Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten



Der Islam 96 (2019), Heft 1

Journal for the History and Culture of the Middle East, ed. by Stefan Heidemann, Gottfried Hagen, Andreas Kaplony, Rudi Matthee, and Amke Dietert

Autoren/Herausgeber: Andreas Kaplony et al.
Erschienen: 2019
Publikationsart: Publikationen
  • Jens Scheiner | Harald Motzki (1948‒2019) 1


  • Coleman Connelly: The Pagan Origin of Christmas According to ʿAbd al-Jabbār’s Tathbīt | 10
  • Matthew Melvin-Koushki: Imperial Talismanic Love: Ibn Turka’s Debate of Feast and Fight (1426) as Philosophical Romance and Lettrist Mirror for Timurid Princes | 42
  • Mustafa Dehqan, Vural Genç: Kurdish Emirs in the 16th-Century Ruus Registers | 87
  • Elke Niewöhner: Ein astronomisch-astrologisches Gedicht des persischen Dichters Ḥusain Ḥakīm Ṯanāʾī Mašhadī auf der Berliner Indischen Weltkarte | 121
  • Tawfiq Daʿadli: Remains of Ottoman buildings in the city of al-Ludd | 158


  • Sandra Aube: La céramique dans l’architecture en Iran au XVe siècle (Negar Habibi) | 596
  • Daniel Potthast, ed.: Annotated Bibliography: Arabic Papyrology and Diplomatics. New Publications 2017 and Addenda 2015–2016 | 190
  • Glaire D. Anderson, Corisande Fenwick, Mariam Rosser-Owen (eds.): The Aghlabids and their Neighbors: Art and Material Culture in Ninth-Century North Africa (Antonia Bosanquet) | 207
  • Ali Anooshahr: Turkestan and the Rise of Eurasian Empires. A Study of Politics and Invented Traditions (Tilmann Trausch) | 210
  • Mark Beaumont, ed.: Arab Christians and the Qurʾan from the Origins of Islam to the Medieval Period (Philip Wood) |216
  • Marco Demichelis: Salvation and Hell in Classical Islamic Thought: Can Allah Save Us All? (Dorothee Pielow) | 217
  • Werner Diem: Glossar zur arabischen Epistolographie nach ägyptischen Originaldokumenten des 7.‒16. Jahrhunderts (Michail Hradek) | 219
  • Negar Habibi: ʿAli Qoli Jebādār et l’Occidentalisme Safavide: Une étude sur les peintres dites farangi sāzi, leurs milieux et commanditaires sous Shāh Soleimān (1666‒94) (Marianna Shreve Simpson) | 220
  • Konrad Hirschler: Medieval Damascus. Plurality and Diversity in an Arabic Library (Boris Liebrenz) | 223
  • David Hollenberg: Beyond the Qurʾān. Early Ismāʿīlī Taʾwīl and the Secrets of the Prophets (Michael Brett) | 227
  • Marion Holmes-Katz: Women in the Mosque: A History of Legal Thought and Practice (Asma Sayeed) | 233
  • Daniel G. König: Arabic-Islamic Views of the Latin West: Tracing the Emergence of Medieval Europe (Ryan Szpiech) | 238
  • Remke Kruk: The Warrior Women of Islam. Female Empowerment in Arabic Popular Literature (Liza Franke) | 243
  • Christian Lange: Paradise and Hell in Islamic Traditions (Todd Lawson) | 244
  • Roshdi Rashed, ed.:Lexique historique de la langue scientifique Arabe (Ulrich Rebstock) | 250
  • Vivian Strotmann: Majd al-Dīn al-Fīrūzābādī (1329‒1415): A Polymath on the Eve of the Early Modern Period (Philip Bockholt) | 254
  • Christoph Werner: Vaqf en Iran. Aspects culturels, religieux et sociaux (Rudi Matthee) | 258
  • Stefan Winter: A History of the ʿAlawis: From Medieval Aleppo to the Turkish Republic (Necati Alkan) | 261
  • Thomas Würtz, Islamische Theologie im 14. Jahrhundert. Auferstehungslehre, Handlungstheorie und Schöpfungsvorstellungen im Werk von Saʿd ad-Dīn at-Taftāzānī (Angelika Brodersen) | 265

Corrigendum 270

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