Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten




Full publication details are available at

  • (ed.) in collaboration with S. Schmidtke, Jewish and Christian Reception(s) of Muslim Theology = Intellectual History of the Islamicate World 2 (2014).
  • (ed.) with Lukas Muehlethaler, Theological Rationalism in Medieval Islam: New Sources and Perspectives (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 258), Leuven : Peeters, 2018.
  • “Capturing the Meanings of God’s Speech: The Relevance of uṣūl al-fiqh to an Understanding of uṣūl al-tafsīr in Jewish and Muslim Kalām”, in A Word Fitly Spoken. Studies in Mediaeval Exegesis of the Hebrew Bible and the Qur’ān presented to Haggai Ben-Shammai, ed. M. M. Bar-Asher et al., Jerusalem 2007, pp. 111–156 [reprinted in M. Shah (ed.), Tafsir: Interpreting the Qurʾān (Critical Concepts in Islamic Studies), Volume II: Tafsir: Theory and Constructs, Part 3: Procedural and Conceptual Devices,.New York: Routledge, 2013, pp. 434–473].
  • “MS Munich, Bavarian State Library, Cod. arab. 1294: A Guide to Zaydī Kalām-Studies during the Ṭāhirid and Early Qāsimite Periods (Mid-15th to Early 18th Centuries)”, in D. Hollenberg, C. Rauch, S. Schmidtke (eds.), The Yemeni Manuscript Tradition, Leiden: Brill 2015, pp. 155–202.
  • “مشروع دولي: مرجع لمؤلفات المعتزلة ومخطوطاتها”, in حوليات المخطوطات في اليمن ٢ (٢٠٠٦) [<>]
  • “Découverte d’un nouveau fragment du Kitāb al-Muġnī fī ʾabwāb al-tawḥīd wa-l-ʿadl du Qāḍī ʿAbd al-Ǧabbār al-Hamaḏānī dans une collection karaïte de la British Library”, in MIDEO 27 (2008), pp. 119–129.
  • “Uṣūl al-fiqh im jüdischen Kalām des 10. und 11. Jahrhunderts: Ein Überblick”, in Orient als Grenzbereich? Rabbinisches und außerrabbinisches Judentum (Akten des 29. Deutschen Orientalistentages, Halle, 20.–24. September 2004), ed. Gerold Necker and Annelies Kuyt (Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, 60), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2008, pp. 77–103.
  • “Sahl b. al-Faḍl al-Tustarī’s Kitāb al-ʾĪmāʾ”, in Ginzei Qedem 2 (2006), pp. 61–105.
  • “Die Rezeption Maimonides’ in der christlich-arabischen Literatur”, Judaica: Beiträge zum Verstehen des Judentums 63, pp. 1–45.
  • “Muʿtazilism in the Age of Averroes”, in Arabic Thought in the Age of Averroes, ed. P. Adamson, London 2011, pp. 251–282.
  • “Muʿtazilī uṣūl al-fiqh in the Service of Inner-Jewish Polemics (II): Yūsuf al-Baṣīr’s Risāla fī maʿnā ijāzat al-naskh”, in Islamic Legal Theory: Intellectual History and Uṣūl al-fiqh, ed. Robert Gleave and Murteza Bedir (Leiden: Brill, forthcoming).
  • “A Digest of Jewish Muʿtazilī Uṣūl al-Dīn by a Qaraite Contemporary of Maimonides in Cairo”, in The Semitic Languages of Jewish Intellectual Production. Memorial Volume for Dr. Friedrich Niessen, ed. María Angeles Gallego and Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala, (Leiden: Brill, forthcoming).
  • “Vestiges of Qaraite Translations in the Arabic Translation(s) of the Samaritan Pentateuch”. Intellectual History of the Islamicate World 1 (2013), pp. 115–157.
  • “The Reception of Maimonides in Christian-Arabic Literature”, in Ben ʿEver la-ʿArav: Contacts between Arabic Literature and Jewish Literature in the Middle Ages and Modern Times 5, ed. Y. Tobi, Haifa, pp. 1*–76*.
  • “The 13th Century Copto-Arabic Reception of Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī: Al-Rashīd Abū l-Khayr ibn al-Ṭayyib’s Risālat al-Bayān al-aẓhar fī l-radd ʿalā man yaqūlu bi-l-qaḍāʾ wa-l-qadar”, Intellectual History of the Islamicate World 2, ed. S. Schmidtke and G. Schwarb, Leiden: Brill, 2014, pp. 143–169.
  • “The Coptic and Syriac Receptions of Neo-Ashʿarite Theology”, in The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Theology, ed. S. Schmidtke, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016, pp. 547–566.
  • “Early Kalām and the Medical Tradition”, in P. Adamson and P. Pormann (eds.), Philosophy and Medicine in the Formative Period of Islam, London: The Warburg Institute, 2018, pp. 104–169.
  • “Abū l-Ḥasan al-Ṣūrī’s Kitāb fī bāb al-qibla and its Qaraite Refutation”, S. Schorch (ed.), Samaritan Languages, Texts, and Traditions (Studia Samaritana, 8; Studia Judaica, 75), Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021, pp. 1–32.
