Der Islam 92 (2015), Heft 2
Journal for the History and Culture of the Middle East, ed. by Stefan Heidemann, Gottfried Hagen, Andreas Kaplony, Rudi Matthee
Autoren/Herausgeber: |
Andreas Kaplony et al. |
Erschienen: | 2015 |
Publikationsart: | Publikationen |
- Mohammad-Ali Amir-Moezzi, Les cinq esprits de l’homme divin (Aspects de l’imamologie duodécimaine XIII) 297
- Petra Sijpesteijn, A Ḥadīth Fragment on Papyrus 321
- Mathieu Tillier, L’étoile, la chaîne et le Jugement. Essai d’interprétation d’un élément de décor dans la mosquée d’Ibn Ṭūlūn 332
- Daniel Potthast, Drei Fragmente von arabischen Staatsbriefen (14. Jh) im Archivo de la Corona de Aragón/Barcelona 367
- Harry Munt, Mamluk Historiography Outside of Egypt and Syria: ʿAlī b. ʿAbd Allāh al-Samhūdī and his Histories of Medina 413
- Marinos Sariyannis, Ajāʾib ve gharāʾib: Ottoman Collections of Mirabilia and Perceptions of the Supernatural 442
- Bibliographie raisonnée zur arabischen Papyrologie: Neuerscheinungen 2013–2014 (Ursula Bsees, Eugenio Garosi, Andreas Kaplony, Angélique Kleiner, Sebastian Metz, Lucian Reinfandt) 468
- Abdulrahman al-Salimi / Heinz Gaube (eds.), A new collection dedicated to Ibadism and Oman: A review of the first four publications (2013–4) (Cyrille Aillet) 500
- Gideon Avni, The Byzantine-Islamic Transition in Palestine: An Archaeological Approach (Hagit Nol) 507
- George A. Bournoutian, From Tabriz to St. Petersburg: Iran’s Mission of Apology to Russia in 1829 (Willem Floor) 513
- H.E. Chehabi / Vanessa Martin (eds.), Iran’s Constitutional Revolution. Popular Politics, Cultural Transformations and Transnational Connections (Willem Floor) 514
- Rachida Chich / Catherine Mayeur-Jaouen (Hrsg.), Le soufisme à l’époque ottomane, XVIe-XVIIIe siècle. Sufism in the Ottoman Era, 16th-18th Century (Gülfem Alıcı) 518
- Alice Hunsberger (ed.), Pearls of Persia. The Philosophical Poetry of Nāṣir-i Khusraw (Jutta Wintermann) 524
- Paulina B. Lewicka, Food and Foodways of Medieval Cairenes. Aspects of Life in an Islamic Metropolis of the Eastern Mediterranean (Hinrich Biesterfeldt) 530
- Christian Müller / Muriel Roiland-Rouabah (Hrsg.), Les non-dits du nom. Onomastique et documents en terres d’Islam. Mélanges offerts à Jacqueline Sublet (Boris Liebrenz) 533
- Martin Nguyen: Sufi Master and Qurʾan Scholar. Abū’l-Qāsim al-Qushayrī and the Laṭāʾif al-ishārāt (Florian Sobieroj) 542
- Valeria Piacentini Fiorani, Beyond Ibn Hawqal’s Bahr al-Fars. 10–13th Centuries AD: Sindh and the Kij-u-Makran region, hinge of an international network of religious, political, institutional and economic affairs (Willem Floor) 548
- Eric Tagliacozzo, The Longest Journey. Southeast Asians and the Pilgrimage to Mecca (Edwin P. Wieringa) 550
- Torsten Wollina, Zwanzig Jahre Alltag. Lebens-, Welt- und Selbstbild im Journal des Aḥmad Ibn Ṭawq (Boris Liebrenz) 552