Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten


Ahmed Sukker

Ahmed Sukker

Research fellow


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Ahmed Sukker was born and raised in the Gaza Strip where he finished his undergraduate education and worked as a junior researcher at Pal-think for Strategic Studies, a think and do tank in Gaza. He has a double-degree Masters of Arts in social sciences from the Middle East Technical University in Ankara – Turkey and Humboldt University of Berlin. While completing his M.A. in Berlin he intended at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) and performed research related student jobs at Humboldt University of Berlin and Free University of Berlin. Currently he is working as a student research assistant at Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient. His main research interests are Euro-Islam, political violence and Islamism.

Research project

In the framework of “Violence, Forced Migration and Exile: Trauma in the Arab World and in Germany project”, he intends to discuss the potential of ‘collective trauma’ as a concept recently developed in cultural studies and empirical sociological research. In doing so, he will discuss the concept in light of critical social theory.