Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten





  • Le Lys et le Lion. Les documents de la diplomatie entre Florence et le sultanat mamelouk (début XVe-début XVIe siècle), Brill, 2024.

Journal articles

  • The Representation of the Space of the Parties by Mamluk Chancery Secretaries in Documents and Works Concerning Relations between the Sultanate and Christian Powers, “Der Islam”, (accepted for publication, forthcoming 2024).
  • Beyond the Dār al Islām/Dār al-ḥarb Paradigm: Reconsidering the Dialogue between the Mamluks and Christian Powers in the Light of Chancery Instruments, “Eurasian Studies” 20/2 (2023), p. 175-194.
  • The Significance of the Written Word in European-Mamlūk Diplomatic Missions, “Al-Masāq” 34/1 (2022), p. 1-18.
  • Istruire sulle parole e sui gesti della diplomazia: le Istruzioni agli ambasciatori europei inviati al sultanato mamelucco, “Anuario de Estudios Medievales” 51/2 (2021), p. 823-850.
  • Firenze e il sultanato mamelucco: le fonti diplomatiche, “Il Monitore della Toscana” 34 (2021), p. 5-10.
  • Reassessing the Significance of Archival Material in Mamluk Diplomatic Studies. A Survey of Florentine-Mamluk Relations through the Lens of Chancery Sources (fifteenth-sixteenth centuries), “Mamluk Studies Review” 24 (2021) p. 235-254.

Book chapters

  • Luoghi di confine e spazi di incontro nelle relazioni tra il sulta-nato mamelucco e i poteri cristiani, in “Atti del convegno ‘Governare la multiculturalità nel Medioevo’”, edited by P. Tocco, Centro Studi Ruggero II, forthcoming 2024.
  • La diplomazia tra il Regno di Francia e il Sultanato Mamelucco nel contesto del Vicino Oriente tra la seconda metà del secolo XV e l’inizio del secolo XVI, in “Diplomatie croisée (14e-15e siècles)”, edited by R. González Arévalo, PUM, forthcoming 2024.
  • Travelling and Trading Through Mamluk Territory: Chancery Documents Guaranteeing Mobility to Christian Merchants, in “History and Society during the Mamluk Period (1250–1517). Mamluk Studies III”, edited by B. J. Walker and A. Al Ghouz. Göttingen: V&R Unipress, 2021, p. 487-510.
  • L’ambassade florentine de 1422 et l’établissement des relations commerciales avec les Mamelouks : les premiers documents, in “De la guerre à la paix en Méditerranée médiévale”, edited by É. Malamut and M. Ouerfelli, PUP, 2021, p. 225-237.
  • Diplomatie sur le terrain: la première mission diplomatique florentine en territoire mamelouk, in “Culture matérielle et contacts diplomatiques entre l’Occident latin, Byzance et l’Orient islamique (XIe-XVIe siècle)”, edited by F. Bauden, Brill, 2021, p. 81-100.
  • Three Mamluk Letters concerning the Florentine Trade in Egypt and Syria. A new interpretation, in Mamlūk Cairo: A Crossroad for Embassies, edited by F. Bauden and M. Dekkiche, Brill, 2019, p. 782-797.

Encyclopedia Entries

  • Florence and the Mamluk Sultanate: Diplomatic Relations, in “Routledge Encyclopedia of the Renaissance World”, edited by K. Poole (online).


  • Petry C., The Mamluk Sultanate. A History, Cambridge University Press, 2022, in “Der Islam” 100/2 (2023), p. 567-570.
  • A. Borromeo, P. Piatti and H. E. Weidinger (ed.), Europa Cristiana e Impero Ottomano: Momenti e Problematiche, (Ottomania, 9). Città del Vaticano-Wien 2020, in “Revue d'Histoire ecclésiastique” (vol. 117/3-4, 2022), p. 870-872.
  • Seminaris Vir(tu)als d’Estudis Medievals» della Institució Milà i Fontanals de Recerca en Humanitats (IMF) del CSIC a Barcellona (aprile - luglio 2020), “Estudis Romànics [Institut d’Estudis Catalans]”, vol. 43 (2021), p. 616-618 (written with Alessandro Silvestri).
  • Panzeca I. and Spallino P., Il Calamo dell'Esistenza, Barcelona-Rome 2019, in “Anuario de Estudios Medievales” 51/1 (2021), p. 432-433.
  • Sirantoine H. (ed.), Epistola 2. La lettre diplomatique. Écriture épistolaire et actes de la pratique dans l'Occident latin médiéval, Murcia-Madrid 2019, in “Anuario de Estudios Medievale” 51/1 (2021), p. 434-436.
