Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten





Forthcoming: Turkish translation of Outcasting Armenians: Tanzimat of the Provinces by Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları.

Forthcoming: Armenians in Turkey After the World War II: An Archival Reader of USSR Consular Documents by I.B. Tauris/Bloomsbury.

Forthcoming: Russian translation of The Armenians in Modern Turkey: Post-genocide Society, Politics and History, by Academic Studies Press.

Outcasting Armenians: Tanzimat of the Provinces. Oct. 2023, Syracuse University Press.

Armenierinnen und Armenier in der Türkei: Postgenozidale Gesellschaft, Politik und Geschichte, transl. by Jörg Heinemann, Lektoriert von Sibel Heinemann. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter Verlag, 2021.

Modern Türkiye’de Ermeniler: Soykırımsonrası Toplum, Siyaset ve Tarih, Ayşe Günaysu. Istanbul: Aras Yayıncılık, 2018. Reprinted in 2021.

The Armenians in the Modern Turkey: Post-Genocide Society, Politics and History. London/New York: I.B. Tauris, 2016.

Edited Volume

Etudes Armeniennes Contemporaines September 2017, Jerusalem in the Making: Spaces and Communities. Ed. by Sossie Andezian (CNRS) Boris Adjemian (Boghos Nubar Library, Paris), Talin Suciyan (LMU).

Book Chapters

Forthcoming: Talin Suciyan, Paul Vartan Sookiasian, “From Angora to Philedelphia: Sourpik Tekians’s Perpetual Exile” in Studying the Armenian Genocide through Biographical Documents and Life Stories. Ed by Nazan Maksudyan, Eren Yıldırım Yetkin, Adnan Celik. Berghahn Books.

Talin Suciyan, "The Armenians in Turkey: From Autochthonous People to Diaspora" in The Armenian Diaspora and Stateless Power. Ed. by Tsolin Nalbantian, Talar Chahinian and Sossie Kasbarian. London: Bloomsbury Pub., Oct. 2023.

Talin Suciyan, “A repatriation that never took place: The Soviet Armenian call for Immigration of 1946 and its impact in Turkey,” in After the Ottomans. The Long Shadow of Genocide, and Armenian Resilience. Ed. by Hans Lukas Kieser, Seyhan Bayraktar and Khatchig Mouradian. I.B. Tauris, July 2023.

Harry Harootunian, Talin Suciyan, “Abstracted Peasant of Ottoman and Turkish Historiography” in The Early Turkish Republic: Historiography, Sources, and Future Directions. Ed. by Barlow Der Mugrdechian and Ara Sarafian. Fresno: California State University Press, 2023.

Talin Suciyan, “Armenian genocide denial as tool of supremacism by state, academia and public opinion makers” in Genocide Denial in the 21st Century. Ed. By Bedross Der Matossian. Lincoln: Nebraska University Press, 2023.

Talin Suciyan, “Can the Survivor Speak”, in Remembering the Great War in the Middle East. Ed. by Hans Lukas Kieser, Pearl Nunn, Thomas Schutz. London: Bloomsbury, October 2021: 263-280.

Talin Suciyan, “An Armenian woman’s appeal to divorce: Kesedji Harutiwn’s testified impotence” in Gender in Research and Politics: Developments, Intersections and Perspectives. Ed. By Sybille Lustenberger, Siran Hovannisyan, Andrea Boscoboinik, Gohar Shahnazaryan. Series: Freiburg Studies in Social Anthropology. Münster: Lit Verlag, September 2021:157-170.

Talin Suciyan, “A History of Armenians Remaining in Turkey: Survival and Denial” in Collective and State Violence in Turkey. Ed. by Stephan Astourian and Raymond Kevorkian. New York: Berghahn Books, 2021: 254-276.

Talin Suciyan, „Anerkennung aber wie?,” in 100 Jahre Leugnung: Der Völkermord an den ArmenierInnen. Ed. by Katharina Kunter, Meron Mendel, Oliver Fassing. Frankfurt: Aschendorff Verlag, 2017: 77-90.

Talin Suciyan, “Önsöz Yerine,” and “Hamparsum Suciyan ile Söyleşi” in Ermeni Bestekarlar: Kemani Sarkis Efendi Suciyan Hayati ve Eserleri. Aras Yayıncılık: Istanbul, 2012: 7-14.

Encyclopedia Article 

 “Armenians in Turkey” in Oxford Handbook of Religion in Turkey.

Journal Articles (Peer reviewed) 

Talin Suciyan, “Armenians vanished, oppression and extraction survived: Angarya – Corvee Labor – Labor Battalions of the two World Wars, An Ottoman – Turkish policy of forced labor” in Revue des Études Arméniennes: Festschrift in Honor of Prof. Levon B. Zekiyan. Ed by Benedetta Contin, Paolo Lucca. (2022) No 41: 239-252.

Talin Suciyan, “Hagop Mntsuri’nin İkinci Evlilik Romanını Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda Eşzamanlıların Eşzamansızlığı Perspektifinden Okumak” in Reflektif Journal of Social Sciences, October 2022.

Talin Suciyan, “Hagop Mntsuri’s The Second Marriage: Armenian realities in pre and post 1915 Ottoman Empire and Turkey” in British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, May 2022.

Talin Suciyan, “Contesting the authority of Armenian administration at the height of Tanzimat: A Case of Incest, Adultery and Abortion” in Reflektif, February 2021

Deniz Yonucu, Talin Suciyan, “From the Ottoman Empire to Post-1923: The Catastrophe As Seen by the Angel of History” Criticial Times (2020), 3 (2): 300-311.

Talin Suciyan “Armenier in der Türkei: Ein Leben unter dem Habitus der Leugnung” in Zeitschrift für Genozidforschung, Themenheft: Gewaltraum Mittelmeer 17, (2019): 31-59.

Talin Suciyan, “Kimsenin Yüzünü Görmedim, [çocuk] dayımdandır’: 1856’da Konya Akşehir’de Ermeni Kilisesi’nde Çözülememiş bir dava” in Aurum 2, Vol. 2, (Winter 2017): 33-42.

Boris Adjemian, Talin Suciyan “Making space and community through memory: Orphans and Armenian Jerusalem in the Nubar Library’s photographic archive” in Etudes Armeniennes Contemporaines 9, (September 2017): 75-113.

Talin Suciyan, “Dört Nesil: Kurtarılamayan Son” in Toplum ve Bilim, No:132, (April 2015): 132-149.

Talin Suciyan, “Bir Cumhuriyet Açmazı: Ermeni Karşıtlığı Ortamında Ermeni Temsiliyeti“, in Toplumsal Tarih, No: 224, (August 2012): 76-79.

Talin Suciyan, “Türkiye 1908-1914: Biyografik Yaklaşımlar” Konferansına Dair Notlar” in Tarih ve Toplum Yeni Yaklaşımlar. No: 8, (2009): 187-193.

Selected Essays, Opinion pieces, interviews

 “Ժամանակը Զաւէն Պիպեռեանին մէջ. Գողցուած կեանք մը՝ մէկ աղէտէն միւսը” (Time in Zaven Biberyan) in Gam. Ed. by Marc Nichanian. Translated by Araz Kojayan. 2022.

Deniz Yonucu, Talin Suciyan, “Leben nach dem Genozid: Ein Gespraech mit Talin Suciyan über Armenische Geschichte und Errinerungspolitik in der Türkei,” De Gruyter Conversations, 16.2.2022.

Talin Suciyan, “Zaven Biberyan’da zaman: Felekten çalınan, bir felaketten diğerine bir hayat” in AGOS, 25 December 2021.

Talin Suciyan, “Herkan: İçimizdeki Yerli Kadınını Hatırlamak” in AGOS, 8 March 2021.

Talin Suciyan, “Başkasının Tarihinden’ kendi tarihine giden yol: Harry Harootunian’dan bir ustalık eseri” in AGOS, 19 June 2020.

Yetvart Danzikyan, Talin Suciyan (interview), “Patrikhane Arşivi ışığında Tanzimat tarihine yeni bir bakış” in AGOS, 21 January 2020.

Talin Suciyan, “Eşitlik bir lütuf değil, haktır” in AGOS, 14 December 2019.

Deniz Yonucu, Talin Suciyan (interview), “İmparatorluktan 1923 sonrasına: Tarihin Meleğinin Bakakaldığı” in Birikim 360 (2019): 51-58.

Eren Barış, Talin Suciyan (interview), “Kendi evinde diyasporada olmak”, in Ekspress 167, 2018.

Invited talks and presentations (Selected)

24 October 2024 – Lecture delivered at Oxford Univrestiy, Seminar on Ottoman Armenian History, Moving Stories Project led by John Paul Gobhrial, UK.

18-21 July 2024 – I. International Armenian Studies Conference organized by Matenadaran Mesrob Mashdots Research Institute of Ancient Manuscripts. Yerevan, Armenia.

27-28 May 2024 - Presentation at the conference Beyond Western Colonialism, European University Institute, Florence.

7 May 2024 – History Talks at Bilgi University Istanbul, Turkey.

18 March 2024 – Book talk Outcasting Armenians at Columbia University, New York.

5 March 2024 – Book talk Outcasting Armenians at UCLA, Promise Institute.

21 February 2024 – Book talk Outcasting Armenians at UC Berkeley, San Francisco.

18 February 2024 – Hrant Dink Memorial Lecture at Harvard University, CMES.

21-22 October 2022 – “From Tanzimat to the Second World War: Angarya, Taxation and Forced Labour.” DFG Network „Post- Ottoman Transformations“: First workshop: Land, Labor, Water and Debt, Bamberg.

7 June 2022: “Genocidio” at University of Modena Lecture Series “Le Parole del religioso nell’Europa contemporanea.”

10 May 2022: “Indigenous Medicine From Aintab: Hripsime Topdjian’s Notebook” at LMU, Lecture Series, Kulturen des Islam 2022: Aktuelle Forschung.

29 - 30 April 2022: “Letters from Purgatory: The Correspondence of Sourpik Tekian of Istanbul, Autumn 1922” together with Paul Vartan Sookiassian, at UC Berkeley, Conference: Armenians and Greeks in Armistice Istanbul.

26 April 2022: “Unearthing, Discovering, Unlearning: Armenian Indigeneity in Turkey” Lecture delivered at Promise Armenian Institute, UCLA.

2 - 3 October 2020 : “Amorphous/Abstracted Peasant of the Ottoman and Turkish Historiography” paper written by Talin Suciyan and Harry Harootunian, presented at the Conference The State of the Art of the Early Turkish Republic by California State University, Fresno.

11 - 12 October 2019: “Our good Armenians: Survival and Denial in Post-genocide Turkey” UCLA, SAS Conference Diaspora Stateless Power.

26 - 27 September 2019: Post WWI Exiles in Transregional Context: Microglobal and Biographical Perspective, Keynote Speaker, Centre Marc Bloch Berlin.

18 January 2018: “Genozid-Leugnung: Diskurse und Strategien” Sprechen über den Genozid an den Armenierinnen und Armeniern, 1915/16. Workshop: Begegnung, Berlin.

26 - 29 June 2016: “Can the Survivor Speak” in International Network of Genocide Scholars (INoGS), at Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

March – April 2016: Book Presentations: The Armenians in Modern Turkey at UC Berkeley, UCLA, UM Dearborn, NAASR/Boston, Rutgers College/ New Jersey.

5 November 2015: “One hundred years of denial” at SOAS Armenian Studies Program Lecture Series, London.

3 - 6 June 2015: “Everyday Life in the Geography of Genocide” at Lines Between: Culture and Empire in the Eastern Mediterranean conference organized by Stockton University New Jersey and European University Cyprus in Nicosia.

6 March 2015: “Failsiz bir Soykırım Yaratırken Sinema” Türkiye’de Ermeni soykırımı tartışmaları (2005-2015) Yakın tarihe eleştirel bir bakış denemesi Institut Francais d’Etudes Anatoliennes (IFEA Istanbul).

26 March 2014: “The Generation of Nor Or (Nor Orean Serunt): Resistance in the Geography of Genocide” University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Lecture Series of Armenian Studies Program.

26 October 2012: “Armenian representation in Turkey during the Post WWII period” Strategies of Un (Silencing): Yerevan Conference to Explore Complexities of Divides.
