Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten



Der Islam 91 (2014), Heft 1

Journal for the History and Culture of the Middle East, ed. by Stefan Heidemann, Gottfried Hagen, Andreas Kaplony, Rudi Matthee

Autoren/Herausgeber: Andreas Kaplony et al.
Erschienen: 2014
Publikationsart: Publikationen


  • Claus-Peter Haase
    Nachruf auf Ernst Joseph Grube (1932–2011)   1
  • Articles
    Konrad Hirschler / Sarah Bowen Savant
    Introduction – What is in a Period? Arabic Historiography
    and Periodization   6
  • Fred M. Donner
    Periodization as a Tool of the Historian with Special Reference to Islamic
    History   20
  • Antoine Borrut
    Vanishing Syria: Periodization and Power in Early Islam   37
  • Peter Webb
    Al-Jahiliyya: Uncertain Times of Uncertain Meanings   69
  • Jörg Matthias Determann
    Dynastic Periodization and its Limits: Historiography in Contemporary Arab
    Monarchies   94
  • Nils Riecken
    Frames of Time: Periodization and Universals in the Works
    of Abdallah Laroui   114
  • Edward McAllister
    Silence and Nostalgia: Periodizing the Past
    in an Algiers Neighborhood   134


  • Hasan Ansari: Bar-rasīhā-yi tārī ī dar ḥauza-yi Islām ve tašaiyuʿ / Historical
    Studies in the Field of Islam and Shiism (Josef van Ess)   160
  • Clifford Edmund Bosworth: Eastward Ho! Diplomats, Travellers and
    Interpreters of the Middle East and Beyond, 1600–1940 (Majid Daneshgar /
    Faisal Bin Ahmad Shah)   169
  • Godefroid de Callataÿ / Bruno Halflants (ed. and transl.): Epistles of the
    Brethren of Purity. On Magic I. An Arabic Critical Edition and English Translation
    of Epistle 52a. (Daniel De Smet)   173
  • Agostino Cilardo (ed. and trans.): The Early History of Ismaili Jurisprudence: law
    under the Fatimids / Sami Makarem (ed. and trans.): The Shiʿi Imamate:
    a Fatimid Interpretation / Shainool Jiwa (ed. and trans.): The Founder of Cairo:
    the Fatimid Imam-Caliph al-Muʿizz and his era / Verena Klemm and Paul E.
    Walker (ed. and trans.): A Code of Conduct. A Treatise on the Etiquette of the
    Fatimid Ismaili Mission / M. Adra, (trans.): Mount of Knowledge, Sword of
    Eloquence. Collected poems of an Ismaili Muslim Scholar in Fatimid Egypt
    (Michael Brett)   177
  • Pascale Derron (ed.): Entre Orient et Occident: La philosophie et la science
    gréco-romaines dans le monde arabe (Dimitri Gutas)   185
  • Ronnie Ellenblum: The Collapse of the Eastern Mediterranean. Climate Change
    and the Decline of the East 950–1072. (Maya Shatzmiller)   191
  • Nahyan Fancy: Science and Religion in Mamluk Egypt: Ibn al-Nafīs, Pulmonary
    Transit and Bodily Resurrection (Leigh Chipman)   194
  • Hamid Haji (ed.): Inside the Immaculate Portal. A History from Early Fatimid
    Archives. A new edition and English translation of Manṣūr al-ʿAzīzī al-Jawdharī’s
    biography of al-Ustādh Jawdhar, the Sīrat al-Ustādh Jawdhar
    (Cornelius Berthold)   197
  • Laban Kaptein (Hg.): Ahmed Bican Yazıcıoğlu, Dürr-i meknûn. Kritische Edition
    mit Kommentar. (Christiane Czygan)   200
  • Laban Kaptein: Laban Kaptein, Apocalypse and the Antichrist Dajjal in Islam.
    Ahmed Bijan’s Eschatology revisited (Christiane Czygan)   204
  • Hakan T. Karateke (ed.): An Ottoman Protocol Register. Containing Ceremonies
    from 1736 to 1808: BEO Sadaret Defterleri 350 in Prime Ministry Ottoman State
    Archives, Istanbul (Maren Fittschen)   207
  • Marlene Kurz: Ein osmanischer Almanach für das Jahr 1239 (1824/1825)
    (Maren Fittschen)   209
  • Christian Lange / Songül Mecit (eds.): The Seljuqs: Politics, Society and Culture
    (Oya Pancaroğlu)   211
  • Consuelo López-Morillas: El Corán de Toledo. Edición y estudio del manuscrito
    235 de la biblioteca de Castilla-La Mancha (Ulli Roth)   215
  • Christian Peltz: Der Koran des Abū l-ʿAlāʾ. Teil 1: Materialien und
    Überlegungen zum Kitāb al-Fuṣūl wa-l-ġāyāt des al-Maʿarrī. Teil 2: Glossar
    (Arabische Studien 11) (Reinhard Weipert)   218
  • Uri Rubin: Muḥammad the Prophet and Arabia (Jonathan Brown)    224
    Peter I. Schneider: Die Rizk-Moschee in Hasankeyf. Bauforschung und
    Baugeschichte (Scott Redford)   228
  • Stephen J. Shoemaker: The death of a prophet: the end of Muhammad’s life
    and the beginnings of Islam (Michael Cook)   232
  • Roman Siebertz: Preise, Löhne und Lebensstandard im Safavidischen Iran.
    Eine Untersuchung zu den Rechnungsbüchern Wollebrand Geleynssen de Jonghs
    (1641–1643) (Willem Floor)   236
  • Hatice Arslan-Sözüdoğru: Müneccimbaşı als Historiker. Arabische
    Historiographie bei einem osmanischen Universalgelehrten des
    17. Jahrhunderts: Ğāmiʿ ad-duwal (Teiledition 982/1574—1082/1672)
    (Rudi Paul Lindner)   239


