Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten



Promoting an Alliance, Furthering Nationalism

Ernst Jäckh and Ahmed Emin in the Time of the First World War

Autoren/Herausgeber: Dr. Sevil Özçalık
Erschienen: 2018
Publikationsart: Publikationen

This book inves­ti­gates how the German-Ottoman Alli­ance affected the Turkish Natio­na­lism during the Second Consti­tu­tional Period (1908–1918), focu­sing on two lesser known but crucial players of the Alli­ance: Ahmed Emin (Yalman, 1888–1972) and Ernst Jäckh (1875–1959). After the First World War, both men had repu­ta­tions as being liberal, pro-American jour­na­lists. This book explores their papers and inves­ti­gates their wartime acti­vi­ties and connec­tions, and shows how they helped the German-Ottoman Alli­ance to take root.

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