Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten



Curriculum vitae


  • 2013-17 PhD in History, Ghent University- École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris (defended on 25/06/2018; viva passed with no corrections) Dissertation: Bar ‘Ebroyo’s Ecclesiastical History: Writing Church History in the 13th century Middle East. Supervisors: Prof. M. Debié (EPHE, Paris), Prof. P. Van Nuffelen (Ghent University), Dr. M. Conterno (Ghent University)
  • 2011-13 M.A. in Oriental Studies, Pisa University, 110/110 cum laude (summa cum laude)
  • 2007-11 B.A. in Oriental Studies, Pisa University, 110/110 cum laude (summa cum laude)

Work experience

  • 2022-ong. Humboldt Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Near and Middle Eastern Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU), Munich, Germany
  • 2021-22 Postdoctoral Fellow, Brenninkmeijer-Werhan Center for the Study of Christianity, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • 2018-21 Postdoctoral researcher in the FWO Project Dionysius of Tell-Mahre, Early Syriac historiography and its Byzantine and Arab context (582-842), Ghent University, Belgium
  • 2013-17 Doctoral researcher in the ERC Project Memory of Empire: The Post- imperial Historiography of Late Antiquity, Ghent University, Belgium

Research projects grants

  • 2020-24 ‘This Story may provide Proof’. History and Authority in Syriac Excerpt Collections and beyond. with Peter Van Nuffelen and Andy Hilkens (BOF Ghent University Research Council, Ghent University, 1 PhD Student, 200.000 €)

Individual fellowships and grants


  • 2022 Humboldt Foundation Research Fellowship, Institute of Near and Middle Eastern Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU), Munich, Germany (2 years)
  • 2021 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Brenninkmeijer-Werhan Center for the Study of Christianity, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1 year)
  • 2021 FWO (Research Foundation Flanders) Senior Postdoctoral Fellowship (3 years, temporarily suspended)


  • 2022 Byzantion Grant, for participation to the 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies
  • 2019 Stipendium Academiae Belgicae, for research in Rome (BAV, PIO)
  • 2016 Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) Mobility Grant, for research and study in Paris (EPHE, ICP, IRHT)
  • 2015 Research Fund Ghent University (CWO) Mobility Grant, for research and study in Paris (EPHE, ICP, IRHT)

Membership of scientific societies

  • Société belge d’études byzantines
  • Société d’études syriaques
  • OIKOS-Netherlands Research School in Classical Studies (Late Antique & Byzantine Studies Group)
  • Society of Biblical Literature
  • Syriaca Associazione Italiana di Studi Siriaci

Organization of workshops and conferences

  • Historiographical excerpt collections in Greek, Syriac, Ethiopian and Coptic-Arabic traditions, 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies (Venice-Padua, 22-27/08/2022), with G. Nicosia and P. Van Nuffelen
  • Historiography and Space in Late Antiquity (Ghent, 15-17/01/2015), with P. Van Nuffelen

Teaching experience

  • 2019-20 Ghent University, Lecturer in charge Capita Selecta Ancient History [Eastern Christianity], MA History
  • 2018-19 Ghent University, Co-lecturer Byzantine History [Middle Byzantine History], BA History
  • 2016-19 Invited lectures (2016, Christianismes orientaux [Prof. M. Debié], École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris; 2019, Lingua e Letteratura siriaca [Prof. P.G. Borbone], Pisa University)

Conference presentations

  1. ‘La storiografia degli antichi cristiani in lingua siriaca (IV-XIII s.)’, La storiografia ecclesiastica dall’antichità alle soglie dell’età moderna, (Accadema Vivarium novum, Villa Falconieri, Frascati 25-6/11/2022) (invited)
  2. ‘Syriac Orthodox narratives on kingship and their historicization in the new social context of the Abbasid Empire’, Christian Group Formation and Maintenance in the Abbasid Caliphate (750-1000) (Cambridge University, 27-8/09/2022) (invited)
  3. ‘The reception of Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical History in 8th-9th c. Syriac florilegia.'’. Panel ‘Historiographical excerpt collections in Greek, Syriac, Ethiopian and Coptic-Arabic traditions’, 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies (Venice-Padua, 22-27/08/2022)
  4. ‘We do not resemble the Gentiles’: some perspectives on the political thought of Dionysius of Tell Mahre’, 13th Symposium Syriacum (Paris, 4-9/07/2022)
  5.  ‘Dhimmi bishops in a Muslim polity: Syriac Orthodox ecclesiastical leadership and the changing dynamics of power in the Omayyad and Early Abbasid period (7th-9th c.) Bishops – Leaders and Ministers, Judges and Diplomats, Scholars and Saints. Variations on a Global Institution in the Middle Ages (Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt 24-5/02/2022) (invited).
  6. ‘Religious resistance, cultural assimilation: Syriac Orthodox migration and intercultural contacts in Byzantine Syria (10th c. -11th c.)’. Migrazioni, incontri e trasformazioni nel Mediterraneo antico (La Sapienza, Roma 2-3/12/2021) (invited).
  7. ‘The monastic revival in Northern Syria and Anatolia during the Byzantine Reconquista: Some perspectives from the Syriac Renaissance chroniclers’, Foreign Monks in Byzantium: Migration Trends and Integration Policies in Religious Context (Leuven, KUL, 15/05/2020) (invited).
  8. ‘‘This Story May Provide Proof’. History and authority in Syriac Excerpt Collections’. Florilegia Syriaca. Mapping a Knowledge-Organizing Practice in the Syriac World (Ca’ Foscari University, Venice 30/01-1/02/2020) (invited).
  9. ‘Bipartite Transmission and Continuations in the Textual Tradition of Bar ‘Ebroyo’s Ecclesiastical History’. Textual Criticism and Scholarly Editing of Syriac Sources: Ongoing Projects, Current Issues and Methods in Practice (Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt 6-9/07/2018) (invited).
  10. ‘Bar ‘Ebroyo’s Ecclesiastical History: textual tradition and historiographical aspects’. 12th Symposium Syriacum (Istituto Pontificio Orientale, Rome 19-21/08/2016).
  11. ‘Bar ‘Ebroyo’s Ecclesiastical History: an ongoing research on historiographical aspects and sources’. 6th Dorushe Graduate Conference in Syriac Studies (Brown University, Providence 8-9/05/2016).
  12. ‘Syriac Renaissance Chronicles: A new compilation trend?’. Compilations and Excerpt Collections of Historiographical Material in Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages (Ghent University, Ghent 24-25/03/2016).

Seminars and Lectures

  1. ‘Dionysius of Tel-Mahre, Early Syriac Historiography, and its Byzantine and Arab Context’, Annual Postdoctoral Lecture of the Center for the Study of Christianity, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 29/05/2022.
  2. ‘Cross-cultural interactions in reconquered Syria (10th-11th c.): the case of Melitene region.’, Text and Transmission Joint Research Seminar (online), 10/06/2021.
