Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten



Curriculum vitae


  • 2016 – 2020: B.A. Programme in Near and Middle Eastern Studies, LMU Munich (“Die Liebe im Spiegel dreier Romane der palästinensischen Autorin Saḥar Ḫalīfa“)
  • 2020 – 2023: M.A. Programme Near and Middle Eastern Studies, LMU Munich (“Die Äbtissin Maṭrī in arabischen juristischen Dokumenten aus Toledo im späten 12. Jahrhundert“)
  • Since 2023: PhD student (Arabistik)


  • 2021-2022: Student Assistant for the Accreditation of the B.A. and M.A. courses of study for Near and Middle Eastern Studies, LMU Munich
  • 2021: Student Assistant, APD “Easy Access Project” (Prof. Dr. Andreas Kaplony, LMU)
  • 2020-2022: Student Assistant, “Arabic Papyrology Database” (Prof. Dr. Andreas Kaplony, LMU)
  • 2022 – present: Research Associate, DFG-Project “Ṭuṭūn-Projekt“ (Prof. Dr. Andreas Kaplony, LMU)


  • 6-9 March 2023 at the Fayoum University, Egypt: The Perspective of the Countryside in the Medieval Arab-Islamic World: The Ninth International Society for Arabic Papyrology (ISAP) conference. Presentation: "The abbess Maṭrī in Arabic legal documents from late 12th century Toledo"
  • 2-5 November 2023 at the Annual Meeting of Middle East Studies Association (MESA) in Montreal, CA. Presentation: "The Life of the People in the Fayyūm: a Network Analysis Approach to the Berlin Arabic Papyri Collection"
