Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten



Workshop: Calendar Polemics in Medieval Judaism and Islam (9th-11th Centuries)

Workshop unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Ronny Vollandt (LMU) und Prof. Sacha Stern, Ph.D. (UCL)

09.09.2019 – 10.09.2019

Calendars were a constitutive part of medieval culture, structuring social and economic life and providing a focus for communal and religious identities. How to reckon the calendar was at the heart of considerable polemics and controversies. In the Islamicate world, disagreements broke out between various groups within Judaism and Islam whether the calendar should be determined by the observation of natural phenomena or by calculation. This workshop examines the different approaches to fixing the calendar and considers the broader context, implications and textual practices of calendar polemics in the Islamicate world.

Teilnehmer sind u.a.: Gregor Schwarb (SOAS, London), Johannes Thomann (Universität Zürich), Nadia Vidro (UCL).


Ort: CAS, Seestraße 13, 80802 München

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Center for Advanced Studies, CAS, LMU München
