 = P.Transmission 1
  • 27 = CPR XXI 9
  • 28 = CPR XXI 10
  • 31 = P.Vind.Arab. III 77
  • 32 = P.Vind.Arab. III 76
  • 33 = P.Vind.Arab. III 75

IV. Instrumenta


Grob, Letters

E. M. Grob, Documentary Arabic Private and Business Letters on Papyrus: Form and Function, Content and Context. Berlin und New York 2010. (Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Beiheft 29)

Grohmann, World.

See P.World in section I.

Grohmann, Chronologie

= A. Grohmann, I Arabische Chronologie. II Arabische Papyruskunde. Leiden 1966. (HdO. Erste Abteilung. Der Nahe und Mittlere Osten. Ergänzungsband II. Erster Halbband I 7 II).

Grohmann, Geographie

= A. Grohmann, Studien zur historischen Geographie und Verwaltung des mittelalterlichen Aegypten. Vienna 1959. (Denkschriften der Oesterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Phil.-hist. 77.2)

Grohmann, Einführung

= Einführung und Chrestomathie zur arabischen Papyruskunde. I: Einführung. Prag 1954 (Monografie Archivu Orientálního 13.1)


= Grundriss der arabischen Philologie. Vol. I, Sprachwissenschaft, ed. W. Fischer. Wiesbaden 1982; vol. II, Literaturwissenschaft, ed. H. Gätje. Wiesbaden 1982; vol. III, Supplement, ed. W. Fischer. Wiesbaden 1992.

Hinz, Masse und Gewichte

= W. Hinz, Islamische Masse und Gewichte, umgerechnet ins metrische System. Leiden 1955.

Sijpesteijn, Handbook

= P. M. Sijpesteijn, "Arabic papyri and Islamic Egypt" in: R. S. Bagnall (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Papyrology. Oxford 2009. 452-472 (= Chapter 19).


Gratzl, Frauennamen

= E. Gratzl, Die altarabischen Frauennahmen. Leipzig 1906.

Hess, Beduinennamen

= J.J. Hess, Beduinennamen aus Zentralarabien. Heidelberg 1912.

Ibn al-Kalbi

= Jamharat an-Nasab. Das genealogische Werk des Hisham Ibn Muhammad al-Kalbi, ed. W. Caskel. 2 vols. Leiden 1966.

Wuestenfeld, Register

= F. Wuestenfeld, Register zu den genealogischen Tabellen der arabischen Stämme und Familien. Mit historischen und geographischen Bemerkungen. Göttingen 1853.


= F. Preisigke, Namenbuch enthaltend alle griechischen, lateinischen, ägyptischen, hebräischen, arabischen und sonstigen semitischen und nichtsemitischen Menschennamen, soweit sie in griechischen Urkunden (Papyri, Ostraka, Inschriften, Mumienschildern usw) Ägyptens sich vorfinden. Heidelberg 1922, repr. Amsterdam 1967.

Geographical Dictionaries


= H. Halm, Ägypten nach den mamlukischen Lehensregistern. 2 vols. Wiesbaden 1979 and 1982.

Salmon, Repertoire

= G. Salmon, "Repertoire géographique de la province du fayoum d'après le kitab tarikh al-Fayyoum d'an-Naboulsi," BIFAO 1 (1901) 29-77. Online at

Siewert-Mayer, TAVO

= B. Siewert-Mayer, Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients. Register zu den Karten / bearbeitet von Beate Siewert-Mayer et al., Wiesbaden 1994.


= S. Timm, Das christlich-koptische Ägypten in arabischer Zeit. Eine Sammlung christlicher Stätten in Ägypten in arabischer Zeit unter Ausschluß von Alexandria, Kairo, des Apa-Mena-Klosters (Der Abu Mina), der Sketis (Wadi n-Natrun) und der Sinai-Region. 6 vols. Wiesbaden 1984-92.


Abbott, North Arabic Script

= N. Abbot, The Rise of the North Arabic Script and its Kur'anic Development with a Full Description of the Kur'an Manuscripts in the Oriental Institute. Chicago 1939 (Oriental Institute, Publications 50).

Gruendler, Scripts

= B. Gruendler, The Development of the Arabic Scripts. Atlanta 1993 (Harvard Semitic Studies 43).

Moritz, Palaeography

= B. Moritz, Arabic Palaeography. A Collection of Arabic Texts from the First Century of the Hidjra till the Year 1000. Cairo 1905, reprint Osnabrück 1986. (Publications of the Khedival Library 16) Plates only, no editions. Nos. 100-116 are documents. Nos. 100-106 are papyri; 107-110 are on plaster; 112-113 are leather; 114 parchment and 115-116 paper. See J. Karabacek, "Arabic Palaeography," WZKM 20 (1906) 131-148.

Schopen, Tinten

= A. Schopen, Tinten und Tuschen des arabisch-islamischen Mittelalters. Dokumentation Analyse Rekonstruktion: ein Beitrag zur materiellen Kultur des Vorderen Orients, Göttingen 2006 (Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Philologisch-historische Klasse, 3.Folge 269).


Blau, Grammar of Christian Arabic

= Blau, Joshua, A Grammar of Christian Arabic Based Mainly on South-Palestinian Texts From the First Millenium, 3 vols. Leuven 1966-1967 (Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium 267; 276; 279) (Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium Subsidia 27-29).

Blau, Handbook

= J. Blau, A Handbook of Early Middle Arabic. Jerusalem 2002.

Diem, Untersuchungen

= W. Diem, "Untersuchungen zur frühen Geschichte der arabischen Orthographie," Orientalia 48 (1979) 207-257; 49 (1980) 67-106; 50 (1981) 332-383; 52 (1983) 257-404.

Hopkins, Studies

= S. Hopkins, Studies in the Grammar of Early Arabic, Based upon Papyri Datable to Before 300 A.H./912 A.D. (London Oriental Series 37). Oxford 1984.


Corriente, Dictionary

= F. Corriente, A Dictionary of Andalusi Arabic (HdO, Erste Abteilung vol. 29), Leiden 1997.

Diem Radenberg, Dictionary

= W. Diem and H.-P. Radenberg, A Dictionary of the Arabic material of S. D. Goitein's 'A Mediterranean Society'. Wiesbaden 1994.

Blau, Dictionary

= J. Blau, A Dictionary of Mediaeval Judaeo-Arabic Texts [Hebrew]. Jerusalem 2006.

Dozy, Supplement

= R. Dozy, Supplement aux dictionnaires arabes. Leiden 1881. Reprint Beirut 1991.

Kazimirski, Dictionnaire

= A. de Biberstein Kazimirski, Dictionnaire arabe-français. 2 vols. Paris 1860. Reprint Paris 1960 and Beirut 1970-1979.

Lane, Lexicon

= E.W.Lane, An Arabic-English Lexicon. London and Edinburgh 1863. Reprint Beirut 1997.

Ullmann, Wörterbuch

= M. Ullmann, Wörterbuch der klassischen arabischen Sprache. Wiesbaden 1970-2009. vol. I: Kaf, 1970; vol. II in 4 parts: Lam, 2009; Literatur- und Abkürzungsverzeichnis zum zweiten Band (Lam) Band II, Teil 4 S. 2265–2332.

V. Series

Codices Arabici Antiqui. Wiesbaden. [OH]

  • V see Chrest.Khoury II

Documenta Arabica Antiqua. Wiesbaden. [OH]

  • I, see P.Vind.Arab. I
  • II, see P.Vind.Arab. II
  • III, see P.Vind.Arab. III
  • IV, see P.BerlinArab. II

VI. Abbreviations Used For Periodicals and Serials

  • AE = Annales d'Éthiopie
  • AEA = Anaquel de Estudios Árabes
  • AEMed = Aragón en la Edad Media
  • AHDE = Anuario de Historia del Derecho Español
  • AI = Archéologie Islamique
  • AIEC = Anuari del Institut d’Estudis Catalans
  • AIEO = Annales de l'Institut des Etudes Orientales
  • AJH = Arabic Journal for the Humanities = al-Maǧalla l-‘Arabīya li-l-‘Ulūm al-Insāniya
  • AnalPap = Analecta Papyrologica
  • AndMag = Al-Andalus Magreb: Estudios árabes e islámicos
  • AnnIslam = Annales Islamologiques
  • AnzeigerAkadWien = Anzeiger der phil.-hist. Klasse der Österreichischenen Akademie der Wissenschaften
  • Archiv = Archiv für Papyrusforschung
  • ArchOrient = Archív Orientální
  • ASAE = Annales du service des antiquités de l'Égypte
  • ASL = Atti della Società Ligure di Storia Patria
  • BACPS = Bulletin of the Center of Papyrological Studies = Maǧallat Markaz al-Dirāsa al-Bardiyya
  • BASP = The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists
  • BCAI = Bulletin critique des Annales islamologiques
  • BCPS = Bulletin of the Center of Papyrology, Cairo
  • BEO = Bulletin d'études orientales
  • BIÉ = Bulletin de l'Institut d'Égypte
  • BIFAO = Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale du Caire
  • BJMES = British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies
  • BSAL = Boletí de la Societat Arqueológica luliana
  • BSCC = Boletín de la Sociedad Castellonense de Cultura
  • BSGE = Bulletin de la Société Royale de Géographie d’Egypte
  • BSOAS = Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies
  • BSOS = Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies
  • CCO = Collectanea christiana orientalia
  • CdÉ = Chronique d’Égypte
  • CEM = Cuadernos de Estudios Medievales y Ciencias y Técnicas Historiográficas
  • EDNA = Estudios de Dialectología Norteafricana y Andalusí
  • ÉdP = Études de papyrologie
  • EHAM = Estudios de Historia y de Arqueología medievales
  • EUC = Estudis Universitaris Catalans
  • FO = Folia Orientalia
  • HdO = Handbuch der Orientalistik
  • HID = Historia. Instituciones. Documentos
  • HUS = Harvard Ukrainian Studies
  • IJMES = International Journal of Middle East Studies
  • IOS = Israel Oriental Studies
  • ILS = Islamic Law and Society
  • JA = Journal asiatique
  • JAIS = Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies
  • JAL = Journal of Arabic Literature
  • JAOS = Journal of the American Oriental Society
  • JARCE = Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt
  • JCoptStud = Journal of Coptic Studies
  • JEA = Journal of Egyptian Archaeology
  • JESHO = Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient
  • JIM = Journal of Islamic Manuscripts
  • JNES = Journal of Near Eastern Studies
  • JÖBG = Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik
  • JQR = Jewish Quarterly Review
  • JRAS = Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain
  • JSAI = Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam
  • JSS = Journal of Semitic Studies
  • MBPF = Münchener Beiträge zur Papyrusforschung und Rechtsgeschichte
  • MEAH = Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos (Sección Árabe)
  • Med Hist = Medical History
  • MPER = Mittheilungen aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer
  • MSR = Mamluk Studies Review
  • MélIslam = Mélanges Islamologiques
  • MIFAO = Mémoires publiées par les membres de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale du Caire
  • OLP = Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica
  • OrMod = Oriente Moderno
  • PAM = Polish Archeology in the Mediterranean
  • PSBA = Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology
  • PSI = Papyri Società Italiana
  • QDAP = The Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine
  • QSA = Quaderni di Studi Arabi
  • RAAD = Revue de l'Académie Arabe de Damas
  • RCEHGR = Revista del Centro de Estudios Históricos de Granada y su Reino
  • REA = Revue des Études Arméniennes
  • RechPap = Recherches de Papyrologie
  • REJ = Revue des Études Juives
  • REMMM = Revue des mondes musulmans et méditerranéens
  • RH = Revue Hispanique
  • RIEEI = Revista del Instituto Egipcio de Estudios Islámicos
  • RIEIM = Revista del Instituto de Estudios Islámicos en Madrid
  • RIMA = Revue de l'Institut des Manuscrits Arabes
  • RSO = Rivista degli Studi Orientali
  • SB = Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Ägypten
  • SHAJ = Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan
  • SHM = Social History of Medicine
  • StIr = Studia Iranica
  • StOrE = Studia Orientalia Electronica
  • StudPapyrol = Studia papyrologica
  • WZKM = Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, known until vol. 29 (1915) as the Vienna Oriental Journal.
  • ZA = Zeitschrift für Assyrologie und verwandte Gebiete
  • ZAL = Zeitschrift für arabische Linguistik
  • ZDMG = Zeitschrift der Deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft
  • ZNTW = Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft
  • ZPE = Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik

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