Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten


Driss El Maarouf Moulay

Driss El Maarouf Moulay

project coordinator "The Maghreb in Transition"

Weitere Informationen

El Maarouf Moulay Driss, born 1981, received a scholarship from the DAAD in 2010, to complete his PhD on the local and global dynamics of Moroccan music festivals at the Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies. His research interests span several topics within Cultural Studies, including North African cinema, gender construction in the media, urban space and social movements, music and sub-culture, dirt and waste in popular culture. Immediately after his defense, he embarked on a research project, funded as it were by the Volkswagen Stiftung, that seeks to explore the hermeneutics of play in Moroccan childhood games. Currently he is an active member and coordinator of the DAAD program: “The Maghreb in Transition: Media, Knowledge and Power”. El Maarouf also writes fiction, creative non-fiction and poetry. He is editor and co-founder of Moorings, a cultural Maghrebi revue in English


current project