Der Islam 100 (2022), Heft 2
Journal for the History and Culture of the Middle East, ed. by Stefan Heidemann, Gottfried Hagen, Andreas Kaplony, Rudi Matthee, Kristina Richardson, and Amke Dietert
Autoren/Herausgeber: |
Andreas Kaplony et al. |
Erschienen: | 2022 |
Publikationsart: | Publikationen |
- Bernard O’Kane, Stefan Heidemann | Jere Bacharach (1938–2023) 335-339
Thematic Focus: The Umayyads from West to East: New Perspectives
- Javier Albarrán, Antonia Bosanquet, Elsa Cardoso, Isabel Toral | Introduction: The Umayyads from West to East: New Perspectives 340-345
- Javier Albarrán | The Battles of the Umayyads. Remembering War from West to East 346-369
- Sebastian Bitsch | The Rhetoric of Caliphal Legitimacy. On the Use of alqāb by the Umayyad Rulers in the East 370-396
- Antonia Bosanquet | How the Umayyads Lost the Islamic West: Contrasting Depictions of the Uprising of 122/740 by Arab Historians 397-421
- Elsa Cardoso | "Syria Rises to Receive the Caliph": Umayyad Caliphal Titles from Cordoba to Damascus 422-442
- Jorge Elices Ocón | Between East and West: The Spoils of the Conquest as "Triggers of Memory" in Umayyad al-Andalus | 443-466
- Eduardo Manzano Moreno | The Tombs of the Umayyad Rulers at the Rawḍa of the Alcázar of Cordoba and Their Symbolic Meaning 467-483
- Isabel Toral | Muʿāwiya, ʿAbd al-Malik, and the Falcon of Quraysh 484-503
Other Articles
- Said Aljoumani, Konrad Hirschler | A Glimpse into Egyptian/Syrian Elite Book Culture During the Seventh/Thirteenth Century: Booklist T-S Misc. 24.28 from the Cairo Geniza Corpus 504-518
- Hedvig Ujvári | Drawn to Decisions: Hungarian Jewish Citizen Ignác Goldziher 519-537
- Ursula Hammed (ed.), Eugenio Garosi; Ursula Hammed; Mehdy Shaddel; Leonora Sonego; Khaled Younes; Oded Zinger | Annotated Bibliography "Arabic Papyrology: Administration, Justice, and Daily Life in Empires of the Mediterranean": New Publications 2022 and Addenda 2021 538-550
- Verena Klemm | Yvonne Albers, Ines Braune, Christian Junge, Felix Lang, Friederike Pannewick, Arabistik. Eine literatur- und kulturwissenschaftliche Einführung, Berlin:Springer Verlag, 2022 (Lehrbuch J.B. Metzler), IX, 307 S. 550-556
- Christopher Bahl | Abdulrahman Al-Salimi and Eric Staples, eds., Oman: A Maritime History. Studies on Ibadism and Oman, vol. 9, Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 2017 556-560
- Jürgen Paul | Bachtiyar M. Babadžanov, Ėpigrafičeskie pamjatniki Chorezma. Repertuar tekstov, proklamacii, kul’turnye konteksty, Tom 1, Ėpigrafika v architekturnom landšafte Chivy. Mečeti, pogrebal’nye kompleksy, medrese, dvorcy, vorota. Čast’ 1: Vvedenie, čtenie tekstov, kommentirovannye perevody, 383 pp., Čast’ 2: Illjustracii. 436 pp. / Bakhtiyar M. Babadjanov, Epigraphic Monuments of Khorezm. Repertoire of texts, meaning, cultural contexts, Volume 1, Epigraphy in the Architectural Cityscape of Khiva. Mosques, madrasas, burial complexes, courts and gates, Part 1: Introduction, texts and annotated translations, Part. 2: Plates. Wien (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften) 2020. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse: Denkschriften, 542. Band. Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik, herausgegeben von Bert G. Fragner und Florian Schwarz, Nr. 85. Studies and Texts on Central Asia, herausgegeben von Florian Schwarz, Band 3. ISBN 978-3-7001-8103-3 560-562
- Reinhard Weipert | Werner Diem, Studien zu sabab in der arabischen Kunstprosa des 10.–15. Jahrhunderts. Ein Beitrag zur arabischen Lexik, Phraseologie und Stilgeschichte, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2022, (Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 126), 208 S., ISBN 978-3-447-11828-6 563-564
- Leonora Sonego | Christian Müller, Recht und Historische Entwicklung der Scharia im Islam, Studies in the History and Culture of the Middle East, vol. 46, 544 pp., Boston: de Gruyter, 2022, ISBN: 9783110765779 564-566
- Alessandro Rizzo | Carl F. Petry, The Mamluk Sultanate. A History, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022, 358 pp., ISBN 9781108456999 567-570
- Arya Tabibzadeh | Marijn van Putten, Quranic Arabic. From Its Hijazi Origins to Its Classical Reading Traditions, Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics, vol. 106, Leiden: Brill 2022, i–xxi+319 pp.+bibl. and index, ISBN 978-90-04-50624-4 570-573
- Susan A. Spectorsky | Hiroyuki Yanagihashi, Studies in Legal Hadith, Studies in Islamic Law and Society, vol. 47, Leiden: Brill, 2019. xvi + 612 pp., ISBN 9789004389199 573-576