Der Islam 97 (2020), Heft 2
Journal for the History and Culture of the Middle East, ed. by Stefan Heidemann, Gottfried Hagen, Andreas Kaplony, Rudi Matthee, Kristina Richardson, and Amke Dietert
Autoren/Herausgeber: |
Andreas Kaplony et al. |
Erschienen: | 2020 |
Publikationsart: | Publikationen |
- Johannes Thomann | Paul Kunitzsch (1930‒2020) 299
- Sebastian Bitsch | Sengende Hitze, Eiseskälte oder Mond? Zum Echo zoroastrischer eschatologischer Vorstellungen am Beispiel des koranischen zamharīr 313
- Fatma Dahmani | A Reassessment of the Location of the Mural Paintings in the Caliphal Palace of Samarra 367
- Renate Jacobi | Die irdische Schönheit (ḥusn) und die göttliche Schönheit (ǧamāl) 405
- Tawfiq Daʿadli | Jerusalem Mamluk Regional Building Style as Demonstrated at Maqām al-Nabī Mūsā 421
- Roy Vilozny | Some Remarks on Ibn Taymiyyaʼs Acquaintance with Imāmī Shīʿism in Light of his Minhāj al-sunna al-nabawiyya 456
- Ali Karamustafa | Who were the Türkmen of Ottoman and Safavid Lands? An overlooked early modern identity 476
- Gregor Schoeler | The “National Amnesia” in the Traditional History of Iran 500
- Ursula Bsees et. al. | Annoted Bibliography “Arabic Papyrology and Documentary Studies on the Mediterranean and the Islamicate World” 533
- Angelika Brodersen | Hassan Ansari and Sabine Schmidtke, Studies in Medieval Islamic Intellectual Traditions 566
- Kaan Üçsu | Zayde Antrim, Mapping the Middle East 570
- Stefan Leder | Political Contexts of jihād Discourse (12th/13th centuries) ‒ Review Essay of Niall Christie, The Book of the Jihad of ʿAli ibn Tahir al-Sulami and Kenneth A. Goudie, Reinventing Jihād. Jihād Ideology from the Conquest of Jerusalem to the End of the Ayyubids 573
- Helga Rebhan | Frederike-Wiebke Daub, Formen und Funktionen des Layouts in arabischen Manuskripten anhand von Abschriften religiöser Texte 588
- Yaacov Lev | Amir Harrak (ed. and trans.), The Chronicle of Michael the Great 595
- Mohamad El Merheb | Carole Hillenbrand, ed., Syria in Crusader Times: Conflict and Co-Existence 597
- Jürgen Paul | Stefan Kamola, Making Mongol History. Rashid al-Din and the Jamiʿ al-Tawarikh 600
- Denis Hermann | Nobuaki Kondo, Islamic Law and Society in Iran: A Social History of Qajar Tehran 602
- Sonja Brentjes | Elias Muhanna, The World in a Book. Al-Nuwayri and the Islamic Encyclopedic Tradition 609
- Charles Melville | Benedek Péri, with Mojdeh Mohammadi and Miklós Sárközy, Catalogue of the Persian Manuscripts in the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 611
- Kathrin Müller | Rosemarie Quiring-Zoche und Beate Wiesmüller, Arabische Handschriften. Teil 13. Kurzbeschreibungen arabischer Handschriften der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin ‒ Preussischer Kulturbesitz 613
- Lutz Berger | Armando Salvatore, ed., The Wiley Blackwell History of Islam 615
- Nora K. Schmid | Carlos A. Segovia, The Quranic Noah and the Making of the Islamic Prophet 617
- Matthias Maser | Jonathan Stutz, Constantinus Arabicus. Die arabische Geschichtsschreibung und das christliche Rom 622
- Joshua Mugler | Lev E. Weitz, Between Christ and Caliph: Law, Marriage, and Christian Community in Early Islam 626