Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten



Analyzing the Past with the Future in Mind: Migrations as Transfer of Economic Models between South-Eastern Europe and Anatolia, 15th-17th c.

Ein Vortrag von Milena Petkova (Universität Sofia) in der 4MZ-Reihe "Kulturen des Islam: Aktuelle Forschung"


Zeit: Dienstag, 04.06.2024, 18:15 Uhr

Ort: Hörsaal M 010, Hauptgebäude der LMU, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz

Migrations of large numbers of people have always attracted researchers’ interest as an event provoking the encountering of political, social, religious and cultural (ex)changes. From today’s perspective, the challenges with immigrant flow and the adaptation of new settlers in a region make a study reconstructing established examples of historical knowledge even more important. The Lecture focuses only on a few of the objections referred to migrations of different groups of population to Southeastern Europe from Ottoman Anatolia (late 14th – 15th c.). At this initial stage of the research, the influence of ecological factors on the formation of economic patterns will be presented on the one hand, and on the other it will outline the relation ecological space - adaptation of the migrated population in the newly conquered territories. The observations based on the historical material might give some insights also into nowadays reality.

Programm der 4MZ-Reihe "Kulturen des Islam: Aktuelle Forschung"

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: Münchner Mittelost-Mittelmeer-Mittelasien-Zentrum (4MZ)
