Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten



From Samarqand to Toledo: Greek, Sogdian and Arabic Documents and Manuscripts from the Islamicate World and Beyond

Autoren/Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Andreas Kaplony
Erschienen: 2021
Publikationsart: Publikationen

Andreas Kaplony und Matt Malczycki (Hgg.), From Samarqand to Toledo: Greek, Sogdian and Arabic Documents and Manuscripts from the Islamicate World and Beyond, IX + 233 S., 25 Tff., Leiden 2023 (Islamic History and Civilization 201) Verlagsanzeige


List of Figures VII
Notes on Contributors VIII

Introduction 1
Andreas Kaplony and Matt Malczycki

1 Who Did What in Eighth-Century Aphrodito? P.Würzb. Inv. 122–127, GreekTax Documents, and Some Observations on Prosopography 4
Janneke de Jong

2 Thinking in Arabic, Writing in Sogdian: Arabic-Sogdian Diplomatic Relations in the Early Eighth Century 67
Said Reza Huseini

3 Reconstructing Dhū l-Rumma’s Poetry with the Help of Muqātil b. Sulaymān’s Tafsīr (P.Cair.Arab. Inv. 1235Verso and Recto) 88
Hazem Hussein Abbas Ali

4 A Prisoner’s Fate in Fatimid Egypt:The Late Coptic Paitos Dossier 104
Vincent Walter

5 The Book of Twitches of Shem, Son of Noah, and Other Manuals of Palmomancy from the Cairo Genizah and al-Quṣayr 139
Gideon Bohak

6 Scientific Textbooks and Their Application in Practice: Interdependencies of Literary and Documentary Evidence of Scientific Activities 162

7 Christian and Islamic Documents in Arabic: The Concept of Sunna. (Appendix: On the Sale of a Mosque) 183
Rocio Daga Portillo

Quoted Editions 225
Index 232
