Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten



Isabel Schatzschneider

research fellow "The Maghreb in Transition"


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Isabel Schatzschneider is a researcher and an activist in animal welfare, food ethics,
environmental ethics and Islamic ethics. She has achieved her BA in Philosophy (London
Metropolitan University), MA in Islamic Cultures and Societies (SOAS, London) and MA in Islamic
Studies (Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich). In 2011 Schatzschneider has joined as a
researcher CILE (Research Center for Islamic Legislation and Ethics) in Qatar. Later in 2013 she
started to work for a well known NGO Schweisfurth Foundation in Munich. Here she had
significantly contributed with her research on the German Halal market. Schatzschneider has
written a number of articles covering areas such as Islamic law, ethics, food and environmental
ethics, animal welfare and the global halal food market. In 2014 she worked as an academic
researcher on politics and media in the Middle East at Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich.
She is also a member in the foreign exchange program “The Maghreb in Transition: Media,
Knowledge & Power”.