Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten




Brutale Behandlung führt zu Schutz: die Neubeurteilung der Schutzbedürftigkeit der Yeziden durch die sunnitischen Gelehrten nach ihrer Verfolgung durch den "lslamischen Staat"

This study searches for the roots of Islamic hostility towards the Yezidis and their religion by comparing historical and contemporary Islamic attitudes and behaviors. It provides a summary of the perspectives of the Arab scholars prior to and following the 2014 invasion against the Yezidis.

The primary aim of this project is to determine whether the recent genocide committed by the Islamic State (ISIS) has changed the historical stereotypical thoughts of Muslims toward the Yezidis and their faith, which had led to violence and genocide against them and were the cause of their persecution throughout history.

Hence, this research rests on determining whether or not the Yezidis will be subject to more genocide, and it aims to provide different conclusions for preventing the occurrence of further persecution against the Yezidis by radical Islamic groups.

  • Duration: 15 June 2023 - 14 June 2025
  • Applicant: Prof. Dr. Andreas Kaplony
  • Funding: Private fundation
  • Project staff: Dr. Qader Shammo

Cooperation with:

  • Prof. Dr. Sebastian Maisel, Orientalisches Institut, Arabische Sprach- und Übersetzungswissenschaft (Universität Leipzig) (mehr)
  • Dr. Christoph Günther, Department of Religious Studies, Chair of Muslim Cultural and Religious History (Universität Erfurt) (mehr)
  • University of Dohuk, Center for Genocid Studies (mehr)
  • Yezidi Studies Center (mehr)
