Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten



Der Islam 92 (2015), Heft 1

Journal for the History and Culture of the Middle East, ed. by Stefan Heidemann, Gottfried Hagen, Andreas Kaplony, Rudi Matthee

Autoren/Herausgeber: Andreas Kaplony et al.
Erschienen: 2015
Publikationsart: Publikationen

Special Issue: The Arab East and the Bedouin Component: From Late Antiquity to the Ottoman Period. Guest Editors: Kurt Franz / Johann Büssow / Stefan Leder

  • Kurt Franz, Johann Büssow, Stefan Leder
    The Arab East and the Bedouin Component in Pre-modern History: Approaching
    Textual Representations and Their Changing Settings in Life 1
  • Konstantin M. Klein
    Marauders, Daredevils, and Noble Savages: Perceptions of Arab Nomads in Late
    Antique Hagiography 13
  • Michael C. A. Macdonald
    Was there a "Bedouinization of Arabia"? 42
  • Stefan Leder
    Towards a Historical Semantic of the Bedouin, Seventh to Fifteenth Centuries:
    A Survey 85
  • Zoltan Szombathy
    Fieldwork and Preconceptions: The Role of the Bedouin as Informants
    in Mediaeval Muslim Scholarly Culture
    (Second-Third/Eighth-Ninth Centuries) 124
  • James A. Reilly
    Town and Steppe in Ottoman Syria: Hostility, Exploitation and Cooperation in
    the Late Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries 148


  • David Durand-Guédy
    1147. The Battle of Qara-Tegin and the Rise of Azarbayjan 161
  • Alexander V. Akopyan / Farbod Mosanef
    Between Jūjīds and Jalāyirids: The Coinage of the Chopānids, Akhījūq and their
    Contemporaries, 754–759/1353–1358 197


  • Vivianne Comerro, Les traditions sur la constitution du muṣḥaf de ʿUthmān
    (Abdessamad Belhaj) 247
  • Miriam Frenkel / Yaacov Lev (eds.), Charity and Giving in Monotheistic Religions
    (Maya Shatzmiller) 249
  • Andreas Görke / Konrad Hirschler, Manuscript Notes as Documentary Sources
    (Noah Gardiner) 253
  • Goto, Yukako: Die südkaspischen Provinzen des Iran unter den Safawiden im 16.
    und 17. Jahrhundert. Eine Analyse der sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung
    (Monika Gronke) 259
  • Richard Hitchcock, Muslim Spain Reconsidered, From 711 to 1502
    (David J. Wasserstein) 262
  • Michaela Hoffmann-Ruf, Scheich Muḥsin bin Zahrān al-ʿAbri: Tribale Macht im
    Oman des 19. Jahrhunderts (Frank Stewart) 266
  • Th. Emil Homerin (ed. and trans.), ͑ Āʾishah al-Bā ͑ūniyyah, The Principles of
    Sufism (Alexander Knysh) 270
  • Verena Klemm (Hrsg.), Refaiya 1853: Buchkultur in Damaskus
    (Karin Hörner) 273
  • Yavuz Köse (Hrsg., Mitarbeit: Tobias Völker), Şehrâyîn: Die Welt der Osmanen,
    die Osmanen in der Welt – Wahrnehmungen, Begegnungen und Abgrenzungen /
    Illuminating the Ottoman World – Perceptions, Encounters and Boundaries –
    Festschrift Hans Georg Majer (Christoph Ramm) 275
  • Rudolph P. Matthee, Persia in Crisis: Safavid Decline and the Fall of Isfahan
    (Ernest Tucker) 280
  • Reza Shah-Kazemi, The Spirit of Tolerance in Islam (Katajun Amirpur) 285
    Jocelyn Sharlet, Patronage and Poetry in the Islamic World. Social Mobility in
    the Middle East and Central Asia (James E. Montgomery) 287
  • Dominique Valérian (ed.), Islamisation et arabisation de l’Occident musulman
    médiéval (VIIe–XIIe siècle) (Abdessamad Belhaj) 292
