Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Book Chapters
- “Friedrich Heinrich Ludwig Grote (1861-1922) und die christlich-orientalischen Diasporahandschriften vom Sinai: Biographie eines Sammlers”, Oriens Christianus 106 (2023 [2024]), pp. 209-280.
- “A new Arabic fragment of Jacob of Serugh’s homily On Epiphany”, Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 21 (2024), pp. 139-154. DOI:
- “The Collector’s Heir: Käthe Rehfeld (Previously Grote, Neé Hahn)“, COMSt Bulletin 9 (2023), pp. 115-128. DOI:
- [With Miriam L. Hjälm] “Early Christian Arabic Colophons from the Palestinian Monasteries: Edition with Translation and Commentary”, in: George A. Kiraz, Sabine Schmidtke (eds), Literary Snippets: Colophons Across Space and Time: A Colophon Reader (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2023), pp. 49-99. DOI:
- [With Miriam L. Hjälm] “Early Christian Arabic Colophons from the Palestinian Monasteries: A Comparative Analysis”, in: George A. Kiraz, Sabine Schmidtke (eds), Literary Snippets: Colophons Across Space and Time (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2023), pp. 119–168. DOI:
- “The Christian Arabic (Melkite) Reception of the Neoplatonic Doctrine of Evil”, in: Eva Anagnostou-Laoutides, Ken Parry (eds), Later Platonists and their Heirs among Christians, Jews, and Muslims, TSEC, 27 (Leiden: Brill, 2023), pp. 381–414; DOI:
- “A List in Three Versions: Revisiting al-Kindī’s On Definitions”, in: Teresa Bernheimer, Ronny Vollandt (eds), Synopses and Lists: Textual Practices in the Pre-Modern World, Semitic Languages and Cultures, 22 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press and Open Book Publishers, 2023), pp. 104-140. DOI:
- “A fragment of the Book of Revelation in the Taylor-Schechter Genizah Collection (T-S AS 177.202)“, Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 20 (2023), pp. 273-284. DOI:
- “From Sinai to Munich: Tracing the History of a Fragment from the Grote Collection”, COMSt Bulletin 6/1 (2020): 73-90. DOI:
- “Hinter Gottes Rücken: A.-J. Annilas Sauna und die Verzweiflung am Ewigen”, in: Eike Brock, Thorsten Lerchner (eds), Denken des Horrors, Horror des Denkens: Unheimliches, Erschreckendes und Monströses aus philosophischer Perspektive (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2019), 236-262.
- “Zwischen gefesselter und freier Natur: Willensfreiheit in syrischen und christlich-arabischen Quellen”, in: Dagmar Kiesel, Cleophea Ferrari (eds), Willensfreiheit, Erlanger Philosophie-Kolloquium Orient und Okzident, 4 (Frankfurt a.M.: Klostermann, 2019), 105-145.
- [Together with Nathan Gibson, Miriam L. Hjälm, Ronny Vollandt, and Vevian Zaki] “Biblia Arabica: An Update on the State of Research”, in: Željko Paša, S.J. (ed.), Between the Cross and the Crescent: Studies in Honor of Samir Khalil Samir, S.J. on the Occasion of His Eightieth Birthday (Rome: Pontificio Instituto Orientale, 2018), 57-84. DOI:
- “The Spirit Before the Letter: Theodore Abū Qurra’s Use of Biblical Quotations in the Context of Early Christian Arabic Apologetics”, in: Miriam L. Hjälm (ed.), Senses of Scripture, Treasures of Tradition: The Bible in Arabic among Jews, Christians and Muslims (Leiden: Brill, 2017), 79-103. DOI:
- ”’Philosophie’ grammatisch betrachtet: Wittgensteins Begriff der Therapie”, Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 28/1 (2014): 75-97.
Handbook Articles
- “4.11 Ecclesiasticus/Ben Sira: Arabic”, in: Frank Feder, Matthias Henze (eds), The Textual History of the Bible, vol. 2: Deuterocanonical Scriptures, part 2B: Baruch/Jeremiah, Daniel (Additions), Ecclesiasticus/Ben Sira, Enoch, Esther (Additions), Ezra (Leiden: Brill, 2019), 277-281. DOI:
- “14.14 Tobit: Arabic”, in: Frank Feder, Matthias Henze (eds), The Textual History of the Bible, vol. 2: Deuterocanonical Scriptures, part 2C: Jubilees, Judith, Macabees, Prayer of Manasseh, Psalms 151-155, Psalms and Odes of Solomon, Tobit, Wisdom of Solomon (Leiden: Brill, 2019), 463-465. DOI:
Book Reviews
- “The eudaimonist ethics of al-Fārābī and Avicenna by Janne Mattila, Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2022, pp. 247, €99.00 (hb), ISBN: 978-90-04-50647-3”, in: British Journal for the History of Philosophy (2024). DOI:
- “An Aspect of Aristotle’s Afterlife: Fink (J.L.) (ed.) Phantasia in Aristotle’s Ethics. Reception in the Arabic, Greek, Hebrew and Latin Traditions. Pp. vi + 175. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019", The Classical Review (2023), pp. 448-450; DOI:
- “Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie. Völlig neu bearb. Ausgabe. Hrsg. v. L. Cesalli u. G. Hartung. Die Philosophie des Mittelalters. Bd. 1: Byzanz. Judentum. Hrsg. v. A. Brungs, G. Kapriev u. V. Mudroch. Basel: Schwabe 2019”, Theologische Literaturzeitung 10 (October 2021), Col. 955–957.
- “Y. Tzvi Langermann u. Robert G. Morison (Hgg.), Texts in Transit in the Medieval Mediterranean. University Park, The Pennsylvania State University Press 2016. 270 S.”, Das Mittelalter: Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung 24/1 (2019): 269-270.