Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten



Expedited Capital Punishment of Muslims in Late Imperial China

Ein Vortrag von Max Oidtmann (LMU München) in der 4MZ-Reihe "Kulturen des Islam: Aktuelle Forschung"


Zeit: Dienstag, 25.06.2024, 18:15 Uhr

Ort: Hörsaal M 010, Hauptgebäude der LMU, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz

In order to suppress the Muslim-led uprisings of the mid to late 19th century, the Qing government (1636-1912) authorized officials to execute criminals "on the spot" without standard forms of judicial review. This policy shift occurred against a backdrop of larger shifts in the administration of the non-Han regions of the Great Qing State, most importantly the effort by some Qing officials to replace non-Han judicial procedures with those of the Chinese interior. This presentation will examine several specific criminal cases from Xinjiang in order to better understand the effects of these changes on Muslim subjects of the Qing state. I will argue, contrary to previous scholarship, that although Qing officials were granted greater discretion over local criminal justice, this did not necessarily result in the harsher treatment of non-Han criminals. Paradoxically, officials acted with greater leniency towards non-Han Muslim subjects than Han subjects. I will consider the ramifications of this finding for our broader interpretation of social and political change in Late Imperial China.

Programm der 4MZ-Reihe "Kulturen des Islam: Aktuelle Forschung"

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: Münchner Mittelost-Mittelmeer-Mittelasien-Zentrum (4MZ)
